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Poetry Beyond Everything

Lit-1 (Poetry)

Merlyn H. Arcamo
The Beauty of Art

By Merlyn H. Arcamo


Jose Rizal Memorial State University


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this covered by the

copyright hereon may be reproduced used in any form or by
any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval
systems – without the written permission from the author.
Page and Cover
designed: Paul Abril
ISBN ___________________
First edition. _____________


Gen. Luna Street, Turno, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, 7100
Tel. No. 212-2124

Not Intended for Publication. For classroom instruction purposes only.
Course Introduction

Art Appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to

appreciate, analyze, and critique works of arts. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal
approaches, this equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical,
philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone students’ ability to
articulate their understanding of the arts. The course also develops students’
competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and
evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation
for Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness
and their rootedness in Filipino Culture.
Art Appreciation as a General Education subject in tertiary education gives
knowledge to the students on the important elements of the study of Humanities.
Art Appreciation, as a course, attempts to develop in the student’s ability to appreciate,
scrutinize, and appraise works of arts. The subject also covers the preliminaries on what
art is, what its assumptions are, and what it normally amounts to, and its function.
Series of activities are offered in this course while properly observing the
diversity of students, multiple intelligences, and gender sensitivity as special features of
this learning package. The use of software application and presentation is utilized to
create the output of learners as well as Google classroom for online submission of
As a flexible learning package, this course includes course introduction, course
syllabus, learning guide, learning contract, summative assessments, course
requirements, and activities and assessments to be accomplished.
This learning package is distinct from other books because it has the following
major parts:
Course Introduction –It presents vital information about the course.
Course Syllabus-This provides vital information on the course outcomes,
learning outcomes, activities, assessments, grading system, and the course
Learning Guide- This provides significant information as to the students’
schedules of submitting the output and the course requirements, feedback modality,
communication mechanism, and the contact information of the instructor/professor and
other authorities of the University/Campus.
Learning Contract- It is a document that contains the commitment of the
learners in accomplishing the activities which includes also the Data Privacy Act,
plagiarism rules, safety reminders, and parents’ support.
Summative Assessments- These are forms which include the summative
assessment plan, summative assessment instructions, and assessment rubrics.
Flexible Learning Module- This is the meat of the package that contains the

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front contents, module content (learning outcomes, pretest, content, learning activities,
and assessments), and the back contents.
With this learning package, it is hoped that adolescents will be able to better
understand themselves and others, maximize their abilities, and build a more
harmonious relationship

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte

Main Campus, Dapitan City

Registration No. 62Q17082


PROGRAM : Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management

DEPARTMENT : College of Arts and Sciences



Pre-Requisite/s: None Course Code LIit1 Day & Time :

Unit Credit : 3 units Room :

Course Title Poetry
Consultation Hours :
No. of Hours : 54 hours

PHILOSOPHY Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society.

VISION A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized university.

MISSION Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and

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It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical, technological training with the aim of producing skilled, self-renewed and
globally competitive individuals.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates who are exemplars of Rizal’s ideals that can:

E – xhibit relevant and responsive competencies across disciplines towards

X – enial delivery of services;

C – ommunicate ideas proficiently in both written and spoken form,

E –ngage in lifelong learning;

L –ead effectively and efficiently amidst socio-cultural diversity;

L – ive up the challenges of the global community;

E – embody professional, social and ethical responsibilities;

N – urture a harmonious environment;

C – onserve and promote Filipino cultural heritage; and

E – valuate their contribution to the local and global communities.

QUALITY Jose Rizal Memorial State University, a believer of holistic human development, excellence and quality service, provides quality
POLICY training and development to students. It shall commit to provide adequate, suitable and relevant sources and services with continuing
STATEMENT quality management system for clients and customers’ satisfaction through an efficient and effective quality system which conforms to
national and international statutory and regulatory requirements.

