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MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION, {5 OPERATION AND a= MANUAL ee ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS [NSTRUGTION FOR CONVERSION OF NUSNUTYPE GEAR UNITS ITO VARIOUS MCUNTING POSTIONS WORM WOM WHEE. REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS SEAAINGASSENDLY SECTIONAL ARAANGEMENT FOR SFUSEARS )INTRODUCTION ‘Thankyou or choosing ELECON gearbox the valolead mong reputed gear manufacturers Inna, We sincerely Feajuest you to go through this operation and maintenance ‘manual, before you start using this product. This mana Is designed caretuly covering all important sapects and features of te gear box ‘To obtain waranty series or paid ater sales sonvces for four produt, contact EMTICI Engineering Limtes office rearest to you. An aderessitelepnonefaxie-mail st of EMTIC\ tfices provides onto back cover of ho manual ‘The proper working of a gear unit depends on careful Installation, correct grade of brant and goed working ondtions. Henee, tie most important to ee that the installation o! gears cone according the nsirvetions Given in this manual to ensure proper noring of th ge Unt, and fo ensure along and rouble treo series. 2)INSTALLATION ELECON worm reduetion gear units ere supplied in completely assembles condition wihout ol. The sha ends fare coated with ant-corressive agents which are to femavedoniy by sutablesovens. nro case, shafts should be scraped on fle 2.) TRANSPORTATION ‘The gear units should be ited by making the use ofthe eyebots o” integrally cast lugs. These aFe designed for ‘he weight o! the gar unis ony and ne accessories should be ited alenguith the gear uns, In no case shalt ends should be used for handling the uns. NUISNU models, Verlea gear unis shou be ited by using eye bol ied ‘on the goar unis. The complete method ong is shown Inthe ges band.eNot fo lift the gear unt as shown in ‘in dae. on Fine 22) Hand Changing. (a) 13 to" Nusnu “his is achieved easily anc quicly by just replacing the cap from one end tothe other end of the worm shaft as shown inFig. 18 Fug.2 (8) NUISNU models 354° to 10.5" and hal other tyes of goar unjust replace the fan and fancoul rom one end and ‘ixon other end, The s shown in Fig. 34 Fig. 4, lig not necessary to dismantle the gear unit in any Way. 2a, “The ge’ uis supped nNUAU/SNU-Uascerled {ondion (ve anderanven mounting poclion ae Showin gues 850 ‘The gear unk can be euickly converted ‘rom Undetienmotng pation to ae: mouring Breather lg, Silevelimdcstr Oran plugs by tonal base for vericeimeuring 23.1 NUU—NULO/SNULU--SNUO 1 Forgeerunts1 2, 224° NUIBNU un upsise down ae shown nie 6, sr gear unt From & MUSNU opware Sipplasuihaleovainng wo delachable {estan teu. Pirhese et ontop othe (earn va sews, se show nie {hate untean be ued upsae dow, 2. Replcebreather pug (8) and eran pig), ng al evel nestor (theca postion 4. The gear units ready for NU-OISNU-O positon ts anon n igure 6 6) INSTRUCTION FOR CONVERSION of NU/SNU type gear units in o various mounting pesitior Fig. 6a ae Figur So 8 RR NUAL/SNULY CHAE {er feenran ge poner fee aes tT A eB hate ee re ae aa aa ae ey, see de aa, strc 8 een ec va tsi seer aS kates ae feat ears ee SS AS a EN eC eC aT eT ANVonward Figure Sb eneaaa rE. af ses nUSUN fre tea HT Fig a) eee NUSUN SeoTTT trcces Soe fret etek as te etiam (Fig ch) AMAT amb ates 8H SoH OR PTE TN TTA ee 2 Fen 8) tS (0) Seer tee rei st heater Soe sey eT 2 Mec i dae ee (LR oH BE 4. SETH NULOISNU-O wien fox batt (ig. 64) st 60) za2 my uv 09 NEY a) 1. Tiltee Gear unit soa the output shalt veel upward) or ounuara(¥) a0 or your ‘equremer 2, Aletcontains a vase serous and lg supptee wih gear unt Fx ts base tone gear uni as shown Inge 7 and tighten the sere {as shown infigue The geer unt Isrow reagy with base er NUN! 