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第一部分 : 资格预审须知

一 . 项目说明
二 . 项目概况
三 . 设计内容及相关工作
四 . 设计范围
五 . 设计依据
六 . 招标规则
七 . 招标日程 ( 暂定 )
九 . 资格预审报名文件否决性条款
十 . 设计费及未中标优秀方案补偿费
十一 . 知识产权及相关法律
十二 . 保密原则
十三 . 争议解决
十四 . 不正当竞争与纪律监督
十五 . 语言、时间及计量单位
十六 . 其他
十七 . 资料索取
十八 . 质疑与答疑补遗
十九 . 报名登记
二十 . “深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记”办理步骤


4 5

Part One Pre-qualification Notice

1. Project Description
2. Project Overview
3. Bidding Scope (Design and Other Relevant Works)
4. Design Scope
5. Design Basis
6. Tendering Rules
7. Tender Schedule (TBC)
8. Application Requirements
9. Veto Clause
10. Design Fees and Compensation Fees
11. Intellectual Property and Relevant Laws
12. Confidentiality Principles
13. Dispute Resolution
14. Unfair Competition and Disciplinary Supervision
15. Language, Time and Unit of Measurement
16. Others
17. Information Request
18. Supplement to Q&A
19. Registration
20. Procedures for "Shenzhen Electronic Bidding Trading Platform Registration"

Part Two Review Guidance for Pre-qualification Evaluation

6 7


Part One
Pre-qualification Notice

8 1
一 . 项目说明 1. Project Description

1.1 项目名称:深圳红树林湿地博物馆方案设计及建筑与景观专业初步设计国际招标(以下简称“本项目”) 1.1 Project name: International Tender for Architectural and Landscape Design of Shenzhen

Mangrove Wetland Museum (Hereinafter referred to as "this project")

1.2 招标人:广东内伶仃福田国家级自然保护区管理局

1.2 Tenderee: Guangdong Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau

1.3 协办方:深圳市建筑工务署

1.3 Co-organizer: Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality

1.4 服务协助方:深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心 & 中外建工程设计与顾问有限公司

1.4 Service: ATUChina, CIEDC ShenZhen

1.5 顾问方:阿黛尔桑托斯事务所 & MIT 建筑学院教授团队 & 深圳市城市规划设计研究院

1.5 Consultant:Adele Santos and Associates & Professional Team from School of Architecture MIT,

1.6 项目地点:深圳地铁 9 号线侨城东车辆段(简称“侨城东车辆段”)上盖(含东南角的未利用地) Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS)


1.6 Project location: Upper cover of Shenzhen Metro Line 9 Qiaocheng East Depot (referred to as

1.7 资金来源:100% 政府投资 "Qiaocheng East Depot") (including the unused land in the southeast corner) and the west side of

Shenzhen Futian Water Purification Plant

1.7 Capital Source:100% government funded

▲地块位置 /Site location

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二 . 项目概况 2. Project Overview

深圳红树林湿地博物馆(中国红树林博物馆,以下简称红树林博物馆)为大型专题类自然博物馆,是国 Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum (China Mangrove Museum) is a large-scale thematic natural

家林草局与深圳市人民政府共同建设的国家一级博物馆,依托广东内伶仃福田国家级自然保护区管理局 museum. Jointly built by National Forestry and Grassland Administration and Shenzhen Municipal

设立。 People's Government, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum is a first-class national museum

established by Guangdong Neilingding Futian National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau.


科普教育、科学研究与娱乐休闲为一体,是深圳市未来重要文化及公共服务设施之一,是具有独特意义 "Mangrove", regarded as the city tree of Shenzhen, is the cultural symbol of Shenzhen spirit.

的深圳城市文化名片。 Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum offers a wide range of service including mangrove ecological

protection, exhibitions, collection and preservation, education popularization, scientific research and

博物馆地处福田与南山两区交界,位于“塘朗山 - 安托山 - 竹子林 - 深圳湾”山海连廊与深圳湾滨海休闲 entertainment. It will become an important part of Shenzhen's cultural and public infrastructures,

带的交汇处,紧邻红树林国家级自然保护区、深圳湾公园、深圳国际园林花卉博览园、华侨城及福田交 and will serve as a city cultural ID of unique significance.


This project is located at the junction of Futian District and Nanshan District, and the intersection

of Mangrove Forest Mountain to Sea Corridor (Tanglang Mountains - Antuo Mountains– Zhuzilin -

Shenzhen Bay) and Shenzhen Bay Coastal Leisure Belt. It is close to important urban facilities and

characteristic areas such as Mangrove National Nature Reserve, Shenzhen Bay Park, Shenzhen

International Garden & Flower Expo Park, OCT and Futian transportation hub.


4 5
本项目的规划设计范围约 13 公顷,其中配套景观约 9.2 公顷,总建筑面积约 3.95 万㎡(其中博物馆主 The design scope of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum is about 13 hectares, with approximately

体建筑 3 万㎡,配套停车场、园林及小型商业建筑约 0.95 万㎡)。博物馆主体建筑的建设场地位于侨 9.2 hectares for the supporting landscape area. The total building floor area is about 39,500 square
城东车辆段上盖东侧(含东南角的未利用地),上盖以下的物业已经建成,博物馆主体建筑的设计范围 meters (including 30,000 square meters for the main building of the museum, 9,500 square meters

不涉及上盖以下空间。 for the auxiliary parking lots, gardens and small commercial buildings).The construction site of

the museum's main building is located at the upper cover of Qiaocheng East Depot (including

为高标准建设本项目,招标人现开展深圳红树林湿地博物馆(中国红树林博物馆)方案设计及建筑与景 undeveloped land in the southeast corner). The property below the upper cover has been

观专业初步设计国际招标,以国际化视野、前瞻性思维、创造性设计,完成本项目的高水平规划和高标 completed. The design scope of museum’s main building of the does not involve the space below

准建设。 the upper cover.

In order to incorporate international vision, forward thinking and innovative design into the high-

level planning and high-standard construction of the project, International Tender for Architectural

and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum (China Mangrove Museum) will

be carried out soon.

三 . 设计内容及相关工作
3.  Bidding Scope (Design and Other Relevant Works)
The bidding scope (Design  and Other Relevant Works) of this project includes

comprehensive schematic design and design development of architecture and landscape.

为保证建筑方案的一体化设计 , 中标团队将负责红树林博物馆片区远景概念规划设计;核心设计范围内

In order to maintain the consistency of the architectural design scheme, the winning bidder will
深化以及建筑与景观专业初步设计;全专业方案阶段 BIM 设计、建筑与景观专业初步设计阶段 BIM 设计;
be responsible for the long-term conceptual planning and design of the Shenzhen Mangrove
Wetland Museum area; comprehensive schematic design and scheme development as well as
design development of architecture and landscape for museum’s main building within the core
design scope, facade upgrading and renovation of the Reserve Administration Bureau, office rooms

of the police station and the Qiaocheng East Depot; BIM design of comprehensive schematic

design and design development of architecture and landscape; cooperating with the completion

of feasibility study report, feasibility study compilation (if any), budget estimate and submission to

the government authorities for approval on construction; review the relevant professional drawings

that affect the overall construction effects; sample and select the project materials during the design

and construction phase; on-site cooperation and service during the design and construction phase,

etc.. The scope of this bidding does not involve exhibition design. The detailed scope of the work

is subject to the design contract. The content of the design contract will be released in the formal

design bidding document.

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四 . 设计范围 4. Design Scope

本项目是山海连廊建设的启动项目,需进行多层面的综合设计。本次招标共划分三个设计与研究范围, As the start-up project for the construction of Mangrove Forest Mountain to Sea Corridor, Shenzhen

分别是:核心设计范围、概念设计范围以及城市研究范围。 Mangrove Wetland Museum requires a comprehensive design of multiple dimensions. The tender is

divided into three design and research scopes, namely: core design scope, conceptual design scope,

4.1 核心设计范围 and urban research scope.

核心设计范围由四部分构成(详见下图)。核心设计范围工作内容包括但不限于:红树林博物馆红线范 4.1 Core Design Scope

围内的建筑、景观、廊桥和车辆段外立面及既有建筑的提升改造,范围总面积约 13 万平方米。

The core design scope consists of 4 parts (see the picture below for details). The core design scope

核心设计范围需开展详细的建筑及景观设计,如:全专业方案设计、方案深化、建筑与景观专业初步设 includes but is not limited to: the buildings, landscapes, corridors and depot facades within the

计,方案阶段及建筑专业和景观专业初步设计阶段 BIM 等。 building line of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum and the upgrading and transformation of

existing buildings, with a total area of approximately 130,000 square meters.

The core design scope requires detailed architectural and landscape design, such as: comprehensive

schematic design, scheme development, design development of architecture and landscape, BIM of

schematic design and design development of architecture and landscape , etc.

核心设计范围 Core Design Scope

01- 侨城东车辆段上盖东侧地 01-East plot of the upper cover of Qiaocheng East Depot

02- 车辆段所在地块的非上盖区域 02-Non-upper cover area of Qiaocheng East Depot

03- 福田水质净化厂西侧未建设用地 03-Unconstructed land on the east side of Futian Water Purification Plant

04- 红树林路南侧道路上方空域 04-Space above the road on the southside of Hongshulin Road

▲核心设计范围 ▲ Core Design Scope

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4.2 概念设计范围 4.2 Scope of Conceptual Design

博物馆作为山海连廊与深圳湾滨海休闲带的重要组成部分,需要统筹考虑与相邻公共项目的融合。概念 As an important component of the Mangrove Forest Mountain to Sea Corridor and the Shenzhen

提案需从项目定位、公共空间、建筑体量、交通流线及功能组合上相呼应,并提出相应策略。 Bay Coastal Leisure Belt, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum needs to fully consider the

relationship with the adjacent public projects. Proposals for conceptual design need to be

coordinated in terms of project positioning, public space, building volume, traffic flow and functional
combinations, etc., and put forward corresponding strategies.

