Types of Piles According To Method of Installation

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Types of piles according to method of installation.

If a pile is driven into saturated silty or cohesive soil, the

soil around the pile cannot be densified because of its
Pile foundation is a type of deep foundation. It is used
poor drainage qualities. The displaced soil particles
where foundation work is not possible by ordinary
cannot enter the void space unless the water in the
method of open pit excavation.
pores is pushed out. The stresses developed in the soil
 Pile foundation is one type of deep foundation. It is mass adjacent to the pile due to the driving of the pile
used where the good soil is at higher depth (10 or 15 m) have to be borne by the pore water only. This results in
or soil having low bearing capacity. the development of pore water pressure and a
consequent decrease in the bearing capacity of the soil.
Pile is also used for tall structures. In pile foundation The soil adjacent to the piles is remolded and loses to a
load coming from the super structure is taken by pile certain extent its structural strength. The immediate
cap and equally distributed in no. of piles. effect of driving a pile in a soil with poor drainage
qualities is, therefore, to decrease its bearing strength.
However, with the passage of time, the remolded soil
regains part of its lost strength due to the reorientation
of the disturbed particles (which is termed thixotrophy}
and due to consolidation of the mass. The advantages
and disadvantages of driven piles are:


1. Piles can be precast to the required specifications.

2. Piles of any size, length and shape can be made in

advance and used at the site. As a result, the progress of
the work will be rapid.

According to the method of construction, there are 3. A pile driven into granular soil compacts the adjacent
three types of piles. They are soil mass and as a result the bearing capacity of the pile
is increased.
1. Driven piles,
4. The work is neat and clean. The supervision of work
2. Cast-in-situ piles and at the site can be reduced to a minimum. The storage
3. Driven and cast-in-situ piles space required is very much less.

Driven Piles 5. Driven piles may conveniently be used in places

where it is advisable not to drill holes for fear of
Piles may be of timber, steel or concrete. When the meeting ground water under pressure.
piles are of concrete, they are to be precast. They may
be driven either vertically or at an angle to the vertical. 6. Drivens pile are the most favored for works over
Piles are driven using a pile hammer. When a pile is water such as piles in wharf structures or jetties.
driven into granular soil, the soil so displaced, equal to
the volume of the driven pile, compacts the soil around
the sides since the displaced soil particles enter the soil Disadvantages
spaces of the adjacent mass which leads to densification
1. Precast or prestressed concrete piles must be
of the mass. The pile that compacts the soil adjacent to
properly reinforced to withstand handling stresses
it is sometimes called a compaction pile. The
during transportation and driving.
compaction of the soil mass around a pile increases its
bearing capacity. 2. Advance planning is required for handling and driving.

3. Requires heavy equipment for handling and driving.

4. Since the exact length required at the site cannot be 4. They are suitable in soils of poor drainage qualities
determined in advance, the method involves cutting off since cast-in-situ piles do not significantly disturb the
extra lengths or adding more lengths. This increases the surrounding soil.
cost of the project.

5. Driven piles are not suitable in soils of poor drainage

qualities. If the driving of piles is not properly phased
and arranged, there is every possibility of heaving of the 1. Installation of cast-in-situ piles requires careful
soil or the lifting of the driven piles during the driving of supervision and quality control of all the materials used
a new pile. in the construction.
6. Where the foundations of adjacent structures are 2. The method is quite cumbersome. It needs sufficient
likely to be affected due to the vibrations generated by storage space for all the materials used in the
the driving of piles, driven piles should not be used. construction.

3. The advantage of increased bearing capacity due to

compaction in granular soil that could be obtained by a
driven pile is not produced by a cast-in-situ pile.

4. Construction of piles in holes where there is heavy

current of ground water flow or artesian pressure is
very difficult.

A straight bored pile is shown in Fig. 15.1 (a).