'SNULV mounting 3, Replace theo evel incest, san pleg(0) andthe esha pg {B).Removeebow (while replacing ne breather plug, as Shownin igre 4, Fil inside he gear unituat the ‘midpontatolovelindestor, 5. The ger uns reay for NU OO NUL positon. Figure 8 shows ‘he gear unin NU-V{Y) poston, ‘Smiarlyin SNU moe 6. Replace grease nppleby pug fonbase sie a showin gute avo olleaage rom geese ripple (@) XFOR OUTPUT SHAFTVERTICAL UPWARD a aera Freee A THT ait fosum aameR TTT Sarea freee ant fret ei wants eg 7e apremt ster trate saat Fig. 8% Fears ta ar Fr TGF NUVISUN fee seater ne Fine sia tatstastn oreo i Fig. oF gE ATT THT eee) Tar freitend ais oa eee Fre NUVOQINU IY STE hck1 Fig. 9 Ce, fret Nuv(y) saree ET SNU RE femaane seats tas Fife es ates eS FeSTEMT Fg 2t Roa 283 This mountings possible only for 15,2",2 1" and 3” NUSNU tater te free a ree ere ROT RE ETT ETN emu Qo aap ate mentees ar few ag. 10 Fa sie Re et 1. Tithe gear unit 0 thatthe input shat is vericaly upward downward as per your requirement Poecag eae 2, Remove allhe screws ofthe outptcover 2 Heampjatetecen a) eta te and rotate the cover in such @ way that Fis 10 aoe one Fig. 10 8 eeba eb ecm 2 eo re a a 8 sates et a ‘heclllevel ncieator postion comes 045 above the herzental axis as shown ing ° freee en eee 8 troctueatioanetsheh woe 2. Repace he dain pug 0) an bese z 190) ata tte spree poston Bg) nat toe appopetn Spire mny dw oe 4. The gear uritean be mounted horzontally by using addtional support which is supplied on request, 5. The gear unt is reagy for NU-H (X)NU HIM) poston. 24 FOUNDATION CCorrectinstalation ofthe goaraystem is essential to achieve good portormance. The goar unit mustbe rigdly connected to the foundation which must also be ngid and have a fl mounting surface. I the foundation on base plete structure fs inorrecly esigned or consinted, shaft misalgnment, vibration, Bearing demage and even shal or housing breakage can resll ‘The best practice is to instal the gear box on rigid canerete foundations, however in some applications the gear boxes are required to be mounted on machining stuctue especially in cement and chemical plats While the gear units installed on structural foundation, care shouldbe taken that gear unt is mounted on a combined base pla with drving moter and sufciet areas shouldbe there to propery align the input and output couplings. Packing shouldbe places So that upport fe given Inthe plane of coupling face 25 COUPLING AND SYSTEM ALIGNMENT In order to minimise wear, vibration and coupling problem, it is must thatthe accurate alignment between coupling hubs on Connected shat ie esserialy achieved, 5 . of coupling I not a straight edge, should be used in conjuction with feeler gauge ta hall the diferonce in dametor. Here also checking should be dore every 80 dog, while ‘mounting both couping halves simutaneoushy. 25.4 SAFETY PRECAUTION ‘The clont should protect the coupling, rotating shat extensions ete. with saety guards 3 LUBRICATION oar units are supplied in completely assembled condition without oil and must ietiled with he correct grade of ibicantto te corect evel, Rell, ofcieney ana wear ree operation mainly depend on lubricant use. Overiling of lubricant Fosultsn averhestng ana leakage. 