Scope of Conceptual Design
01- 侨城东车辆段上盖东侧地
01-East plot of the upper cover of Qiaocheng East Depot
02- 车辆段所在地块的非上盖区域
02-Non-upper cover area of Qiaocheng East Depot
03- 福田水质净化厂西侧未建设用地
03-Unconstructed land on the east side of Futian Water Purification Plant
04- 红树林路南侧道路上方空域
04-Space above the road on the southside of Hongshulin Road
05- 规划“花海”公园地块
05-Planned plot of the Flower Sea
06- 福田水质净化厂二期深度水处理设施上盖
06-Upper cover of the Advanced Water Treatment Facility at Phase II Futian Water Purification Plant

▲概念设计范围 ▲ Scope of Conceptual Design

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4.3 城市研究范围 4.3 Scope of Urban Research

城市研究范围作为博物馆建筑设计招标的区域性范围,旨在以城市角度综合统筹,范围总面积约 83.3 As the regional scope of International Tender for Architectural and Landscape Design of Shenzhen

万平方米。招标不要求对城市研究范围提出完整的城市设计构想,投标报名单位可以自愿自由地在该范 Mangrove Wetland Museum, the urban research scope aims to conduct research from the

围内,提交支撑核心区域概念的设计建议,从而进一步加强核心范围与周边城市连接的协调互利。 perspective of the city, and covers an area of about 833,000 square meters. The bidding does not

require a complete urban design concept and participants are welcome to freely submit

design proposals that support the core area design concept within the urban research

scope, thereby further strengthening the coordination and mutual benefits of the

connection between the core area and surrounding cities.

城市研究范围 Scope of Urban Research

城市研究范围 Scope of Urban Research

▲城市研究范围 ▲ Scope of Urban Research

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五 . 设计依据 5. Design Basis

5.1 《深圳红树林湿地博物馆方案设计及建筑与景观专业初步设计招标阶段任务书》; 5.1 Tender for Architectural and Landscape design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum Design


5.2 深圳红树林湿地博物馆展陈设计大纲(仅供参考);

5.2 Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum Exhibition Design Outline (for reference only);

5.3 现行工程建设及博物馆建设的国家标准、行业标准和地方标准;

5.3 National standards, industry standards and local standards for current engineering construction

5.4 中华人民共和国、广东省和深圳市现行的有关法律法规、规章和规范性文件的规定。 and museum construction;

5.4 The current laws, regulations, rules and regulatory documents of the People's Republic of China,

Guangdong Province and Shenzhen

14 15
六 . 招标规则 6. Tendering Rules

6.1 招标方式:公开招标(资格预审 + 正式投标) 6.1 Tendering Method: open application (pre-qualification+bidding)

6.2 招标程序 6.2 Tendering Procedure


'VVROIGZOUTGTJ Submission and Bid Evaluation (OJ*KZKXSOTGZOUT
4. Open votes ]ORRHKGJUVZKJ 3. Open votes ]ORR HK GJUVZKJ ZU YKRKIZ 

6.3 报名及资格预审阶段 6.3 Application and Pre-qualification Stage

(1) 接受全球设计单位报名,需提交资格预审申请文件(公司实力、设计团队实力与相关经验,以及体 (1) Design units around the globe are welcome to sign up for the tender and  pre-qualification

现项目解读和设计构思的概念提案)。 application documents (providing information such as company strength, achievements and relevant

experience of the design team, as well as conceptual proposals that reflect project interpretation and
(2) 资格预审评审委员会对报名单位提交的的申请文件进行综合评审。详见第二部分《资格预审评审指 design ideas) are required.


(2) The pre-qualification review committee conducts a comprehensive review of the application

documents submitted by the registered units. For details, please refer to Part Two “Guidelines for

Pre-qualification Review”.

16 17
(3) 由招标人依法组建资格预审评审委员会,对投标申请人所提交的有效资格预审申请文件进行评审, (3) The tenderer shall set up a pre-qualification review committee in accordance with the law to

采用记名投票法,确定无排序 10 家入围单位及 2 家有排序的备选单位。 review the valid prequalification application documents submitted by the bidding applicants. Open

votes will be adopted to determine 10 shortlisted units without ranking and 2 sorted candidates.

(4) 通过资格预审的 10 家入围投标申请人应在正式发布招标文件前按时提交《投标确认函》。如前 10

家入围的投标申请人中在招标文件发布之日起 3 个工作日内有退出第二阶段竞标的,则备选投标申请人 (4) The 10 shortlisted bidders that have passed the pre-qualification stage should submit the “Bid
依序替补。 Confirmation Letter” on time before the official release of the bidding documents. If any of the 10
shortlisted bidders withdraw from the next stage of bidding within the 3 working days of release, the

(5) 若递交《投标确认函》的投标人因非不可抗力因素中途退出或最终放弃投标,招标人有权在今后拒 2 sorted candidates shall substitute in order.


(5) If the bidder withdraws halfway through or finally abandons the bid due to non-force majeure

factors after submitting the Bid Confirmation Letter, the tenderer has the right to reject the bidder’s

application for any other construction project of the tenderer in the future.

6.4 投标及方案评审阶段 6.4 Submission and Bid Evaluation Stage

(1) 资格预审入围的设计单位经公示无异议后进入第二阶段方案设计投标。 (1) The shortlisted bidders determined from the pre-qualification stage will enter the Stage Two of

Schematic Design if there’s no objection occurred from the public announcement.

(2) 10 家正式投标人提交符合第二阶段方案投标设计任务书要求的成果文件,每家投标人只允许提交一

个投标方案。 (2) The 10 shortlisted bidders shall submit deliverables in line with the requirements listed in the

Design Brief of the second stage. Each bidder is only allowed to submit one bid proposal.

(3) 投标方案需针对标的内容提供完整、系统、有深度的设计方案。投标人还应就结构、生态与展陈三
方面问题进行专门章节回应,具体要求如下:a)论证按设计方案建设后地铁上盖及博物馆结构的工程 (3) The bidding scheme shall offer a complete, systematic and in-depth design plan targeting the

安全性,提供结构复核报告;b)提出博物馆与周边红树林保护区、水质净化厂及附属文体设施、花海 bid. The bidder shall also make response to three special aspects in specialized chapters, namely

等在视觉感受及生态功能方面的融合策略;c)结合展陈大纲进行空间及流线设计。 structure, ecology and exhibition. Detailed requirements are as follows: a) Demonstrate the structural

safety of the upper cover and the museum after construction according to the design plan, and

provide a structural review report; b) Put forward strategies that can integrate the visual experience

and ecological functions of the museum and the surrounding facilities, including the mangrove

reserve and protection zone, water purification plant and auxiliary cultural and sports infrastructure,

flower sea, etc.; c) Spatial and flow design based on the exhibition outline.

18 19
(4) 招标人依法组建评标委员会,对投标方案进行评审。评标委员会采用记名投票法,最终选出无排序 (4) The tenderee shall establish a bid evaluation committee in accordance with the law to evaluate

的 3 名中标候选人,并对中标候选方案提出优化意见。 the bidding schemes. The bid evaluation committee adopts open votes to determine 3 bid-winning

candidates without ranking and put forward optimization suggestions for them.

(5) 投标人须进行远程汇报答辩(须由投标人的建筑主创设计师及景观主创设计师共同参与,汇报方案

并回答评委的疑问,具体汇报细节要求届时将统一通知)。评审过程中发现的问题和产生的纠纷,由评 (5) The bidders shall present their design schemes online and participate in the Q&A session (the

标委员会讨论并由评标委员会主席裁决。 chief designers of both architecture and landscape are required to participate in the presentation

and answer the questions from the judges. Details of the presentation will be released by then). In

case of any problem or dispute during the evaluation process, the bid evaluation committee shall

discuss together and chairman holds the right to decide.

6.5 定标阶段 6.5 Bid Determination Stage

(1) 定标方式:直接票决法 。 (1) Bid determination method: direct voting.

(2) 根据(深府〔2015〕73 号文)规定,由招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从评标委员会推荐的 3 (2) According to the regulation (Shenzhen Government [2015] No. 73), the tenderee shall establish

名中标候选人中确定 1 名中标人。 a bidding determination committee in accordance with laws, and determine an awarded bidder

from the 3 candidates recommended by the bid evaluation committee.

20 21
七 . 招标日程 ( 暂定 ) 7. Tender Schedule (TBC)

阶段 时间 事项 Stage Time Issue

Release pre-qualification announcement
2020 年 08 月 发布资格预审公告及接受报名 August, 2020
and accept applications

2020 年 09 月 06 日 17:00 前 质疑截止(通过邮件形式) 5p.m, September 06, 2020 Queries deadline (via email)

第一阶段 2020 年 09 月 09 日 17:00 前 答疑截止 Deadline of clarification, amendment and

5p.m, September 09, 2020
公开报名 Stage One
2020 年 09 月 16 日 17:00 前 资格预审报名资料提交截止 Due date of submission of pre-
5p.m, September 16, 2020
及资格预审 Application and qualification application documents
2020 年 09 月 21-23 日(暂定) 资格预审评审及结果公示
September 21-23, 2020 (TBC) Pre-qualification result announcing
2020 年 09 月 21-23 日(暂定)
原件(接受电子签章) The shortlisted bidding teams submit
September 21-23, 2020 (TBC) the original stamped "Bid Confirmation
2020 年 09 月 24-26 日(暂定) 发布正式招标文件及设计任务书 Letter" (electronic signature is accepted)

Release of formal bidding documents and

2020 年 09 月 28 日(暂定) (线上)答疑会 September 24-26, 2020 (TBC)
Design Brief

2020 年 11 月 05 日 17:00 前(暂定) 质疑截止(通过邮件形式) September 28, 2020 (TBC) (Online) Q&A
2020 年 11 月 09 日 17:00 前(暂定) 答疑截止 5p.m, November 05, 2020 (TBC) Query Deadline (via email)
方案投标 Stage Two
2020 年 11 月 13 日(暂定) 投标人递交成果文件 Deadline of clarification, amendment and
5p.m, November 09, 2020 (TBC)
Submission and Bid answering
2020 年 11 月下旬(暂定) 方案评审及结果公示 Evaluation
November 13, 2020 (TBC) Bidders to submit deliverables

第三阶段 Late November 2020 (TBC) Bid evaluation & result announcement
2020 年 11 月底(暂定)
定标阶段 中标结果公示
Bid determination
Stage Three
End of November 2020 (TBC)
Bid Determination Announce the bid determination results

☆ Note: The above time is subject to Beijing time, and the tenderee reserves the right to adjust the


22 23
八.资格预审报名要求 8. Application Requirements

8.1 资格预审报名条件及资质要求 8.1 Application and Qualification Requirements

(1) 投标申请人须是中华人民共和国境内、外注册的企业或机构。 (1) The bidders should be registered enterprises inside or outside the People’s Republic of China.

