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4-19E AID: 4446 |


Consider a expression as:

4 y 2  5 y

The objective is to solve above quadratic inequality using test point.

Quadratic Inequality
An inequality written in form as ax  bx  c  0 or ax  bx  c  0 where a, b and c are
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real numbers and a  0 s is called as a quadratic inequality.

Solving a quadratic inequality using test points

First of all, inequality is written in form as ax  bx  c  0 or ax  bx  c  0
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Then the equation ax  bx  c  0 is solved.

The solutions of ax  bx  c  0 are put on a number line.

Then a test point is chosen in each interval for determining whether ax  bx  c is

positive or negative.
When the inequality is of the form ax  bx  c  0 or ax  bx  c  0 then the
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solution set consists of the numbers in the interval where ax  bx  c  0 is

negative and when the inequality is of the form ax  bx  c  0 or ax  bx  c  0

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then the solution set consists of the numbers in the interval where ax  bx  c  0

is positive.
 When the inequality symbol is  or  then the endpoints of the interval(s) are
included in solution set and when the inequality symbol is  or> then the
endpoints of the interval(s) are not included in solution set.

Now for the given inequality 4 y  5 y is solved as:


4 y 2  5 y
4 y2  5 y  0
y  4 y  5  0

5 5
y   ,   y  0, y  0
Thus, the intervals that satisfy the required condition  0 are as 4 4

  y0
Now further for interval 4 a test point is chosen as -1 and is checked in
inequality as:
4 y2  5 y  0
 4  1  5  1  0

 1  0

Thus, when y  1 , 4 y  5 y is negative. Therefore 4 y  5 y is negative for all

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values of y in this interval.

 5 
  ,0
 4 
Thus, the solution set is as .

Now the graph of solution set is plotted below as:


       





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