2.5.1. Ensure correct gap between two couping haves. 2.5.2. Angulaty errr shou be corrected by using fear gauge shown In gure ‘Vand arvng at constant gap measures avery 80 eg. of rotation o! the coupling halves simutaneouslyDiterence between clearencesmeasuied Atopposte pocttons shoul be less than 0.25mnv100 mm eusie dareter 253. Eccontcity ror can be corrected by using staight edge. as shown in ‘igure 12 when beth coupling halves the same outside Gameters RECOMMENDED LUBRICANT - ISO VG 320 MINERAL OIL, BRAND, ‘GRADE Briish Petcloun (08 320 or GRXPS2O Gastro ‘Apa Zn 820 oF Alpha Sp 380 or Tribol 110/320 IGA Caton ‘Merona 220 Eso Terese 920 or Spartan 320 Tucks Tenolin CXC 520 Mobi 01. MobilTE O1 AA or Mobigear 632 Stelle, ‘itera 011320 or Omela 220 Kisber Kluber it GEM 1-320 indian Brande Bharat Povroeum Gabor 320 Fiche Fenalin OKC 320 Caatral ‘Alpha Zh 820 or Alpha Sp 320 or Tbo Gal ‘Guifhermeny $20 or Gur EP S20 Findsian Patelour ENKIo 320 rParhan EP S20 Traian OH ‘Servarneah SP 320 oF Servoayaiom 320 or Servomeah FEII Veodat ‘Avalon 320 Kober Kiuber ol GEMT-320 Recommended Grease : For lo speed of operations. Below SO RPM, splash libieaton isnot sutfcient and bearings are required i be grease packed, Brand Grade Castrol EPL2 Ineian OF SServogem EP 2 Hindustan Petroleum HP UTHON EP 2 POLYGLYCOL BASED SYNTHETICLUBRICANT USE OF POLYGLYCOL BASED SYNTHETIC LUSAICANTIS ALSO ADVISABLE TOIMPROVE THE TRANSMITTING CAPACITY (RATING) (OF GEARUNTS MIN20%AS COMPARED WITHUSE OF MINERAL Ol AT SAME WORKING TEMPERATURE. THIS GEAR OM SHOWS Approved Synthetic Lubricants Brand Grade Castrol “Tivo! 800-220 Fuche Renolin PG 220 Khiver Klubersynth GH 6-220 ‘Special Note : Sythe Lubiants must rot be med wth any cher ype ofl. The gear unt musi betushes while changing oor breant Firat change of el shouldbe made after 50 houre of operation, ‘Subsequent oll change must be made after every 3000 hours of operation. The interval should not exceed 12 menths. Cleanliness ofl! sof prime importance and tis imperative tots the gear unitwith hshing al betoreefiling,Fidis tobe eranes ctcomplatal betere lg tho esha i of two dlitrent manufacturers should not ugh they may be of equivalent “Tre unt reay tobe pu int operation Sos ratneedeat make any asustmentin he assem, + Maxiqum rise in ll temperature 83°C under full loud with amblent temperature 35°C an a OIL LEVEL MONITORING ‘Aunt are supped wth ie: plug ahien alee ate a «breather ate top ofthe unit. In most eases, hereisan allel incestor (Koabiype)seeuedtothe goat unl and ale al evel nator (glass tube nerd inthe pip) proudest the sie of he goa Un ‘Tre listo be lledup dug satcnary postion ihe conve incase ofthe knob ype ole has tube, indestor onto the ma given onthe Tre illevl shouldbe examined peideely and should nttal below theteve, “The gear unitistobestoppesbetore you check he oilleve positon, required, he require amount of i shoul be led again. Its essentalo ensure tat he breather plug hole kept clea ales, This may ead tolleakege andthe inhaleton of orlgn mater through theo eal ch could ease the ina ty ofthe gear unto vets reel Especially in tower ratios 6:1 to 10:1, the filer cum breather plug ato be mount prevent al leakage from breathe: \WORM/WORM WHEEL REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS. opposite the alrection of rotation to Inerdrto bain the bet performance tem apa! warm