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Instituto Politécnico Salesiano Hainamosa

Name: Felix Junior Class: 6to S.G Number: #13 Date: 3/04/2020
Watch the video about the fisherman and his wife and answer the questions below. NOTE:
This activity is worth 15 points of your written production.

Fisherman and His Wife

What is the story about?

The story is about two couples who live completely dysfunctional and then manage
to be happy
Who are the main characters in the story?

The fisherman and his wife and magic fish I guess!

Who is your favorite character in the story? Explain why.

My favorite character was the husband because he did try to make happy to his wife.

How does the wife of the fisherman always feel at the beginning of the story?

Explain why.

She felt angry since she was not satisfied with what she had.

How does the fisherman feel at the beginning of the story? Explain why.

At first, he was happy and worried about his wife since she was always upset.

What feelings and emotions are expressed in the story?

Happy, upset, annoyance and worry.

What did you like the most about the story? Explain why.

What I liked most about the story was that the man did everything he could to

make his wife feel happy.

What didn’t you like about the story? Explain why.

What I liked the least about this story was that the woman was very unhappy

with what she had.

Do you believe in magic? If so, explain why.

Noup, I don’t believe in magic xd.

What is the main idea this story transmits?

The idea that this story conveys is that we must be in accordance with what

we have, because material things are not everything. love is bigger than that.

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