Course Outcomes Learning Outcomes Topics References Learning Learning Formative Summative

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Activities Materials Assessment Assessment
Identify the periods in Demonstrate your The Creative Heritage of Activity 1 Hand-outs Quiz Skill test
the history of literature ability to connect in Dimensions of World Comprehensio
and criticism in the west your knowledge and Literature Literature n Check essay Flashdrive Skill Test Compare and
and non-west. understanding. with their Contrast
 History of Ruel C. Activity 2 PPT
Demonstrate knowledge Demonstrate your Literature Rodil, Ed.D. Make a poem presentati Individual
and understanding of respect for differences  Aims of Maria C. using rhyme, on Work
time periods, basic (class, race, gender) in Literature Cuntapay, rhythm, and  Make a
theoretical and your knowledge.  Values Derived Ed.D repetition to Activity poem
methodological from Literature Luisito M. create especial sheets using
orientations and literary Familiarize and  How to Study Nanquil, sound effects. rhyme
movements. understand the literary Literature Ed.D
techniques used in the  Literary Gary A. Activity 3 Interpretation
Read and write critically poem. Standards Garay, Essay writing
and creatively in the  Literary Genres MA.Ed.
understanding of literary Compare and contrast Activity 4
 Ingredients of
studies as practice. diverse cultural and A Treasury of Individual Work
religious practices of World and writing own
 Figures of
Interpret literary and the early people as Literature 4th poem
cultural productions that manifested as the Edition
I. Based
are text specific and aforesaid epics. Activity 5
according to
context-specific. Jesus Q. Comparison
Familiarize and Cruz and contrast
II. Based upon
Deploy the critical distinguish varied Miriam del essay
other relations
apparatus in translation human, passions, Rosario
theory. spontaneously implied  Based upon Garcia Activity 6
and various literary sentence in Ernesto Writing poems
Discern the issues and pieces, i.e. hope and structure Thaddeus M. that are fun and
challenges in the despair, love and hate, Solmerano nonthreatening
practice of translation. etc. Heritage of World Marjueve M.
Literature Palencia
Know and understand Distinguish literary Jose Jayson
the representative texts characteristics of epics  What is Poetry L. Chancoco
in translation. or narrative poems from  Characteristics Miel Kristian
Produce a creative ancient of Poetry B. Ondevilla
output on a key author. Mesopotamian/Egyptia  Ornaments of

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n literature to English Poetry English and
Practice interdisciplinary Anglos-axon period;  Types of Poetry American
thinking in an applied  What is Literature
study or project. Deepen and strengthen imaginary in
their faith to Christianity Poetry Petra S.
Discern the connection and their spiritual life  What Is the Ornos
between and among the and values. Difference Cerila B.
disciplines. Between Blank Esgra
Hypothesize the Verse and Free Nieva G.
prominent personalities Verse Poetry Gomez
used in the poem and  What Is
trace their importance. Mimesis in
Make a short  What Is
commentary Enjambment in
highlighting thoughts Poetry
and opinions about the
poem. Poetry Selections
 Psalm 23
Describe the
 Haiku
characteristics of the
 Ramayana
speaker implied in the
poem.  Analects
 The Iliad
Discuss the symbols  The Odyssey
used by the author of  The Ballad of
the poems Dead Ladies
 To Helen
 God said, "I
made a man
 Future Plans

Analyze the author’s

idea of good and evil.

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Deploy reading and Formulate a poem in Persia – Rubaiyat Heritage of Activity 1 Hand-outs Quiz and Skill test
writing strategies in the their own words. World Interpret Essay writing
production of materials England – Sonnet Literature Figurative Flashdrive Compare and
for a variety of rhetorical Compare Marlowe and XXIX Language with PPT Skill test Contrast
contexts, including Raleigh’s poems. Ruel C. presentati
creative production. The Passionate to Rodil, Ed.D. Activity 2 on Interpretation
Discover the symbols of His Love Maria C. Visualizing
The students should be the roads in our lives. Cuntapay, Activity Poem
able to write an essay The Nymphs Reply Ed.D Activity 3 sheets analysis chart
that draws on a range of Discover the symbol of to the Shepherd Luisito M. Compare –
critical concepts. the light in the life of Nanquil, Contrast Chart
poet and the literary Love Poems Ed.D
Translate the literary text devices use by the Gary A.
in a chosen genre with author in the poems. Sonnet CXXV Garay,
an accompanying critical MA.Ed.
introduction. The Revenant
A Treasury of
New Heart World
Literature 4th
Love is a surgeon Edition

Seizure Jesus Q.
The Road not Miriam del
Taken Rosario
Prayers of Steel Ernesto
Thaddeus M.
Piece Prayer Solmerano
Marjueve M.
On His Blindness Palencia
Jose Jayson
The Lamb L. Chancoco
Miel Kristian
The Tiger B. Ondevilla

