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Table of Contents

Table of Figures.............................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3
2. Tools and Machinery.............................................................................................................................4
2.1 Piling Rig........................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Drilling Tools..................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Leveling instrument and Total Station with Tripod and Prisms.....................................................5
2.4 Pile Casing......................................................................................................................................5
2.5 Tremie pipes with Rack..................................................................................................................5
3. Personnel involved and their responsibilities........................................................................................6
3.1 Project Manager............................................................................................................................6
3.2 Site Engineer..................................................................................................................................6
3.3 HSE Officer.....................................................................................................................................6
3.4 Pile Boring Supervisor....................................................................................................................6
3.5 Concrete Supervisor......................................................................................................................7
3.6 Surveyor........................................................................................................................................7
3.7 Store Keeper..................................................................................................................................7
3.8 Mechanic.......................................................................................................................................7
3.9 Electrician......................................................................................................................................7
3.10 Welder...........................................................................................................................................7
3.11 Equipment Operator......................................................................................................................7
4. Materials...............................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Concrete........................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Steel Reinforcement......................................................................................................................8
4.3 Bentonite.......................................................................................................................................8
5. Piling Methodology and Procedure.......................................................................................................9
5.1 General..........................................................................................................................................9
5.2 Setting Out and placement of temporary casing...........................................................................9
5.3 Pile Boring....................................................................................................................................10
5.4 Reinforcement Work...................................................................................................................11
5.5 Flushing.......................................................................................................................................11
5.6 Concreting...................................................................................................................................12

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Piling Rig.........................................................................................................................................4

Figure 2: Augur Tool......................................................................................................................................4

Figure 3: Core Barrel......................................................................................................................................4

Figure 4: Rock Bucket....................................................................................................................................4

Figure 5: Survey instruments.........................................................................................................................5

Figure 6: Temporary casing...........................................................................................................................5

Figure 7: Tremie pipes and Rack....................................................................................................................5

Figure 8: Placement of prism reflector........................................................................................................10

Figure 9: Properties of Bentonite.................................................................................................................12

1. Introduction
Piles are columnar element type foundations which transfer loads from the superstructure through weak
compressible strata onto stiffer or more compact soils or onto hard rock. They are generally constructed
when the load of the superstructure is significantly high to a degree such that transfer of loads to shallow
soil layers possibly could cause settlements. Bored piles are erected in the ground by boring in the
circular shape of designed diameters. The diameter size depends on the structural load and soil
condition. Generally piles are designed to transfers loads through friction and end bearing which act as
resistive forces against the load acting downward.

Driven piles which were common in the past now has been replaced largely by cast in situ piles. Relatively
easy construction method, speed and lesser burden on the environment have made the cast in situ pile
method widespread. The continuous flight augur (CFA) pile machines have enabled the advantageous
features above.

This Method Statement defines the tools and machineries utilized for bored pile casting, responsibilities
of personnel involved, Materials used and the construction sequence and control procedures to be

2. Tools and Machinery
The following tools and machinery will be used at site for piling works.

2.1 Piling Rig

Pile rigs are the main component utilized in pile boring. It

consists of Main and Auxiliary Winches, Hydraulic rotary
head, Kelly Bar attached to a heavy duty modular Mast
and an Operator’s cabin. A pile rig is a multifunction
machine. It can be used to drill boreholes and insert and
extract casings in addition to piling by the continuous
flight augur method.

Figure 1: Piling Rig

2.2 Drilling Tools

The drilling tools loosen the subsoil (Augur and Core

Barrel) and capture loosened material (Rock Bucket).
They are equipped with a Kelly box (on top of the tool)
and attached to the Kelly pin at the bottom of the Kelly
bar by means of a bolted connection. The pile rig helper
manually adjusts this bolt to change drilling tools as

Figure 2: Augur Tool

According to the existing type of soil or rock different

tools with different type of teeth are used.

All tools have to be supplied with sufficient teeth. The

quality and wear on the teeth have to be checked
regularly and teeth have to be replaced if they are worn
out or lost to ensure sufficient working progress.
Figure 3: Core Barrel

Figure 4: Rock Bucket

2.3 Leveling instrument and Total Station with Tripod and Prisms

Survey work at site shall be conducted only using

properly calibrated instruments that are free from
defects. The surveyor shall ensure the validation of
calibration of instruments.