gears, li essen. when mounting them inthe gear un, they shuld be ssdustedcovecty ‘ven below are seme noes on assembly for all worm gear mounting that wil be of pavicular use to users of ELECON wot gear METHOD OF ADJUSTMENT, “The Worm whoa should be maunted approximately tothe cenlar th the wom and ter coating he worm threacs wih russian blue rsimilar compound, he gear shouldbe umed by hand opraduce lath markng ante aheel tne matng nel a deste, ‘heiwhee! shouldbe edused sideways untla coveetmaraing'soblaied as shown i. 13 ASE. oo SEE. connec contcen om “Tris sate oprosonts atypical shaf assembly aterthe nando asserly hs been enanges ie. a gap between lange andease on one ise and 8 ‘epbetveen gop spgoandbearnganthe slr ce, ‘The gap observed between cover and gear case faces tobe coveredby using required sat akinivm shins and accordingly te adjustment ‘obomade fer core’ posoring etre whoa as shown in fig. 15 Moreover atthe wheelin bors drecLon a olaon ano conser both tthe suing aces o the eth anda gel a contac as show in gure 1 ‘Tris igure shows thal cree esvng sie contact on both aces aworm wheel which is dasable when he gears ee vequreao run nbath deeion oration, 42 ALLOWANCES FOR DEFLECTION AND OILENTRY GAP Elacon worm gare are manctatured uth amannar soso all for detlcton ano give an enty gor ine lonieants on he entering sie on the wheelie, Tres done by aredng the gre ih ales si contact as shown in figuras This contact abvoush leaves an ety gap forthe a ard moreove” when he “ake! delet underlaad Ine contac ands fo Bocome mare conal rich sllssing sore oy gp. -Asivingtace contac! as stounin gre 16 the wort possible conan under which api worm gearscan ‘Denn since thee ene ety gaptortheoll and moreover, any celeron vl aggravate te roble ther, ‘goat mounted in thie manner may cause temperature ise inthe ol as much as 20 percent higher than he corey mounted gear a ‘shown nite 12. The remedy 0 make te wh 3 by means of asusimen’ provided tb casign) tte lt unl contact simile hat In gure 1318 ebaines, Tnsis tobe done by Wil ana erter and by meverent of wheal ono le wileaus te centacito mevetothe right, 10 43, BEARING ASSEMBLY Allworm gear units where the worm shaft and wheel shat are supported on taper roller bearings, The covers are provided for location ane ting purpose. Ths 's shown n Fig. 15 ana proper adjustment. be carted out by Using Shims. 44, OIL SEAL MOUNTING \Winen a gear unithas been dlementid itis advisable to replace the ola ol sealto anew ol seal and this shouldbe done carefully toavoid he damage of he soaing ipo seal Ia special tng accessory isnot avalabe tis advisable to Use aplece of thin ard ‘ora plastic sheet round the shaft to cover keyways and sharp edges, then apply a grease onthe lip and slide the seal overt 5. SHIPPING SPECIFICATION AND OIL CAPACITIES ‘The approximate ol quantiles and weight ofthe various worm gear uni ypes and sizes are given inthe following tales. However, these are only indicative and actual ol filing should be upto the centre where pug ype oillevelindcator used and unto ‘maximum marking evel fo al level inceato. came ZE 9 ‘caper TsEs[s[e5[—5|_a_W] 2a]_23]_| Tam Weight in Ko * Capaciyin Liss. " 152 SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS AND OIL CAPACITIES FOR SNUISFUISFVISSM AVERAGE WEIGHTINKILOGRAMS. /APPRORIMATE OL CAPACITY FOR SNU GEARUNTINLITRES APPROXIMATE OIL CAPACITY FOR SNU-SM GEAR UNIT DIFFERENT MOUNTING POSITION IN LITRES, 2 Navin 50 Seo ry sFu “rossweat 35 0 