(2) 允许联合体报名,联合体成员(含牵头单位)共计不得超过三家。 (2) Joint groups are allowed in this tender, and no more than three members (including the leading

unit) in one joint group.

(3) 联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计机构组成联合体参与报名。

(3) Each member of the joint group shall not further apply alone or participate by joining another

(4) 联合体合作方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位以及合同实施阶段各成员的 group with other design organizations.


(4) The joint group members shall sign the Joint Group Agreement with legal effect and specify the

(5) 不接受自然人或自然人组合的报名。 leading member, work distribution in each contract stage, share of rights as well as the allocation

method of the design fee.

(6) 招标过程中不设行业资质要求,如中标人不具备建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级资质和风景园林工

程设计专项甲级及以上资质,中标单位应在其中标后,自行委托国内具有该两项相应资质,并具备公共 (5) Individual applicants or teams of individuals will not be accepted.


及建设管理方对具有相应资质设计单位的认可后,与对方签订委托协议,确保方案和初步设计满足国家 (6) There are no industrial qualification requirements during the bidding process. If the winning

及深圳有关规范、规定和行政审批部门的要求。 bidder does not have the Class A building (building engineering) qualification, Class A or above

qualification for landscape engineering design, the winning bidder shall entrust domestic design

units with the two corresponding qualifications and experience in public cultural building design

and urban park landscape design to cooperate in the project. And before signing the contract, the

awarded bidder shall obtain the approval from the tenderee and construction management side of
the entrusted design units. After that, a commission agreement is needed to ensure the schematic

design and design development are in line with the relevant national and municipal regulations and

requirements set by administrative departments.

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8.2 资格预审报名文件的内容要求 8.2 Content Requirements on Pre-qualification Application Documents

8.2.1 资格预审报名文件的组成内容:①资信文件;②建筑及景观设计概念提案;③展板(A0 尺寸); 8.2.1 Composition of pre-qualification application documents: ① credit documents;

④电子文档。 ② proposal of architectural and landscape design concept; ③ display board (A0 size);

④ e-document.

确、详细和直观,以便招标人做出有依据的判断,证明其满足上述要求及有能力和有充分的资源能有效 To ensure a smooth process in pre-qualification and carry out the bidding process after that, all

地履行设计义务。 materials submitted by the bidder must be true, accurate, detailed and intuitive, so that the tenderee

can make basic judgments with reference and confirm that the applicant has the ability and sufficient

resources to effectively fulfill design obligations.

8.2.2 资信文件: 8.2.2 Credit Documents

请投标申请人按照以下顺序编制资格预审报名文件,并制作目录。所提供的各类证明材料如为复印件, Bidders shall prepare the pre-qualification documents with catalogue according to the following

投标申请人应在复印件上加盖公章确认其真实性。任何提供虚假证明资料的投标申请人,均将被取消进 order. If the certification documents provided are in the form of photocopies, official seals are

入投标资格预审的资格。所有境外文件均需提供中英文对照。 required to guarantee the authenticity of the materials. Any applicant providing false material will be

disqualified. All overseas documents should be provided in both Chinese and English.

A. 深圳红树林湿地博物馆方案设计及建筑与景观专业初步设计资格预审申请书:原件,加盖公章、签字,

联合体投标的需加盖联合体所有成员公章或签字。 A. Application Letter for Pre-qualification: original copy with official seal and signature. In case of

joint group, the Application Letter shall be affixed with the official seal and signature of all members.
B. 联合体协议书(如有):联合体投标的必须提供原件,加盖联合体所有成员公章、签字,并明确牵

头设计的主体投标申请人。 B. Joint Group Agreement (if any): original copy is required with official seals and signatures from all

members. Leading member of the joint group must be specified.

C. 有效的营业执照或商业登记证明:复印件,加盖公章。

C. Valid business license or business registration certificate: photocopy with official seal.
D. 企业资质证明文件或获奖文件:复印件,加盖公章。

D. Certificate of enterprise qualification or award certificates: photocopy with official seal).

E. 法定代表人身份证明文件:原件,加盖公章,附法定代表人身份证明(复印件,加盖公章),联合

体各方需单独填写。 E. Certificate of Legal Representative: original copy and photocopy with official seal. All members of
the joint group are all required to submit.

26 27
F. 法定代表人授权委托书(如有):原件,加盖公章、签字,附委托人身份证明(复印件,加盖公章), F. Letter of Authorization (if any): original copy with official seal and signature, and attached with the
联合体投标的可由牵头单位提供。 ID certificate of the authorized person (photocopy with official seal). In case of application as a joint
group, only the leading member is required to submit the Letter of Authorization.

G. 投标申请人(含联合体成员)类似业绩:需具备公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)设计经验及具 G. Similar Projects by the Bidder (including the joint group members): the bidder shall possess the

备园林景观(以同类型城市公园为主)设计经验,并提供相关证明材料,包括:公共文化建筑(以博物 design experience of public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings) and garden landscape

馆建筑为主)代表性作品简介、园林景观代表性作品简介、建成照片(如有)及相关证明文件,投标申 design (mainly urban parks of the same type), and provide relevant certification materials, including:
请人可分别提供该两类业绩,所提供公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 brief introduction of representative works of public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings),

3 项,所提供园林景观(以同类型城市公园为主)业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 3 项。 brief introduction of representative works of garden landscape, completed photos (if any) and

relevant supporting documents. The applicant can provide performance of the two types

separately. Number of performance of public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings) shall not

H. 拟派本项目负责人及主创设计师要求:投标申请人(含联合体)须指定拟派项目负责人 1 名、主创 exceed 3 and only the first 3 items will be selected for consideration. If the number of performance
设计师不少于 2 名(其中 1 名为景观设计师),均为拟参与本项目最终人员,项目负责人可兼任主创设 of garden landscape (mainly urban parks of the same type) provided exceeds 3, only the first 3

计师。如主创数量超过 3 名,按填报顺序只取前 3 名主创业绩。 items will be selected.

H. Requirements on Project Leader and Chief Designers: 1 project leader and no less than 2 chief

I. 项目负责人及主创类似业绩:项目负责人需具备公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)设计经验;建筑 designers (1 of which should be landscape designer) shall be assigned by the bidder (including the

主创需具备公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)设计经验;景观设计主创需具备园林景观(以同类型城 joint group) to participate in the whole process of the project. The project leader can serve as the

市公园为主)设计经验;以上对应设计经验需提供相关证明材料,包括:公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑 chief designer at the same time. If the number of chief designers exceeds 3, only the first 3 chief
为主)代表性作品简介、园林景观代表性作品简介、建成照片(如有)及相关证明文件。项目负责人及 designers will be considered according to the order of reporting.

主创可分别提供该两类业绩,所提供公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前

3 项;所提供园林景观(以同类型城市公园为主)业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 3 项。 I. Similar Perfomance of the Project Leader and Chief Designers: the project leader shall possess

design experience in public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings); the chief architectural

designers shall possess design experience in public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings);
the chief landscape designers shall possess design experience in garden landscape (mainly urban

parks of the same type). Supporting materials for the above-mentioned design experience shall be

provided, including: introduction of representative works of public cultural buildings (mainly museum

buildings), introduction of representative works of garden landscape, completed photos (If any), etc..

The project leader and chief designers can provide the two types of performance separately. If the

number of performance of public cultural buildings (mainly museum buildings) provided exceeds 3,

only the first 3 will be selected; if the number of performance of garden landscape design projects

provided (mainly urban parks of the same type) exceeds 3 items, only the first 3 items shall be taken.

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备注: Remarks:

A. 后续项目投标及实施过程中原则上不可更换主创人员;如确需更换人员,需书面与招标人详细确认 A. In principle, the chief personnel cannot be replaced in the subsequent project bidding and

更换情况并取得招标人书面同意。如联合体报名,需标明人员所属的联合体成员单位。 implementation process; if it is necessary to replace the personnel, the bidder shall confirm the

replacement in writing with the tenderer in detail and obtain the written consent of the tenderer.

B. 投标申请人如为联合体,资格预审申请书和联合体协议书,需联合体各方加盖公章及签字,其余复 If the application is registered in the form of a joint group, the joint group member to which the

印件加盖公章的材料,可由联合体牵头单位盖章签字。 person belongs must be indicated.

B. If the bidder is registered as a joint group, the Application Letter for Pre-qualification, Joint Group

Agreement shall be affixed with the official seal and signature of all members. The remaining copies

of the materials required official seal can be stamped and signed by the leading unit of the joint

8.2.3 建筑及景观设计概念提案成果要求: 8.2.3 Deliverable Requirements on Conceptual Proposals for Architectural and Landscape


A. 设计说明书

A. Design Brief

键性议题,提出独特见解及构思。文字表达应规范、准确、含义清晰 Based on the interpretation of the positioning and construction content in the Design Brief, complete

the analysis of economic and technical indicators, sort out the key issues of the project design, and

B. 建筑设计概念提案 propose unique insights and ideas. The written expression should be standardized, accurate and
clear in meaning.

a. 项目条件解读及应对策略:项目重难点分析,从回应生态保护要求、创新结构形式等方面进行考虑,

提出核心解决策略;提出可类比的案例,对成功经验、设计缺失做扼要分析。 B. Architectural Conceptual Design

a. Interpretation of project conditions and responding strategies: analysis of the key and difficult

points of the project, considering the response to ecological protection requirements, innovative

structural forms, etc., to propose core solutions; proposing comparable cases, and briefly analyzing

successful experiences and design deficiencies.

