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Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54

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Effects of thermal treatments on the colloidal properties, antioxidant

capacity and in-vitro proteolytic degradation of cricket flour
Tatyana David-Birman a, Gayle Raften b, Uri Lesmes a, *
Laboratory of Chemistry of Foods and Bioactives, Department of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Technion e Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
32000, Israel
Dept. of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Insects are gaining increased interest as rich, viable and sustainable sources of edible proteins. However,
Received 13 July 2017 low consumer acceptance of insects as human food stimulates a need to mask the insects' appearance
Received in revised form through various processing operations, such as grinding, cooking and baking. This research studied the
21 November 2017
implications of thermal processing of cricket (Acheta domesticus) flour on its physiochemical properties,
Accepted 25 November 2017
Available online 30 November 2017
antioxidant capacity and bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal tract. Thermal processing led to marginal
changes in colloid sizes and zeta-potentials at 3.0 < pH < 7.0. Concomitantly, sample color changes upon
processing (delta E) were found to at least double when processed in the presence of fructose compared
Insect protein
to processing without fructose (evaluated by L*a*b*color values). Overall, processed cricket flour changes
In vitro digestion were all ascribed to thermally-induced phenomena, such as protein denaturation, cross-linking, Maillard
Antioxidant capacity glycation and/or aggregation. Next, antioxidant activity examined by FRAP and ORAC assays revealed
Thermal processing thermally-treated cricket flour had a significantly (p < 0.05) diminished electron transfer ability with a
Maillard reaction simultaneous rise in its proton abstraction capability exceeding 400 mM Trolox equivalents. This
improved antioxidant activity may be attributed to conformational changes in cricket proteins exposing
proton-donating residues, namely cysteine. Finally, dynamic in vitro digestion of untreated and treated
cricket flours showed that baking increased the gastric proteolysis of cricket proteins and their subse-
quent bioaccessibility. Thus, justifying further investigation of industrial processes that could be har-
nessed to fabricate palatable and nourishing insect-based products.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Wassenaar, V.C, 2006; van Huis et al., 2013; Msangi & Rosegrant,
2012). Such proteins have been found to have great nutritional
Dietary proteins are the main source of amino acids that are potential, as they are rich in essential amino acids (Belluco et al.,
imperative for human health and numerous physiological func- 2013; Bl asquez, Moreno, & Camacho, 2012; Finke, 2002; Rumpold
tions. Nowadays, one of the most prevalent nourishment chal- & Schlüter, 2013; Rumpold & Schluter, 2013; Verkerk, Tramper,
lenges is the adequate provision of protein and/or energy Van Trijp, & Martens, 2007). However, introducing insects into
(Alexandratos & Bruinsma, 2003; Klunder, Wolkers-Rooijackers, Western diet consumption is inhibited by low consumer accep-
Korpela, & Nout, 2012; van Huis et al., 2013). From the industrial tance, and stimulates a need to eliminate the insect appearance
perspective, proteins are also important for their techno- (Caparros Megido et al., 2014; Vanhonacker, Van Loo, Gellynck, &
functionalities, as stabilizers, emulsifiers, foaming and gelling Verbeke, 2013). Additionally, processing of insects may modulate
agents, as well as antioxidants. To this end, insect proteins are their bioaccessibility, bioavailability and overall nutritional value.
