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S.Y. 2020-2021


1 Quarter 1: Week 1

The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner appropriately manages
holistic health and its management of health concerns and challenges during adolescence
concerns, the growth and development of to achieve holistic health.
adolescents and how to manage its challenges.

Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual, emotional, social, and moral-
2. Analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health.
Time allotted (1 week)
Lesson objectives:
The learner should be able to:
1. explains the dimensions of holistic health
2. identify healthy habits to achieve holistic health

Health is a state of completely physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. Health is also the ability to lead a socially and economically productive in life. (WHO)
Wellness is the quality of life that includes physical, mental, emotional, family-social, and spiritual health. It is
also defined as a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being or as “an
active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.” ( Wiscon-based National
Wellness institute)

Arrange the letters inside the parenthesis to find the correct word that corresponds to each definition.
1. (L O M A R) - concerned with the principles of right and wrong behaviour and the goodness
badness of human character.
2. (C H A L Y P S I) - pertaining to the body or material nature.
3. (T E N T I C E L L) - the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows, understands, or
4. (I S T H I C O L) - pertaining to or denoting an approach to medical care in which all the
factors of
the patient’s condition are considered in addition to the diagnosed diseae.
5. (A N T O M O I L E) - relating to person’s emotion.


How will you achieve holistic health?

Name at least five (5) ways on how you can achieve healthy lifestyle.

S.Y. 2020-2021

A. Physical Health
Your physical health serves as the foundation in achieving wellness in other dimensions of health. Your
body size and shape, sensory alertness, and the ability of an individual to recover to diseases and disorders.
Being in good physical health, sleeping well, eating well, exercising and avoiding harmful alcohol and other
drug use are important for maintaining well-being. In the consultations, many consumers mentioned the importance
of “getting the basics right” to prevent relapse, by which they meant the fundamental sources of well-being in terms
of sleep, nutrition, physical fitness, and access to physical health care. These are things that are fundamental to the
well-being of all people, but assume greater significance for people who are vulnerable to mental health problems
because they have previously experienced an episode of mental illness. Notably, good sleep patterns are very
important for well-being, and disruption to sleep is often one of the first signs of relapse (Birchwood et al 2000).

B. Emotional Health
Your emotional control is a sign of a good mental health. It requires recognitions of one’s emotions and
stress management of everyday life. A good emotional health involves being able to work, study, love and be loved,
and enjoy activities, which characterizes our being.
Emotional health is a person’s ability to accept and manage feelings through challenge and change.
Someone who is emotionally healthy can allow their emotions to be digestible.
Daily life offers a continuous series of ups and down. Like ocean waves, our days come with high and lows.
An emotionally healthy individual will be able to ride the waves of feelings without getting stalled or creamed by a
big, emotionally disruptive wave (

C. Social Health
Social health includes the ability to perform expected roles effectively, comfortably, with pleasure and
without hurting others and you are able to effectively interact or connect with other people or a larger social unit by
maintaining intimacy, with show of respect and tolerance.
Over the years sociologists have created a link between social relationships and health outcomes. Studies are
showing that social relationships both quality and quantity are having short and long-term effects on our health. We
interact with people every day. The quality and quantity of our relationships affect our mental and physical well-
being. Maintaining a good level of social wellness lets you build interpersonal relationship with others. These
relationships conclude friendships, intimate relationships, platonic, family and professional (work) relationships.
Studies show that people with poor social interactions are more likely to die younger than those with high
involvement rates (hif your health’s best friend).

S.Y. 2020-2021

D. Intellectual / Mental Health

The ability to make sound decisions and critical thinking is part of mental health. This includes
determination of continuous personal growth, and willingness to effectively learn and use new information for
personal, family, and career growth.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and
act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at
every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood (

E. Spiritual Health
Includes a high level of faith, hope, and commitment in a belief system that provides a sense of meaning and
a purpose of existence. You grow positively which includes connection to oneself, others, and a higher or larger
Spirit is what cannot be defined as part of the body or part of the mind. Body, mind and spirit all have an
effect on one and other. By improving your spiritual life you can contribute to the healing process. Spirituality may
not be able to cure you, but it can help to cope with the pain and difficulties that accompany illness. Spiritual health is
achieved when you feel at peace with life. It is important to remember that by keeping a healthy spiritual life you can
better manage your physical health. Our physical bodies need us to feel at peace. This allows them time to rest and
recover (


I. Reflect on yourself. Rate each dimension of health from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) by putting a check mark on
the column that Dimension of Health 5 4 3 2 1 represents your answer
and give at least three sentences in each
dimension of health that Physical will explain the state of
your health right now.
S.Y. 2020-2021

1. Physical health –

2. Emotional health –

3. Social health –

4. Mental health –

5. Spiritual health –

II. In your own words, write a short paragraph that explains how each dimension affects each other. (write five(5)
or more sentences)

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