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first text.

I prefer to go out to the park or take a walk but thanks to

the current situation of the coronavirus we cannot go out
because of this my routine has changed along with my
habits, I get up late and I don't understand why I sleep so
much, I have breakfast with my family, I do not hate it but it
is not normal, then I watch a movie with my sister and then
we play a board game and I amuse myself, we have lunch
and then we play, then I check the email and social
networks and I go to sleep . I understand why being home
but I doubt that people love staying home all day.

second text.
I am playing with my parents, they are wanting spend time
with my brothers and I although they are working they pay
attention to us. We are board playing games and video
games for to spend time together. we are being patient but
i think we are going to get bored.

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