Cast-in-situ Piles

Cast-in-situ piles are concrete piles. These piles are

distinguished from drilled piers as small diameter piles.
They are constructed by making holes in the ground to
the required depth and then filling the hole with
concrete. Straight bored piles or piles with one or more
bulbs at intervals may be cast at the site. The latter type
are called under-reamed piles. Reinforcement may be
used as per the requirements. Cast-in-situ piles have
advantages as well as disadvantages. Driven and Cast-in-situ Piles

This type has the advantages and disadvantages of both

the driven and the cast-in-situ piles. The procedure of
installing a driven and cast-in-situ pile is as follows: A
1. Piles of any size and length may be constructed at the steel shell is driven into the ground with the aid of a
site. mandrel inserted into the shell. The mandrel is
withdrawn and concrete is placed in the shell. The shell
2. Damage due to driving and handling that is common
is made of corrugated and reinforced thin sheet steel
in precast piles is eliminated in this case.
(mono-tube piles) or pipes (Armco welded pipes or
3. These piles are ideally suited in places where common seamless pipes). The piles of this type are
vibrations of any type are required to be avoided to called a shell type. The shell-less type is formed by
preserve the safety of the adjoining structure. withdrawing the shell while the concrete is being
placed. In both the types of piles the bottom of the shell
is closed with a conical tip which can be separated from
the shell. By driving the concrete out of the shell an
enlarged bulb may be formed in both the types of piles.
Franki piles are of this type. The common types of
driven and cast-in-situ piles are given in Fig. 15.1. In
some cases the shell will be left in place and the tube is
concre It is a type of driven pile.

They are constructed by driving a steel casing in to the

ground. The hole is then filled with concrete by placing
the reinforcement and the casing is gradually lifted.ted.
This type of pile is very much used in piling over water.
Classification based
on load transmission:
End bearing piles (Point bearing) 
These transmit most of their loads to the load bearing
layer (which can be dense sand or rock). Most of the
pile capacity is inferred from the end bearing point.

2. Characteristics of piles according to function

(i) End bearing piles:

The piles which transfer its load to a hard and relatively

incompressible stratum like rock or dense sand are
called end bearing piles. These piles derive its bearing
capacity from end bearing at the pile tip.
End-bearing pile
(ii) Friction piles:
Friction piles : 
The piles which do not rest on hard stratum but derives
its carrying capacity from skim friction or adhesion These transmit their load through the layers through
which the piles pass which is mostly through the
between the pile surface and surrounding soil are called
surface friction (skin friction) with the surrounding
friction piles. soils. Here the piles are driven to such a depth that
the frictional resistance which is developed at the side
(iii) Tension pile:
of the piles equals to the load coming on the piles.
Tension piles are also called uplift piles. These piles are
used to anchor down the structures subjected to uplift
due to hydrostatic pressure.

(iv) Compaction piles:

These piles are used to compact loose granular soil to

increase its bearing capacity. Compaction piles do not
carry load and hence they can be of weaker material.
Sand piles can be used as compaction piles.

(v) Anchor piles:

These piles are used to provide anchorage against

horizontal pull from sheet piling.
Friction pile
(vi) Fender piles and dolphins:
Classification based on Material of
Fender piles and dolphins are used to protect water
front structure from impact of any floating object or
Piles Construction:
ship. Timber piles:
Timber can be used for manufacture of temporary
piles and also for permanent ones in regions where
timber is readily and economically available. It’s most
suitable for long cohesion piling and piling under

Steel piles: 
Steel can be used for both temporary and permanent
works. They are suitable for handling and driving for
piles with prolonged lengths. Their relatively small
cross sectional area along with the high strength
makes penetration easier in firm soil. If it’s driven in to
a soil with low Ph value, there may occur a risk of
corrosion which can be eliminated by tar coating or
cathodic protection.

Installation of steel piles

Concrete piles:  Composite pile of concrete and timber
Concrete is used to manufacture of precast concrete  
piles, cast in place and pre-stressed concrete piles.
Pre-stressed concrete piles are becoming more Classification based on the effect of
approved than the ordinary pre-cast as less soil:
reinforcement is required.
Driven piles:
In this process of driving of pile into the ground, soil is
moved radially when the pile shaft enters the ground.
There may exist a component of movement of
the soil in the vertical direction. Hence driven piles are
Composite piles:  considered as displacement piles.