vigorously explored as a viable, cost-effective and more sustainable Currently, the quality of proteins in food is determined by their
alternative to animal-based proteins, e.g. meat and poultry (Alston, digestible-indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) measured in
Beddow, & Pardey, 2009; Delgado, 2003; Steinfeld, Gerber, humans (Consultation, 2011; Leser, 2013). This value is strongly
affected by protein bioaccessibility to proteolysis in the gastro-
intestinal tract. In this respect, researchers increasingly utilize
in vitro human digestion models to study the underlying principles
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (U. Lesmes). of bioaccessibility and the delivery of bioactive compounds through
0268-005X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54 49

food (Benshitrit, Levi, Tal, Shimoni, & Lesmes, 2012; Hur, Lim, augmenting CF solutions of 0.5% (w/w) with 1.5% (w/w) fructose
Decker, & McClements, 2011; Palafox-Carlos, Ayala-Zavala, & using double distilled water (DDW) equilibrated to pH ¼ 7.0. Con-
Gonz alez-Aguilar, 2011; Rodríguez-Roque et al., 2015; Wickham, trol samples without fructose addition (CCF-) and
Faulks, & Mills, 2009). Overall, numerous studies have shown that CCF þ suspensions were held in a shaking water bath at 70  C for
processing alters protein physicochemical properties and conse- 4 h. Then, samples were frozen and lyophilized for 48 h, pulverized
quently their bioaccessibility, bioavailability and overall bioactivity using a mortar and pestle (as possible) and were kept in a desic-
(Mackie & Macierzanka, 2010; van Boekel et al., 2010). For example, cator for further use.
one recent study has shown milk processing affects dairy protein Baked CF with and without fructose (BCFþand BCF-, respec-
digestibility and the generation of bioactive peptides during tively): CF- solutions 5% (w/w) were prepared using DDW, pH ¼ 7,
digestion (Kopf-Bolanz et al., 2014). Other studies have shown that for CCF þ samples 1.5% fructose was added and stirred overnight at
thermally-induced Maillard glycation of whey proteins may alter room temperature (RT). Later, sample was lyophilized for 48 h and
their physicochemical properties, e.g. antioxidant (AOX) capacity, baked for 30 min at 180  C in a controlled relative humidity envi-
and in turn modulate their susceptibility to digestive proteolysis ronment (in a closed chamber over saturated KBr). Samples were,
(Joubran, Moscovici, Portmann, & Lesmes, 2017; Moscovici et al., pulverized similarly to the cooked samples and stored in a desic-
2014). Regarding insects, a recent work focused on the di- cator until further use.
gestibility of Tenebrio molitor using a static digestion system to
highlight differences in soluble and insoluble protein fractions (Yi, 2.2.2. Color and UV-vis analyses of Maillard reaction products
Van Boekel, Boeren, & Lakemond, 2016). However, scant scientific Evaluation of change in color due to the various treatments
literature exists on the impact of thermal processing on insect was performed using a Minolta CR-399 chroma meter (Konica
proteins. Most recently some studies have implied that the protein Minolta Sensing Americas, Ramsey, NJ) according to the CIELAB
content of insects may not be as high as previously believed due to scale. Difference in color between original CF and the treated flours
various analytical and biological considerations (Janssen, Vincken, was determined using Equation (1) (Joubran, Moscovici, & Lesmes,
Van Den Broek, Fogliano, & Lakemond, 2017; Jonas-Levi & Marti- 2015):
nez, 2017; Payne, Scarborough, Rayner, & Nonaka, 2016).
Various on-going endeavors seek to mask the appearance of DE ¼ [(Ltreated-Loriginal)2þ(atreated-aoriginal)2þ(btreated-boriginal)2]1/2(1)
insects in commonly accepted products, e.g. snack bars, chips,
shakes and pastry products. In many cases, the production of such Where L* - black-white axis, a* - green-red axis and b* - yellow-blue
products involves various processing operations, including thermal axis. Each sample was measured 5 times.
processes (for example cooking or baking), that may have beneficial Samples were diluted in citrate-phosphate buffers (pH ranging
or deleterious effects on protein digestive fate. Therefore, this 3e7) to the concentration of 1.5% (w/v). Measurements were per-
research aimed to elucidate the impact of thermal processing on formed using a UV/visible spectrophotometer (OPTIZEN POP,
the physiochemical properties, bioaccessibility and AOX potential MECASYS). UV spectra was scanned at the range of 200e680 nm.
of cricket (Acheta domesticus) flour, as a model system. The research Citrate-phosphate buffers at corresponding pH values were used as
tested the hypothesis that controlled thermal processing of cricket blank references.
