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Plant and Soil (2005) 278:23–32  Springer 2005

DOI 10.1007/s11104-005-7930-5

Biotechnical characteristics of root systems of typical Mediterranean species

Chiara Mattia1, Gian Battista Bischetti2,3 & Francesco Gentile1

Department PROGESA, Universita di Bari, via Amendola, n. 165/A, 70126, Bari, Italy, 2Institute of
Agricultural Hydraulics, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria n. 2, 20133, Milano, Italy. 3Corre-
sponding author*

Received 17 November 2004. Accepted in revised form 24 May 2005

Key words: Atriplex halimus, biotechnical properties, hillslope stability, Lygeum spartum, Pistacia lentiscus,
root systems

Vegetation can significantly contribute to stabilise sloping terrain by adding cohesion to soil: this rein-
forcement depends on the morphological characteristics of the root systems and the tensile strength of
single roots. The paper presents the results of research carried out in order to evaluate the biotechnical
characteristics of the root system of three typical Mediterranean plant species which can affect slope
stability. The species considered in the present study are Lygeum spartum L. (a perennial herbaceous
monocotyledonous), Atriplex halimus L. and Pistacia lentiscus L. (two dicotyledonous shrub species). The
plant specimens were collected in the Basilicata region (Southern Italy) by in situ excavation to obtain the
whole root systems. Single root specimens for each species were sampled and tested for tensile strength
measurement, and the complete root systems were analysed to evaluate the root density distribution with
depth in terms of Root Area Ratio. The resulting data have been used to calculate the reinforcing effect in
terms of increased shear strength of the soil using the model of Wu (1976, Investigation of landslides on
Prince of Wales Island. Geotech. Eng. Rep. 5 Civil Eng. Dep. Ohio State Univ. Columbus, Ohio, USA) and
Waldron (1977, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41(3), 843–849), a simple and widespread model based on the
reinforced earth theory. The results show that root reinforcement exerted by L. spartum is stronger than the
reinforcement exerted by P. lentiscus and A. halimus in the upper layers of the soil, while P. lentiscus
presents higher reinforcement values in deeper horizons. A. halimus presents lower values than either of the
other species studied.

Introduction tion works based on soil bioengineering tech-

niques, which make use of vegetation as a
Vegetation influences slope stability interacting building material (Schiechtl, 1980).
with soil through hydrological and mechanical The effect of herbaceous and shrubby-arboreous
factors; mechanical factors originate from the ac- associations in the control of water erosion and in
tion of root systems within the soil and result in slope stabilisation has been well-known for centuries
the stabilisation of soil due to the anchorage of (e.g. restrictions on logging can be found in docu-
superficial layers to deep stable ones or into the ments of the Republic of Venice, Italy, dating back
bedrock. This reinforcement of the soil increases to the 13th century). However, it was only in the
its shear strength and binds its particles. second half of the last century that researchers
The stabilizing effect of vegetation is essential began to quantify such effects (Greenway, 1987;
in preventing shallow landslides and in remedia- Megahan and Kidd, 1972; Nilaweera, 1994;
O’Loughlin, 1974; Wu, 1976), and only in the last
* E-mail: few decades that quantification of the reinforcement

