Ozonation Pre and Post Treatment of Denim Textile Mill Effluents Effect of Cleaner Production Measures

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Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9

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Ozonation pre and post-treatment of denim textile mill effluents:

Effect of cleaner production measures
E. Kaan Morali a, Nigmet Uzal b, Ulku Yetis a, *
Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Abdullah Gul University, 38380 Kayseri, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Denim production, which is one of the leading sub-sectors of textile industry that generates considerable
Received 9 September 2015 amount of wastewater with high pollution load both from dyeing and finishing processes. This sub-sector
Received in revised form is therefore to consider cleaner production opportunities for these processes to reduce its wastewater
6 July 2016
generation and pollution load. In a denim-producing plant, the wastewater treatability studies have
Accepted 11 July 2016
Available online 13 July 2016
revealed that the most technically applicable cleaner production alternatives are caustic recovery from
alkaline finishing wastewaters, and reuse of indigo dyeing wastewaters via the application of membrane
filtration. In the present study, impact of the changes in the final effluent quality due to the foreseen
cleaner production measures were considered in reference to the evaluation of impact on ozonation
Color removal treatment of the effluent from a denim-producing plant. Ozonation was applied as pretreatment to the
Textile wastewater effluent from the plant before the foreseen measures (chemical oxygen demand, COD ¼ 2750 mg/L;
Biodegradability color ¼ 3950 PteCo), and to the simulated effluent after the foreseen measures (COD ¼ 3100 mg/L;
Cleaner production measure color ¼ 4500 PteCo); and also as post-treatment to the biologically treated effluent (COD ¼ 800 mg/L;
color ¼ 3700 PteCo) before the foreseen measures. When applied to the effluent before the foreseen
measures as pretreatment, ozonation provided 86% color and 46% COD removal with 3240 mg/h ozone
dose in 70 min. However, less satisfactory results were obtained with the wastewater after the measures;
with 86% color and 31% COD removals at 3960 mg/h ozone dose in 80 min. In parallel to the decrease
observed in COD removal, ozone consumption was also much higher than that for the wastewater before
the cleaner production measures. The findings have indicated that the environmental benefits to be
brought by cleaner production measures have to be balanced against the risks to be encountered in the
treatment of the final effluent.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processes generate wastewaters containing metals, phenols, toxic

compounds and/or phosphates. These constituents which are
The textile industry is a water intensive sector and production of mostly resistant to conventional biological treatment, can pass
textiles affords a great variety of processing steps requiring use of untreated through the conventional wastewater treatment systems
large amounts of water and chemicals. This fact has put efforts on (Hu et al., 2016).
the minimization of use of, and where applicable reuse of, raw For the removal of the recalcitrant organics, conventional
materials and water within the production steps. Being a water treatment methods are inappropriate and chemical oxidation
intensive sector (typically 200e400 L per kg of fabric); in textile methods are known to be much more effective (Ciardelli et al.,
industry, liquid discharges are of primary concern rather than 2001). Chemical oxidation with ozone is one of the most suitable
gaseous emissions and solid wastes. Given the great variety of fi- chemical oxidation processes for effective color removal from
bers, chemicals and other auxiliaries in use, textile manufacturing textile effluents, with simultaneous interaction and breakdown of
refractory organic matter resistant to biodegradation (Dogruel
et al., 2002). Chromophore groups, generally organic compounds
with conjugated double bonds can be broken by ozone (directly or
* Corresponding author. indirectly) into smaller forms, decreasing the color of the effluent
E-mail addresses: kaan.morali@csb.gov.tr (E.K. Morali), nigmet.uzal@agu.edu.tr
(N. Uzal), uyetis@metu.edu.tr (U. Yetis).
(Oguz and Keskinler, 2008). However, a complete mineralization by