70 espe 2 = 3 © ett 0 0 a Te SFO Groraea co = TH Ta Net it 1 0 oc sFv Giorno 0 2 128 2000 Nett 0 ss aeex or A 2 2 Firat change of ol should be made alter S00 hrs, of operation. ‘Subsequent oll changed must be made aftr every 3000 hours af eperation. The interval should nel exceed 12 months Weight in kg Capacty in Lis 3 53. SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS AND OIL CAPACITIES FOR DOUBLE REDUCTION WORM GEARS. SE Brae [2780] 360] avo | wo] 480] Sos] ana0] emo 'SNU-UDIFSMD Net Weigh Ke ro | 109| tes | 200 | 270 | 350 | s90| 720 1100 Gross Weight Kg wo | t0[ 220 [240 | seo [ ato | ots[ 950 [180 ‘Approx O1 | Tat Sage o7 | o7[ a2] 25] 35] 35] 45] 43] 65 capacity Lars 2nd Stage 25. alos eo] nf] af a] a6 ‘SNU-OD/FIMD Net Weight ¥ we] me] 15 | 10 | 280 | 985] 550] 745 | 1070 Gross Weight Kg ws | 160 | 280 [250 | ao | aa0 | ea0| ose | 1220 Aeprox.O | 1ai Sage os] os] 2 2] ss] 3s] 5) 5] os Capacty re. 2nd Stage at|s| iss | ms | ss] 7] 2] a] ae SNU-VDIFVMD Net Weight Ka a7 [e105 | 205 | 300 | 350 | 520] 720[ 1000 Gross Weight Kg Tio | 150 [250 | 260 | 360 | ato | 015] 950] 1090 Reprox OT | Ta Sage o7 [ar] ez | 22 [85] 3s} 45] 45] 65 Capscty Lr. 2ne Stage aw| sz] es] os | wf | 2] of « 4 ELECON SPEED REDUCERS TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE ‘Our worm gear units are designed to ron stistacorly forthe serie Ite af more than 26000 hours depending upon thei proner Installto, operation ane mantananes. When maltuneton Goes orev he route of rouble canbe easly tacedGpecal ilo abies hot required in ease of corrections er repairs is needed. As a guige fo continuous good perfermance #e ‘ollowing Inforeton wil prove use Problem Cause Remedy Tetieorisoverhealed “Overland 7 Sheek he actual aang * Lbriant is more oss than required + Filo spocis evel “Incorrect rade of brent Use olofeoract grade +O eal damaged + Replace ho ol seal Tec "Gear damaged Geree gears * Bearing damaged “Replace the bearng stnadegustelubreart + Supply wth oreo * Foreign mater arters the reducer + Remove land enange the ol Ursa Foreign maior Tern and enange he a * Bearings damaged worn out + Roplce he bearng + 30ts loosened *Tigherte ble Teakage oa TO seal damage Replace Packing damaged sReplce + Drainplugloosened *Tighen ho rainpkg Trpaloapitehahe ge *Bearngeamaged “Replace net work *Asels foreign materi gearing *Removeltendclean heise ileshuoreant Note The nfomation gvenherelsfor ser guidance, Kil enable temo aban saetaiony performance oe gearbox However care of doubt, te users ae aces notte do any guess-work or taxe chance Bu censul lacon Materials usedforconstrction of Worm: No, DESCRIPTION MATERIALUSED No DESCRIPTION MATEAIALUSED 1 WORMSHAFT ——2onincrs 4 OUTPUTSHAFT cTOMsS Er-a}og0MMO (Ens) 2 WORMWHEEL —_-PHOSPHORBRONZE (pa) 5 BEARINGS Taper olerBearngs ‘The mata spect above sony fr stand worm gear unt, For special pplistion depending on eral etlosd condtons, econ Dengnoticesuggessspeealmalanal andean be oferes win sional ree, ‘SECTIONAL ARRGI. FOR SMU GEARS 6 PARTNOS, FOR SNU-U, 0, V,GEAR UNITS, geveenen- BE to. 7 (evrurceorancasenres ] woorne PARTNO. GESCRIPTION 4 PART nos FoRSFUGEARUNTS EXTRA ROLLER BEARING SLOWSPEED SHAFT Distance nce DISTANCE RING PRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION General ELECON gear uns will operate safely provided that are selected installed, used and maintained properly. As wth any equipment that consists of rotating shafts and tranemiting power, adequate [Buarding ie necessary