due to plant root systems has been the object of ferred from soil to fibres, producing a reinforce-
particular studies (Burroughs and Thomas, 1977; ment of the soil matrix itself.
Tsukamoto, 1987; Ziemer and Swanston, 1977) al- If the soil is rooted, then the increased shear
though the number of species studied remains fairly strength can be expressed as an additional cohe-
restricted, especially for the Mediterranean environ- sion:
ment where the climatic conditions are not favour-
s r ¼ s þ cr ; ð2Þ
able to plant growth (Gallotta et al., 2003;
Schiechtl, 1980). where sr is the shear strength of soil reinforced
In this paper we analyse the characteristics of by roots and cr is the increase of shear strength
the root systems of three wild species typical of due to the presence of roots (or root cohesion).
the Mediterranean region, in order to evaluate Starting from concepts of reinforced earth,
their contribution to slope stability in terms of Wu (1976) and Waldron (1977) developed a sim-
increased soil shear strength by applying Wu’s ple theoretical model to predict the increase in
(1976) reinforcement model. This model is widely shear strength due to the presence of roots.
used in the evaluation of vegetated hillslope stabil- Assuming that roots are flexible, elastic and ori-
ity (Gray and Sotir, 1996; Hammond et al., 1992; ented perpendicularly to the slipping plane, when
Roering et al., 2003; Schmidt et al., 2001) and the soil layer moves and the roots within the
estimates additional cohesion due to root presence shear zone bend, the tangential component of
starting from root tensile strength and root cross- tensile strength directly counterbalances the shear
section per unit area of soil (RAR), two biotechni- force and the normal component increases the
cal characteristics of root systems (Gray and confining pressure. Assuming that the soil fric-
Sotir, 1996; Greenway, 1987; Schiechtl, 1980). tion angle is not affected, the additional root
Since such characteristics depend on species and cohesion can then be defined as:
on growing conditions, a high degree of variabil-
ity is expected and a great deal of data collection cr ¼ tR ðsin d þ cos d tan U0 Þ; ð3Þ
is still needed in order to further our knowledge, where tR is the average mobilised tensile strength
especially for Mediterranean species (most of the of roots per unit area of soil, and d is the angle
studies carried out so far consider forest or grass- of root deformation in the shear zone.
land species). The present paper aims to fill this Based on field observations and laboratory
gap. experiments, Wu et al. (1979) observed that for
common values of d and F¢, the term (sin d+
cos d tan F¢) varies between 1.0 and 1.3 and pro-
Materials and methods posed a simplified form of equation (3):
cr ¼ 1:2tR ð4Þ
Reinforcement estimation
Even if all the above assumptions have not
In non-rooted soil the shear strength is generally always been completely verified, field and labora-
calculated by the Mohr–Coulomb equation: tory direct shear tests confirmed the validity of
the model (Waldron and Dakessian, 1981), which
s ¼ c0 þ r0 tan U0 ; ð1Þ is commonly used to evaluate the contribution of
roots to soil stabilisation (Abernethy and Ruth-
where s is the soil shear strength, c¢ is the soil erfurd, 2001; Roering et al., 2003; Schmidt et al.,
cohesion, r¢ is the effective normal stress on the 2001; Sidle, 1992; Sidle et al., 1985; Wu and
shear plane and F¢ is the soil friction angle. Sidle, 1995).
When the soil is permeated by fibres (syn- The mobilised roots tensile strength per unit
thetic or natural as in the case of roots) the dis- area of soil (tR) can be determined as the prod-
placement of soil, as a consequence of shear uct of the average tensile strength of roots (TR)
tension, generates friction between soil grains and the fraction of the soil cross section occupied
and fibre surfaces, causing the fibres to deform by roots (AR/A):
and to mobilise their tensile strength. In such a
way, some of the shear tension can be trans- tR ¼ TR ðAR =AÞ ð5Þ