0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9

ozonation is usually not efficient and economically feasible, known to be the most important and most reactive oxidants which
whereas, its application in one step for color removal and partial are capable of reacting with all types of solutes that can be sub-
oxidation to improve biodegradability seems to be more promising jected to oxidization. De Moraes et al. (2000) studied the degra-
(Gupta et al., 2015). The conversion of refractory organic matter dation and toxicity reduction of textile effluent combining the
into more biodegradable intermediates by ozonation, allowing for photocatalytic process with ozonation and indicated reductions of
efficient COD removal by succeeding biological degradation is 95% for color, 60% for total organic carbon and 50% for toxicity of the
generally reported to reduce the operational costs (Van Aken et al., effluent. Nonetheless, Gianluca and Nicola (2001) reported that
2011). Post-ozonation, on the other hand, may provide better COD color removal from textile wastewater treated biologically was
removal and have a polishing effect on the effluent quality (Dogruel dependent on the initial COD value of the textile wastewater. Ac-
et al., 2002). cording to Jianging and Tingwei (2001), ozonation at a dose of
The capability of ozone in oxidizing various pollutants in the 30 mg/cm3 increased the rate of biodegradability of textile waste-
water by direct attack on the different bonds; is further enhanced in water by a factor of 1.6 and the increase in the degradation rate was
the presence of H2O2 due to the generation of highly reactive OH influenced by the type of dye and its concentration.
radicals. The dissociation of H2O2 results in the formation of hy- As indicated above, all the studies about the ozonation of textile
droperoxide ion, which attacks the ozone molecule resulting in the wastewaters, dealt with various types of textile wastewaters
formation of hydroxyl radicals (Gogate and Pandit, 2004). When (synthetic or real) without considering possible effects of cleaner
hydroxyl radical concentration is elevated, the oxidation rate is production measures such as water reuse or chemical recovery
further increased. practices on the end-of-pipe treatment process. The studies dealing
Ozone can be applied either before or after the biological with the effects of cleaner production measures are all limited to
treatment process. Best results concerning color removal are ach- the assessment of decrease in point source pollution (Bezama et al.,
ieved if the wastewater has been previously pretreated in order to 2012), environmental impacts (Yilmaz et al., 2015), or econometric
remove other constituents so that the ozone oxidizing power is influences (Castillo-Vergara et al., 2015). The goal of this study was
“consumed” only or at least at a maximum proportion in color to explore the possible effects of applying certain cleaner produc-
removal. But still, in some cases, pre-ozonation may be expected to tion measures (water reclamation for indigo dyeing wastewater
ease biological treatment by converting the more slowly biode- and caustic recovery for mercerizing wastewater) on the end-of-
gradable COD into simpler compounds or by reducing the amount pipe treatment of the resulting effluent and to see the effects on
of inert organic matter. the performance of ozonation when applied as pretreatment.
A study was undertaken as the first application and evaluation The research for pretreatment of the overall plant effluents was
of Best Available Techniques (BAT) within the context of the EU's carried out in two parts; of which the first is with the already
Industrial Emission Directive to a textile mill in Turkey. The existing overall plant wastewater and the second is with the
objective of the project was to develop a “best practice example” for wastewater expected (simulated wastewater) after the application
the textile sector. In the project (CAYDAG-105Y088); for a denim of cleaner production measures which are the reuse of caustic in
manufacturing textile mill in Kayseri, Turkey, BAT requirements the alkaline finishing process wastewater and the reuse of indigo
were determined, several better-water management or cleaner dyeing wastewater following membrane filtration. For the post
production measures were identified targeting at the minimization, treatment, ozonation experiments were conducted with the
and where applicable, reuse of both water and raw materials. In this wastewater from the effluent of the biological wastewater treat-
context; a series of alternative cleaner production opportunities ment plant existing in the textile mill. In all the ozonation and
were foreseen for the management of different wastewater streams ozonation þ H2O2 application tests; color, COD, 5-day biochemical
from the mill. The opportunities considered in the present study are oxygen demand (BOD5), ozone utilization ratio and BOD5/COD
caustic recovery from alkaline finishing wastewaters and water parameters were measured to determine the treatment efficiency.
reclamation from indigo dyeing wastewaters by membrane filtra- As the first stage in experimental studies, pH effect was investi-
tion. After these cleaner production measures are taken in the mill, gated to determine the optimum pH to be maintained in further
it is expected that there will be reduction in the volume of waste- ozonation tests.
water from dyeing and finishing operations. Moreover, there will be
an increase in the strength of the wastewater from indigo dyeing, as 2. Experimental
the reject stream from membrane filtration will be going to the
already existing wastewater treatment plant applying activated 2.1. Wastewaters
sludge process. On the other side, caustic recovery from finishing
wastewaters will yield a finishing wastewater with a lower caustic Ozonation experiments were conducted on three different
content which is again the reject stream from the membrane wastewater samples obtained from denim manufacturing textile
filtration of caustic finishing wastewater. It is expected that these mill in Kayseri, Turkey. The first is the so called “before the cleaner
reject streams and the wastewaters from other units will come production measures” wastewater, which was taken from the
together to form the overall wastewater flowing into the activated influent of the wastewater treatment plant of the mill. This
sludge plant. As the reject streams are high in strength, it is ex- wastewater is mainly from dyeing and finishing processes (Table 1).
pected that the overall wastewater after the foreseen cleaner pro- The second is the wastewater so called “after cleaner production
duction measures will be higher in strength and lower in measures” that was prepared using the wastewater samples
In the present study which is a part of the above mentioned
Table 1
investigation; ozonation was considered as an option for improving
Wastewater streams forming the overall plant wastewater before and after the
biodegradability of textile wastewater constituents (Asghar et al., foreseen cleaner production measures.
2015) which are mostly resistant to conventional biological treat-
Process Before measures (% by volume) After measures (% by volume)
ment due to the chromophore groups of the textile dyes (Vishnu
et al., 2008; Souza et al., 2010). As Asghar et al. (2015) indicated, Dyeing 35 24
ozone reacts selectively and slowly with organics, it is sometimes Finishing 45 31
Other 20 45
combined with catalysts that can convert it to hydroxyl radicals
E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9 3