flour in the presence or absence of a reducing sugar, i.e. fructose,
which leads to chemical or physical modifications in the flour, thus, 2.2.3. Colloidal properties of dispersions based on thermally
in turn, altering the flour's physiochemical properties and digestive processed cricket flour samples
fate. Obtaining this scientific evidence will offer food and health Colloidal stability for pH: CCF-, CCFþ, BCF- or BCF þ solutions
care professionals with valuable information needed for the (0.5% w/v) in a citrate-phosphate buffer, pH ¼ 7 were stirred
rational design of nutritious insect-containing products. overnight at RT pH adjusted to values of 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0
using 1M HCl and 1M NaOH solutions and analyzed for particle size
2. Materials and methods distribution, z- Potential, turbidity and UV spectra in a citrate-
phosphate buffer of a corresponding pH value.
2.1. Materials Particle size distribution was measured using static light
scattering on a Mastersizer 3000 instrument (Malvern Mastersizer
Finely Milled Whole Cricket Powder was purchased from Cricket 3000, Malvern Instruments, UK) in citrate-phosphate buffer
flours LLC, USA. Pepsin from porcine gastric mucosa (P7000, formulated to attain 3.0 < pH < 7.0 values, and analyzed using the
enzymatic activity 537 U/mg); Trypsin from porcine pancreas general Fraunhofer model.
(T0303 enzymatic activity 15 008 U/mg); a-Chymotrypsin from z- Potential of the samples was determined using Dynamic
bovine pancreas (C4129, enzymatic activity 65.622 U/mg); Mucin Light Scattering (Nano-ZS, Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire,
from porcine stomach; Sodium glycodeoxycholate and Taurocholic UK). Samples were diluted in citrate-phosphate buffers (pH ranging
acid sodium salt hydrate were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. All 3e7) to a concentration of 0.17% (w/v) and electrical charge (z-
chemicals used were of analytical grade and did not undergo Potential) of the particles was calculated using the Smoluchowski
additional purification. model.
Turbidity: Turbidity data was acquired by absorbance mea-
2.2. Methods surements at 600 nm. Citrate-phosphate buffers at corresponding
pH values were used as blank references. All samples were pre-
2.2.1. Sample preparation and protein content determination pared in a triplicate.
Cricket flour (CF) was initially analyzed by CHNS Elemental
analysis using Flash 2000 Organic elemental analyzer (Thermo 2.2.4. Antioxidant capacity of thermally processed cricket flour
Scientific) to determine its nitrogen content. Characterized Cricket samples
flour samples were treated thermally in the presence and absence Solutions of CCF-, CCFþ, BCF-or BCFþ (0.5% (w/v) in DDW based
of fructose under conditions simulating cooking and baking. on cricket flour weight) were rotated overnight at RT and analyzed
Cooked CF with and without fructose (CCFþand CCF-, for antioxidant capacity via two major possible mechanisms of
respectively). Cooked CF samples (CCFþ) were prepared by electron or hydrogen transfer (Huang, Boxin, & Prior, 2005).
50 T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54

Specifically, this study applied the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant mean and standard deviation of the nine measurements. Digestion
Power (FRAP) and Oxygen Radical Antioxidant Capacity (ORAC) experiments were performed in duplicates. Statistical analyses
assays. were performed using Excel 2013 data analysis toolpack, and were
FRAP assay was used to measure reducing ability of the samples based on one way ANOVA and t-test assuming equal variances.
