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1. How many different sequences of 10 signal flags can be constructed from 4 red flags and 6 blue flags?

A. 200 B. 210 C. 220 D. 230


10 signal flags

4 red flags

6 blue flags

Required: Number of different sequences


Number of different sequences = (10 signal flags)! / [(4 red flags)! * (6 blue flags)!]

Number of different sequences = 210

Final answer:

210 different sequences of 10 signal flags can be constructed from 4 red flags and 6 blue flags

2. Three cards are drawn from an ordinary deck of 52. What is the probability of getting three spades?

A. 0.0172 B. 0.453 C. 0.0173 D. 0.0129


52 -No of cards

13- cards of spade


1. Probability of getting three spades


In 52 cards there are 13 spades.

First draw

P1 = 13/52 = 0.25

Second draw
P2 = 12/51 = 0.2353

Third draw

P3 = 11/50 = 0.22

Total Probability = P1 P2 P3 = (13/52) (12/51) (11/50) = 0.0129

Answer is letter D. 0.0129

3. Two cards are drawn from an ordinary deck of 52. What is the probability of getting a spade and a

A. 0.127 B. 0.453 C. 0.337 D. 0.557


E1 = 13C1 = 13 ways of getting a spade from 13 spades

E2 = 13C1 = 13 ways of getting a diamond from 13 diamonds

N = 52C2 = 1356 ways of getting 2 cards from a deck of 52

1 spade∧1 diamond
any 2 cards of cards

13C 1 × 13C 1
52C 2

(13 )( 13 )

P= = 0.1274509804

ANSWER: A. 0.127

4. Determine the sum of odd numbers from 1 to 681 of the following integers

a. 198, 093 b. 189, 041 c. 116, 281 d. 418, 419


Number of terms, n = 341

1st Term = 1

Last Term = 681

Required: Sum of odd numbers from 1 to 681


Number of term ( First Term+ Last Term )

s umof add numbers=

341 ( 1+681 )
∑ of add numbers= 2

∑ of add numbers=116 , 281

Answer: Letter C, 1161, 281

5. Box A has 4 white balls, 3 blue balls, and 3 orange balls. Box B has 2 white balls, 4 blue balls, and 4
orange balls. If one ball is drawn from each box, what is probability that one of the two balls will be blue?

A. 27/50 B. 23/50 C. 9/50 D. 7/25


Box A – 4 white balls, 3 blue balls, 3 orange balls

Box B – 2 white balls, 4 blue balls, 4 orange balls


Probability that one of the two balls will be blue


3 6 4 7
Pr = ( )( )
10 10
+( )( )
10 10

18 28
Pr = +
100 100
Pr =

6. In how many ways an organization with 10 directors, choose a President, a Vice President, a Secretary,
a Treasurer and an Auditor, if no member can hold more than 1 position?

A. 30,240 B. 32,945 C. 34,092 D. 36,384

Given: 10 directors

No member can hold more than 1 position


Ways an organization with 10 directors, choose a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a

Treasurer and an Auditor.


Using permutation,

10 !
1 0 P 5= =( 10 ) ( 9 ) ( 8 ) ( 7 ) ( 6 )=30,240
( 10−5 ) !

Thus, there are 30,240 ways to choose from 10 directors.

Answer: A

7. A PSME has 20 ME’s 12 PME’s and 8 CPM. If a committee of 3 members, one of each from each
group is to be formed, how many such committees can be formed?

a. 1620 b. 1720 c. 1820 d. 1920


ME – 20

PME – 12

CPM – 8


Number of committees that can be formed?

= (20C1)((12C1)(8C1)

= 1920 committees

Therefore the number of committees that can be formed is 1920 committees.

The answer is letter D.

8. A factory building has 10 entrance doors. In how many ways can a person enter and leave at any door

A. 80
B. 90
C. 100
D. 110


10 entrance doors


In how many ways can a person enter and leave at any door


Since the person can leave and enter at the same door

10(10) = 100

The person has 100 ways to enter and leave in any doors

Answer is 100 letter C.

9. An urn contains 10 black balls and 15 white balls. What is the

probability of getting 1 black and 1 white ball in two consecutive draws from the urn?