coming from dyeing, finishing and other lines of the mill and applied to the wastewater after the cleaner production measures.
applying the mixing ratios indicated in Table 1 considering the The effect of H2O2 addition was also tested with this wastewater,
expected recovery ratios for the foreseen membrane filtration ap- applying a H2O2 concentration of 1500 mg/L. For the biologically
plications. The third is the overall plant wastewater after biological treated wastewater; lower ozone doses of 216 mg/h, 420 mg/h,
treatment, taken from the effluent of the wastewater treatment 960 mg/h and 1320 mg/h were applied.
plant of the mill. In all the ozonation and ozonation þ H2O2 tests; color and COD
The wastewater samples were taken as grab samples and parameters were monitored to assess the ozonation kinetics. To
transferred to the laboratory in ice-boxes. Then, the samples were evaluate the improvement achieved in biodegradability with
passed through a metal filter with 0.8 mm pore size in order to ozonation, BOD5 of the ozonated samples were also measured. All
remove coarse fiber and similar large particles. Samples were kept experiments were repeated two times and the average values were
at 4  C in 25 L plastic containers. reported.
The characteristics of the wastewaters used in the experiments
are given in Table 2. As presented, wastewaters were highly variable 2.4. Chemicals
in composition mainly due to different recipes applied during
dyeing or finishing processes. In investigating the effect of pH on ozonation, initial pH of
wastewater samples was adjusted using 1 N H2SO4 and 1 N NaOH
2.2. Experimental set-up solutions. Hydrogen peroxide with 35% (w/w) concentration was
purchased from Merck. Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) and potas-
A glass reactor which is 6 cm in diameter and 78 cm in height sium iodine (KI) used in the determination of ozone concentration
was utilized for all the ozonation experiments and operated in the in off-gas from the reactor were also from Merck.
batch mode with regard to wastewater samples. Ozone was
generated from air using a bench-scale ITT WEDECO brand Modular 2.5. Analytical methods
4 H C ozone generator (Germany) with a capacity of 4 g/h ozone at
the operating pressure was 0.5 bar. All the ozonation tests were COD measurements were carried out according to USEPA-
conducted at a constant ozone gas flow rate of 60 L/h, for the approved HACH's Method No. 8000. A sample of 2 mL was added
elimination of the effect of gas flow rate on experiments. into a COD digestion vial and digested at 150  C for 2 h. After
The ozonation reactor was with three ports; one for the ozone cooling down to room temperature, the vial was transferred into
gas coming from the ozone generator, one for the outlet gas, and the COD colorimeter for COD determination. BOD5 analyses were
one for sampling. Ozone gas was given from the bottom port carried out by titrimetric method as per the standard methods
through a sintered glass plate diffuser. Unused ozone in the off-gas (APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1998).
from the top port was captured in a 400 mL gas washing bottle Color measurements were done by measuring the absorption of
containing 2% potassium iodine (KI) solution. The port located at the samples at 456 nm using a HACH DR-2000 Model Spectro-
the mid-depth of the reactor was used for taking samples during photometer (Model No 45600-02, Cole Parmer Instrument Co.,
ozonation tests. USA) according to USEPA approved HACH Method No.8025 (PteCo
method). Samples were diluted for color measurements darker
2.3. Ozonation experiments than 500 Pt Co units using deionized water.
The pH and the conductivity were measured using a HACH
At the start of each ozonation test, 1.5 L of wastewater sample Sension 378 pH meter. The ozone concentration was measured
was placed in the glass reactor. The desired ozone gas flow rate was according to the Standard Method 8021 (DPD chlorine reagent)
adjusted, ozonation was applied and the collection of the samples (APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1998).
of the reacting solution took place at regular time intervals for a Mass flow of unused ozone at the outlet gas stream from the
duration of about 60e80 min. All experiments were performed at reactor was determined by titrating the 2% KI solution from the gas
room temperature (23 ± 2  C). The pH of the wastewater samples washing bottle with 0.1 N Na2S2O3 according to Standard Methods
were not adjusted except the experiment performed for the eval- (APHA, AWWA, WPCF, 1998), and using Eq. (1):
uation of pH effect. During the ozonation tests, 25 mL samples were
withdrawn at 10 min interval to monitor the change in COD and
color removal performance. For ozone þ H2O2 experiments, H2O2 VNa2 S2 O3  NNa2 S2 O3  24
stock was added to the wastewater sample prior to ozone addition mO3unused ¼ (1)
to achieve the desired concentration. In the tests with the overall
plant wastewater before the foreseen cleaner production measures, Where; mO3-unused ¼ mass flow of unused ozone (mg/h),
ozone application rates of 2340 mg/h, 3240 mg/h and 3960 mg/h VNa2S2O3 ¼ volume of Na2S2O3 titrate solution used (mL),
were applied. With this wastewater, effect of H2O2 was also studied, NNa2S2O3 ¼ normality of Na2S2O3 solution (meq/mL), t ¼ ozonation
and H2O2 concentrations of 180 mg/L, 600 mg/L and 1800 mg/L period (h), and 24 ¼ conversion factor (24,000 meq/L per 1000 mL/
were tested. Considering the higher strength of the wastewater L).
after the foreseen cleaner production measures; higher ozone Ozone dose given to the system was calculated from the char-
doses, which are 2760 mg/h, 3240 mg/h and 3960 mg/h were acteristic curves, according to Eq. (2):