as described previously (Benzie & Strain, 1996). Briefly, FRAP re-
agent was prepared by mixing 10 mM TPTZ, 20 mM FeCl3$6H2O and
300 mM acetate buffer, pH ¼ 3.6 in the ratio of 1:1:10 respectively. 3. Results and discussion
Samples were rotated by a Fisher Scientific spin-down device for
10sec, 7 ml of sample's supernatant phase was aliquoted into a 96- The constant need to ensure food security and safety maintains
well plate, and 210 ml of FRAP reagent was added into each well a need to investigate the true nutritional potential of novel food
simultaneously using a multichannel pipette followed by an sources, such as insects. This work sought to elucidate the effects of
absorbance measurement at 593 nm using Eon™ Microplate common thermal processing conditions, equivalent to cooking and
Spectrophotometer, BioTek Instruments, Inc., USA. Antioxidant baking, on the characteristics, functionality and digestive proteol-
power of samples was determined as ascorbic acid equivalents ysis of cricket flour. CHNS elemental analysis of the cricket flour
compared to a calibration curve of ascorbic acid at 0e1000 mM. revealed it contains 10.3% (w/w) nitrogen, which using the com-
ORAC assay was performed according to a previously intro- mon nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor of 6.25 would translate
duced protocol (Huang, Ou, Hampsch-Woodill, Flanagan, & Prior, into 64.4% (w/w) protein content. However, a recent study has
2002) with some modifications. Briefly, Fluorescein stock [0.1 mM] established that the nitrogen-to-protein factor of three insect
was prepared fresh daily by dissolving fluorescein in a phosphate species is 4.76 or 5.60 for extracted and purified insect proteins
buffer [75 mM], pH 7.4, and diluted further adjacent to the mea- (Janssen et al., 2017). In accordance, the protein content of the
surement to a concentration of 4  106mM. 25 ml of samples were cricket flour is better estimated to contain 49.0% (w/w) protein. This
introduced into wells. Later, 150 ml of fluorescein working solution allows the classification of cricket flour as a protein-rich product.
were added to the wells using multichannel pipette. Afterwards the When thermally processed, protein-rich products may show
plate was inserted into a Varioskan Flash, Thermo Scientific, USA for
15 min incubation at 37  C. After the incubation, 25 ml AAPH
[153 mM] (diluted in a phosphate buffer [75 mM], pH 7.4) were
added rapidly using a multichannel pipette and the reading was
initiated as follows: readings were performed every 25 s for
150 min, preceded by a 20 s shaking operation before each reading.
Excitation wavelength was set to 485 nm and emission was set to
528 nm.

2.2.5. Digestive fate of thermally processed cricket flour samples

Thermally processed cricket flour samples and an unprocessed
control were dispersed overnight at RT in DDW to obtain 5% (w/v)
suspensions. These suspensions were subjected to a bi-
compartmental dynamic digestion model operated under adult
conditions (Levi & Lesmes, 2014). Briefly, each CF sample was
vigorously mixed (1:1 v/v) for 30 s with an adult simulated saliva
solution (SSF) (Shani Levi, Goldstein, Portmann, & Lesmes, 2017) to
a final volume of 40 ml. This oral bolus was poured into a gastric
bioreactor filled with 57 ml of simulated gastric fluid (SGF, pH ¼ 1.3,
preheated to 37  C). Bioreactor pH was adjusted to 4.5, followed by
pepsin and CaCl2 addition prior to the control software initiation.
This software generated a gastric pH gradient, controlled gastric
emptying rate into the intestinal bioreactor as well as the rate of
bile secretion into the intestinal bioreactor. Trypsin and a-chymo-
trypsin were added in two pulses to the intestinal compartment,
the first after 10min and the second after 50min from the beginning
of the experiment. Samples were collected both from the gastric
bioreactor (at 0, 10, 30, 60 and 120 min) and the intestinal biore-
actor (15, 30, 60, 120 min). Gastric digesta samples were inactivated
using 1M ammonium bicarbonate, whereas intestinal digesta
samples were supplemented with PMSF (phenylmethylsulfonyl
fluoride) to inhibit the activity of pancreatic proteases. Digesta al-
iquots were frozen at 20  C until further analysis by SDS-
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). This analysis was car-
ried out on 10% acrylamide gels and resolved at 180 V for 50min in a
Tris/Glycine/SDS running buffer. Gels were stained using Comassie
Brilliant blue stain and subsequently imaged using Microtek
9800XL Plus scanner (Microtek, Carson, CA).
