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Let's Talk

Before Reading
1. Do you still remember who gave the grandfather
the idea to build a bridge and a tunnel?

2. What else have people learned from animals? Can

you share more examples with the class?

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Let's Learn

discouraged: having lost your confidence for something

sapphire: a precious stone, usually bright blue, that is
often used in jewelry
suspicious: making you feel that something is wrong
exquisite: very beautiful and delicate
depart: to go away or leave, especially on a journey

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Let's Practice

Match the words with their opposites.

1 depart rough A

exquisite trusting B

suspicious arrive C

discouraged encouraged D

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Let's Read

The Earthworm and the Spider (1/4)

My grandfather was not discouraged. “I will be the first

to cross,” he said. Grandfather’s blue eyes were bright
as sapphires when he walked across the bridge. On the
far bank of the river, we could see a small figure appear
in the grass. When at last Grandfather reached the
other side, the figure slowly moved toward him.
Grandfather was the first Koi villager ever to stand on
the far bank of the river, and a stranger had come to
greet him.

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Let's Read

The Earthworm and the Spider (2/4)

When my grandfather returned, the stranger came with him.
His hair was white like my grandfather’s, but his clothing and
appearance were strange to us. He wore a broad hat and
carried a tricolor flag of red, yellow, and orange. His face
shone with kindness as he looked at each of us.
“For a long time, I have hoped to cross the river and touch
Eagle Mountain with my own hand,” the stranger said. Some
of the villagers looked suspicious, for the stranger spoke of
the place where the fire flowers grew.

Why are some of the villagers suspicious of the stranger?

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Let's Read

The Earthworm and the Spider (3/4)

“We must send the stranger away,” one of the villagers
But Grandfather insisted that the stranger come to
our home to share a meal. He came gratefully. When we
sat down to eat, the stranger said, “I have brought a
gift to share with you.” On the table, he placed an
exquisite white flower, like none we had ever seen.
“This is an ice flower,” he said. “ It is the most
precious flower that grows on my side of the valley.”

What was the meaning of the stranger’s gift?

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Let's Read

The Earthworm and the Spider (4/4)

Our village is still small and quiet, but we are no longer
shut away from the world. By winter, the villagers will
be finishing the tunnel. Next spring, I’m going to be
walking through the mountain, departing from our
village for the first time. I would like to meet a
stranger and share a fire flower of Koi.

How did the author feel by the end of the story?

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Let's Think

What did you learn from the story? Can you share
your thoughts with the teacher?

Example: e
Author’s Purpos
We should be brave enough to try new
1. To inform or
things. teach us about
________________________________ 2. To persuade
________________________________ us to believe
________________________________ something
_________________ 3. To entertain

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Let's Think

A Different Ending
Can you give the story a different ending?
Try to make it persuasive, entertaining, and interesting.

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