Table 2
Characteristics of wastewaters used in ozonation experiments.

Parameter Overall plant wastewater (before measures) Wastewater (after measures) Effluent of biological treatment plant

Color, PteCo 3920e4200 4230e4820 3300e4100

COD, mg O2/L 2680e2840 3057e3162 743e865
Conductivity, mS/cm 19.75e19.85 13.54e14.01 14.26e14.6
pH 9.3e12.6 12.1e12.2 7.1e7.2
4 E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9

3.2. Ozonation of the wastewater before the cleaner production

mO3 ¼ CO3  Vgas (2)
In this part of the present study, in order to assess the effec-
tiveness of ozonation in the removal of color and COD from indigo
where; mO3 ¼ ozone dose (mg/h), CO3 ¼ ozone concentration in the dyeing wastewater before the foreseen cleaner production mea-
gas flow (mg/L) from the ozone generator, Vgas ¼ gas volume flow sures, different ozone doses were applied and time-dependent
(L/h). variation in the removal of color and COD were followed. The
The consumed part of the ozone was then calculated as the ozone application rates tested in these experiments were 2340 mg/
difference between the ozone dose given to the system (Eq. (2)) and h, 3240 mg/h and 3960 mg/h without any pH adjustment. The
the mass flow of unused ozone (Eq. (1)). wastewater used was with a COD of 2840 mg/L and color of
3920 PteCo. At all these ozone doses; the reaction was followed for
a period of 70 min and samples were taken from the reactor at
3. Results and discussions 10 min time intervals. The decrease observed in color and COD of
the reactor content with time is presented in Figs. 1 and 2,
3.1. Effect of pH on ozonation kinetics respectively. As ozonation was considered as a pretreatment tech-
nique for the treatment of the wastewater before cleaner produc-
Ozone oxidation is either directly by ozone itself or through the tion measures, in addition to COD and color removals, the change in
formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals that to a large extent BOD5/COD ratio was also taken into consideration as an indicator of
depends on the solution pH and type of the target molecule. At biodegradability (Padoley et al., 2012).
elevated solution pH values, the production of hydroxyl radicals is As can be seen from Fig. 1, at all ozone doses tested, color
favored and therefore the system becomes more effective in removal was quite rapid during the first 30 min and the initial
oxidizing refractory substances (Van Aken et al., 2011). At low so- discolorization rate was higher for higher ozone doses. At the time
lution pH values, oxidation is more likely to attack electron-rich of 20 min; color removal was about 10% for the ozone application
structures by direct electrophilic reactions. rates of 2340 mg/h, and over 30% for the ozone application rates of
In this study, in order to evaluate the optimum pH that should 3240 and 3960 mg/h. At the lowest ozone dose tested, i.e. 2340 mg/
be maintained during further experiments, the ozonation tests h, color removal achieved (75%) after 70 min ozonation was not
were conducted at three different pH values: 5.3, 9.3 and 11.0, and sufficient and the ozonized effluent contained approximately
the change in color was followed. These experiments were con- 1000 PteCo color which may not be treated biologically. Wu and
ducted at 1320 mg/h ozone application rate using the wastewater Wang (2001) reported that subsequent biological treatment has
before the cleaner production measures. The pH of 9.3 was the almost no effect on the color of textile effluents. At the dose of
unconditioned pH of the wastewater sample used. The results ob- 3240 mg/h, the effluent was much better in quality with 85% color
tained in these tests are presented in Fig. 1. As seen, wastewater pH removal. However, with an increase in ozone application rate from
did not affect color removal rate seriously. The highest initial 3240 to 3960 mg/h, there occurred no considerable improvement
decolorization rate was at pH of 11.0 and the lowest was at pH of in color removal and similar effluent color level was reached. The
9.4. On the other side, at the pH of 9.3, the highest color removal same color removal observed with 3240 mg/h and 3960 mg/h
rate of 94.7% from the initial color level of 7145 PteCo unit. These ozone rates was attributed to the limited degradation of color
findings were in agreement with what has been reported in liter- causing substances with ozone.
ature. Even at elevated pH values, direct attack by molecular ozone When the quantity of ozone consumed in these tests was
is reported as the prevailing mechanism when the concentration of calculated, the results presented in Fig. 3 were obtained indicating
fast reacting species with molecular ozone is sufficiently high (Van that there was a continuous increase in ozone utilization rate with
Aken et al., 2011). Several authors reported high organic matter an increase in ozone application rate. However, this increase was
removal at pH values of around 9 (Tizaoui et al., 2007; Nakamura not directly proportional to ozone application rate. While there was
et al., 2004; Soares et al., 2006). When these truths are consid- almost two folds increase in ozone application rate from 2340 to
ered with the fact that the natural pH of the wastewater is in this 3960 mg/h, the increase in cumulative ozone consumption was
range, it was decided that further ozonation tests should be con- only from 2850 to 3500 mg by the end of ozonation reaction
ducted without any pH adjustment. In taking this decision, the fact (Fig. 2).
that ozonation at the natural wastewater pH will reduce the
chemical costs, was also a concern.
2340 mg/h
100 80 3240 mg/h
Color Removal (%)