When a pile consists of a combination of different

materials in the same pile, it’s called as Composite
pile. For example, part of timber pile which is installed
above ground water could be endangered to insect
attack and decay. So to avoid this, concrete or steel
pile is used above ground water level whilst timber is
installed under the ground water level.

Different cross sections used for steel piles

Bored piles:
In this process, a void is formed by boring or
excavation before pile is introduced into the ground.
Piles can be produced by casting concrete in the void.
Boring piles are considered as non-displacement

Pile Installation Methods

In pile foundations, Installation process and methods
of installation are equally important as the design
process. During the design of piles, Continuous flight auger (CFA): If boring and
the installation method and equipment should be pouring takes place simultaneously during pile driving,
carefully selected in order to avoid the damages to the then they are called CFA piles. Here the equipment
pile. comprises of a mobile base carrier fitted with a hollow
main flight auger which is rotated and driven into the
Pile driving methods (displacement ground to get the required depth of piling. This
piles) method is especially effective on soft ground.

Dropping weight: A hammer with approximately the

weight of the pile is raised to a suitable height and is
released to strike the pile head.

Continuous Flight Auger process

Underreaming: This is a special type of auger bored
piles which is used to exploit the bearing capacity of
respective strata by providing an enlarged base. The
soil should be capable of standing open unsupported
to employ this technique.

Pile driving using hammer

Vibration: The amplitude of vibration used here
should be sufficient to break the skin friction on sides
of pile. This is bested suited for sandy or gravelly
Jacking (only for micro piles): To install jacking
piles, Hydraulic rams are used to push piles into
Jetting: To aid the penetration of piles in to sand or
sand gravel, water jetting can be employed.

Boring methods (non-displacement

Classification of pile with
respect to type of material
Piles are usually made of timber, concrete
or steel. Timber can be used for the
manufacture of temporary piles and when
the wood is available at an economical

Concrete is used for the manufacture of

precast concrete piles, cast in place and
prestressed concrete piles, while steel piles
are used for permanent or temporary

Underrreaming tool open position o Timber

Negative skin friction o Concrete

When a fill or load is placed on compressible soil o Steel
deposit, consolidation takes place. When the piles are
driven through the soil deposit before consolidation is o Composite piles.
complete, the soil will move downward relative to the
pile. The downward movement of the soil develops
skin friction between the pile and the surrounding soil Timber piles
and it’s termed as negative skin friction. It can also be Used from earliest record time and still
developed from lowering the water level in
compressible soils such as clay, mud and soft soil and used for permanent works in regions where
also due to increase in stress.
timber is plentiful. Timber is most suitable
for long cohesion piling and piling beneath
embankments. The timber should be in a
good condition and should not have been
attacked by insects.

For timber piles of length less than 14

meters, the diameter of the tip should be
greater than 150 mm. If the length is
greater than 18 meters a tip with a diameter
Negative skin friction
of 125 mm is acceptable. It is essential that
the timber is driven in the right direction and
should not be driven into firm ground. As be easily connected together in order to
this can easily damage the pile. reach to the required length (fig 1-4 a). This
will not decrease the design load capacity.
Keeping the timber below the groundwater
level will protect the timber against decay Reinforcement is necessary within the pile
and putrefaction. To protect and strengthen to help withstand both handling and driving
the tip of the pile, timber piles can be stresses. Prestressed concrete piles are
provided with toe cover. Pressure also used and are becoming more popular
creosoting is the usual method of protecting than the ordinary precast as less
timber piles. reinforcement is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of Wood piles

+ The piles are easy to handle
+ Relatively inexpensive where timber is
+ Sections can be joined together and
excess length easily removed.
— The piles will rot above the ground water
level. Have a limited bearing capacity.
— Can easily be damaged during driving by Figure 4:a) concrete pile connecting detail. b)
stones and boulders. squared precast concrete pile
— The piles are difficult to splice and are The Hercules type of pile joint (Figure 5) is
attacked by marine borers in salt water easily and accurately cast into the pile and
Concrete piles is quickly and safely joined on site. They
Concrete piles can be divided to are made to accurate dimensional
precast and cast in place concrete piles: tolerances from high grade steels.