Figure 5: Survey instruments

2.4 Pile Casing

Due to the presence of rock directly below the starting

level of the drilling a short casing of 6m is required only.
In order to penetrate firm soils, rock or artificial
obstacles a casing shoe/starter casing, equipped with a
ring of cutting teeth, is attached to the lower end of the
casing string. The starter casing will be equipped either
with replaceable or weld on teeth.

Figure 6: Temporary casing

2.5 Tremie pipes with Rack

Tremie pipes are used for pouring the concrete. The

tremie pipe will be inserted at the center of the pile. A
tremie pipe string consists of distinct tremie pipe
sections (with individual lengths in between 0.5 m – 6.0
m) connected to each other via steel ropes to reach the
pile toe. The tremie pipe diameter will be 250 mm. A
starter tremie is located at the bottom of the whole
tremie section.

Figure 7: Tremie pipes and Rack

At the bottom, a starter tremie will be added to the pipe
string. All joints will be provided with seals in order to
prevent cement grout losses and to avoid segregation of
the concrete. A hopper will be connected on the top of
the tremie string to pour concrete. When shortening the
tremie pipe it has to be assured that the bottom end of
the tremie pipe remains in the fresh concrete by at least
2m length at any time.

3. Personnel involved and their responsibilities
The following personnel shall be employed at site for piling works. Their work pattern, hours of work per
month shall be based on the project contract specification.

3.1 Project Manager

The Project manager oversee all aspects of the project, working closely with Engineers, Architects and
subordinates to develop plans, establish programme schedules and determine labour and material costs.
The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring the project is completed on budget, within the scope and
time frame. He or she may also hire and manage subcontractors and employees, gather permits and
ensure all aspects of the project are up to codes and specifications. The main responsibilities of a Project
Manager are overall project planning, distributing resources, time management, risk management,
creating benchmarks, managing the budget, managing staff, and managing relationships with key

3.2 Site Engineer

The Site Engineer plays a main role in operating the project complying with quality and safety standards
ensuring the project goals are met in time and within the budget. The site Engineer shall also thoroughly
understand the project scope, construction specifications, instruction and drawings and shall direct his
team and implement the construction procedures accordingly.

The site Engineer shall prepare and maintain progress reports, drawing files, site instruction records,
inventory records, daily and monthly labour records, daily and monthly productivity reports, weather
records and other project requirements on frequencies necessary.

3.3 HSE Officer

The Health, Safety and Environment officer shall ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance
with the approved HSE Plan. He will be closely monitoring the Site Engineer’s strict implementation of the
MS and Risk Assessment, the use of proper tools and equipment to maintain safety, certifications of
equipment and their adherence to safety regulations, reporting of any unsafe work or stopping work that
does not comply with HSE procedures. Will advise for Health & Safety requirements and monitor the
Hazard controls implemented on site as per the Method Statement/Risk assessment.

3.4 Pile Boring Supervisor

The pile boring supervisor is responsible for the quality of the boring work and safety of workmen
involved. He shall make all necessary arrangements for tools and materials to smoothly and safely
conduct pile boring activities. The supervisor shall ensure the stability of the pile hole preventing any
possible collapses by taking measures to adequately pump in bentonite. Collection of soil and rock
samples at the presence of the Engineer, labeling and packing samples in chronological order and
maintaining the pile boring record up to date are all responsibilities of the pile boring supervisor. He shall
also ensure the quality of bentonite by conducting necessary tests prior to and during the flushing
process of the pile.

3.5 Concrete Supervisor

The concrete supervisor is responsible for the quality of all concrete related work at site and the safety of
workmen involved in concrete work. He shall make all necessary arrangements for tools and materials to
smoothly and safely conduct concrete activities and also ensure that testing kits for concrete quality tests
are readily available at site. The supervisor shall carry out all quality tests for concrete at the presence of
the Engineer and record the results accordingly.

3.6 Surveyor

The surveyor shall ensure all survey equipment used at site are in acceptable working condition and
possess valid calibration certificates. Establishing control points, temporary bench marks and pile
coordinates at site and preparing survey plans and drawings are the major responsibilities of the
surveyor. In addition to these responsibilities the surveyor shall time to time assist the Engineers by
providing level and coordinate details as required.

