Reach Out and Read - Going Global 1

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Reach Out and Read: Going Global

Isolation Nation

OGL355: Leading Organizational Innovation and Change

Dr. B

April 23, 2020

Arizona State University


Reach Out and Read: Going Global

Isolation Nation has been tasked with identifying a country in which Reach Out

and Read could potentially expand into. The country that has been chosen as the

potential candidate is Canada, for a variety of different reasons. Within the explanation

as to why Canada has been selected as a possible country to expand into, Isolation Nation

has included the mode of entry, current political and economic issues, key cultural

differences between Canada and the United States, actions for inclusion, and attitudes

that Reach Out and Read will need to consider upon moving forward with expansion.


Canada is a great starting point for Reach Out and Read to break into international

waters, as it has the foundation needed to make Reach Out and Read a continued success.

Being located geographically adjacent to the United States, working in Canada would

allow Reach Out and Read to work closely with potential partners during and after

expansion. The language barrier between the U.S. and Canada is relatively minimal, as

most people tend to speak English, while a small percentage of the population only

speaks French. Canada’s banking system is quite profound and the conversion rate of the

American dollar to Canadian dollars is higher, meaning that operating in Canada would

be significantly cheaper than in the United States.

One of the more significant reasons why Isolation Nation has chosen Canada as

the country into which Reach Out and Read could expand is due to the fact that roughly

twenty years ago, Canada had one of the lowest literacy rates for a developed country.

This was identified as a tremendous problem by previous administrations and Canada has

been able to bring its literacy rates up to 99 percent as of the last decade. This focus on

reading and literacy in the last twenty years has created a new generation that will now be

starting their own families and understand the importance of reading with their children.

Reach Out and Read can use this as momentum upon expanding into Canada and

integrate its mission into the current culture of the country to become an even more

successful organization that can assist Canadians in helping future generations be

competent readers.

Mode of Entry

Reach Out and Read’s vision is “A world where every child is read to every day”

(ROR 2020). To start making its vision a reality, Reach Out and Read would have to

partner with the Canadian healthcare system to train clinicians to deliver the model they

use during doctor visits to encourage reading. The best mode of entry into Canada would

be the joint venture model, as it would allow for shared responsibility of the program and

give Reach Out and Read the Support needed from Canada to be successful within the

existing healthcare system. With healthcare available to all of its citizens, Reach Out and

Read would not have to work only with people who could afford to do doctor visits but

every child and family.

Canada, like Reach Out and Read, understands that reading is important for not

just the health of mind, but the body as well. Incorporating Reach Out and Read’s

programs into the Canadian Healthcare system through joint venture mode would ensure

that there are local ties within the community which will help to make the program more

successful. When taking a non-profit such as Reach Out and Read into another country it

is best to partner with local citizens to ensure a smooth transition. Many people don't

trust newcomers even if they have the best intentions, so having the Canadian healthcare

system as a source of support will give Reach Out and Read its best chance of success.

Political and Economic Issues

The political climate within Canada has been continually stable for the last

number of years. The current more liberal leaders that are in place are aiming to reduce

unemployment and boost the economy by restructuring taxes. The current Prime

Minister, Justin Trudeau, has made it a priority for the country to “shift some of the tax

burden from middle-income earners to the richest Canadians, and run a budget deficit to

allow spending on infrastructure and boosting growth” (BBC News, 2019). In the past

few years, this goal has been rather successful, as the current unemployment rate as of

February 2020 is 5.6 percent (Shecter, 2020). While the current climate has shifted due

to COVID-19, the country has been able to keep the rate below 10 percent, which is

much lower than in most countries. In addition, as a nonprofit organization, Reach Out

and Read would also not have any income taxes to pay, just as in the United States. The

only difficulty here would be for Reach Out and Read to apply and wait for its nonprofit

status, as it would take anywhere from six to eighteen months. Otherwise, this stable and

similar structure in Canada would make it relatively easy for the organization to

introduce itself to the market.

Canada’s current economy has been relatively stable over the last decade. The

exchange rate for the US dollar is $1.00 USD to approximately $1.40 CAD (Bank of

Canada, n.d.). This number tends to vary slightly over the course of time but the overall

rate of exchange hovers around this conversion on a regular basis. This means that the

value of the current American Dollar is worth significantly more in Canada, so the cost to

begin and consistently operate would be notably lower than it is in the United States

(Galvin International, 2018). Unlike the United States, Canada operates a publicly-

funded healthcare system, meaning taxpayers are completing funding all aspects of

healthcare for Canadian citizens and they do not pay for any medical visits or procedures.

People of all economic backgrounds have equal access to healthcare, unlike the United

States, so Reach Out and Read would be able to serve a wider variety of citizens because

of the cost of care or lack of insurance would not deter anyone from seeking needed care.

What this means overall for Reach Out and Read is that it could potentially expand

quickly across identified areas throughout the country.

Key Cultural Differences Between the U.S. and Canada

Canada and the United States influence each other culturally. Canada, because of

its proximity to the United States, is a broad mix of American, British, and French

influences, and they are a proud multicultural country. Socially they are very similar to

the U.S - they shake hands when they greet others, unlike some countries. However,

their languages can vary, as Canadians speak British English and French. British

English, involves the placements of ae, or ea in a word. In the United States, American

English is spoken widely and many communities are multicultural as well. Of all the

provinces, “Quebec, in particular, has significant cultural differences where people are

often more formal and reserved” (Doing Business in Canada, 2020).