30 31
b. 概念设计:规划设计总平面图及主要设计指标,提出表达区域整合、建筑内外融合的核心设计理念(关 b. Conceptual design: planning and design master plan and main design indicators, proposing core

键分析);针对建筑群体概念形象提出草案。 design concepts (key analysis) that express regional integration and integration of the interior and

exterior side of the building; proposing a draft for the conceptual image of the building group.

C. Landscape Conceptual Design

C. 景观设计概念提案
a. Propose the concept and vision of landscape design. The core is to reflect the concept of

a. 提出景观设计的理念与愿景。其核心是体现出复育与尊重自然,建筑与景观融合的理念; rehabilitation and respect for nature, and the integration of architecture and landscape;

b. 景观设计的重难点分析及对策,重点是结合车辆段主体平台与保护区、周边公园等公共项目间互动, b. Analysis and strategies for important and difficult points of landscape design. The focus is to
提出实现建筑与基地、基地与周边空间之间的良好融合策略,提出可类比的案例,对成功经验、设计缺 combine the interaction between the main platform of the depot and public projects such as the

失做适当分析; protected area and surrounding parks, and propose a good integration strategy between the

building and the base, the base and the surrounding space, and propose comparable cases, make

c. 概念设计:规划设计总平面图及主要设计指标,及其他能表达核心设计意向的分析图等。 proper analysis of successful experience and design deficiencies;

c. Conceptual design: planning and design master plan and main design indicators, and other

analysis diagrams that can express core design intentions.

8.2.4 资格预审报名文件的编制: 8.2.4 Preparation of Pre-qualification Application Documents :

A. 纸质文件:所有纸质文件(资信文件及概念提案文件)提供 1 套正本及 7 套副本,正本文件需满足 A. Paper documents: All paper documents (credit documents and conceptual proposal documents)
资格预审报名文件的盖章要求,接受电子章及签章。其他 7 套副本如为原件复印件则需加盖骑缝章。请 shall be provided with 1 set of original copy and 7 sets of copies. The original documents must meet

确保副本与正本内容完全一致,如出现不一致时,以正本为准。所有境外文件需提供中英文对照。 the sealing requirements of the pre-qualification application documents, and electronic seals and
signatures are accepted. If the other 7 sets of copies are photocopies from the original copy, they

B. 资信文件和概念提案文件分开装订。 must be stamped with a seamed seal. Please ensure that the content of the copy is exactly the same

as the original. In case of discrepancy, the original copy shall prevail. All overseas documents must

be provided in both Chinese and English.

B. Credit documents and conceptual proposal documents are bound separately.

32 33
C. 资信文件要求 A4 规格(210mm×297mm),竖版,装订成册,并列目录。可自行编制封面封底及 C. Credit documents requirements: A4 size (210mm×297mm), layout in portrait, bound into a book

扉页。正本封面或扉页需加盖公章。封面需标注“深圳红树林湿地博物馆方案设计及建筑与景观专业初 with a catalog. You can edit the front cover, back cover and title page by yourself. The cover or title

步设计资格预审报名文件”、投标申请人名称;最后一页为签字盖章页(格式见附件模板)。整体不超 page of the original must be stamped with an official seal. The cover must be marked with “Pre-
过 100 张纸内容(双面打印,页码只到 200,页数限制不含封面封底扉页和目录,简装,推荐胶装,软 qualification Application Document for Architectual and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove
皮封面)。 Wetland Museum” and the name of the bidding applicant; the last page is the signature and seal

page (see the attached template for the format). The total content shall not exceed 100 sheets

of paper (double-sided printing, the page number shall not exceed 200, the page limit does not

D. 建筑及景观设计概念提案(包括设计说明书及提案),装订成册,并列目录,文件为 A3 规格 include the front cover, back cover, title page and catalog, paperback, recommending adhesive

(297mmx420mm)独立成册。建筑及景观设计概念提案分别不超过 3 页纸,共不超过 6 页纸(即 12 面) binding with soft cover).

内容(不含封面、封底及扉页),双面打印,软皮封面简装装订成册,允许规格大于 A3 的图纸折叠放

入 A3 文本中。需提供中英文对照。封面或扉页需加盖公章。 D. Architectural and landscape design conceptual proposals (including design description and

proposals), bound into a separate A3-sized(297mmx420mm)book with catalog . Proposals for

architectural and landscape design concepts should not exceed 3 pages respectively, and together

E. 展板:1 张,A0 尺寸,竖版展板,KT 板裱板。 there shall be no more than 6 pages (ie 12 sides) content (excluding front cover, back cover and

title page), double-sided printing, recommending adhesive binding with soft cover. Drawings larger

than the size of A3 are allowed to be folded into the A3 book. Both Chinese and English must be

F. 资格预审报名文件(资信文件、概念提案文件、展板)电子文档(纸质文件的 PDF 与 word 文档, provided. The cover or title page must be stamped with an official seal.
展板的 JPG 格式,3 种格式文件) 拷贝到 U 盘和光碟,各一式两份。

E. Display board: 1 piece, A0 size, vertical display board, KT board mounting board.

G. ①资信文件、②概念提案文件及④电子文档分别单独密封包装并注明相应内容,然后合并在一个大 F. E-documents of pre-qualification application documents (credit documents, conceptual proposal

密封袋中;③展板单独密封包装。大密封袋及展板密封袋上都必须注明“工程名称:“深圳红树林湿地博 documents, display boards) , including PDF and word documents of paper files, JPG files of display
物馆方案设计及建筑与景观专业初步设计国际招标”、“投标申请人名称”。密封袋的封口处均应加盖投标 boards, copied to USB disk and CD, each in duplicate.

G. ① Credit documents, ② Conceptual proposal documents and ④ Electronic documents shall be

H. 提交的文件应遵循环保原则,避免过度包装。 sealed and packaged individually, and then combined in a large sealed bag; ③ Display boards shall

be sealed and packaged separately. Both the large sealed bag of combined documents and the

display board sealed bag must be marked with “Project name: International Tender for Architectural

and Landscape Design of Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum” and “Name of Applicant”. The

seal of the sealed bag should be stamped with the official seal of the bidding applicant.

H. The submitted documents should follow the principles of environmental protection and avoid

excessive packaging.

34 35
I. 本工程资格预审的合法语言文字为中文,需要提交的资格预审文件均要求中英对照;中英文不一致的 I. The legal language for pre-qualification of this project is Chinese, and the pre-qualification

地方,应以中文为准。并须加盖申请人公章。 documents that need to be submitted require both Chinese and English; where there is discrepancy

between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail. The official seal of the applicants must be


8.3 Submission of Pre-qualification Application Documents

8.3 资格预审报名文件的递交
(1) Submission Deadline: GMT+8, 17:00, September 16, 2020 (Refer to the Tender Announcement

(1) 截止时间:北京时间 2020 年 09 月 16 日 17 时 0 分(详见深圳建设工程交易服务网 - 招标公告栏) Section of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network). zbgg/

(2) 递交方式:现场提交或邮递方式 (2) Submission method: on site or mail delivery

(3) 递交地点:深圳市福田区振华路 8 号设计大厦二楼深圳建设工程交易服务中心勘察设计窗口 (3) Submission address: Survey & Design Window of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction

Service Centre, Floor 2, Design Building, No. 8 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China

(4) 收件人:深圳建设工程交易服务中心勘察设计窗口

(4) Recipient: Survey & Design Window of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service

(5) 联系人:吴工 Centre

(6) 电话 / 微信:+86 18566744737 (5) Contact: Miss. Wu

(7) 邮编:518031 (6) Tel/WeChat: +86 18566744737

(7) Zip code: 518031

相关说明: Description:

A. 受疫情影响,本项目资格预审申请文件接受现场递交、邮寄方式递交。 A. Affected by the COVID-19, the pre-qualification application documents of this project can be

submitted on-site or by mail.

36 37
B. 考虑到邮寄文件有延时送达风险,为保障投标申请人按时送达文件,投标申请人可委托境内人员将 B. Taking into account the risk of delayed delivery of documents by mail, in order to ensure timely

资格预审申请文件盖章的电子版本制作成资格预审申请文件纸质文件(存储至电子 U 盘)。按要求封 delivery of documents by bid applicants, bid applicants can entrust domestic personnel to compile

装后现场提交。 the paper documents with the e-version of the pre-qualification application documents stamped

with official seal (saved in USB disk). Submit on-site after packaging as required.
C. 现场递交资格预审文件的投标申请人需提交授权委托书(委托书格式见附件)及被委托人身份证原件。

C. Bidding applicants who submit pre-qualification application documents on site need to submit
注:前述授权委托书及被委托人身份证的原件扫描件需发至本项目指定邮箱 (, a Letter of Authorization (see the attachment for the format) and the original ID of the authorized

被委托人现场提交的授权委托书及身份证原件(核验)须与邮箱接收的内容一致。 person.

特别提醒:资格预审申请文件须在截止时间前送达或邮寄至指定地点,逾期将不予受理。 Note: The aforementioned Letter of Authorization and the original scanned copy of the

ID card of the authorized person must be sent to the designated mailbox (atuchina@126.

com) of this project. The Letter of Authorization and original ID (verification) submitted

on site must be consistent with the ones sent to the mailbox.

Special reminder: The pre-qualification application documents must be delivered or mailed to the
designated site by the deadline, no delayed submission will be accepted.

38 39
九 . 资格预审报名文件否决性条款 9. Veto Clause

9.1 资格预审报名文件有下列情形之一的,招标人将不予受理 : 9.1 If the pre-qualification application documents are in one of the following

circumstances, the tenderee will not accept the application:

文件送达时间或地点不符合本资格预审文件规定的。 The time and address of delivery of the documents are not in compliance with the requirements in

this pre-qualification document.