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Sonnet 18 English and
Complaints Literature

A mighty Fotress is Petra S.

our God Ornos
Cerila B.
Tomorrow Esgra
Nieva G.
Tonight I can Write Gomez
the saddest Lines

Bernardo, Nicolas Caslib, Jr., Dorothea C. Garing., & Jezreel Anne R. Casaul (2018)
The term grade is computed using the formula:

40% - Performance (synthesis reports, memos, research article)

30% - Major exam grade (written performance, oral research presenttaion)
30% - Attendance/recitation/quizzes

Midterm Grade = 100%of the Midterm Grade

Final Grade = 50% of the Midterm Grade + 50% of the Final Term Grade
1. Attendance:
a. Students who are absent for more than 20% of the total number of class hours (54 in a 3 unit course) may be dropped
from the course /subject.
b. Any student who finds it necessary to be absent from class must present a letter of excuse to his/her instructor.

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c. If a student’s absences reach ten (10) times, the instructor/professor may recommend to the Dean that the said student
be dropped from the course or be given a grade of 5.0.
2. Course requirements must be submitted on time.
3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Be aware that plagiarism in this course would include not only using another’s words, but
another’s specific intellectual posts in social media. Assignments must be done independently and without reference to
another student’s work. Any outside sources used in completing an assignment, including internet references must be fully
cited on any homework assignment or exercise.
4. All students should feel free to talk to the instructor face-to-face or through media during office hours.
5. Academic accommodations are available for students with special needs. Students with special needs should schedule an
appointment with the instructor early in the semester to discuss any accommodations for this course.

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Learning Guide

The key to successfully finish this material lies in your perseverance to sincerely
and honestly perform the learning activities and accomplish the assessments. This
flexible learning package is developed with the aim to aid your learning for this course.
Aside from meeting the content and performance standards of this course in performing
all the learning activities and assessments, you will be able to learn the skills and values
which are needed in achieving the future skills and the graduate attributes to become
globally competitive individuals.
Classroom Rules and Conduct
The following are the house rules which will help you to be on track and
successfully finish this course:
1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every component
of this learning package.
2. Study on how you can manage to perform all the learning activities in
consideration with your resources and accessibility to technology. Do not
ask questions that are already answered in the guide.
3. If you did not understand the readings and the other tasks, read again. If
there are still clarifications and questions, feel free to reach me through the
contact information indicated in this guide.
4. Do not procrastinate. As much as possible, follow the timetable.
5. Read and understand the assessment and technology tools as indicated in
the directions in every assessment or activity.
6. Before the end of the midterms, you will be tasked to send back the
material trough the pigeon boxes in your department. For online learners,
you will submit your output and other tasks in the google classroom. While
waiting for my feedback of your accomplished module, you may continue on
accomplishing the tasks in the succeeding units that are scheduled for the
7. Most importantly, you are the learner; thus, you do all the tasks in your own.
You may ask assistance and guidance from your parents, siblings or
friends, but all the activities shall be performed by you alone.
8. Course requirements must be submitted as to schedule.
9. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Be aware that plagiarism in this course
would include not only using another’s words, but another’s specific
intellectual posts in social media. Assignments must be done independently
and without reference to another student’s work. Any outside sources used
in completing an assignment, including internet references must be fully
cited on any homework assignment or exercise.
10. All students should feel free to talk to the instructor face-to-face or through

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media during office hours.
11. Academic accommodations are available for students with special needs.
Students with special needs should schedule an appointment with the
instructor early in the semester to discuss any accommodations for this

Study Schedule

Week Unit Title Activities

August 24 – September 28, Reading of Learning

2020 Package
Make a poem using
August 31-September The Creative Dimensions rhyme, rhythm, and
11, 2020 of Literature repetition to create
especial sound effects.
Individual Work
September 14 – October Journey into the Power of
 Essay writing
2, 2020 Imaginative Words
 Write an own poem
 comparison and
October 5, 2020 contrast essay
Poetry Selections
October 16, 2020  Write poems that are
fun and nonthreatening
October 19 – October 20,
Midterm Exam
October 26 – November Interpret Figurative
Poetry Selections
27, 2020 Language
November 30 –
Poetry Selections Visualizing
December 21, 2020

December 11-15, 2020 University Week

December 16-18, 2020

Christmas Break
December 21-January
3, 2020

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To pass the course, you must observe the following:

1. Read the course module and answer the pretest, quizzes, and self-
assessment activities.
2. Write your thoughts and suggestions in the comment boxes.
3. Perform all the learning activities.
4. Accomplish the assessments.
5. Submit the course requirements.
6. Perform the Midterm and Final Assessments
7. Pass the Midterm and Final Examinations

Technology Tools

In order to perform all the learning activities and accomplish the

assessments, you will need these software applications: word processing and
presentation software. These are applications that are available in your desktop or
laptop that will not require internet connection. All materials and activities that will
involve reporting, interpretation, and video making will be created using Microsoft
word or any application alike, be saved in the CD or flash drive. These materials will
be submitted through the pigeon boxes. For online learners, materials will be
uploaded in google classroom.

Feedback Modality and Communication Mechanisms

Feedback system will be facilitated through text messaging. If you need to

call, send me a message first and wait for me to respond. Do not give my CP
number to anybody. I will not entertain messages or calls from numbers that are not
registered. You may send your clarifications and questions through the google

Grading Plan

The term grade is computed using the formula:

40% - Performance
30% - Major Requirements
30% - Formative Assessment
Midterm Grade = 100% of the Midterm Grade (if applicable)
Final Grade = 50% of the Midterm Grade + 50% of the
Final Term Grade (if applicable)

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Contact Information

Person/Office Email address CP number

Instructor 09124329796

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By signing this learning agreement, I commit to the following terms and conditions of Jose
Rizal Memorial State University in the implementation of Flexible Learning System.
Specifically, I commit to observe the following:
1. That I must observe all guidelines of the state pertaining to the prevention of
COVID, specifically to stay home, to observe physical distancing and the use of face
masks when interacting with others.
2. That I shall prioritize my health and safety while I comply with all the necessary
learning activities and assessments needed in my enrolled courses.
3. That I will exhaust all means of complying the requirements at home or in a less
risky place and location that will not allow me to be exposed to other people.
4. That I have already read and understood all instructions pertaining to my enrolled
5. That I commit to do all the learning activities diligently, following deadlines and the
learning guide enabling me to deliver the course requirements.
6. That I commit to answer all forms of assessment in the learning package honestly.
7. That I shall initiate in giving feedback to my instructor at least once every two
8. That I shall not reproduce or publish any part of the learning package content
without the written consent of the University and the author/s.
9. That I shall not commit any form of plagiarism in all course requirements.

_______________________________ ___________________
Name and signature of student Date signed
_______________________________ ___________________
Name and signature of parent/guardian Date signed

Contact Number of Parent/Guardian

**Please email the signed copy of this learning agreement to your instructor as soon as you have
received the learning package.

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Form No. F16: Summative Assessment Plan

Background: This form aims to document the summative assessment strategies that a teacher deems
appropriate to the course being taught and its corresponding course outcomes. Summative assessments
are methods used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the
conclusion of a defined instructional period – typically at the end of a course or a semester. Summative
assessments are requirements across all courses in JRMSU. Please refer to the JRMSU Handbook on
Flexible Learning for the guidelines in designing summative assessments.

Course Title: Lit 1 SY/ Sem: 2020-2021/ 1st Semester

Course Code: Poetry

Scoring/ t (%)
Course Title of
No. Description Grading in
Outcomes Assessment
Standard Final
1  Identify  Comprehensio  An analysis Rubric 40%
the n Check essay of the topic Performanc
periods in  Make a poem given. e
the history using rhyme,  This strategy
rhythm, and
of teaches the
repetition to
literature create especial students to
and sound effects. create a
criticism in  Essay writing poem
the west  Individual Work imaginativel
and non- and writing own y following
west. poem the correct
 Comparison rhyme,
 Demonstr
and contrast
ate rhythm and
knowledg  Writing poems repetition.
e and that are fun and  A written
understan nonthreatening output
ding of summarizing
time once
periods, learning on
basic the topic.
s and

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 Read and
in the
ding of
studies as
 Interpret
s that are
es with
2  Deploy  Interpret  It is a Rubric 40%
reading Figurative translation of Performanc
and Language the words e
writing  Visualizing use in the
strategies  Compare –
in the poem.
Contrast Chart
production  This activity
of teaches the
materials student to
for a form a
variety of picture in
their mind as
including they read
creative how things
production look, smell,
. sound, taste
 The and feel.
 It provides
should be
able to the
write an differences
essay that and
draws on similarities

