Upgrade Instruction: OPTOPOL Technology S. A

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OPTOPOL Technology S. A.

ul. Żabia 42
42-400 Zawiercie

Upgrade instruction

This document describes the procedure of upgrading SOCT Copernicus systems to

ver. 4.20 rev. 5

Directory structure:

/upgrade_v4_2_R5.exe SOCT installer

/Upgrade instruction.pdf Upgrade instruction procedure

1. Backup OCT data before upgrade
2. Make sure the SOCT Copernicus application is NOT RUNNING
3. Run SOCT upgrade installation software "upgrade_v4_2_R5.exe" and follow
instructions on the screen
4. Run SOCT application and check the software version - software version "4.20 rev.5"
should be visible in the upper left corner of main application window

Upgrade can be performed only for software version 4.1 or higher.

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