9.2 资格预审报名文件有下列情形之一的,资格预审符合性审查不合格:
9.2 If the pre-qualification application documents are in one of the following
(1) 投标申请人不符合资格预审报名条件要求的; circumstances, the bidder will be determined as unqualified:
(2) 组成联合体投标,未提交联合体协议书的;

(3) 相互间有直接控股关系或法定代表人为同一人的两个或两个以上的法人提交资格预审文件的; (1) Applicants do not meet the pre-qualification application requirements;

(4) 参加联合体的各成员以自己的名义单独投标,同时参加两个或两个以上的联合体投标; (2) Applicant applies as a consortium, but Consortium Agreement is not provided;

(5) 评审委员会 2/3 以上成员认为设计作品发表过或与其他建筑在造型上雷同的; (3) Different Applicants whose legal representatives are one same person, or persons having a

(6) 评审委员会 2/3 以上成员认为投标申请人提供的资料存在虚假情况的。 direct shareholding relationship with each other;

(4) Members of consortium participate as individual bidder, or join another consortium;

9.3 特别要求 (5) More than 2 / 3 of the review committee agree that the design works have been published for

other projects or are identical with other buildings;

(1) 投标申请人应当对其提供的资格预审报名文件的真实性负责,招标人在发出中标通知书前任何时间 (6) More than 2 / 3 of the members of the review committee evaluate that the information provided

发现投标申请人提供虚假文件或涉嫌造假的,均有权拒绝投标申请人的投标或取消其中标资格。如已取 by the applicant is not true.


中标资格。招标人将提请建设行政主管部门或有关行政管理部门查处。一旦查实将严格按照法律法规作 9.3 Special Request

(1) The bidding applicant shall guarantee the authenticity of the provided pre-qualification

(2) 资格预审评审结束后,招标人将对资格预审入围 10 家单位及 2 家有排序备选单位投标申请人提供 application documents. If false documents are provided, the tenderee has the right to cancel the

的资格预审报名文件(业绩部分)在深圳建设工程交易服务网进行公示,请投标申请人务必按照要求如 bidder’s qualification at any time; the winning bidder will be disqualified from winning the bid. Once

实填报、提供相应的证明材料,并对其真实性负责。 verified, it will be handled in strict accordance with laws and regulations, and the tenderee has the

right to refuse the bidder from participating in any future bidding of the tenderee.

(2) After the Pre-qualification evaluation, shortlisted bidders’ pre-qualification application

documents (parts of basic information and similar experiences) provided by 9 shortlisted bidders

and 2 alternative bidders with ranking will be publicized on Shenzhen Construction Project

Transaction Service Centre website after pre-qualification evaluation. Bidders must provide all

supporting documents as required and be responsible for its authenticity.

40 41
十 . 设计费及未中标优秀方案补偿费 10. Design Fees and Compensation Fees

10.1 建筑设计费 = 建筑面积 X 固定单价。 10.1 Architectural design fee = gross floor area(GFA) X fixed unit price.
The bidding price of architectural design fee is maximum CNY 300/square meter, (the bidder is

建筑设计费单价上限 300 元 / 平方米,(须投标人报价,投标报价不得超上限),结算时单价不作调整。 required to quote, and the bid price cannot exceed the upper limit), and the unit price will not be

建筑面积暂按 39500 平方米(含 9500 平方米停车场、园林及小型商业建筑)平方米计算(最终以项目 adjusted at the time of settlement. The architectural design fee is temporarily priced at CNY 11.85

总概算批复为准),建筑设计费暂定价为 1185 万元。 million, calculated based on 39,500 square meters (including 9,500 square meters for parking lot,

garden and small commercial building) , and will be subject to the final approval of the project's
10.2 景观设计费 = 景观面积 X 固定单价。 overall budget estimate.

景观设计费单价上限 80 元 / 平方米,(须投标人报价,投标报价不得超上限),结算时单价不作调整。 10.2 Landscape design fee = landscape area x fixed unit price.
景观面积暂按 92000 平方米计算(最终以项目总概算批复或所对应图纸为准),景观设计费暂定价为 The bidding price of landscape design fee is maximum CNY 80/square meter, (the bidder is required

736 万元。 to quote, and the bid price cannot exceed the upper limit), and the unit price will not be adjusted

at the time of settlement. The landscape design fee is temporarily priced at CNY 7.36 million,

建筑及景观设计费包含:红树林博物馆片区远景概念规划设计;核心设计范围内博物馆主体、保护区管 calculated based on 92,000 square meters , and will be subject to the final approval of the project's
理局及派出所办公用房与车辆段外立面提升改造的全专业方案设计、全专业方案深化以及建筑与景观专 overall budget estimate.
业初步设计;全专业方案阶段 BIM 设计、建筑与景观专业初步设计阶段 BIM 设计;配合可研报告、可

研修编(如有)、概算编制及项目报批报建;审核影响整体建筑效果的相关专业图纸;在设计及施工阶 The architectural and landscape design fee includes: Long-term conceptual planning and
段对项目材料进行选材定样;设计及施工阶段现场服务等工作的费用。本次招标设计费用不含展陈设计 design of the Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum area; comprehensive schematic design and
费。 scheme development as well as design development of architecture and landscape for museum’s

main building within the core design scope, facade upgrading and renovation of the Reserve
上述设计费已包人工费、资料费、设计图纸和 / 或文件制作费、模型制作费(如有)、差旅费、编制估 Administration Bureau, office rooms of the police station and the Qiaocheng East Depot; BIM
算概算费、保险费、现场服务费、中标单位的利润与税金、适当的赶工费等完成合同设计任务所需的一 design of comprehensive schematic design and design development of architecture and landscape;
切相关费用及中标人可能承担的一切风险、设计费支付所产生的汇款手续费。除另有约定外,不因国家 cooperating with the completion of feasibility study report, feasibility study compilation (if any),
政策或法规、客观因素、市场行情、设计调整、细化、修改等任何原因而增加。 budget estimate and submission to the government authorities for approval on construction; review

the relevant professional drawings that affect the overall construction effects; sample and select the

project materials during the design and construction phase; on-site cooperation and service during

the design and construction phase, etc.. The scope of this bidding does not involve exhibition

design. The detailed scope of the work is subject to the design contract. The content of the design

contract will be released in the formal design bidding document. The exhibition design fee is not


The above design costs include labor costs, data costs, design drawings and/or document

42 43
10.3 未中标优秀方案补偿(含方案优化补偿费),共 660 万元。 production costs, model production costs (if any), travel costs, preparation estimates, insurance

costs, on-site service fees, profits and taxes of the winning bidder, and appropriate All related

对入围中标候选人但未中标的 2 家单位,每家各 120 万元的补偿费; expenses required to complete the contract design tasks, including all related expenses required

for completion of the contract design tasks, as well as all risks that the winning bidder may bear,

对进入评标阶段,未入围中标候选人的 7 家单位,每家各 60 万元的补偿费。 and remittance handling fees incurred by the payment of design fees. Unless otherwise agreed, the

increase will not be due to any reasons such as national policies or regulations, objective factors,

market conditions, design adjustments, refinements, and modifications.

10.4 建筑及景观设计费分基本酬金(占 90%)和绩效酬金(占 10%)两个部分,绩效酬金根据履约评 10.3 Compensation Fees (including scheme optimization compensation fees), a total of

价结果支付,履约评价细则详见招标文件。 CNY 6.6 million.

Among the 3 finalists, the final winner will be awarded of design contract, the other two teams will
be paid compensation fee for their outstanding proposals, each CNY 1.2 million.

10.5 建筑及景观设计费已含所有为设计必须的专题研究(含专家论证,设计咨询,技术评审,各专业专

家顾问费等),与项目相关的会议费用(含专家评审费,咨询费,差旅费,会务费等) For the 7 unitss that have not entered the final evaluation process will be compensated, each unit
received a compensation fee of CNY 600,000.

10.4 Architectural and landscape design fees are divided into two parts: basic
10.6 建筑设计费及景观设计费包含本项目设计合同其他章节中约定的所有费用。 remuneration (90%) and performance fees (10%). Performance fees is paid based on

the results of the performance appraisal. For details of the performance appraisal rules,

please refer to the bidding documents.

10.5 Architectural design fees and landscape design fees includes all subject studies

necessary for the design (including expert argumentation, design consulting, technical

review, expert consultation fees, etc.), and the conference expenses related to the project

(including expert review fees, consulting fees, travel expenses, conference fees, etc.).

10.6 Architectural design fees and landscape design fees includes fees stipulated in other

sections of the design contract.

44 45
10.7 支付方式: 10.7 Payment Method:

(1) 以上费用均以人民币结算,所获费用产生的任何税金由投标人自理。 1. The above fees are to be paid in CNY, tax inclusive. All bidder shall pay the tax according to law

on its own.

(2) 应提供国内合法增值税专用发票等付款资料,并按照要求配合完成费用结算各项手续。

2. .Should provide domestic legal VAT invoices and other payment materials, and in accordance with

(3) 获未中标优秀方案补偿费的投标人应提供符合要求的请款资料,在招标流程结束后申请支付。 the requirements to complete the cost settlement procedures.

(4) 境外设计团队若无法使用本机构帐户收取人民币的,可授权国内合法独立法人代收款项及开具发票。 3. The bidder who has received the compensation fee shall provide the required payment

information and apply for payment after the bidding process is completed.

4. If a foreign design team is unable to use its own account to collect CNY, it may authorize another

legal entity in China to collect the payment and issue invoices. See the payment terms in the

contract for details.

10. 8 其他 : 10. 8 Others:

(1) 最终设计费以审计部门或发包人委托的第三方专业机构审定金额作为最终的设计费结算金额和支付 1. The final payment amount of the design fee shall be based on the amount examined and

依据。 approved by the third-party professional institution entrusted by the audit department or the


(2) 投标申请单位参加本次投标的所有费用 ( 含差旅住宿费 ) 均自行承担。

2.Bidders shall bear all expenses for participating in this tender (including the travel and
(3) 评审委员会认为投标人提交的成果文件未达到本次招标文件深度及要求的,招标人将不予支付其补 accommodation expenses).