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a range of
 Translate
the literary
text in a
genre with

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Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Form No. F17: Summative Assessment Instructions to Learners

Summative Assessment
Title of Assessment: Essay Writing
Course Code: Lit 1 Course Title: Poetry
Assessment No.: Lit_1_01 Due: September 11, 2020
Date of Release of Results: September 15, 2020

Introduction and Rationale:

The essay activity is a form of a written output made in a paragraph or two
wherein the students are made to share their experiences being a multilingual and
how it has helped them.
This activity will allow the students to express their understanding and
appreciation of literature as used in school and as a part of one’s social function.
Moreover, putting their learning in their own words will inculcate deeper in
them the objective of the lesson and will set their minds as they go further in studying
the subject.

Essay Activity. Demonstrate an understanding of existence of civilizations and
cultural development contexts and interrelationships of the literary genres. See
rubrics on page xxiii for this activity.

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Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Form No. F17: Summative Assessment Instructions to Learners

Title of Assessment: Poem Making

Course Code: Lit 1 Course Title: Poetry
Assessment No.: Lit_1_02 Due: September 11, 2020
Date of Release of Results: September 15, 2020

Introduction and Rationale:

The poem making is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and
rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter (a set of rules governing the number and
arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form
sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly.
This will rightly assess their knowledge and use of their skills and as well use of
figurative language

This activity will also be a verbal composition designed to convey

experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the
use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary
techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
This poem making activity helps inculcate in the mind of the students
appreciation of the poets and their works.

Poem Making. Make a poem using rhyme, rhythm, and repetition to create
especial sound effects. Create a poem with list of Words, Phrases, and Quotations.
Notice the sounds and underline words at the end of each line. See rubrics on pages
xxv to xxvi for the learning guide.

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Comparison and contrast essay rubric

CATEGORY 20 15 10 5
Introduction The The introduction The There is no
(Organization) introduction is clearly states the introduction clear
inviting, main topic and states the introduction of
states the previews the main topic, but the main topic
main topic structure of the does not or structure of
and previews paper, but is not adequately the paper.
the structure particularly inviting to
preview the
of the paper. the reader. structure of the
paper nor is it
inviting to the
Sequencing Details are Details are placed in Some details Many details
(Organization) placed in a a logical order, but are not in a are not in a
logical order the way in which logical or logical or
and the way they are expected expected
they are presented/introduced order, and this order. There
presented sometimes makes distracts the is little sense
effectively the writing less reader. that the
keeps the interesting. writing is
interest of the organized.
Accuracy of All supportive Almost all supportive Most NO facts are
Facts facts are facts are reported supportive reported OR
(Content) reported accurately. facts are most are
accurately. reported inaccurately
accurately. reported.

Focus on There is one Main idea is clear Main idea is The main idea
Topic clear, well- but the supporting somewhat is not clear.
(Content) focused topic. information is clear but there There is a
Main idea general. is a need for seemingly
stands out more random
and is supporting collection of
supported by information. information.
Conclusion The The conclusion is The There is no
(Organization) conclusion is recognizable and conclusion is clear
strong and ties up almost all the recognizable, conclusion,
leaves the loose ends. but does not the paper just
reader with a tie up several ends.
feeling that loose ends.

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what the
writer is
"getting at."
Grammar & Writer makes Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes Writer makes
Spelling no errors in errors in grammar or 3-4 errors in more than 4
(Conventions) grammar or spelling that distract grammar or errors in
spelling that the reader from the spelling that grammar or
distract the content. distract the spelling that
reader from reader from distract the
the content. the content. reader from
the content.
Flow & All sentences Almost all sentences Most The
Rhythm sound natural sound natural and sentences sentences are
(Sentence and are easy- are easy-on-the-ear sound natural difficult to
Fluency) on-the-ear when read aloud, but and are easy- read aloud
when read 1 or 2 are stiff and on-the-ear because they
aloud. Each awkward or difficult when read sound
sentence is to understand. aloud, but awkward, are
clear and has several are distractingly
an obvious stiff and repetitive, or
emphasis. awkward or difficult to
are difficult to understand.
Quantity of Student has Student has met the Student has Student has
work exceed the maximum required met the not met the
maximum essay length. minimum minimum
required required essay required
essay length. length. essay length.