3960 mg/h
80 60
Color Removal (%)

40 pH 5.25
pH 9.28 20
20 pH 11.0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 1. Color removal at different pH values (Initial wastewater color: 7145 PteCo, Fig. 2. Color removal at different ozone flow rates from the wastewater before the
Ozone dose: 1320 mg/h). cleaner production measures.
E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9 5

Table 3
Ozone to COD removed and BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater before the cleaner
production measures at different ozone doses.

Ozone dose (mg/h) mg ozone/mg COD ratio BOD5/COD ratio

0 e 0.23
2340 2.75 0.21
3240 2.31 0.30
3960 2.26 0.39

among the three ozone doses tested for the wastewater before the
cleaner production measures, and ozonation was able to improve
the biodegradability of biorecalcitrant organic constituents of the
wastewater up to a level that will allow a subsequent biological

3.3. Ozonation of the wastewater before cleaner production

measures - addition of hydrogen peroxide
Fig. 3. Consumed ozone amounts in the wastewater before the cleaner production
As indicated previously, hydroxyl radicals are produced during
the spontaneous decomposition of ozone and this production is
Fig. 4 shows COD removals achieved when the wastewater
accelerated when H2O2 is added into ozonated water. Thus, in the
before the cleaner production measures was ozonated at three
presence of H2O2, the ozone residual is short, the net result is that
different ozone application rates. Like the case in color removal, the
the ozone þ H2O2 is more reactive and much faster compared to the
COD removal was the lowest at the lowest ozone dose tested
ozone molecular process. In this part of the study, a more efficient
(2340 mg/h); but unlike the case in color removal, COD removal
oxidation was aimed and three different H2O2 doses, 180 mg/L,
was the highest for the highest ozone application rate. This
600 mg/L and 1800 mg/L, at 2340 mg/h ozone application rate were
observation was in agreement with the increase observed in ozone
tested. The observed color and COD removals during a 70 min
consumption with an increase in ozone application rate (Fig. 2).
ozonation period are given in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
Consumed ozone to removed COD ratios for the doses studied in
As can be depicted from Figs. 5 and 6, the color and COD re-
the wastewater before measures were 2.75 mg ozone/mg COD for
movals achieved when H2O2 was added were not better that those
2340 mg/h ozone dose; 2.31 mg ozone/mg COD for 3240 mg/h
obtained with ozone alone. On the contrary, the addition of H2O2
ozone dose and 2.26 mg ozone/mg COD for 3960 mg/h ozone dose,
affected degradation of organic matter adversely. This result is
respectively (Table 3). uz and
consistent with the studies of Khadhraoui et al. (2009), Og
The BOD5/COD ratio is usually considered as a well-adopted ~ o et al. (2014). Rian
~ o et al. (2014) stated
Keskinler (2008) and Rian
surrogate parameter for biodegradability and used in evaluating
that the combined treatment with ozone þ H2O2 at pH ¼ 8.1 did not
the amenability of a waste towards biological treatment (Padoley
produce any significant COD or color reduction improvement from
et al., 2012). The improvement achieved in biodegradability with
biologically pre-treated swine manure. Khadhraoui et al. (2009)
respect to different ozone doses are given in Table 3. As it is seen,
also reported lower color removal efficiency by ozone þ H2O2
the ozone dose of 2340 mg/h provided no improvement while the
process as compared to ozone alone, and attributed this outcome to
ozone dose of 3960 mg/h provided almost 70% increase in biode-
the scavenging effect of high H2O2 dose applied. Lopez et al. (2004)
gradability. At this ozone dose, the BOD5/COD ratio was almost
observed that the decolorization is inhibited by high H2O2 con-
equal to the limit of 0.40 recommended for a successful biological
centrations in their studies with in which Orange Red and Acid Red
degradation (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003).
27 azo dyes are chosen as a representative model. As indicated in
When both color and COD removals achieved and also the
Table 4, the H2O2 to ozone dose ratio applied in the present study
improvement observed in biodegradability considered, it can be
was in the range 0e0.99 by weight as suggested (Glaze and Kang,
concluded that the ozone application rate of 3960 mg/h is the best