A. 0.5 B. 1.0 C. 1.50 D. 2.0


10 black balls

15 white balls


Probability of getting 1 black and 1 white ball in two consecutive draws


Pr = ( 1025 )( 1524 )+( 1024 )( 1525 )

Pr = 0.5

Answer: A.

10. An organizational held a lottery to raise funds for their organization, with P100,000 top prize and
with 5,000 tickets printed and sold. What is the mathematical expectation of a member if he bought 30

A. P200 B. P300 C.P500 D.P600


Top Priced = P100,000

Total no. of ticket= P5,000

Bought ticket = 30


Expectation Value


bought tickets
probability of winning=
total no . of tickets

probability of winning=

probability of winning=

expectationn value=probability of winning x prized

expectationn value= x 100,000

expectationn value=P 600

11. In how many ways can you invite four or more of your eight friends in a party?
A. 153 B. 163 C. 173 D. 183

Required: Ways to invite 4 or more of my 8 friends in a party


8C4 + 8C5 + 8C6 + 8C7 + 8C8 = 163ways

Thus, there are 163 ways to invite four or more of my eight friends in a party.

12. In a dice game, one fair die is used. The player wins P24.00 if he rolls either a 1 or 6. He losses P6.00
if he turns up any other face. What is the expected winning for one roll of die?
A. 2.00 B. 3.00 C. 4.00 D. 5.00


Cash prize = P24.00

Cash lost every wrong roll = P6.00

Required: Expected winning for one roll of die


The probability of getting any 6 faces up is 1/6 per each and every face.

Therefore, the expected winning for 1 roll is,

Expected winning = (1/6)[24 – 6(1/6) – 6(1/6) – 6(1/6) – 6(1/6) + 24(1/6)]

Expected winning = (1/6)(24 – 6 – 6 – 6 – 6 + 24)

Expected winning = 4.00

Therefore, the expected winning is C, P4.00.

13. The probability that both stage of a two-stage rocket will function correctly is 0.95. The

reliability of the first stage is 0.98. What is the reliability of the second stage?

A. 0.95 B. 0.96 C. 0.97 D. 0.98


Pboth stage = 0.95

P1st stage = 0.98


Probability/reliability of second stage


Pboth stage = P1st stage (P2nd stage)

0.95 = 0.98(P2nd stage)

P2nd stage = 0.95/0.98

P2nd stage = 0.97

Thus, the final answer is C. 0.97

14. A box contains 6 black balls, 8 white balls, and 6 blue balls. What is the probability of getting a white

A.2/5 B. ½ C. ¾ D. 5/4


Blue balls= 6

White balls= 8

Black balls= 6

Required: Probability of getting a white ball


x=the probability of getting a white ball

x= number of white balls = 8 = 2

total number of balls 20 5

x= 2/5

Thus, the final answer is A. 2/5

15. In a class of 40 students, 27 like Calculus and 25 like Chemistry. How many like both Calculus and

A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13

Total Students = 40

Students that like Calculus = 27

Students that like Chemistry = 25


Number of students that like both subjects


Let x be the number of students that like both subjects.

Total Students = (Students that like Calculus - x) + (Students that like Chemistry - x) + x

40 = (27 - x) + (25 - x) + x

40 = 27 + 25 + x

40 - 27 - 25 = x

Therefore x = 12

Final Answer:

There are 12 students that like both Calculus and Chemistry.

16. The probability of getting at least 2 heads when a coin is tossed four times is:

A. 11/16 B. 13/16 C. 1⁄4 D. 3/8

Required: P of getting at least 2 H when a coin is tossed 4 times


Let p = 1/2; q = 1/2; n = 4; r = 2

P2H = 4!/(4-2)!2! * (1/2)4 = 3/8

P3H = 4!/(4-1)!3! * (1/2)4 = 1/4

P4H = 1(1/2)4 = 1/16

P = 3/8 + 1/4 + 1/16 = 11/16

P = 11/16

Therefore, the probability of getting at least 2 heads when a coin is tossed four times is A, 11/16.
17. A fair coin is tossed three times. What is the probability of getting either 3 heads or 3 tails?

