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DALUYONG by Lazaro Francisco

One morning of May 21, 1955, while sitting on a sleigh under a bamboo tree, Lino was watching
his farm, a field that he rents every year. He was a widow and thought he would pass it on to his
son Ernesto. He was very grateful to the people who helped him (Father Amando, Ms. Sachez
and Colonel Roda). He thought that he may be able to pay if he helped Colonel Roda to make
fall Ms. Sachez to fall in love with him even though he knew Ms. Sanchez had a thing for him.
Near the house of Lino is the house of Huli, a delicate girl whom Bidong is courting. Huli’s
parents do not like Bidong because he is poor and he has a bad image. Meanwhile, Padre
Amamdo led the abolition of the tenancy system. Many negotiators objected to this and Don Tito
was one of them. One morning when he was on his way to Ms. Sachez, he met his friend Albino
who was Don Tito's caretaker. Albino said that Don Tito wanted to make him the steward of his
hacienda. Lino objected to this because he found out that Don Tito was one of those who
opposed Padre Amando's plans. During his visit to his son Ernesto, he noticed he also has a thing
for Ms. Sachez. He thought of forgetting his love for her because he was unsure of it. He looked
for another girl and he found Didang, a foreigner in Maruhat. On the very day of Ms.'s birthday.
Sachez, Lino got Didang's answer. After that, Lino's visit was frequent and with each visit, we
gradually confessed his past. Lino accepted it but the woman also said that she will give it until
August 20 to change her decision. Meanwhile, people seemed to be celebrating in the Pinyahan
when Padre Amando signed them to the Taxation agreement which was the beginning of the
dismantling of the tenancy system. This matter is very disturbing to Don Tito. When Lin visited
Didang, he left Bidong a gun and told him to be ready.  When he returned, he did not see him
because he blocked a bus and he distributed his money to the poor of Maruhat. Lino wanted to
cover it up. On the other hand, because of the desire to appease Don Tito and his son, he gave
Bidong in exchange for being a bodyguard. Language Week is approaching and Ms. is preparing
a program. Sachez. Linggo ng Wika was approaching and Ms. Sachez was preparing a program
for it. Ms. Sanchez invited Lino because his son Ernesto will perform a speech on the said event
but he also received news from his friend Albino that Bidong's life was in danger. Lino did not
attend the program, instead he looked for Bidong who escaped Don Tito's hacienda. He saw
someone chasing and killing Bidong. Lino brought Bidong’s body to the church. The priest of
the church, Padre Amando, advised him not to take revenge. After Bidong's funeral, Lino,
together with Albino, returned to his farm. When they arrived, they saw people, who they didn't
know, burning down his farm. They chased these people. Meanwhile, Didang decided to just
leave. When Lino found out, he followed her but didn’t see her. Ms. Sanchez, on the other hand,
got worse because he did not see Lino. Padre Amando asked people to find Lino because of her
case and before Ms. Sachez died, she saw Lino.

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