Precast concrete Piles or Prefabricated concrete

it is formed and reinforced in a high-quality
controlled concrete, Usually used of square
(see fig 1-4 b), triangle, circle or octagonal
section, they are produced in short length in
one meter intervals between 3 and 13
meters. They are pre-caste so that they can
Cast in place Concrete piles
Cast in place concrete piles are the most
type commonly used for foundations due to
the great diversity available for pouring
concrete and the introduction of the pile into
the soil. Driving and drilling piles are two
types of cast in place concrete piles;
however, the implementation of these piles
in place may be accompanied by some
problems such as arching, squeezing and

These piles are divided to:

Piles are poured in tubes with underneath
heels and left when lifting the tubes. some
of those types:
o Simplex pile: it is a tube of cast of diameter
Figure-5: Hercules type of pile joint
Advantages and disadvantages of 40 cm, has an underneath heel, it is banged
Precast concrete Piles underground by an automatic hammer until
+ Stable in squeezing ground, for example, reaching the arable land for the establishment, then
soft clays, silts and peats pile material can concrete is poured inside it and banged by another
hammer. In the meantime, the pipe is raised with a
be inspected before piling.
certain amount so as not to enter the soil inside.
+ Are easy to splice. Relatively
This pile can bear about 40 – 50 ton.
inexpensive. o Frankie pile: It is a number of tubes
+ Can be driven in long lengths. entering each other in order to easily access to great
+ Can increase the relative density of a depths within the earth. A heel of reinforced
granular founding stratum. concrete can be used and left in the ground to
— Displacement, heave, and disturbance of prevent the entry of cold water pipes. This pile can
the soil during driving. carry a load of 50 – 80 ton.
o Vibro pile: It is a steel pipe of diameter 40
— Can be damaged during driving.
cm, has a conical heel with a separate flange, it is
Replacement piles may be required.
banged underground by an automatic hammer until
— Cannot be driven with very large
reaching the arable land for the establishment, then
diameters or in condition of limited the heel is removed and put into a tube, after that
headroom. concrete is poured. The tube is moved up and down
(about 80 times per minute) in order to compact Advantages and disadvantages of cast-in-place
concrete. This pile can bear about 60 ton. concrete piles
o Strong pile: this pile is largely similar to + Can be inspected before casting can
Simplex pile except that the bottom heel is made easily be cut or extended to the desired
from reinforced concrete covered with cast heel. length.
This pile can carry a load of 25 – 30 ton. + Relatively inexpensive.
o Under rimed pile: this pile is used at black
+ The piles can be cast before excavation.
clayey soil and lands of non residual soil, so this
+ Pile lengths are readily adjustable.
soil is very dangerous to be established on it.
+ An enlarged base can be formed which
o Piles with open tubes without heel, then
concrete are poured inside the tube. The pipe has a can increase the relative density of a
diameter of 40 cm and an average concrete well of granular founding stratum leading to much
12 to 15 meters depending on the level of land to be higher end bearing capacity.
established. Some these piles: + Reinforcement is not determined by the
o Strauss pile: Which is very similar to the effects of handling or driving stresses.
Simplex pile but without a heel. Soil can be — Heave of neighboring ground surface,
removed from the tubes by special devices and which could lead to re consolidation and the
concrete is poured instead of soil. The maximum development of negative skin friction forces
load that can be carried by these piles is from 20 – on piles..
25 ton.
— Tensile damage to unreinforced piles or
o Kimbersol pile: A well is done of diameter
piles consisting of green concrete, where
about 80 cm, until reaching the arable land for the
forces at the toe have been sufficient to
establishment, then the bottom of the well is
compacted using a rounded hammer and filled with resist upward movements.
concrete with a ratio of 1 : 5 (cement : sand). This — Damage piles consisting of uncased or
pile can carry a load of 80 – 120 ton. thinly cased green concrete due to the
o Welfchaulzer pile: a pipe of diameter 30 – lateral forces set up in the soil. Concrete
40 cm is banged until reaching the arable land for may be weakened if artesian flow pipes up
the establishment, and the inside soil is removed,
shaft of piles when tube is withdrawn.
then steel bars are placed and the opened upper hole
— Light steel section or Pre-cast concrete
is covered tightly Leaving holes to connect the
shells may be damaged or distorted by
compressed air so that leachates can be expelled,
then concrete is poured by a ratio 1 : 4. hard driving.
o Raymond pile: Consists of cylindrical chips — Cannot be driven where headroom is
inside each other with a diameter of 40 – 60 cm at limited.
the top of the pile and 20 – 28 cm at the bottom. It is — Time consuming; cannot be used
banged inside by a Mandrill and the cylindrical immediately after the installation.
chips are leaved in the soil and filled with concrete.
— Limited length. great as one might think. Although tar
Bored and cast-in-place (non- coating or cathodic protection can be
displacement piles) employed in permanent works.
+ Length can be readily varied to suit
varying ground conditions. It is common to allow for an amount of