A. 1/8 B. 3/8 C. 1⁄4 D. 1⁄2

Given: fair coin tossed 3 times

Required: Probability of getting either 3 heads or 3 tails

1 1 0 1
P3 H =3C 3
2 ( )( ) 2
1 1 3 1
P3 T =3C 3 ( )( )
2 2

1 1
P=P3 H + P3 T = +
8 8


Thus, the final answer is ¼.

18. On a bookshelf there are 10 different algebra books, 6 different geometry books, and 4 different
calculus books. In how many ways can you choose 3 books, 1 of each kind?

A. 240 B. 260 C. 280 D. 300

Given: 10 - Algebra Books

6 - Geometry Books
4 - Diff. Calculus Books

Required: No. of ways can choose 3 books, 1 of each kind.

Solution: 10 x 6 x 4 = 240

Thus, the final answer: 240 ways

19. Find the standard Deviation of the numbers 15, 10, 5

A. 2.65 B. 7.07 C. 3.23 D. 4.08


15, 10, 5


Standard deviation. s


√ 1
∑ ¿¿¿
N i

x́= =10

∑ ¿¿

∑ ¿¿

√ 3


20. What is the sum of the following finite sequence of terms? 18, 25, 32, 39, ...67

A. 234 B. 213 C. 181 D. 340

Given: 18, 25, 32, 39, ...67

Required: sum of the sequence


7 is the difference between every iteration

18 + 25 + 32 + 39 + 46 + 53 + 60 + 67 = 340

The answer is 340, letter D.

21. In an arithmetic progression, the 5th term is 14 and 8th term is 23. Find the 30th term.

a. 83 b. 85 c. 87 d. 89


Solve for d,

Am = An + (n2 - n1) d

23 = 14 + (8 – 5) d


Solve for A30

A30 = 23 + (30 – 8) (3)

A30 = 89

22. In a pile of logs, each layer contains one more log than the layer above the top contains just three logs.
If there are 75 logs in the file, how many layers are there?

A. 10 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16




S = 75

S= (2a + (n-1)(d))

75 = (2(3) + (n-1)(1))

150 = n(6 + n – 1)

n2 + 5n – 150 = 0

*Using Quadratic Formula

n = -15

n = 10
23. The geometric mean of 81 and 144 is:

A. 104 B. 106 C. 108 D. 110

Given: 81 and 144

Required: Geometric Mean


Geometric Mean = (81 x 144)1/2

Geometric Mean = 108

Thus, the geometric mean is 108

The answer is C

24. Find the common difference of the arithmetic progression for which the 3 rd term is 7 and 11th term is

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7


3rd term- 7

11th term- 55


Common difference of the arithmetic progression (d)


un =a+ ( n−1 ) d

7=a+ ( 3−1 ) d

7=a+2 d ( Eq.1 )

55=a+ ( 11−1 ) d

55=a+10 d ( Eq .2 )

Subtract the 2 equations to eliminate a:

−48=−8 d


Therefore, the answer is letter C.

25. A stack of bricks has 61 bricks in the bottom layer, 58 bricks in the second layer, 55 bricks in
the third layer and so until there are 10 bricks in the last layer. How many bricks are there together?
A.638 B.640 C.637 D. 639

61 bricks- bottom layer

58 bricks- second layer

55 bricks- third layer

10 bricks – last layer


Total number of bricks


First term a is 61, common difference d as -3 and nth term as 10.

As nth term is a + (n-1) d = 10, then

` 61 + (n-1) (-3) = 10

3(n-1) = 61 – 10

3(n-1) = 51

3n – 3 = 51

3n = 51+3

n = 18

Hence, the total number of bricks in the stack,

Total number of bricks = 61 + 58 + 55 + …. + 10

= n/2 (a + a n )

=18/2 (61 + 10)

Total number of bricks = 639

Thus, the total number of bricks is 639.

