Business Partner Field Role Status Effect

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BP: Configure Field Attributes per BP Role

Below screenshot are from S4E 300

S= Suppress; M = Mandatory; O = Optional

Scenario 1:

BP Roles:

000000 - Biz partner (Gen.)  ->M

FLCU00 - FI Customer -> M

FLCU01 – SD Customer -> S

Account groups Customers

Z004     Wholesale customer -> O

Standard Method field behaviour for each BP role and Account Grouping:

General Business Partner

FLCU01 SD Customer
FLCU00 FI Customer

To note once value is maintained in FLCU00 or general BP role for Standard method field, this filed is
available in FLCU01 SD Customer.
Account group settings change impact on BP role:

If Z004 Standard Comm method is Mandatory than error during Saving in FLCU01 BP role.

Reason: FLCU01 field is suppressed but Account group this is mandatory.

If Z004 Standard Comm type is Suppressed than, Standard comm method field is hidden once
maintained in FLCU00 for each BP roles as below:
Scenario 2:
BP Roles:

000000 - Biz partner (Gen.)  à O 

FLCU00 - FI Customer  à O

FLCU01 – SD Customer -> S

Account groups Customers

Z004     PUMA Wholesale customer -> O

We can notice that Standard Method field available to maintain for BP roles 000000 and FLCU00 but
hidden for FLCU01.

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