+ Can be installed in very large diameters. corrosion in design by simply over

+ End enlargement up to two or three dimensioning the cross-sectional area of

diameters are possible in clays. the steel pile. In this way the corrosion

+ Material of piles is not dependent on process can be prolonged up to 50 years.

handling or driving conditions. Normally the speed of corrosion is 0.2-0.5

+ Can be installed in very long lengths. mm/year and, in design, this value can be

— Concrete is not placed under ideal taken as 1mm/year.

conditions and cannot be subsequently

— Water under artesian pressure may pipe
up pile shaft washing out cement.
— Cannot be readily extended above
ground level especially in river and marine
— Boring methods may loosen sandy or Figure 6: Steel piles cross-sections
gravely soils requiring base grouting to Advantages and disadvantages of Steel piles

achieve economical base resistance. + The piles are easy to handle and can
Steel piles easily be cut to desired length.

Made of sectors in the form of H, X or of + Can be driven through dense layers. The

thick pipes (see fig. 6). They are suitable for lateral displacement of the soil during

handling and driving in long lengths. Their driving is low (steel section H or I section

relatively small cross-sectional area piles) can be relatively easily spliced or

combined with their high strength makes bolted.

penetration easier in firm soil. + Can be driven hard and in very long
They can be easily cut off or joined by + Can carry heavy loads.
welding. If the pile is driven into a soil with — The piles will corrode,
low pH value, then there is a risk of — Will deviate relatively easy during
corrosion, but risk of corrosion is not as driving.
— Are relatively expensive. Driven piles are considered to be
Composite piles displacement piles. In the process of driving
Combination of different materials in the the pile into the ground, soil is moved
same of pile. As indicated earlier, part of a radially as the pile shaft enters the ground.
timber pile which is installed above ground There may also be a component of
water could be vulnerable to insect attack movement of the soil in the vertical
and decay. To avoid this, concrete or steel direction.
pile is used above the ground water level,
whilst wood pile is installed under the
groundwater level (see figure 7).

Figure 7: Protecting timber piles from

decay: a) by precast concrete upper section
above water level. b) by extending pile cap
below water level
Classification of pile with
respect to effect on the soil Figure 8: driven piles
A simplified division into driven or bored Bored piles
piles is often employed
Bored piles (Replacement piles) are
Driven piles generally considered to be non-
displacement piles a void is formed by
boring or excavation before piles is
produced. Piles can be produced by casting
concrete in the void.
Some soils such as stiff clays are
particularly amenable to the formation of
piles in this way, since the borehole walls
do not requires temporary support except
cloth to the ground surface.

In unstable ground, such as gravel the

ground requires temporary support from
casing or bentonite slurry. Alternatively the
casing may be permanent, but driven into a
hole which is bored as casing is advanced.

A different technique, which is still

essentially non-displacement, is to intrude,
a grout or a concrete from an auger which
is rotated into the granular soil, and hence
produced a grouted column of soil.

There are three non-displacement

methods: bored cast- in – place piles,
particularly pre-formed piles and grout or
concrete intruded piles.

The following are replacement piles:

o Augered

o Cable percussion drilling

o Large-diameter under-reamed

o Types incorporating pre caste concrete unite

o Drilled-in tubes

o Mini piles

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