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Poem writing rubric

CATEGORY 20 points 16 points 12 points 8 points 4 points

Completeness Poem Poem is Poem is Poem is Poem is
includes at missing 1 or missing 3 or missing 5 or missing
least 5 2 of all the 4 of all the 6 of all the more than 6
adjectives required required required of the
and 5 verbs elements elements elements required
to describe listed in the listed in the listed in the elements
yourself. 10 point 10 point 10 point listed in the
Poem column. column. column. 10 point
includes your column.
photo and at
least 5
pictures of
things that
have to do
with your
Grammar There are no There are There are There are There are
grammar 1-2 3-4 5-6 more than 6
errors in the grammar grammar grammar grammar
entire poem, errors in the errors in the errors in the errors in the
including poem. poem. poem. poem.
gender of
Spelling There are no There are There are There are There are
spelling 1-2 spelling 3-4 spelling 5-6 spelling more than 6
errors in the errors in the errors in the errors in the spelling
entire poem. poem. poem. poem. errors in the

Creativity The poem The poem The poem The poem The poem
project is project is is limited in has very has no
EXTREMELY very colorful creativity little creativity or
colorful and and quite and color. creativity color.
creative. creative. and color.
Makes me
say WOW!
Neatness The project The project The project The project The project
writing, writing, writing, writing, writing,
pictures, and pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures,
decorations and and and and
are decorations decorations decorations decorations
EXTREMELY are mostly are are not very are very
neat. neat. somewhat neat at all. sloppy.

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“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man;

and writing an exact man.”

- Francis Bacon

Reading literature is one of the most interesting and beautiful experience of an

individual in college. It does not only enrich their knowledge of the different people of the
world but also helps them rediscover the beauty of life which they may have become
unmindful of it. It stimulates their sense of values and sharpens their imagination for
them to become creative and resourceful.

The purpose of this module is to develop the readers’ love of reading for
pleasure as well as enliven their spirits of responsibility and understanding humanity
which comprises the world. It enriches their understanding of the people’s culture,
traditions, beliefs, experiences and ways of life of the people where the literature

Literature is a representation of life. Many beautiful memories of the past and the
present can be gleaned through the study of literature. In support to the national and
global collaboration, human experience can be a vehicle to achieve the fullness of man
by giving opportunities to learn, develop skills, be culturally conscious, and possess
moral integrity.

This module is designed to develop intercultural awareness and appreciation of

the literary arts among students. Through the various techniques employed by the
different literary sources of the selections covered in this material, the readers will be
able to compare styles and different approaches to language based on the way they are

This module is distinct because it has the following major parts:

Unit –Gives the specific lesson of the material.

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Epigraph/Essential Concept – Gives brief generalization about an important idea of the
Learning Outcomes – These are skill or competencies that the students are expected
to do after they will have finished reading the unit.
Pretest – A test given to measure learner’s prior knowledge.
Content – Provides a comprehensive discussion about the topics.
Learning Activities – This art is composed of outcomes-based activities which are
congruent to the learning targets in each unit.
Assessment – Serves as an evaluation part (traditional or performance-based tests).
Critical, analytical, and creative thinking are all encouraged in the study of the
different literary selections in this module. And since the most imporatant subject to
literature is life itself, may the users and readers of this material learn more about the art
of living through the immortal writings and experiences of those who lived and relieved
their own stories through literature.
To God be all the glory!!!

-Merlyn H. Arcamo

Not Intended for Publication. For classroom instruction purposes only.

First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for the knowledge
and wisdom and for the showers of blessings throughout my work to complete it

I would like to say thanks to my friends and colleagues. I am also extending my

thanks to everyone who extended their help. I also would like to express my special
thanks of gratitude to our college dean Dr. Ramil C. Moroscallo.

I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth

to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and
into something concrete. Finally, my thanks go to all the people especially to Ms. Honey
Ann T. Bayron who extended her precious time with me and Mrs. Victoria B. Canoneo
who have supported me to complete this work directly or indirectly. I wish to express my
highest gratitude to the Authors of all authors, Artists of all artist and Designer of all
designers – none other than God himself who is the source of strength and wisdom in
completing this work. All the Glory belongs to God alone who provided everything that I

Thank you and God bless.

-Merlyn H. Arcamo

Not Intended for Publication. For classroom instruction purposes only.
Not Intended for Publication. For classroom instruction purposes only.

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