100 100
80 2340 mg/h 80 ozone+180 mg/L H2O2
COD Removal (%)

Color Removal (%)

ozone+600 mg/L H2O2

3240 mg/h ozone+180 mg/L H2O2
60 3960 mg/h 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 4. COD removal at different ozone flow rates from the wastewater before the Fig. 5. Color removal when H2O2 added at different doses at 2340 mg/h O3 dose before
foreseen cleaner production measures. the cleaner production measures.
6 E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9

40 Three different ozone doses (2760 mg/h, 3240 mg/h and

3960 mg/h) were applied to the wastewater after the cleaner pro-
duction measures, and color and COD removals presented in Figs. 7
COD Removal (%)

and 8 were observed. As can be seen, color removal rate was rapid
25 during the first 30 min and then after there was a gradual reduction
in the color removal rate. The trend observed in time dependent
20 increase in color removal rate was almost the same for all the ozone
15 ozone doses tested and the final color removal achieved was about
ozone+180 mg/L H2O2 75e85%. With an increase in ozone application rate from 2760 mg/
ozone+600 mg/L H2O2 h to 3960 mg/h, there was only about a 5% improvement is color
5 ozone+1800 mg/L H2O2 removal. In general, percentage color removals achieved were very
0 similar to those with the wastewater before the cleaner production
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 measures.
However, as presented in Fig. 8, the corresponding COD re-
Time (min)
movals were low; the highest being only 31% at the ozone appli-
Fig. 6. COD removal (%) when H2O2 added at different doses at 2340 mg/h O3 dose cation rate of 3960 mg/h. COD removals achieved were also low in
before the cleaner production measures. comparison to removals achieved with the wastewater before the
cleaner production measures. For these tests; ozone consumed per
COD removed ratios were calculated as 4.46, 4.75 and 4.00 mg
Table 4
ozone/mg COD for 2760, 3240, and 3960 mg/h ozone dose,
Effect of H2O2/Ozone Dose Ratio on BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater before the
cleaner production measures.
respectively (Table 5). Thus, in parallel to the decrease observed in
COD removal, ozone consumption was also much higher than that
H2O2 concentration, mg/L H2O2/Ozone dose ratio BOD5/COD ratio
for the wastewater before the cleaner production measures. This
0 0 0.23 observation was attributed to the increase in the concentration of
180 0.10 0.25 aromatic structures in the wastewater as compared to the reference
600 0.33 0.27
wastewater of before the cleaner production measures. Very
1800 0.99 0.27
recently, Hu et al. (2016) indicated that chromophoric groups in
textile wastewaters are easier to be destructed in ozonation
comparing with aromatic structures. Thus, color that is predomi-
As the main objective in this part of the research was to use
nantly contributed by the dyes possessing complete chromophore,
ozonation as a pretreatment to activated sludge process, the
can be removed effectively by ozonation while other substances
improvement in BOD5/COD ratios was also evaluated for the ex-
which contain aromatic rings are not mineralized into inorganics.
periments with the addition of H2O2. The calculated BOD5/COD
These findings are a clear indication that the cost of pre-ozonation
ratios for the H2O2 concentrations tested are given in Table 4. As it
will increase with the anticipated cleaner measures and possibly
can be seen from Table 3, the addition of H2O2 did not also provide a
influence the proceeding biological treatment adversely as the
considerable improvement of biodegradability. The BOD5/COD ratio
influent will be with a higher COD.
has increased only from its earlier value of 0.23 to 0.25e0.27 when
As regards biodegradability, ozonation of the wastewater after
ozone þ H2O2 process was used.
the cleaner production measures did not provide improvement
(Table 5). In the wastewater after the cleaner production measures,
3.4. Ozonation of the wastewater after the foreseen cleaner biodegradability was 0.4 which is not as low as that in the waste-
production measures water before the cleaner production measures. This was an inter-
esting finding indicating an increase in biodegradability after the
In the textile mill, as stated before, the cleaner production cleaner production measures. Recovery of caustic from finishing
measures are planned to be taken regarding water reuse from in- process effluent rather than reusing of indigo dyeing wastewater
digo dyeing wastewater and caustic recovery from finishing were considered as the possible reason for this increase in BOD5/
effluent. After these measures are taken, the effluents from these COD ratio. The BOD5/COD ratio of 0.4 is taken as a threshold value
process steps will change both in composition and flow rate, and for biodegradability. In some studies, BOD5/COD values less than
therefore the influent to the proceeding wastewater treatment
plant will differ. Within the scope of this study, the question of
“how ozonation treatment would be affected by the cleaner pro- 100
duction measures taken in the plant?” was also tried to be
answered. For this answer, ozonation tests were run with the 80
Color Removal (%)