The term AR/A is called ÔRoot Area Ratio’ Mediterranean shrub associations (called Ômac-
(RAR) and it can be determined by counting chia’) and are able to survive both periods of
roots, divided into size classes within a given soil, drought and the difficulties of their habitat. They
and by measuring their cross section. grow in autumn or winter whenever water is
According to Gray and Sotir (1996) and sev- available, but are dormant in summer. This vege-
eral other Authors TR varies with the root diam- tation is included in the bioclimatic meso-
eter (D) following a power law equation: Mediterranean zone and constitutes the climatic
zone of Oleo-Ceratonion, with dominance of Pis-
TR ¼ aDb ; ð6Þ tacia lentiscus L., and with typical elements of
Quercion ilicis class, such as Rubia peregrina L.,
where a and b are empirical constants depending
Asparagus acutifolius L. and Rosa sempervirens
on species; a can be considered as a scale factor,
L., while Quercus ilex L. is totally absent, due to
whereas b as the rate of strength decrease.
the presence of clay soils (Corbetta et al., 1992).
On southern slopes, grassland covers the soil
Study site near tilled areas and is constituted by Lygeum spar-
tum associated with Camphorosma monspeliaca L.,
The area chosen to collect the plant roots used in Atriplex halimus L. and Polygonum tenoreanum
tensile strength tests and root distribution lies in Nardi et Raffaelli.
the eastern region of Basilicata, near Matera Where water erosion is less evident and the
(Southern Italy) in the watershed of the Bradano soil is more stable there is a typical natural
River, inside the ÔFosso Scarciolla’ creek basin. scrubland of P. lentiscus L. associated with
All of this area is in the Apennine or Bradanic Phyllirea angustifolia L., Prunus spinosa L., R.
Foretrough, and is characterised by the presence peregrina L., Smilax aspera L., Lonicera etrusca
of Plio-Pleistocene clays and by peculiar geo- Santi, A. acutifolius L., Rhamnus alaternus L.,
morphological features such as badlands and Juniperus oxycedrus L. and also A. halimus L.
gully erosion, which are the consequence of the
prevailing formations involved in recent tectonic Species studied
uplifts. The steep slopes are affected by typical
badland erosion forms, while many areas are Three different species, L. spartum L., A. halimus
characterised by the presence of shallow transla- L. and P. lentiscus L., have been selected for the
tional slides. These slides involve the superficial present study because of their widespread distri-
layers of the slopes, in many cases less than 1 m bution in the Mediterranean environment.
in depth, where vegetation can exert a beneficial Lygeum spartum is a monocotyledonous
effect on stability through the reinforcing action perennial grass belonging to the Graminaceae
of roots. family, which is typical of clay soil; because of its
The climate is the typical Mediterranean semi- resistance to drought, extreme temperature and
arid climate, characterised by hot dry summers salinity it is endemic in semiarid environments.
(although short periods of heavy rainfall may oc- Its root system is thick, dense and fibrous and is
cur) and mild rainy winters; autumn and spring composed of small-diameter roots with exclu-
are generally very wet. The warmest month is sively primary growth. Every year plants die in
August with a mean temperature of 24.9 C, summer, while in autumn a new generation of
while the coldest is January with a mean temper- buds with new roots develops from rhizomes, so
ature of 6.3 C; the mean annual temperature is at the end of the vegetative cycle the roots are at
15.1 C and the daily mean temperature is above their longest. These monocotyledonous plants are
10 C for 8 months per year. The mean annual anchored to the soil by the sum of all their thin
rainfall is 640 mm and the mean summer precipi- roots.
tation is 150 mm (the dry period lasts from May Atriplex halimus and P. lentiscus are dicotyle-
to September), both showing dramatic differences donous shrubby species; the juvenile phase is
from 1 year to the next. characterised by a tap root and many lateral
The native vegetation in the area consists of roots, whereas the lateral roots become relatively
schlerophyllic evergreen plants, which are typical larger in the older phase (Köstler et al., 1968).