3.7 Store Keeper

The store keeper is responsible for recording store material receipt and consumption on a daily basis,
checking stocks as per records, receiving materials, stocking and recording of receipts and assisting the
Engineer to prepare quality reports of the received materials. The store keeper also issues materials as
per the indent for different works. In addition the store keeper is necessary to conduct general
supervision on the site regarding wastage of material and improper usage of material.

3.8 Mechanic

Mechanic is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all machinery, equipment and plant involved
in the project execution. He shall maintain the machinery repair records, machinery maintenance records
and third party equipment certification reports in concurrence with the store keeper.

3.9 Electrician

The Electrician is responsible for connecting and testing all electrical contacts and system for machinery,
plants and small power requirements at offices and stores. He shall ensure that all electrical works are in
compliance with the Electrical Standards and shall maintain inventory and maintenance records.

3.10 Welder

Responsible for all welding works needed for the work performing a variety of welding functions. He shall
ensure that working platforms/ areas are assembled safely to carry out safe hot work. Necessary
inventory and safety records shall be maintained by the welder in concurrence with the store keeper and
HSE officer respectively.

3.11 Equipment Operator

The equipment operator shall be well trained and certified personnel with experience and a better
understanding of his or her work. The equipment operator shall be medically fit to perform such
equipment handling and maneuvering. The operator shall immediately inform authorities if identified any
defects or malfunctioning in the equipment. The operator shall assist the mechanic in maintaining the
equipment maintenance and repair records along with third party certification reports.

4. Materials
4.1 Concrete

Concrete Mix shall conform to BS 5328, Part 1 or the relevant Eurocode. The workability of the concrete
shall be decided according to the requirements stipulated in the project. The concrete mix should have a
water/cement ratio not exceeding 0.6.

The cement content in any mix shall be not less than 300 kg/m 3. However when the concrete is placed
under water or drilling mud by tremie, the cement content shall not be less than 380 kg/m 3. Yet the
maximum cement content in any mix shall not exceed 550 kg/m 3.

When designed mixes are specified trial mixes shall be prepared for each grade of concrete in accordance
with BS 1881 or the relevant Eurocode. The workability of each batch of trial mixes shall be determined
by the slump test as described in BS 1881 or the relevant Eurocode or by an alternative approved

4.2 Steel Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement shall conform to SLS 375, BS 4449 or the relevant Eurocode. Steel reinforcement
shall be stored in clean conditions. It shall be clean and free from loose rust and loose mill scale at the
time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting. The grade of the steel shall be as specified by the

Joints in longitudinal steel bars shall be such that the full strength of bar is effective across the joint and
there is no relative displacement of the reinforcement during the construction of the pile.

4.3 Bentonite

Bentonite as supplied to the site and prior to mixing shall be in accordance with the specifications DFCP 4
of the Oil Companies Material Association, London. A certificate shall be obtained by the contractor from
the manufacturer of the Bentonite powder showing the properties of each consignment delivered to the
site. This certificate shall be obtained by the contractor from the manufacturer of the Bentonite powder
showing the properties of each consignment delivered to the site. This certificate shall be made available
to the Engineer on request.

5. Piling Methodology and Procedure
5.1 General
 Ensure all pile layout drawings, survey drawings, pile design coordinates, structural design
details, underground services and other relevant instructions from the Engineer are approved
and thoroughly understood.
 Temporary Bench Marks (TBM) and Control Points (CP) shall be established at site by the
surveyor which shall assist him or her in locating pile coordinates at latter stages. Approval shall
be taken from the Engineer for all such TBMs and CPs.

 Approval shall be taken for “Material Submittals” for reinforcement, concrete, bentonite and
any other required material with necessary test results presented.

 Prepare the pile construction sequence taking into account the limits detailed below;
(a) Clear distance between the circumferences of an “already casted pile” and a “new pile
considered for boring” shall be at least 5 times the diameter of the largest pile of the two.
(b) If the clear distance is lesser than mentioned above, a period of 3 days shall be allowed
from the cast date of first pile to starting boring work for the next pile.
Approval of the pile sequence shall be obtained from the Engineer.

 Ensure all construction tools and machinery are in safely working condition and also sufficient
quantities of approved construction material are available at site prior to starting piling works.

5.2 Setting Out and placement of temporary casing

 Surveyor shall carryout the setting out work using a calibrated “Total station (TS)” to demarcate
the center of the selected pile on ground. Coordinates of the center of the pile marked on
ground shall not deviate more than 10mm from the design coordinates of the pile at this initial
stage of setting out.