simulated, so called “wastewater after the cleaner production

measures” and the performance observed was compared to that 60
observed with the wastewater before the cleaner production
measures. The characteristics of the simulated “the wastewater the 40
cleaner production measures” prepared using real wastewater 2760 mg/h
samples from indigo dyeing and finishing processes of the mill is 20 3240 mg/h
given in Table 2. As can be seen, in comparison to “the wastewater 3960 mg/h
before the cleaner production measures”, the wastewater so called 0
“after the cleaner production measures”, is stronger with respect to 0 20 40 60 80 100
color and COD parameters. This situation arises firstly from the
Time (min)
foreseen return of concentrate or reject stream from membrane
filtration of indigo dyeing wastewater to the overall wastewater Fig. 7. Color removal at different ozone flow rates from the wastewater after the
stream discharged into the wastewater treatment plant. cleaner production measures.
E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9 7

35 30
30 25
COD Removal (%)

COD Removal (%)

2760 mg/h 10
3240 mg/h 2760 mg/h O3
5 3960 g/h 5 2760 mg/h O3+1500 mg/l H2O2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (min) Time (min)
Fig. 8. COD removal at different ozone flow rates from the wastewater after the
cleaner production measures.

Color Removal (%)

Table 5
Ozone to COD removed and BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater after the cleaner
production measures at different ozone doses. 40
Ozone dose (mg/h) mg ozone/mg COD ratio BOD5/COD ratio

0 0 0.40 20 2760 mg/h O3

2760 4.46 0.43 2760 mg/h O3+1500 mg/l H2O2
3240 4.75 0.42
3960 4.00 0.47 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
0.4 were taken as an indication of difficult biodegradation (Kuo, Time (min)
1999; Mehrvar et al., 2005; De Morais and Zamora, 2005). The
Fig. 9. a) COD removal and b) Color removal dose from the wastewater after the
calculated BOD5/COD ratios for the three applied ozone doses to the
cleaner production measures when 1500 mg/L H2O2 added at 2760 mg/h O3 ozone
wastewater after measures are given in Table 5. As seen, at all the application rate.
ozone application rates, there was a slight improvement in BOD5/
COD ratio.
All the results achieved with the pre-ozonation of the waste- Table 6
water after the cleaner production measures indicated that ozon- Effect of ozone þ hydrogen peroxide application on BOD5/COD ratio in the
wastewater after the cleaner production measures.
ation is less effective as pretreatment for the anticipated
wastewater and can only be used for improving color removal Oxidizing agent used BOD5/COD ratio
performance. 0 0.40
2760 mg/h O3 0.43
2760 mg/h O3 þ 1500 mg/L H2O2 0.42
3.5. Ozonation of the wastewater after the foreseen cleaner
production measures - addition of hydrogen peroxide

