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Sendan InternationalCompany
QMD Rev.1 of
Page No.:
15 00
Accommodation Policy
QMS-P01 Page
Rev. No.:1 03
of 1
No. Date Initiated Description of Change Author
00 April 15, 2012 Initial Release Juan Roy

  Prepared by Reviewed by   Approved by

  Juan Roy  Omkar Balapa  Abdullah Al‐Haddad 
  HR Manager  Director, Strategy & Business Policy  GM/MD 
  (Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name)
The online version and secured hard copy are the controlled documents The secured hard copy will be identified by an official documents stamp giving date of distribution Any and all other documents
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 2 of 2
The purpose of this policy is to have an equitable and systematic provision of suitable
accommodation for employees while they are employed in the company. 


This policy covers all Sendan employees.


It shall be the policy of Sendan to provide decent and appropriate accommodation to

its employees either in the form of company-provided housing or allowance as per


4.1 General Provision

Management reserves the right to decide whether to make the employees stay
in the company owned or rented camps or to provide the equivalent allowance
as stipulated in their employment contract.
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 3 of 3

4.2 Accommodation for Employees on Bachelor Status

4.2.1 The following types of room will be allocated for Bachelor status

Job Category Covered Positions Type of

Grade Accommodation1
1 to 2 Labor Cleaners, Helpers, 8 to 10 person
Laborers per room
3 to 4 Junior1 Leadman, Technicians, 5 to 6 person per
Skilled Workers, room
5 Junior2 Foreman, Office Staff, 3 to 4 person per
Storekeepers, room

6 to 8 Senior Supervisors, Engineers, 2 person per

Administrators, Senior room
Officers, Officers,
Controllers, Accountants,
Auditors, Senior
Accountants, Junior
9 and Management Senior Engineer, Single
above Superintendents, Occupancy
Assistant Managers,
Managers, and up
For Labor and Junior categories, the actual number of occupants per room
shall vary depending on the room size and the camp location.

The type of toilet shall depend on the design and construction of the facility.
However, whenever possible, employees with Job Grades 6 and above shall be
provided with separate toilets per room/flat.
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 4 of 4

4.3 Standard Room Provisions (Camp Accommodation)

Items Labor Junior Junior Senior Management

1 2
Bed Double Decker Single Single
(regular) (special)
Blanket Regular Special
Pillow with Cover
Bedsheet (regular)
Ironing Board 1 per room x
Toilet Set 1 per room x
Clothes Hanger x
Cabinet Regular (steel cupboard) special
Television x
Refrigerator x
Bed Side Table x
Computer Table x
Computer Chair x
Internet Wifi

4.3.1 Any issuance of additional item not in the list should have prior approval
from HR/Admin Manager.

4.3.2 The type, brand, and specification for each item should be based on the
approved budget.

4.3.3 The company-issued items shall be deemed valid and useable during the
entire duration of the employee’s contract with the company, which is not
less than two (2) years. Request for replacement shall only be granted if
the reason is normal depreciation or wear and tear.

4.3.4 The concerned employee should turn-over all the items issued to him to
the Camp Administration when he is going for leave, exit or transfer to
family accommodation.

4.3.5 This room provisioning does not apply to employees who are granted
housing allowance.
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 5 of 5

4.4 Accommodation for Employees on Family Status

4.4.1 Employees on Family Status shall stay in the company-provided

accommodation until the confirmation of their family arrival in Saudi
Arabia as per approval from the Management.

If their family stays with them on a short-term visit within a year, the
employee should go back to the company provided bachelor

4.4.2 The other terms and conditions governing family accommodation shall be
contained in a separate Policy on Housing Allowance.

4.5 Responsibilities of Sendan

Below are the responsibilities of the company for those who are currently on
Bachelor status staying in the company owned or rented camps:
4.5.1 Providing basic furnishings as per Management-approved list and
4.5.2 Establishing and enforcing the camp rules and regulations;
4.5.3 Shouldering the maintenance costs and operational costs of the
accommodation camps and premises such as electricity, water,
sewerage, etc.
4.5.4 General cleaning of common areas inside and outside the camp

4.6 Responsibilities of Employees

4.6.1 Compliance with the camp rules and regulations;

4.6.2 Respecting the rights of other camp residents such as their right for
privacy or for having quiet and peace during normal sleeping hours;
4.6.3 Regular cleaning of their accommodation room;
4.6.4 Using all the Camp properties and facilities in a safe and responsible way
without misuse or causing damage;
4.6.5 Conserving water and electricity such as turning off lights, A/C units, and
faucets when not in use;
4.6.6 Getting clearance from Camp Administration prior to going for leave or
4.6.7 Surrendering all issued items to the Camp Administration when going for
exit or when transferring to family accommodation.
4.6.8 Reporting to Camp Management or HR any problems involving the camp.
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 6 of 6

4.7 Prohibitions. The following are prohibited in any of the camp owned or rented
by Sendan. Suspension or termination of employment (at Management
discretion) shall be imposed to any employee violating any of these prohibitions.

4.7.1 Fighting, or provoking fights, with another Sendan employee or

committing any other malicious acts which causes injury or death to
another employee;

4.7.2 Any form of gambling;

4.7.3 inviting and entertaining female visitors in the camp premises;

4.7.4 bringing in, manufacturing, and/or consuming alcohol, narcotics and

other substances banned by the law;

4.7.5 Using prohibited cooking appliances, open flames, room heaters of any
kind, smoking paraphernalia, etc, inside and outside the rooms where
they are banned;

4.7.6 Storing of inflammable materials like petrol, fuels, oils, gas canisters,
paints, thinners, fire crackers, etc. in the accommodation rooms

4.7.7 Storing of tools and materials from the company or project site without

4.7.8 Smoking within the prohibited areas depending on the type of


4.7.9 Allowing visitors to stay overnight in the camp without Management


4.7.10 Other similar or related violations which affects the management of the
Sendan International Company Limited
Rev. No.: 00
Accommodation Policy
  HRD   Page 7 of 7


The Human Resource Department through the Camp Operations Head shall be
responsible in the effective implementation of this policy. Camp Operations shall
handle basic and routine problems and issues involving the running of the camp. The
HR Manager shall address all questions and concerns regarding the proper
interpretation and implementation of this policy. HR shall be responsible in the regular
review of this policy and recommend the necessary revisions to align it with trends,
best practices, and business requirements.

6.1 Housing Allowance Policy

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