A. halimus belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family of the root at the clamping points, thus affecting
and is a halophytic plant resistant to drought, the measurement of tensile strength. Clamps con-
extreme temperature and salinity. This plant is sist of a cylinder with a groove in the centre to
slow-growing and can reach a height of 2.0 m hold the roots, which are rolled up for three-
with well-developed foliage; it is used in the quarters of their length and fastened by a semi-
Mediterranean areas as forage. The root system circular plate screwed to the cylinder.
of A. halimus consists of one main root with few The tensile strength values TR (MPa) were
branches; the tap root anchors the plant in a obtained as:
central position while the horizontal lateral roots
act like guy ropes (Stokes, 1999). P. lentiscus be- TR ¼ Fmax =pðD=2Þ2 ; ð7Þ
longs to the Anacardiaceae family, reaches a where Fmax is the maximum registered load (N)
height of 6–8 m and develops a considerable vol- and D is the average root diameter (mm).
ume of canopy. The inclusion or exclusion of root bark can af-
fect evaluation of root strength from measurement
Tensile strength tests of root breaking force (Bischetti et al., 2005). Nev-
ertheless, in the present case the issue proven not
In order to obtain root specimens for tensile to be worthy of note because the analysed roots
strength testing, plants of the selected species actually had very thin bark (a few microns).
were dug out by hand using small tools down to
a depth of about 60–70 cm below the soil sur- Estimation of root area ratio
face. Plants were collected in the same period, at
the end of spring, to avoid the effect of temporal In order to obtain RAR values, whole plant speci-
changes in root reinforcement. The complete root mens were manually dug out in the field for collec-
system was obtained by gently removing the soil tion; in the study area it was very difficult to apply
from the block of soil-roots by hand and wash- the Ôtrench wall’ method (Böhm, 1979) or Ôcore
ing it with jets of water. Finally the roots were break’ sampling (Schmid and Kazda, 2002) owing
left to dry in the open air for about an hour. to the firmness of the clay soil and to the presence
Afterwards the roots were cut with sharp scissors of many fine roots belonging to different plants
and stored in airtight plastic boxes in a 15% which were indistinguishable from each other.
alcoholic solution in order to prevent mould and Collected plants were taken to the laboratory,
microbial degradation (Böhm, 1979). where the whole root system was propped in the
The roots were carefully inspected for possi- field position and architecture and spatial distri-
ble damage before tensile strength tests and the bution were analysed by measuring the number
root diameter was measured in three different of roots and their diameter at different depths
positions along their length so as to obtain a rep- (including the finest roots less than 1 mm in
resentative value. The tensile strength tests were diameter).
carried out according to the procedure described The values of RAR distribution with depth in
by Bischetti et al. (2003) using a device designed the soil were determined by counting roots for
and built by the Institute of Agricultural different size classes and by evaluating their
Hydraulics of the University of Milan. The trac- cross-section with reference to horizontal planes
tion device consists of a rectified guide with a located at different depths.
mobile bogie which is propelled by an electric
motor (0.09 kW) with a speed reduction of 1:343
to ensure a constant linear speed of Results
10 mm min)1; tensile force is measured by inter-
changeable load cells (50 and 500 daN), while Tensile strength
displacement is measured by a potentiometer
transducer. The device has specifically developed Twenty eight root specimens were analysed for
non-serrated clamps to fix root ends; clamping of L. spartum, 59 for A. halimus and 18 for
roots tips is actually a critical issue because dam- P. lentiscus; in spite of the special clamping de-
age to the root structure can determine a rupture vice, about 15% of root specimens were subject

to anomalous rupture or slipping and the result- that this difference be reflected in root distribu-
ing data were discarded. tion with depth and RAR values.
Lygeum spartum, as mentioned, is a monocot- Concerning RAR distribution in the soil, the
yledonous herbaceous plant and is characterised resulting values for the species studied show a
by a thick and fibrous root system with many decrease with depth: L. spartum range between
thin elements. The range of the primary root 0.09% at the surface layer to 0 at about 60 cm,
diameter proved to be very limited (between 0.3 A. halimus between about 0.055% to 0 at about
and 2.0 mm), while the secondary roots were not 55 cm and P. lentiscus between about 0.060% to
analysed because of their very small diameter 0 at 75 cm. This decrease approximates a loga-
(moreover the function of such small roots is rithmic law (Figure 3).
mainly to support plant nutrition and their con-
tribution to soil reinforcement can be considered Soil reinforcement
negligible). The diameter of the roots analysed
varies between 1.1 and 1.8 mm; the mean By combining the strength-diameter relationships
strength value is 37.8 MPa and the maximum and the RAR distributions calculated for the
recorded value is 58.3 MPa. three species considered, we obtained an estimate
Atriplex halimus and P. lentiscus are dicotyle- of the potential reinforcement due to vegetation
donous shrub-like plants characterised by a tap using Equations (4) and (5) (Figure 4).
root system with one large, branching main root. According to the RAR distribution, reinforce-
Due to the characteristics of the clamping device, ment decreases with depth. The strongest rein-
the maximum analysed root diameter of the two forcement effect is exerted by L. spartum which
species was respectively 4.2 and 4.6 mm. The shows a shear strength increase of 60 kPa in up-
mean and the maximum strengths recorded for per layers and 0.3 kPa at 60 cm, where only a
A. halimus are 57.2 and 116.9 MPa, whereas for small number of roots are present. On the con-
P. lentiscus they are 55.0 and 98.3 MPa; some trary A. halimus presents the weakest effect with
statistical properties of the tested roots are sum- values ranging approximately between 6 kPa in
marised in Table 1. the upper layer and 0.2 kPa at 55 cm; P. lentiscus
Results have also been elaborated to fit the presents an intermediate effect with values vary-
power law of equation (6) and these are reported ing approximately between 20 kPa in the upper
in Table 1 while the corresponding curves are layers and 3 kPa at 75 cm.
represented in Figure 1.

