Chapter 1 Weekly Summary Aileen

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Digital Business – Weekly Assignment

Summary Chapter 1
Aileen Irmina P (19/440371/EK/22297)

Digital business is the subject to learn the way to assess the relevance of different digital
technologies, devise and implement strategies, manage more practical risk such as delivering
a satisfactory customer service experience, maintaining customer privacy, and managing
security. The growth of innovation in digital business is very rapid. For the instance, the way
the Google has been transforming since 1998 up to now.
To review and dig the potential every business has, as well as its ongoing risks and
costs of digital business technology, the manager should implement digital transformation
projects that will be divided into two main focuses: inbound marketing and mobile marketing.
Inbound marketing is the mechanism to pull the customer; the customer initiates contact
and is seeking information by discovering information on an organization’s digital presence.
Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is the summary of today’s multichannel consumer decision-
making for product purchase such as the aspects or specifications of the products before visiting
a retailer. The three main methods of inbound marketing are search marketing, content
marketing, and social media marketing. Search marketing is when the company seek to
improve their visibility in search engines for relevant search terms by increasing their presence
in the search engine results pages. Content marketing is the activity of marketing to manage
the text, rich media, audio, and video aimed to engage the customer and meet business goals.
Social media marketing is the activity of marketing to monitor and facilitate customer to
encourage positive engagement with a company and its brand.
Mobile commerce refers to the online transactions and communications conducted
using mobile devices. Mobile business refers to the business models employed by
organizations that exploit the technology surrounding and allow the employees and
stakeholders to be freed from a fixed location.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is all electronically mediated information
exchanges between an organization and its external stakeholders. There are four perspectives
for e-commerce: a communications perspective, a business process perspective, a service
perspective, and an online perspective. Buy-side e-commerce is the transactions between a
purchasing organization and its supplier. Vice versa, sell-side e-commerce is the transactions
between a supplier organization and its customers.
Intranet is the internet service that only available for employees inside organization.
Extranet is the internet service extended for some others but not beyond the organization. There
are five main functions of online presence for sell-side e-commerce: transactional e-commerce
sites, services-oriented relationship-building sites, brand-building sites, publisher or media
sites, and social network sites (SNS).
Digital marketing is the management and execution of marketing using digital media
in conjunction with digital data about customers’ behavior, location and personal qualities.
Dark social is the phenomenon where you cannot identify the source of traffic to an asset in
your digital realm with analytical software.
There are three main types of media channels that marketers need to consider: 1) paid
media – advertising, 2) earned media – partner networks, 3) owned media – digital properties.
Also, the six key types of digital media channels (digital communications techniques): search
engine marketing, digital PR, digital partnerships, interactive advertising, opt-in email
marketing, and social media marketing.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the coordination of all supply activities of an
organization from its suppliers and delivery of products to its customer. Value chain is a model
for analyst of how supply chain activities can add value to products and services delivered to
the customer. Value network is the link between an organization and its strategic and non-
strategic partners that form its external value chain.
There are several types of e-commerce transactions between an organization and its
stakeholders: C2C, C2B, C2G, B2C, B2B, B2G, G2C, G2B, G2G. Dot Gov refers to the
application of digital technologies to government and public services that covers citizens,
suppliers, and internal communications needs.
Soft lock-in is one of the goals of digital business, in which customers or suppliers
continue to use certain digital services because of the switching costs. The two main ways of
business drivers are the potential for increased revenue arising from increased to a larger
customer base and also the cost reduction achieved through delivering services electronically.
Every business digital must adaptable for consumer usage. In the meantime, introducing new
technologies may not always be the answer for achieving e-commerce and digital business

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