to eliminate the pasibity of physical with rotting chats or coupling. Potential Hazards The following points should be noted and brought to atenton to persons ivelved inthe instalation, use and maintenance of ecuipment 1. Foriting of gear unite bolts orliting points (on larger units) shouldbe used. 2. Check the grade quantity of lubrication before commisisoning. Read and carry out llinstructians an lubricant pte and inthe instalation and marntenance manual iterature 3, Installation must be performed in accordance with the manulaciue' instruction and be undertaken by suitably qualiied personnel, 4. Ensure the proper maintenance of gear boxes in operation USE ONLY ELECON Spares for gear boxes. 5, Thecillevel should be examined periodical, i required the ol should ve filed again, 6. The operating speeds,transmiting powers, gonerated torques or the extemal loads must exceed the design values. 7. The tving and the kiven equipment must be selected to ensure tha at the complete instalation ofthe machinery wil perform satisfactory e.g, avosing system eriscal speeds, system totslonl vibration ete 22 NOTES FROM CLIENT. CUSTOMER'S FEEDBACK ELECON CONTACT HEAD OFFICE Etecon Engineering Company Lt Phone ‘Anand Soja Road Gear Division : 91-2602-296513, 206516, 296468 ‘allah Vidyanagar -288 120 MHD Division : 91-2682-237016, 237017, 236521, 236590 Guarat, Fax Inca Geer Division : 1-2692.20657 Email Me Division: infomhe GosrDiision + Name Designation Company Primary Business ‘Address, Phone Fax ‘Web 24 Safety Instructions Selection Information ‘eo natn pore opein es Ir penance may be cue by noosa ‘Westen sharon from Beco Faring Company Link ree oper erates i or pe ving ev creck ta aks ceri aplntion doe not exceed he aouable one capaci pudl=nee nthe cent cle, ‘yer sal be sly ressonsibie for determining tb adequacy ofthe product for any andl uses to which Buyer shall ppl the product. The Spplcaton by Buyer shat nat be sje any ini waren of Rina for ruc Brose Safety Alert ZESES «Hoe reapoabe er ensSin ah pple slay dean ses ne pong Sale pune Mr To 56 ay Teak nboly nny onder Gare to okibnent + Holland reducers can cause severe burns, Use xem cave when removing bation plugs ar vans. + Make cota tat he powe suppl connected before atemringt serve remove any comaonents Lockout the power ‘Suppy antag tt prevent unexpectee apcaton af power + Resers are net corsceaaa eso re acing devise Itnaee fetires ar requ, propery S799, nsopendrt + Any oaker hae eed n conjnton wth reser most be sed rpostione in such away fo asto nat ube the racer {Stead eyonstecataiag eg. + Uning suppres ielsing ays ts to be sed for vein tong te gearbox ony an nooner assoeed attactments + Ovomung lon stjct nat beanngs ane shat trast whch may cause prematre bain re anor she reakage From anéng gu. nt sued pope car tobetaken to avd tens loadeonbotts due to overhung toad. + Testranunttovenfyoperatn. ftheunit tested proteype, that unt must beafcrrent prosucon + ifthe speed eaucer cane elocatedin a clear any aea wih acoso adeaule colin a spay Ne recoutens must Botatento veld the gestion cortanirts such et wear nd the eascon scoot iy acts eer Conan + Keaptheasster lig eanteallow vent hielo al peta, Closes vets, may exo camage othe gar recuse anit For any service requirement, please contact our office with complete name plate details National Branches Service Center: International Network: ELECON ENGINEERING CO. LTD. so @ELECON

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