Root distribution and root area ratio Discussion

Since L. spartum presents a dense and fibrous The analysis of the root systems of the three spe-
root system, whereas A. halimus and P. lentiscus cies considered, L. spartum, A. halimus and
present typical tap root systems with branching, P. lentiscus has shown significant differences in
as already stated (Figure 2), it is to be expected their biotechnical characteristics.

Table 1. Mean values of root strength and root diameter, coefficient of correlation, number of samples and value of a and b of
power law Equation (6) of the three analysed species

Species Mean value Mean value of Coefficient of Number of a b

of root strength (MPa) root diameter (mm) correlation (r) analysed samples

Lygeum spartum 37.8 (12.5) 1.5 (0.2) )0.6* 28 60.7 )1.30

Atriplex halimus 57.2 (23.1) 1.9 (0.8) )0.5* 59 73.0 )0.60
Pistacia lentiscus 55.0 (15.4) 3.4 (0.7) )0.4 NS 18 91.2 )0.45

Numbers in parentheses represent the standard deviation of mean.

* P < 0.01; NS = not significant.

The mean tensile strength values for A. halimus behavioural difference may be ascribed to the dif-
and P. lentiscus (respectively 57.2 and 55.0 MPa; ferent root anatomies of the monocotyledonous
Table 1) are similar to those published by other species and further study is being carried out.
Authors for Alpine and Pre-alpine species (Bischetti From a statistical point of view the correla-
et al., 2005; Greenway, 1987; Schiechtl, 1980) and tion coefficient is significant for L. spartum and
for the Mediterranean environment (Gallotta et al. A. halimus but not for P. lentiscus.
2003). For L. spartum the mean tensile strength It is worth remembering how root architec-
(37.8 MPa) is greater than for several herbaceous ture is influenced by genetic characteristics,
species tested by Cheng et al. (2003), greater than edaphic conditions, external factors, land use
most of the herbaceous species reported by management and finally by associated vegetation
Schiechtl (1980) and comparable with the results of communities. In the study area, the clay soil is
in situ shear tests carried out in rooted soil with characterised by a high degree of compactness
perennial monocotyledonous grass by Tobias which increases with depth, and this reduces the
(1994). spreading of roots down through the profile.
The root tensile strength values for the species For this reason, the roots of herbaceous species
considered obtained by tests show that root are generally confined to the faces between the
strength decreases with diameter (Figure 1), as large polyhedral clods and to relict channels
found by many other Authors, following a power previously occupied by annual vegetation. Root
law equation (Bischetti et al., 2005; Burroughs density is generally high in the top 0.5 m of the
and Thomas, 1977; Gray and Sotir, 1996; soil profile and decreases with depth; this de-
Nilaweera, 1994). The values of the parameters crease is abrupt owing to the presence of imper-
of the power law Equation (6) a and b, obtained vious layers. The limiting effect of compact clay
for the considered species, fall in the range al- layers on the propagation of roots is being con-
ready found for hardwood roots (between 29.1 firmed by some preliminary data regarding the
and 87.0 for a and between –0.8 and –0.4 for b; germination and growing of L. spartum and
Nilaweera, 1994) except for the decrease rate of A. halimus plants in experimental plots (Mattia,
L. spartum which is higher (Table 1). This 2003).

120 TR = 72.97D -0.60

R2 = 0.30
TR = 91.25D -0.45
R2 = 0.14

strength [Mpa]



20 TR = 60.73D -1.30
R2 = 0.38
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
root diameter [mm]

Figure 1. Relationship between root tensile strength (TR) and root diameter (D) for L. spartum (triangles), A. halimus (squares)
and P. lentiscus (circles). The curves reveal increasing tensile strength with decreasing root diameter. The mean value of tensile
strength is 37.8 MPa for L. spartum, 57.2 MPa for A. halimus and 55.0 MPa for P. lentiscus.