 The pile center shall be marked clearly and firmly on ground using a steel rod and protected
from any possible disturbances. At least 3 pegs shall be established around the pile center
about 1m away from the casing to locate the center. Boring shall begin immediately after the
setting out to avoid disruptions to the center point.

 Commencement of boring shall be initiated by driving the temporary casing into soil using the
pile rig machine. The verticality of the temporary casing shall be checked using a spirit level
placed at 3 different points around the circumference of the temporary casing for every 1m of
the casing driven into the soil. If the casing is not at perfect verticality, it shall be rectified using
the pile rig to achieve such exact verticality satisfactory to the Engineer.

 Approximately about 0.5m of the temporary casing shall be projected above the Ground level
with the rest of the length firmly driven into the soil. This projection shall ensure no foreign
material is fallen into the pile hole during the boring and flushing processes.

 After the temporary casing is driven adequately into the soil, coordinates of the center of the
open end of the casing (which is also the coordinate of the pile center) is checked. This is done
by placing a steel cross on top of the casing and holding the prism reflector at the intersection
of the cross. Subsequently readings are taken using the “Total Station” aimed at the reflector.
Figure 8: Placement of prism reflector

 Contractor shall ensure the centers of the temporary casing and the steel cross are vertically
aligned such that the readings received by the “Total Station” are exactly the coordinate of the
center of the temporary casing or the coordinate of the center of the pile.

 Pile center coordinates shall not deviate more than 25mm from the design coordinates at this

 The “Casing top level” and the “Ground Level” shall be measured and recorded for the selected

5.3 Pile Boring

 Once the temporary pile casing is placed and the deviation of its center is found to be within
the acceptable limits, boring shall be started. Initially the “Augur Tool” is used to remove loose
and moderately hard soil from the bore hole. However when the rock layer is reached, the
“Core Barrel” and the “Augur Tool” shall be alternatively used for boring as per the site

 Samples of soil and rock layers recovered from boring shall be collected in a “Sample collection
box” along with their founding depths indicated in chronological order. The “Rock Bucket” shall
be used to collect rock samples for every 1m depth that is bored. All samples shall be sealed in
plastic covers to prevent moisture effect.

 Depths to soil and rock sample levels are measured from the casing top using a standard plastic
measuring tape attached to the edge of the “Kelly bar” that is lowered into the boring hole.

 Pile boring supervisor shall maintain a pile boring record which necessarily shall include but not
limited to the following details;
(a) Boring Start and Finish time (with date)
(b) Boring duration for different boring tools utilized
(b) Bored depth at each sample collected
(c) Rock penetration rate
(d) Type and properties of rock sample collected

 Boring shall continue until satisfactory depths are reached as required by the structural design
of the pile foundation. Termination of the boring is determined by the Engineer based on
design criteria and the properties of samples recovered through boring.

 To ensure the safety of the bored pile preventing the collapse of its walls, bentonite of
relatively high density (1.20 g/ml) shall be poured into the bored hole continuously during the
boring process.

5.4 Reinforcement Work

 Every steel lot that is delivered at site shall be tested as directed by the Engineer and receive
approval. Only approved steel shall be used for fabrication work.

 Steel fabrication for the reinforcement cage shall strictly conform to structural design drawings,
shop drawings, specifications and other instructions given by the Engineer. Once the fabrication
is completed the contractor shall notify the Engineer for physical inspection of the
reinforcement cage. Satisfactorily completed reinforcement cages shall be sanctioned by the
Engineer for insertion into the bored hole.

 Once the reinforcement cage is lowered into the bored hole the surveyor shall record the top
level of the reinforcement cage. This reference shall be used to cross check the accuracy of the
actual bored depth of the pile.

 Three guider bars shall be fixed to the top of the reinforcement cage with the top part of guider
bars welded to the temporary casing. This ensures the reinforcement cage is not uplifted during
the concrete pour and also ensures the bottom cover of the reinforcement cage.

