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Igtcentury in Italy iiberalist movements

1814 Congress in Vienna discussed Napoleonic wars problems
decided to reduce germanstates 230 3g
Germany Italy composed
bymanyindependent states
bothsuffered 1848revolutions
internal struggle
father of classicalliberalism
ali men should have rights to independence and liberty
this rightsshould be defeated by a revolutions

Northern states in Italy were more advanced thanthe Southstates

church see as one of the obstacle that didn'tpermit the unification
processof unification longand complex
isis startednationalism
importantrole ideologicalbasis
KingCharles Albert King of Piedmont
favoured a strong monarchy
introduced Statuto Albertino King
legislative power
2 houses components
chose butta
Giuseppe Mazzini King
encouraged unification
exiled against church
founded Young Italy
group of nationalist
which represented the
ideological turning point
Giuseppe Garibaldi was one of his followers
camino Cavour entered politics after 48 rev
prima minister issa 1861
monarchist preferred power through parliament
prime minister of a un Adnan state n 1861
important vola in evolution of commerce
priority enlarge own state
1848 first rev s Sealy Naples
riots in Milan both governedby
Ferdinand il
Veniceestablished repubblica government
The vote of the Church
Popewantedentity support austrian empire
declared republic on its own
Francedefendchurch attacca on the new roman republic
s Italy defeated
the importance of Piedmont after 1849
KingVictorEmanuel I
Ving Vc emana l
state composedbymodern state monarchy with constitutions
D'Azeglio introduced seccava laws
limitchurchpower in Piedmont laws modified by King s now civil marina
the crimean war Addottorato

1854 Iseo
Britain France vs Russia dee
Italy allied
cavour worked with britain France vs Austria
the treatyofPiombar
Francewill defendHai if attacked byAustria
to piedmont promised Lombardy venia some papal lands
to France promised Ma Savoy
marriage between King's daughter and emperor's cousin
cavour'stask was to let Austria declare wars
Austria declared war in 1859
War with Austria
peace ofVillafranca
Red gained Lombardy
frana gainedNiceSavoy
1860 plebiscites in EmiliaTuscany Modena Parma Romagna
issue of unification with Piedmont i
Worthen states joined in 186 Kingdom of Italy withoutVenice Roma
stage of unification Garibaldi and southern italy
willunify southern states in the name of theKing
The expedition of the thousand
smallforce of 1k man off to Sicily
Battle of calarmi 1860
captured Palermo free scaly
entered in Naples in 1860
come Cavourpromised Io se capitai
I Turin
Unification Finalstage
piedmont laws expanded in all Kingdom
loads of dept for war vs austria
Martial law
venia Roma added 1870

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