Considering low COD removal achieved from the wastewater and provide further removal of recalcitrant substances or color
after the foreseen cleaner production measures and also the fact causing dye molecules (Yasar et al., 2007). Four different ozone
that the addition of H2O2 did not give satisfactory results in the application rates which are lower than those applied during pre-
wastewater before the cleaner production measures, it was decided ozonation tests were used for the biologically treated wastewater
that the addition of H2O2 will be tested but at a higher ozone and the results presented in Figs. 10 and 11 were obtained. As can
concentration for the wastewater after the foreseen cleaner pro- be depicted, ozonation provided satisfactory color and COD re-
duction measures. The tests were run at the ozone application rate movals from the biologically treated wastewater. Percentage COD
of 2760 mg/h after the addition of 1500 mg/L H2O2 into the reactor. removals in the range of 44e56%; and color removals in the range
Fig. 9a and b demonstrate the time dependent decrease in color and of 93e98% were obtained. These findings have indicated that
COD content of the wastewater. ozonation provides much better color removal from the biologically
As can be seen, the addition of H2O2 provided no significant treated wastewater as compared to that from the wastewater
improvement in COD removal, moreover no effect or slight adverse before cleaner production measures. As can be seen from Fig. 10,
effect on color removal and almost no effect on BOD5/COD ratio color removal was nearly 90% at the ozone application rates of 420,
(Table 6). 960 and 1320 mg/h after 20 min ozonation while that from the
before the cleaner production measures wastewater was only 10%
3.6. Ozonation experiments on biologically treated wastewater at a much higher ozone application rate of 2340 mg/h (Fig. 2).
COD removals from biologically treated wastewater were also
In this part of the study, ozonation was considered as a post- better; with lower ozone consumption values (Figs. 4 and 11).
treatment technique for the biologically treated wastewater and Ozone consumed to COD removed ratios were in the range of
its performance was compared to that obtained for the wastewater 0.36e1.46 mg ozone/mg COD for the biologically treated waste-
before the cleaner production measures. Post-treatment with water while those for the wastewater before the cleaner production
ozonation is applied to have a polishing effect on effluent quality measures were in the range of 2.26e2.75 mg ozone/mg COD
8 E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9


Color Removal (%)

216 mg/h
40 420 mg/h
960 mg/h
1320 mg/h
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

Fig. 10. Color removal at different ozone flow rates from the effluent of biological


Color Removal (%)

216 mg/h
40 420 mg/h
960 mg/h
1320 mg/h
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

Fig. 11. COD removal at different ozone flow rates from the effluent after biological

removed. The overall results demonstrate that the usage of ozon-

ation as a post-treatment procedure provides better results in a
shorter treatment time and at lower ozone doses when compared
to the ozonation as pretreatment conducted on the wastewater
before and after measures. In the literature, post-treatment with
ozonation has also been reported to result in better treatment
performance (Assalin et al., 2009; Blonskaja and Zub, 2009; Aben
Fig. 12. Effluent color, effluent COD and BOD5/COD ratio of ozonation effluents.
and Kurnitski, 2006).
A summary of the results for biologically treated effluent is given
in Fig. 12. As seen, the cleaner production measures to be imple- denim producing textile mill wastewater, and the effect of the
mented in the textile mill resulted in a wastewater which can be foreseen cleaner production measures (reuse of caustic in the
treated more difficultly. The COD of the ozonated before cleaner alkaline finishing process wastewater and the reuse of indigo
production effluent at all the ozone doses tested was considerably dyeing wastewater following membrane filtration) on ozone
higher than that of after cleaner production measures. This was treatment was investigated and the removal efficiencies with
clearly due to the increase in the concentration of aromatic struc- respect to color and COD were investigated.
tures in the wastewater after the application of membrane filtration. Both of the cleaner production measures considered were
The improvement achieved in the BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater reclamation practices, therefore foreseen to cause an
wastewater before the foreseen measures by ozonation, was also increase in wastewater strength. It was evaluated that the COD and
much higher that of the wastewater after the foreseen cleaner color of the wastewater will increase from 2750 to 3100 mg/L and
production measures. At the highest ozone application rate of 3950 PteCo to 4500 PteCo, respectively. When the use of ozonation
3960 mg/h, there was more than 70% increase in biodegradability of as pretreatment was considered, it was seen that the foreseen
the wastewater before cleaner production measures. However, the water reclamation practices cause an increase in ozone demand
improvement observed in the biodegradability of the wastewater and moreover worsen COD removal efficiency. The ozone pre-
after cleaner production measures was only about 10%. treatment; when applied to the denim textile effluent before
foreseen cleaner production measures resulted in 86% color and
4. Conclusions 46% COD removals with 3240 mg/h ozone dose after 70 min
ozonation; whereas when applied to the denim textile effluent
In the present study; ozonation and ozonation þ H2O2 appli- after foreseen cleaner production measures, resulted in 86% color
cation alternatives were considered as pre- and post-treatment of a and 31% COD removals with 3240 mg/h ozone dose after 80 min of
E.K. Morali et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 1e9 9

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