5.5 Flushing
 The pile that is required for flushing is prepared by placing the “Bentonite reservoir casing”
around it followed by positioning the working platform on top of the bentonite reservoir casing.
The Safety officer shall inspect and approve the safely arranged working platform for successive

 Tremie pipes (250mm inner diameter) shall be securely assembled using screw thread with
tremie pipe strings to the required length such that it matches the depth of the pile. The top
most tremie pipe shall project at least 0.5m above the working platform. A steel cap is attached
to the top most tremie pipe to which the flexible hose from bentonite tank is connected.

 Flushing the bored pile is done by pouring bentonite fluid into the pile through tremie pipes
and then removing the fluid out of the pile using a suction pump placed in the bentonite
reservoir. This is a cyclic system that enables the bentonite fluid to lift suspended silt and sand
particles from the bottom of the pile towards the ground level.

 Suspended particles reaching the top of the pile (ground level) are drawn out using the suction
pump and then sent through a flexible hose to the “Desander” which filters debris and particles
and releases clean bentonite fluid back into the pile.

 Bentonite used for flushing shall be that of the pre-approved brand. Before the flushing process
starts, the density and viscosity of the bentonite mix shall be tested using the “Mud Density
Balance” and the “Marsh Funnel” respectively. Density of the bentonite mix shall be in the
range of (1.04 – 1.05) mg/l whereas the viscosity of the bentonite mix shall be in the range of
(30 – 50) seconds. The mud density balance shall have a valid calibration certificate.

 Flushing shall be permitted only using a bentonite mix having density and viscosity values
within the above range. Once flushing is started and the bentonite fluid emerges out of the
pile, a sample of the fluid shall be collected from the reservoir to conduct tests for density,
viscosity and sand content.

 The same test shall be continued on bentonite samples taken from the reservoir at every 1
hour intervals after the first test was conducted (in 5.28 above). Once the test results reach
within the range as shown below, arrangements shall be done to concrete the pile.

Density (g/ml) Viscosity (s) Sand Content (%) pH Value

Before flush (Mix) 1.04 – 1.05 30 -50 9 – 11

Before concreting 1.10 – 1.15 30 - 50 < 4% 9 – 11

Pile boring 1.15 – 1.20 30 - 90 9 – 11

Figure 9: Properties of Bentonite

5.6 Concreting
 All concrete related activities shall be done in accordance with approved grade specifications
and trial mixes.

 Concrete “Slump test” and “Temperature” check shall be conducted at the concrete batching
plant prior to dispatch of concrete to the site. Results of those tests along with concrete
dispatch time shall be clearly indicated in the concrete pour card issued to the site. Contractor
shall also ensure that 06 no’s of test cubes are cast at the batching plant which shall serve as
test specimens if required.

 Once the concrete reaches the site “Slump test” and “Temperature” check shall be conducted
at the presence of the Engineer. The slump shall be within the acceptable range agreed in
advance by the Engineer. The concrete temperature shall always be below 30 0 Celsius. The
thermometer used shall have valid calibration certificate.

 At the presence of the Engineer, the contractor shall cast 8 no’s of test cubes which shall be
used for 7 days and 28 days compressive strength tests. All concrete moulds shall be in perfect
condition without damages, bulges and dents. Foam oil shall be applied inside moulds to
enable easy removal of test cubes after hardening. All test cubes shall be marked indicating the
Pile Number, Date of cast, Test cube number and carry the Engineer’s witness seal.

 Test cubes in moulds shall be adequately moisturized until sent into curing tanks. Damped
heissen clothes will be placed on moulds to achieve adequate moist conditions.

 Concrete that is only of acceptable quality with respect to the tests conducted at site shall be
allowed to be poured into piles. Pile flushing will be terminated just before the concrete pour is
commenced. Concrete is poured into piles through a hop that is attached to the tremie pipe.
 Initially a lid will be placed over the funnel of the hop preventing concrete flow into tremies.
Once concrete is filled up to the top of the hop, the lid will be removed using the crane, which
results in the whole lot of concrete forcing under gravity into the pile through tremies. This
ensures no blockage of concrete halfway in the tremie.

 During the concrete pour the base end of the tremie pipe shall be embedded at least 2m inside
the concrete.

 Concrete shall be poured at least to a pre agreed height above the cutoff level which shall
necessarily cover the steel anchorage provided above the cutoff level. A weight attached to a
string is lowered into the pile to ensure whether the required concrete pour level is achieved.

 Once the concrete pour is completed the temporary steel casing is removed. This shall be done
within a time period such that the concrete remains fresh.


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