Fig. 1. Optical properties of untreated cricket flour (CF), cooked cricket flour (CCF),
baked cricket flour (BCF-), cooked cricket flours with added fructose (CCFþ) and baked
2.2.6. Statistical analyses cricket flour with added fructose (BCFþ). [A] DE of color differences between CF and
Experiments were carried out in triplicates, with each repetition CCF-, CCFþ, BCF- and BCFþ (statistically different samples denoted by different letters,
was measured three times; results are presented as the calculated p < 0.05) and [B] UV-VIS spectra of CF, CCF-, CCFþ, BCF- and BCF þ measured at pH ¼ 7.
T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54 51

non-enzymatic browning, also known as the Maillard reaction, demonstrates the mean particle size of the CF, CCF-, CCFþ, BCF- and
which may alter the functionality and nutritional value of the BCF þ at pH values between 3 and 7 does not vary significantly
product (Oliver, Melton, & Stanley, 2006; Somoza, 2005; van Boekel (ANOVA, p < 0.05). z- Potential measurements (Fig. 2B) also showed
et al., 2010). Thus, this study explored the possible cross reactivity no significant difference between any of the samples. However, the
between cricket proteins and fructose under the experimental repeatability of the size measurements (Fig. 2A) for the baked
thermal processing conditions. Sample's color and UV absorbance samples (BCFþ) was low compared to the other samples and
were measured using a tristimulous color analyzer and spectro- throughout the pH range examined. This may arise from extensive
photometer. Results given in Fig. 1 affirm that each thermal treat- Maillard reaction accelerated by the elevated temperatures of
ment caused a significant (p < 0.05) change in the color of the baking.
samples (Fig. 1A). Further, the addition of fructose led to more The formation of MRPs may involve protein cross-linking and/or
pronounced changes in color compared to similarly treated sam- formation of aggregates (Oliver et al., 2006). The kinetics for the
ples without the addition of fructose. This was also accompanied by formation of cross-linked or aggregated structures is highly
a significant change in the UV absorbance of the samples in the affected by temperature. Therefore, one may expect the formation
range of 290e305 nm (Fig. 1B). This range of wavelengths has been of larger entities in the baked samples compared to the cooked
previously shown to be indicative of Maillard reaction products' samples. Since all samples were of a fixed concentration, the mass
(MRPs)formation (Ajandouz, Tchiakpe, Ore, Benajiba, & Puigserver, partitioning of the cricket flour would differ and correlate with the
2001; Zhu, Damodaran, & Lucey, 2008). aggregate size. In this study, evaluation of the “by number” mean
Studies have shown that MRPs have modulated protein func- particle sizes [D1,0] (Fig. 2A insert) shows that cooked samples
tionality that may be of industrial interest (Augustin, Sanguansri, & (CCFþ) yielded smaller sized particles than the baked counterparts
Bode, 2006; Oliver et al., 2006). One of the key techno-functional (BCFþ). This supports the notion that the elevated temperature of
properties of edible proteins is their colloidal behavior. Hence, the baking leads to the formation of larger MRP-based hydrocolloids
change of suspension particle size, z-potential and turbidity at compared to the milder temperature of the cooking process.
600 nm were analyzed at a range of pH values relevant to food Consequently, the partitioning of the substances in the baked
systems. The results of these measurements appear in Fig. 2. Fig. 2A sample (BCFþ) would produce a less homogenous sample and

Fig. 2. Colloidal properties of untreated cricket flour (CF), cooked cricket flour (CCF), baked cricket flour (BCF-), cooked cricket flours with added fructose (CCFþ) and baked cricket
flour with added fructose (BCFþ) in [A] mean particle size d (4,3) (Insert: ean particle size by number d (1,0) of CCFþ and BCF þ as a function of pH value), (B) z-potentials and (C)
absorbance at 600 nm.
52 T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54

challenge the experimental repeatability. oxidation, namely Methionine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Phenylala-
The solubility and appearance of a solution or suspension are nine or Histidine (Elias et al., 2008; Liang & Kitts, 2014). Yet, no
important techno-functional properties that may be modulated by significant difference was found between any of the thermally-
the occurrence of the Maillard reaction (Oliver et al., 2006; van treated samples (ANOVA, alpha<0.05). This may imply that the
Boekel et al., 2010). The turbidity of samples measured at 600 nm observed reduction in electron transfer capacity is a consequence of
in the pH range of 3e7 (Fig. 2C) demonstrated a similar trend in physical seclusion of relevant amino acids due to structural changes
which thermally processed samples in the presence of fructose in protein structure, protein cross-linking or protein aggregation.