3. If the scheme review committee agree that the deliverables submitted by any bidder fail to reach

the depth and requirements of the tender document, the Tenderee will not pay the compensation or

honorarium to unqualified bidders at all.

46 47
十一 . 知识产权及相关法律 11. Intellectual Property and Relevant Laws

11.1 招标人的知识产权 11.1 Tenderee’s Intellectual Property

(1) 招标人提供给投标人的设计文件、图纸、BIM 模型及相关成果、招标人为实施工程自行编制或委托 (1) The tenderee owns the following and intellectual property rights to the following (including

编制的技术规格书、设计与科研成果以及反映招标人要求的或其他类似性质的文件、物品的所有权和知 copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.) to the design documents, drawings, BIM models and related

识产权(包括著作权、专利权、商标权等)属于招标人,投标人可以为实现合同目的而复制、使用此类 results; technical specifications, design and scientific research results prepared or commissioned

文件、物品,但不得用于与合同无关的其他事项。未经招标人书面同意,投标人不得为了合同以外的目 for the project; and those documents and articles that reflect the requests of the tenderee or

的而复制、使用上述文件、物品或将之提供给任何第三方。 other materials of a similar nature provided by the tenderee. The designer may copy and use such

documents and articles only for the implementation of this contract. Without the written consent of

(2) 投标申请人对招标活动(包括但不限于招标方案、评标结果)的外在宣传推广应事先征得招标人书 the tenderee, the designer shall not copy or use the above mentioned documents and articles or

面同意(同意的事项或内容、范围以招标人书面确认的为准),所涉文字、图片、音像等内容,不得违 provide them to any third party for any purpose other than for the implementation of this contract.


(2) Applicants for the external promotion of the bidding activities (including but not limited to the

(3) 招标人在招标结束后,在不违反合同或招标文件关于保密约定的情况下,对于所有参与投标的方案, bidding plan, bid evaluation results) shall obtain the written consent of the bidder in advance (the

均有权无偿发布或公布招标评审结果,以及通过传媒、专业杂志、书刊或其它形式介绍、展示及评价招 agreed items or content and scope shall be subject to the written confirmation of the bidder ), the

标成果。 involved text, pictures, audio and video, etc., shall not violate the confidentiality agreement of the

bidding documents, and shall not be used in activities that violate the laws or regulations of public

order and good customs.

(3) When the bidding has been completed, without violating the confidentiality agreement of this

contract or bidding documents, the tenderee has the right, free of charge, to publish or announce

the results of the tender evaluation, and to introduce, display, and evaluate the design work that

won, failed, was selected, or was not selected through the media, professional magazines, books, or
other forms.

48 49
11.2 投标人的知识产权 11.2 Bidder’s Intellectual Property

(1) 所有投标人 (1) All bidders

投标人提交的设计成果不得侵犯任何第三方知识产权或其他合法权益,投标人对此承担全部法律责任; The bidder shall bear full legal responsibility for the infringement of the intellectual property or

投标人对设计成果中的任何知识产权或其他合法权益均需得到合法有效授权,所涉授权费用(如果有) other legitimate rights and interests of any third party; the designer shall be legally and effectively

由投标人承担且已包含在合同(或招标文件)规定的设计费用或补偿费用中。投标人须保证招标人有权 authorized for any intellectual property or other legitimate rights and interests of the third party

合法免责使用设计成果,该设计成果不得存在任何权利缺陷或权利行使障碍,如因此给招标人造成任何 involved in the design results, and the authorization fee (if any) shall be borne by the bidder and

责任或损失(包括但不限于被追索连带责任、侵权赔偿或支付许可费等),均需由投标人承担或赔偿。 included in the compensation fee (or the design fee) stipulated in this competition document (or

contract). The bidder shall not have any right defects or obstacles to the exercise of rights, and if any

(2) 中标人 liability or loss is caused to the tenderee (including, but not limited to, joint and several liability, tort

compensation or payment of license fees, etc.), shall be borne or compensated by the bidder.


权,其中: (2) The winning bidder

A. 设计成果著作权中的使用权、复制权的财产性权利一经中标或选用将属于招标人,投标人享有该设 The design results of the winning bidder, including but not limited to the intellectual property rights

计成果著作权中人身性权利的署名权(即表明作者身份、在作品上署名的权利)和保护作品完整权(即 of the engineering design services, materials and document results agreed in the contract (or

保护作品不受歪曲、篡改的权利),但合同(或招标文件)约定的设计修改不受此处“保护作品完整权” bidding documents), including:


书面同意,投标人不得自行或单独对该设计成果进行著作权登记。 A. The tenderee owns the right of use and reproduction of design achievements once the award

is given. The bidder has the right of signature of the design result (that is, the right to indicate the

B. 设计成果的商标注册申请权属于招标人,未经招标人书面同意,投标人不得对该设计成果或对该设 identity of the author and the right to sign the work) and the right to protect the integrity of the

计成果具有代表性、关联性的内容或元素申请商标注册(包括文字、图形及其组合的商标)。 work (that is, the right to protect the work from distortion or tampering). However, the design

modifications stipulated in this pre-qualification document (or contract) are not restricted by the
right to protect the integrity of the work here. Without the written consent of the tenderee, the

bidder shall not register the copyright of the design achievement by himself or alone. by himself or


B. The right to apply for trademark registration of a design achievement belongs to the tenderee.

Without the written consent of the tenderee, the bidder shall not apply for trademark registration

(including words, patterns and the combined trademarks) with respect to the design results or the

contents or elements that are representative and related to the design results.

50 51
C. 招标人对设计成果享有独家使用权,投标人不得将设计成果复制或以再现方式提供给任何第三方使 C. The tenderee has the exclusive right to use the design results, and the bidder shall not copy or

用。投标人对设计成果的外在形象的宣传推广应事先征得招标人同意(同意的事项或内容、范围以招标 reproduce the design results to any third party for use. The bidder shall obtain the prior written

人书面确认的为准),所涉文字、图片、音像等内容,不得违反合同(或招标文件)关于保密的约定, consent of the tenderee for the promotion of the external image of the design results, and the text,

亦不得用于违反国家法律或公序良俗的活动;如投标人以设计成果或其 BIM 技术资料参加交流活动或 pictures, audio and video involved shall not violate the confidentiality agreement of this competition

申报奖项及专利,亦应事先征得招标人书面同意。 document (or contract), nor shall they be used for activities that violate national laws or public order

and customs; if the bidder participates in the exchange activities or applies for awards and patent

(3) 未中标的投标人 with the design results or his BIM technical materials, he shall obtain the prior written consent of the



(3) Unsuccessful bidder

The intellectual property rights of the design results of the unsuccessful bidder belong to the bidder.

十二 . 保密原则 12. Confidentiality Principles

12.1 公开发布信息后,直到授予中标单位合同为止,凡属于对招标文件的审查、澄清、评价和比较各投标申 12.1 From public release of tender announcement, until the awarding of the contract, any information

请人所递交的成果文件等,与项目有关资料;以及与评审有关的其他任何情况均应严格保密。任何有关的信 relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of the Tender Document, as well as

息和资料均不得向投标单位或上述工作无关的人员泄露。 recommendation of finalists and shortlists, and any other situation relating to the review shall be kept in

strict confidentiality; any relevant information and data shall not be disclosed to those irrelevant of the

12.2 招标人及评审专家在收到投标单位提交的成果文件后,应做好相应的保密工作。评审活动结束前任何人 above work, or to any bidding applicants.


关法律责任。 12.2 The Tenderee and review committees shall perform corresponding confidentiality requirements

after receiving the deliverables submitted by bidders. Before end of the review activity, any person or

organization shall not disclose, make public, or show the deliverables in any way without permission of the

Tenderee or relevant government departments; otherwise, they will be investigated for legal liabilities.

52 53
十三 . 争议解决 13. Dispute Resolution

13.1 本次招标及涉及的知识产权相关问题均适用中华人民共和国法律 ( 但港澳台地区的法律除外 )。 13.1 This tender and the related intellectual property issues involved are applicable to the laws of the

People's Republic of China (except the laws of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).

13.2 凡因本次招标引发或与本招标相关的一切争议,各方应协商解决 ; 若协商不成时,任何一方有权向项目

所在地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。 13.2 In case of any dispute arising from the performance of the bidding contract, both parties shall settle

the dispute through friendly consultation. If no agreement can be reached through consultation, a lawsuit

shall be filed to the court in the place where the tenderee is located.

十四 . 不正当竞争与纪律监督 14. Unfair Competition and Disciplinary Supervision

14.1 严禁投标申请单位向参与方案评审委员会的有关人员行贿,使其泄露一切与方案评审工作相关的信息。 14.1 Bidders are prohibited from offering bribes to relevant personnel who participate in scheme review,

to cause them to divulge any information relevant to the scheme review.

14.2 投标申请单位在投标过程中严禁互相串通、结盟,损害招标的公正性,或以任何方式影响其他投标投标

申请单位参与正当报名投标。 14.2 During the bidding process, bidders are prohibited from collusion, alliance or any other behaviors

that harm the fairness of the tender, or affecting other bidders’ participation in fair bidding in any way.

14.3 如发现投标申请单位有上述不正当竞争行为,取消其报名资格。

14.3 Any bidder found to have any unfair competition behavior mentioned above will be disqualified for

bidding or winning.

54 55
十五 . 语言、时间及计量单位 15. Language, Time and Unit of Measurement

15.1 语言 15.1 Language

与此次投标活动有关的所有往来通知、函件和投标成果文件以中文文本为准。投标申请人的往来通知、 All notices, correspondence, and deliverables relating to this tender shall be subject to Chinese

函件和投标成果文件为非中文的,应同时提供中文翻译文,以中文翻译文为准。 version; if the documents, emails or deliverables of any bidder are not in Chinese, the Chinese

translation shall also be provided and shall prevail.

15.2 时间

15.2 Time


The bidding time is subject to Beijing time.