In Canada, healthcare is 70% publicly funded, and 30% privately funded, while in

the United States, there is no universal healthcare, and it has been deemed the most

expensive in the world. Even though the United States has the most expensive system, it

also ranks last in performance. The birth rate in Canada is 10.3 babies per 1000 people

with life expectancy at 82 years. In the United States, however, the birth rate is 13.8 per

1000 people, and the life expectancy is 78 years. Reach Out and Read will need to

understand what cultural differences are more significant than others when deciding

which parts of Canada to expand into first.

Actions for Inclusion

While the expansion of Reach Out and Read could be a difficult process,

Isolation Nation has come up with some do’s and don'ts that will help with keeping the

organization in line to ensure that it can focus on its mission.

Do’s Don’ts

Staying in line with what Reach Communicate the mission

Out and Read’s mission statement of Reach Out and
statement stands for. Read in diversity and equality if
it conflicts with the
organization’s reality.

Evaluate Reach Out and Read’s Don’t discriminate against

organizational practices, families because of their social
policies, resources and status, cultural background,
programs for alignment and economic status or beliefs.
realign, as needed.

Communicate a consistent Don’t be afraid to utilize the

message of valuing the resources that are available
differences and similarities of outside of Reach Out and Read.
Canadian families to make them
feel comfortable.

After reviewing the do’s and dont’s of the actions for inclusion for Reach Out and

Read in the expansion of the organization into Canada, staying in line with what Reach

Out and Read’s mission statement stands for is something that needs to be focused on by

the organization. Communicating a consistent message of valuing the differences and

similarities of Canadian families to make them feel comfortable while offering services

will help in to achieve Reach Out and Read’s vision. Reach Out and Read aims to assist

families and not discriminate against anyone’s social status, cultural background, or

beliefs. Reach Out and Read will also need to make sure that they are not being hesitant

in utilizing the resources that are available to them while they are in a foreign

community. While perhaps different than what is available in the United States, local and

country-wide resources are going to be essential for the organization. These do’s and

don'ts will offer families a familiarity and comfort that will assist them in making sure

that there is inclusion within the organization.


As a nonprofit organization, Reach Out and Read and its employees will need to

take three attitudes into consideration in order to fulfill its mission statement during the

expansion into Canada. This table will list the do’s and don’ts that Reach Out and Read

would need to abide by in order to make this expansion successful.

Do’s Don’ts

Ethnocentric Attitude · Setting aside · Believe that a family

ethnocentric ideas of is inferior based on
superiority cultural beliefs or way of
· Learning to life
understand local attitudes · Denial of families
towards healthcare because of cultural

Polycentric Attitude · Setting up a flexible, · Not being able to

adaptive organization that provide services for
takes families’ social Canadian families
status, cultural beliefs and because of language
way of life into barriers
consideration · Limiting the
· Having multiple expansion of Reach Out
centers that would be and Read’s resources in
available for families to Canada
utilize the resources of
Reach Out and Read

Geocentric Attitude · Recognition of the · Still having a

existence of cultural parochial approach when
differences where families working with the
will not be discriminated Canadian population
against · Not being able to
· Accepts the understand the cross-
differences and cultural differences in
similarities of Canadian Canada
families that are looking to
utilize Reach Out and
Read’s resources

In order for Reach Out and Read’s expansion into Canada to have a successful

impact within the communities, it will need to be able to set aside the ethnocentric ideas

of superiority. By doing so, Reach Out and Read would be able to connect with families

and assist them during visits and appointments without any judgment being placed onto

those families. Limiting the expansion of Reach Out and Read’s resources in Canada

could be counterproductive for the organization. Being able to open up multiple centers

throughout Canada would also benefit in Reach Out and Read’s vision. This would allow

families throughout the country to be able to utilize the resources and assistance that

Reach Out and Read has to offer. Even though English is the most commonly spoken

language in Canada, there are some families that prefer to speak French. Being able to

team up with medical providers that are fluent in French will allow Reach Out and Read

to offer services to the greatest number of people possible.


Isolation Nation’s thorough insight and research into the organization’s best

country to expand to has shed light on why doing business in Canada could create a

strong opportunity for Reach Out and Read to portray and pursue their goals on an

international level. Carefully viewing key cultural and political similarities and

differences, creating a smooth transition and mode of entry plan, and self-checking the

attitude and inclusion properties of the individuals within the organization will allow

Reach Out and Read to make as smooth a transition as possible into another country.

When the organization is ready to take its first step towards possibly expanding into

another country, Canada or otherwise, Reach Out and Read will now have a much more

thorough idea of how to approach this process and understand what needs to be



British Broadcasting Corporation News. (2019, February 1). Canada country profile.

Retrieved April 21, 2020, from


The Challenges and Benefits of Expanding to Canada. (2018, May 11). Retrieved April

21, 2020, from


Daily Exchange Rates. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Doing Business in Canada. (2019, October 18). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

Pediatric Society. (n.d.). Protecting and promoting the health and well-being of children

and youth. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

Reach Out and Read. (2020). Retrieved from

Shecter, B. (2020, March 26). 'It will no doubt get worse': Canadian unemployment rate

may already top 10 per cent, as global jobless claims surge. Retrieved April 21,

2020, from



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