Figure 2. Morphological differences between root systems of Lygeum spartum (a), a monocotyledonous plant with a dense and
smooth fibrous root system, Atriplex halimus (b) and Pistacia lentiscus (c), dicotyledonous plants with a tap root system consisting
of a vertical main root with some branches.


RAR = -0.0004Ln(z) + 0.0015

0.0009 2
R = 0.98



RAR = -0.0002Ln(z) + 0.0009

0.0006 2
R = 0.99
Ar / A

RAR = -0.0002Ln(z) + 0.001
0.0004 R = 0.97




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Figure 3. RAR with depth (z) of L. spartum (triangles), A. halimus (squares) and P. lentiscus (circles). The values of RAR were
influenced by the morphological differences of the three root systems.

The root architecture of the P. lentiscus plants whole root systems, this meant working with
analysed is similar to that of A. halimus. It young plants whose foliage did not exceed
should be noted that it was necessary to extract 150 cm in height and whose root systems reached

Increase of shear strength [kPa]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65



Depth [cm]



P. lentiscus
70 L. spartum
A. halimus

Figure 4. Shear strength increase of soil for the three plant species.

depths of 70–80 cm. Larger and older plants may logarithmic distribution according to RAR distri-
have deeper, more complex root systems; some bution.
landslide scars present in the study area show Pistacia lentiscus and A. halimus show a rein-
how deeply-penetrating these may be. forcement effect which decreases with depth simi-
Concerning the RAR, as defined in equation larly to L. spartum, but with a lower rate of
(5), we observed a similar behavioural pattern for decrease. Maximum values are to be found in the
all the species considered: the maximum observed upper layers, approximately 20 and 6 kPa respec-
values are located in the upper 20 cm of soil for tively for P. lentiscus and A. halimus; the mini-
all the species analysed and decrease with depth mum observed values are approximately 3.5 kPa
following a logarithmic distribution. In general, at 70 cm and 0 at 55 cm.
the decline of root density with depth below the The estimated values of additional cohesion
soil surface and also with distance from the stem due to the presence of roots may appear high; in
is documented by several Authors (Greenway, fact the model delineated by equations 4, 5 and 6
1987; Nilaweera, 1994; Schmid and Kadza, 2001; assumes that all the roots crossing the shear plane
Shields and Gray, 1993; Zhou et al., 1998). totally mobilise their tensile strength at rupture at
The values of RAR concerning L. spartum, the same time. Many Authors agree with such a
A. halimus and P. lentiscus are comparable with hypothesis (Roering et al., 2003; Schmidt et al.,
those determined for Fagus sylvatica (Bischetti 2001), while some others showed that such a situ-
et al., 2005) and other deciduous trees (Greenway, ation does not occur in reality because of the dif-
1987; Schmidt et al., 2001). ferent orientation and tortuosity of roots and the
Different results were obtained for the esti- possibility of uprooting (Hammond et al., 1992;
mated soil reinforcement exerted by the three Waldron and Dakessian, 1981).
considered species via equations 4 and 5. In the We believe that the amount of potential root
case of L. spartum’s thick and fibrous root sys- cohesion actually mobilised depends on the archi-
tem, the increase in strength regarding root cohe- tecture of the root system considered (root size
sion varies with depth from 60 kPa in the upper and branching). Hammond et al. (1992) consid-
layers of soil to 0 at 60 cm (Figure 4); the ered tree vegetation which is characterised by a
decrease in reinforcement with depth follows a Ôthree-dimensional’ branched root system with

uneven sized roots and suggested a reduction factor Bischetti G B, Bonfanti F and Greppi M 2003 Root tensile
strength measurement: testing device and protocol Quad.
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suggest considering the values of root cohesion re- Herb Root System, In Proc. Third International Vetiver
Conference, Guangzhou, China, October 6–9 2003, 384–
ported in Figure 4 as being potential values. 390.
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