15.3 计量单位

15.3 Unit of Measurement


共和国法定计量单位。 The units of measurement used in the deliverables shall be the legal units of measurement of

the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise provided in relevant standards of China and the

technical requirements in the Tender Document.

十六 . 其他 16. Others

16.1 招标人、服务方保留更改活动日程安排的权利。 16.1 The tenderee and co-organizer reserve the right to modify the tender schedule.

16.2 资格预审文件及答疑补遗、修改(补充)函件内容均以书面明确的内容为准。当资格预审文件、答 16.2 The contents of the Pre-Qualification Document, clarification (Q&A) and amendment
疑补遗、修改(补充)函件内容相互矛盾时,以最后发出的为准。 (supplement) documents shall be subject to the written contents. In case of any conflict between the
Pre-Qualification document, clarification (Q&A), and amendment (supplement) documents, the latest

16.3 本次报名不设资质要求,境内外具备公共文化建筑(以博物馆建筑为主)设计经验的设计机构均可 released one shall prevail.


名参与。 16.3 There are no qualification requirements for this registration. Design agencies with experience

in the design of museum buildings (excluding office buildings) at home and abroad can register.

Encourage people with experience in similar projects to register with units with unique creativity.

Encourage the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area design team to actively register and


56 57
16.4 参与本次投标的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,投标单位必须确保其项目负责人和主创设计 16.4 The designers participating in this bid shall be registered personnel of the design agency.

师始终参与本设计工作;境外设计机构应确保有境外机构的人员参与、签名和加盖境外机构印章。 Bidders shall ensure that the project leader and chief designer are always involved in the project;

foreign design teams shall ensure the participation of persons overseas, and provide necessary

signature and official stamps.

16.5 后续项目投标及中标后的实施过程中原则上不可更换主创人员,如确需更换项目负责人和主创设计

师等相关人员的,需书面与招标人详细确认更换情况并取得招标人书面同意,招标人将按照合同条款对 16.5 In principle, the main creative personnel cannot be replaced in the subsequent project bidding

投标人进行处理。如联合体报名,需标明人员所属的联合体成员单位。 and the implementation process after winning the bid. If it is necessary to change the project

leader and the main creative designer and other related personnel, it is necessary to confirm the

replacement in writing with the tenderer and obtain the written consent of the tenderer. The tenderer

16.6 中标单位的拟派主创设计师应参与建筑专业,室内专业,幕墙专业,景观专业及施工图审核(非强 will deal with the bidder in accordance with the terms of the contract. If the consortium is registered,

审类)工作,施工配合工作。 the consortium member unit to which the person belongs must be indicated.

16.6 The proposed chief creative designer of the winning bidder shall participate in the construction

16.7 如投标单位为境外机构,为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计 majors, interior majors, curtain wall majors, landscape majors, construction drawing review (non-

人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。投标单位参加现场踏勘活动、答疑和专家评审会时需自带翻译。 forced review), and construction cooperation.

16.7 If the bid applicant is an overseas organization, in order to ensure that the project designer has

16.8 每家投标申请人只允许提交一个概念提案及报名文件。 an accurate understanding of the Chinese background and related requirements, there should be

at least one person who is proficient in Chinese. Bidders shall bring interpreters when attending site

survey, Q&A session, and scheme review meeting, if needed.

16.9 投标人注意法定图则来源于规划部门网站,最新文件需以规划网站公示文件为准。

16.8 Each bidder is only allowed to submit one conceptual design plan and registration documents.

16.10 在评标后,定标前,招标人保留要求中标候选单位对投标方案进一步优化的权利。

16.9 Bidders note that the statutory plan comes from the website of the planning department, and
16.11 本项目位于地铁车辆段上盖,要求中标单位具备或聘请结构方面的专家团队作为项目顾问,招标人 the latest document shall be subject to the publicity document on the planning website.


16.10 After bid evaluation and before bid determination, the tenderee reserves the right to request

the winning bidder to further optimize the bidding scheme.

16.11 This project is located on the upper cover of the subway depot. The winning bidder is required

to have or hire a structural expert team as the project consultant. The tenderer will review the expert

team. After the review is passed, the winning bidder must sign a commission agreement with the

expert team. The cost shall be borne by the winning bidder.

58 59
16.12 本项目为自然类博物馆建筑,要求中标单位分别在展陈及生态方面进行充分考虑并使设计方案满 16.12 This project is a natural museum building. The winning bidder is required to fully consider

足相关要求。①展陈方面,参考展陈大纲,充分考虑展陈空间、动线及弹性设计要求,可同时对展陈大 the exhibition and ecology and make the design plan meet relevant requirements. ① In terms of

纲提出优化建议;②生态方面,要充分考虑该片区作为生态敏感区的相关设计要求,并就设计方案如何 exhibition, refer to the exhibition outline, fully consider the exhibition space, circulation and flexible
满足生态融合与保护需求做出回应。 design requirements, and propose optimization suggestions for the exhibition outline at the same

time; ② In terms of ecology, fully consider the relevant design requirements of the area as an

16.13 中标人确定后,招标人不对未入围单位就评审过程以及未能入围原因作出任何解释,同时亦不退 ecologically sensitive area , And respond to how the design plan meets the needs of ecological

还投标成果文件。未入围单位不得向评审委员会成员或其他有关人员索问评审过程的情况和材料。 integration and protection.

16.14 中标人须根据项目进度合理安排配合人次,满足项目各阶段会议及现场服务的需求,并确保主创 16.13 After the winning bidder is determined, the tenderee will not give any explanation to

团队人员参与重要会议。 unsuccessful bidders regarding the review process and the reason of failure, and the deliverables will

not be returned. Unsuccessful bidders shall not ask the review committee or other relevant personnel

16.15 参加本次招标活动的设计机构均视为承认本资格预审文件所有内容。 about the review process and documents.

16.14 The winning bidder must reasonably arrange the number of people according to the project

schedule, fulfill the needs of meetings and on-site service at each phase, and ensure that the chief

members participate in important meetings.

16.15 Bidders that participate in this tender will be deemed as acknowledging all content of this Pre-

Qualification Document.

十七 . 资料索取 17. Information Request

资格预审文件,应自行在“深圳建设工程交易服务网 - 招标公告页面 - 附件”下载。 The pre-qualification documents can be downloaded from the "Shenzhen Construction Project

网址:( Transaction Service Network-Bidding Announcement Page-Attachment".


60 61
十八 . 质疑与答疑补遗 18. Supplement to Q&A

18.1 投标申请人质疑截止时间:北京时间 2020 年 09 月 06 日 17 时 00 分(详见深圳建设工程交易服务网 - 18.1 Query Deadline: 17:00, September 06, 2020, Beijing time (for details, please refer to Shenzhen

招标公告)。 Construction Project Transaction Service Network-Tender Notice).

18.2 投标申请人提交疑问的方式:投标申请人将质疑文件扫描件(加盖公章,接受电子签章)和电子 18.2 Query submission method: The query document should include a digital file in .doc format and

版(.doc 格式)提交至电子邮箱质疑文件以本邮箱收件为准,非本邮箱收件一律 a scanned copy affixed with official seal, both should be sent via email to (query

视为无效质疑,不予答复)。 documents are only accepted through this email, all other channels are not effective without reply)

18.3 邮件发送后请联系吴工,联系电话:+86-0755-86250922(周一至周五上午 9:00-12:00,下午 18.3 After sending the email, please contact with Miss. Wu at +86-0755-86250922 (Monday to

14:00-18:00)微信 / 电话:+86-18566744737。 Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00) WeChat/Tel: +86-18566744737.

18.4 招标人澄清或修改、答疑截止时间:2020 年 09 月 09 日 17 时 00 分(详见深圳建设工程交易服务网 - 18.4 Clarification, Amendment and Answering Period Deadline: 17:00 on September 9, 2020 (for

招标公告)。 details, please refer to Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network-Tender Notice).

18.5 投标申请人获取答疑或招标文件补充文件的方式: 投标申请人自行登录“深圳建设工程交易服务网”, 18.5 Method for download the Clarification, Amendment and Answering files: The bidding

在本项目资格预审公告原发布页面获取答疑及补遗等补充文件 ( )。 applicants log on to the "Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network" and obtain

supplementary documents such as Q&A and supplementary documents on the original release

page of the project pre-qualification announcement(http://zjj ).

62 63
十九 . 报名登记 19. Registration

19.1 根据深圳建设工程交易服务系统后续程序的管理要求,投标申请人(包括联合体牵头单位、联合体成员 19.1-19.3 According to administrative requirements of the follow-up procedures of the Shenzhen

单位)须办理网上企业信息登记。 Construction Project Transaction Service System, it is suggested that the bidding applicants (including all

members of the consortium) complete the online enterprise information registration in advance. After

19.2 未在深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记过的设计单位,须前往深圳建设工程交易服务中心网站提前进行登 Pre-qualification, the shortlisted and alternative teams must register in time, unconditionally. Please note

记;未提前办理登记的,资格预审结束后,所有投标申请单位需及时办理企业信息登记,上述单位须无条件配合。 that the name of the company must be the same as the name on its business license, including detail as

text cases, space, etc.

19.3 录入公司名称时请注意需与营业执照名称保持完全一致,包括大小写、空格等。

19.4 The online address of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre: https://www.szjsjy.

19.4 深圳建设工程交易服务中心网上办理地址:

19.5 咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822 19.5 Consulting Tel: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822

19.6 下载《深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记操作指引》,请点击链接: 19.6 To download the "Guidelines for Registration of Shenzhen Electronic Bidding Trading Platform",

please click on the link:

64 65
二十 . “深圳市电子招投标交易平台登记”办理步骤 20.3 第三步 : 进入跳转页面,继续“企业信息登记”。

20. Procedures for "Shenzhen Electronic Bidding Trading Platform Registration" 20.3 Step 3: Go to the jump page and continue "enterprise information registration".

