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Patented Technology for Enhanced Quality & Productivity

Special Features Molded Product Improvements Optimized Preform Stretch / Blow

• Preform design is 100% optimized for • Container clarity & brilliance, even with The shorter & thicker Zero Cooling preform is quality optimized for higher
container quality. standard PET resin grades. stretch / blow ratios resulting in higher stiffness, top-load strength and
• Cooling time eliminated from injection • Stiffness & top-load strength increased by improved visual quality.
station. 15-50%.
Zero Cooling Preform Standard Preform
• Preform cooling provided by ASB Series • Wall thickness consistency dramatically
2nd station. increased.
• All PET resin grades including R-PET. • 1.5X* increased productivity.
• Increased opportunity for light-weighting
of containers.

Zero Cooling at the Injection Station

By virtually eliminating cooling time, a direct saving on
overall molding cycle is achieved. Higher stretch ratios = Lower stretch ratios =
increased strength & less orientation,
improved visual quality. lower strength,
Standard Cycle increased visual defects.

Injection / Holding Cooling Index

Zero Cooling Cycle

Injection / Holding Index

Cycle Reduction
Preform Cooling at the Second Station
Preforms are cooled on both the inner and outer surfaces. Thicker wall of
Zero Cooling preform improves temperature stability and equalization for
improved overall quality.

* Average figure, subject to container specification.

4586-3 Koo, Komoro-Shi, Nagano-Ken 384-8585, JAPAN

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TEL : +81 (0)267 23 1565 FAX: +81 (0)267 23 1564 E-Mail : sales @ n
Catalog No.RP10132(1) 2019-09 Printed in Japan

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