26. A ladder is to be constructed with 12 rungs (steps) that uniformly decrease in length. The bottom rung
will be 31 inches long and the top rung will have length 20 inches. Find the board required for the 12

a. 306 in b. 209 in c. 109 in d. 380 in


To solve this problem, we will use the following identity,

Where n = 12 rangs

a1 = 31

a2 = 20

S = (n/2) (a1 + a2)

S = (12/2) (31 + 20)

S = 306 inches

The answer is A

27. A geometric progression of 6 terms has last term 128 and common ratio 2. Find the first term.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Given: Last term =128; Common Ratio = 2; Number of terms = 6

Required: First Term


Let a = first term; r = common ratio; and n = number of terms

Last term = (a) (r ( n−1))


128 = (a) (2(6 −1 ) ¿

Therefore, the answer is D.

28. Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric progression 2, 4, 8, 16, …

A.1023 B.2046 C. 225

D. 1596
Given: n = 10
a1= 2
a2= 4
Required: sum of the first 10 terms

a1 ( r n−1 )

a2 4
r= = =2
a1 2

2 ( 210−1 )

S = 2046

The answer is letter B.

29. Once a month a man put some money in to the cookie jar. Each month he put 50 centavos more into
the jar than the month before. After 12 years he counted his money; he had P5436.How much money did
he put in the jar in the last month?

A. P 73.50 B. P 75.50 C. P 74.50 D. P 72.50

Given: S = 5436

n = 12(12) = 14

a = 0.5

Required: Money put last month (y)

S= ( 2 x + a ( n−1 ) )

5436 ¿ ( 2 x +0.50 ( 144−1 ) )

5436 ¿ 144 x +5148


y = x +143(a)

= 2 + 143 (0.5)

Thus, the total money put last month is y = P 73.50

Answer: A. P 73.50

30. A club of 40 executives, 33 likes to smoke Marlboro, and 20 likes to smoke Phillip Moris. How many
like both?

A.13 B.11 C.10 D. 12


40 executives

33 executives like Marlboro

20 executives like Phillip Moris


The number of executives who like both cigarettes


Marlboro 33-x x 20-x Phillip Moris



Let x = the numbers who likes both

33 – x = who likes Marlboro

20 – x = who likes Phillip Moris

( 33−x ) + x + ( 20−x ) =40



31. In a commercial survey involving 1,000 persons on brand preference, 120 were found to prefer brand
x only, 200 prefer brand y only, 150 prefer brand z only, 370 prefer either brand x or y but not z, 450
prefer brand y or z but not x, and 420 prefer either brand z or x but not y. How many persons have no
brand preference, satisfied with any of the 3 brands?

a. 230 b. 180 c. 280 d. 130


120 = prefer brand x 370 = prefer either brand x or y, not z

200 = prefer brand y 450 = prefer either brand y or z, not x

150 = prefer brand z 420 = prefer either brand z or x, not y


Persons satisfied with any of 3 brands



x = persons satisfied with any of the 3 brands

The equation would be,

1000 – x = 120 + [370 – (300+120)] + 200 + [450 – (200+150)] + 150 + [420 – (120+150)]

x = 230 persons

The answer is letter A.

32. If 15 people won prizes in the state lottery, in how many ways can this 15 people win first, second,
third, fourth, and fifth prizes?

a. 4,854 b. 360,360 c. 116,280 d. 3,003


Number of ways this 15 people win 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th prices


N = 15 (14) (13) (12) (11)

N = 360,360 way

The answer is B

33. How many 4 digits numbers can be formed without repeating any digit from the following digits: 1, 2,
3, 4 and 6?

a. 120 b. 140 c. 130 d.150

Given: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6

Required: 4 digits numbers can be formed from the given values


1st digit = 5
2nd digit = 4

3rd digit = 3

4th digit = 2

N = 5(4)(3)(2)

- The 4 digits numbers can be formed from the given 1,2,3,4 and 6 is

N = 120 numbers

34. What are the permutations of the letter in the word BANANA?

a.36 b. 52 c.60 d. 42


Required: permutation of the letter in the word banana


N ! Q!

BANANA= 6 (n)

A's =3 (N)

N's = 2 (q)

So nPr (banana)= 6! ÷ (3! 2!)

= (6*5*4*3*2×1) ÷ {(3*2*1*) * (1*2)}


The answer is C.

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