20.1 第一步 : 点击“我要登记 - 开始登记”

20.1 Step 1: Click "I want to register-start registration"

20.4 下滑选择企业类型,完成相应内容填写后,点击“保存”并“提交”。

20.4 Scroll down to select the company type, and after completing the corresponding content, click "Save"

20.2 第二步 : 进行“企业信息登记”,完成后点击“登记并登录”。 and "Submit".

20.2 Step 2: Carry out "enterprise information registration", click "register and log in" after completion.

66 67


Part Two
Review Guidance for Pre-qualification Evaluation

68 69
资格预审评审参考表 2. 个人所获行业国际奖项或荣誉,每位主创设计师不超过 3 个(如有,提供荣誉证书或


类别 评审要点
3. 担任过同类型项目建筑主创设计师,提供项目名称、规模(建筑面积)、建成照片、
1. 投标申请人营业执照;
2. 联合体协议(如有);
主创设计师(不 1) 项目获国际或国家级专业奖项,每位主创设计师不超过 3 个;
投标申请人资历 3. 投标申请人(含联合体牵头单位、成员单位)简介:
设计团队实 少于 2 名,其中 2) 项目获得绿色建筑认证。
力 1 名为景观设计
师) 4. 担任过同类型项目景观主创设计师,提供项目名称、规模(景观面积)、建成照片、
类型城市公园为主)设计经验,提供近五年内(2015 年 8 月 1 日起,在建及已建成的)
1) 项目获国际或国家级专业奖项,每位主创设计师不超过 3 个;
注:1)如主创数量超过 3 名,按填报顺序只取前 3 名主创业绩。2)各主创业绩不超过 3 个。
相关大型公共 及设计合同关键页扫描件 ( 应能体现合同名称、设计内容及规模、设计阶段、合同签订
提供业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 3 项。
时间、合同签章页 )。业绩其他证明或说明(如有):
建筑设计经验 1. 设计说明书
1. 项目获国际或国家级专业奖项(建筑、结构、景观)不超过 3 个;
2. 项目获得绿色建筑认证。

注:投标申请人可分别提供建筑和景观两类业绩,所提供公共文化建筑业绩数量超过 3
2. 建筑设计概念提案
项的,只取前 3 项,所提供园林景观业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 3 项。
a. 项目条件解读及应对策略:项目重难点分析,从回应生态保护要求、创新结构形式等方面进行考虑,提出

1. 所在国家或地区建筑相关行业协会或机构颁发的合法执业资格证明文件(境内单位为
b. 概念设计:规划设计总平面图及主要设计指标,提出表达区域整合、建筑内外融合的核心设计理念(关键

2. 个人所获行业奖项或荣誉,提供不超过 3 个(如有,提供荣誉证书或获奖证书扫描件,
3. 景观设计概念提案
项目负责人 概念提案
a. 提出景观设计的理念与愿景。其核心是体现出复育与尊重自然,建筑与景观融合的理念;
(1 名)
3. 担任过同类型建筑设计项目负责人,提供项目名称、规模(建筑面积)、建成照片、
b. 景观设计的重难点分析及对策,重点是结合车辆段主体平台与保护区、周边公园等公共项目间互动,提出
设计团队实 甲方信息、参与的设计内容及主要效果图及总图或照片。业绩其他证明或说明(如有):
力 1) 项目获国际或国家级专业奖项(建筑、结构、景观)不超过 3 个;
2) 项目获得绿色建筑认证。

c. 概念设计:规划设计总平面图及主要设计指标,及其他能表达核心设计意向的分析图等。
注:业绩不超过 3 个。提供业绩数量超过 3 项的,只取前 3 项。

注:建筑及景观设计概念提案分别不超过 3 页纸,共不超过 6 页纸(即 12 面)内容(不含封面、封底及扉页),

主创设计师(不 双面打印,软皮封面简装装订成册,允许规格大于 A3 的图纸折叠放入 A3 文本中。需提供中英文对照。
少于 2 名,其中

1 名为景观设计 4. 展板:1 张,A0 尺寸,竖版展板,KT 板裱板。

1. 所在国家或地区建筑相关行业协会或机构颁发的合法执业资格证明文件(境内单位为
; 以上资格预审报名文件,重点部分必须中英双语,其他部分的语言必须以中文为主,中英文不一致之处,以中文为准。均


70 71
Reference Form for Pre-qualification Evaluation
The project leader shall possess design experience of public cultural facilities (mainly

museum buildings).
Category Review points

1. Certificate of legal practice qualification issued by the relevant industry association

1. Business license;
or organization in the country or region (Class A registered architect certificate for
domestic designers, member of large-scale architect associations for the foreign
2. Joint Group Agreement (if any);

3. Brief introduction of the bidder (including the leading unit and members of the
Qualificationof 2. Individual industry awards or honors, no more than 3 (if any, provide award
joint group):
the bidder certificates or scanned copies of award certificates, which should reflect the name of
Project leader the project leader);
Relevant qualifications of the enterprise (including certification documents, award

experience); company scale (information on the number of professionals in the head (1 person)
3. Served as the person in charge of the same type of architectural design project,
office and related bidding branches, etc.), and a brief description of related project
provide the project name, scale (building floor area), completed photos, client's
information, involved design content, main renderings and general drawings or

photos. Other proof or description of performance (if any):

Bidding applicants need to have design experience in public cultural buildings (mainly

museum buildings) and garden landscape design (mainly urban parks of the same
1) International or national awards (architecture, structure, landscape) won by the
type), and provide relevant design performance of the past five years (from August 1, Design project, no more than 3;
2015, under construction and complete construction), especially representative works Team
Company that can reflect the level, ability and creativity of the bidder. Provide project name, Strength 2) The project has obtained green building certification.
Strength scale (building floor area), design content involved, main renderings and general

drawings or photos, completed photos (if any), Client's information and scanned
Note: The number of performance shall not exceed 3. If the number of
copies of key pages of the design contract (should reflect the contract name, design
performances provided exceeds 3, only the first 3 items shall be considered.
content and scale, design stages, contract signing time, contract signing page).
Related large-
Other proof or description of performance (if any):
scale public

building The chief architectural designers shall possess design experience in public cultural
1. International or national awards (architecture, structure, landscape) won by the
design buildings (mainly museum buildings); the chief landscape designers shall possess
project, no more than 3;
experience design experience in garden landscape (mainly urban parks of the same type).

2. The project has obtained green building certification. designers

1. Certificate of legal practice qualification issued by the relevant industry association
(no less than or organization in the country or region (Class A registered architect certificate, Class
Note: The applicant can provide performance of architecture and landscape
2 persons, 1 A registered landscape designer for domestic designers, member of large-scale
separately. Number of performance of public cultural buildings (mainly
of whom shall architect associations for the foreign designers);
museum buildings) shall not exceed 3 and only the first 3 items will
be landscape
be selected for consideration. If the number of performance of garden
designer) 2. Individual industry awards or honors, no more than 3 (if any, provide award
landscape (mainly urban parks of the same type) provided exceeds 3, only
certificates or scanned copies of award certificates, which should reflect the name of
the first 3 items will be selected.
the chief designer);

72 73
3. Served as chief architectural designer of the same type of design project, provide

the project name, scale (building floor area), completed photos, client’s information, b. Conceptual design: planning and design master plan and main design indicators, proposing core

involved design content, main renderings and general drawings or photos. Other design concepts (key analysis) that express regional integration and integration of the interior and

proof or description of performance (if any): exterior side of the building; proposing a draft for the conceptual image of the building group.

1) International or national awards (architecture, structure, landscape) won by the 3. Landscape conceptual design
project, no more than 3;

a. Propose the concept and vision of landscape design. The core is to reflect the concept of rehabilitation

2) The project has obtained green building certification. and respect for nature, and the integration of architecture and landscape;

4. Served as chief landscape designer of the same type of design project, provide b. Analysis and strategies for important and difficult points of landscape design. The focus is to combine
(no less than the project name, scale (building floor area), completed photos, client’s information, the interaction between the main platform of the depot and public projects such as the protected area
2 persons, 1 involved design content, main renderings and general drawings or photos. Other and surrounding parks, and propose a good integration strategy between the building and the base,
of whom shall proof or description of performance (if any): the base and the surrounding space, and propose comparable cases, make proper analysis of successful
be landscape experience and design deficiencies;
designer) 1) International or national awards (architecture, structure, landscape) won by the
project, no more than 3; c. Conceptual design: planning and design master plan and main design indicators, and other analysis

diagrams that can express core design intentions.


1) If the number of chief designers exceeds 3, only the first 3 chief Note: Proposals for architectural and landscape design concepts should not exceed 3 pages respectively,

designers will be considered according to the order of reporting. and a total of not more than 6 pages (ie 12 sides) content (excluding front cover, back cover and title

page), double-sided printing, soft leather cover and simple binding into a book, allowing specifications
2) The number of performance by each designer shall not exceed 3. If the larger than The drawing of A3 is folded into the text of A3. Both Chinese and English must be provided.

number of performances provided exceeds 3, only the first 3 items shall be Proposals for architectural and landscape conceptual design should not exceed 3 pages for each

considered. session, and together there shall be no more than 6 pages (ie 12 sides) (excluding front cover, back
cover and title page), double-sided printing, paperback, recommend adhesive binding with soft cover.

Drawings larger than the size of A3 are allowed to be folded into the A3 book. Both Chinese and English
1.Design description
must be provided.

Based on the interpretation of the positioning and construction content in the Design Brief, complete
4. Display board: 1 piece, A0 size, vertical display board, KT board mounted board.
the analysis of economic and technical indicators, sort out the key issues of the project design, and

propose unique insights and ideas. The written expression should be standardized, accurate and clear in
Key contents of the above pre-qualification application documents must be in both Chinese and English; other contents
Conceptual must be in Chinese mainly. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English contents, the Chinese version

proposal shall prevail. And e-documents must be submitted.

2. Architectural conceptual design

a. Interpretation of project conditions and responding strategies: analysis of the key and difficult points
of the project, considering the response to ecological protection requirements, innovative structural

forms, etc., to propose core solutions; proposing comparable cases, and briefly analyzing successful

experiences and design deficiencies.

74 75

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