(CCFþ and BCFþ) showed increased variability in the findings. Moreover, the FRAP method has been suggested to show poor
Again, this can be attributed to physicochemical changes induced sensitivity to antioxidant compounds containing thiol groups
by the heat, moisture and reducing sugar leading to Maillard-type (Liang & Kitts, 2014; Svilaas et al., 2004); Thus, rendering the
protein cross-linking, glycosylation and aggregation. One method incompatible to monitor the AOX capacity of proteins that
intriguing functionality of food proteins is their ability to interfere originates from thiol groups of cysteine residues.
oxidative reactions, i.e. act as antioxidants (Elias, Kellerby, & Concomitantly, the ORAC assay was applied to the samples
Decker, 2008). Yet, the action of proteins as antioxidants can stem (Fig. 3B) to gain insight into samples' hydrogen abstraction activity.
from their ability to donate protons, terminate radicals or The results suggest that thermal processing operations (CCF-, BCF-)
neutralize pro-oxidative agents, namely chelation of metal ions slightly increased the AOX activity of CF. Moreover; thermal treat-
(Huang et al., 2005; Moon & Shibamoto, 2009). Therefore, this ments in the presence of fructose appreciably increased the anti-
study determined the antioxidant capacity (AOX) of processed and oxidant activity to a bigger extent. This supports the notion that the
unprocessed cricket flour samples using FRAP and ORAC AOX as- AOX activity of treated CF involves hydrogen abstraction that may
says (Fig. 3). The findings suggest a mixed trend in which pro- originate from cysteine residues (Elias et al., 2006). Further, the
cessing both deteriorated and elevated the antioxidant capacity of Maillard reaction that occurred in CCFþ and BCF þ samples
the cricket flour. improved the AOX activity of the samples. This may arise from
Specifically, the electron transfer capacity of the samples conformational changes in protein structure exposing cysteine
measured via FRAP assay (Fig. 3A) showed to be significantly residues, previously buried within the original tertiary structure of
(p < 0.05) diminished by thermal processing of CF in terms of the proteins. Yet, one cannot exclude the possibility that the AOX
ascorbic acid equivalents. This can be attributed to the physical or activity of CF samples may arise from other elements.
chemical blocking of amino acids that may undergo one-electron Overall, the obtained results imply that thermal processing of CF
impaired its ability to serve as an electron donor to quench radicals,
possibly due to seclusion of some amino acids (e.g. Tryptophan or
Histidine). At the same time, ORAC findings demonstrated an
increased AOX activity of as a proton donor, attributed to the
exposure of cysteine's thiol groups. In addition, this effect was more
pronounced in samples that underwent the Maillard reaction. This
concurs with recent studies showing a similar mixed trend in the
AOX capacity of whey proteins following thermal processing and/or
Maillard glycation (Drusch et al., 2009; Joubran et al., 2017, 2015;
Moscovici et al., 2014). Alternatively, this study can't exclude the
possibility that the AOX of CF samples may arise from non-protein
compounds or side reactions, e.g. thermally induced release of
antioxidant lipids from flour particles. This observed phenomena
should be studied in more detail to fully understand the underlying
The bio-relevance of the ORAC assay (Huang et al., 2005; Moon
& Shibamoto, 2009) stimulated a need to understand the bio-
accessibility and digestive fate of the processed CF samples.
Therefore, samples were fed into a dynamic in-vitro GI model
mimicking the gastro-intestinal digestion of a healthy adult to
evaluate the proteolytic breakdown of the CF proteins (Fig. 4).
These analyses revealed that thermal treatments altered the gastric
breakdown of treated CF samples (CCF-, CCFþ, BCF-, BCFþ)
compared to the breakdown of unprocessed CF (Fig. 4A). Addi-
tionally, cooking and baking in the absence of fructose (Fig. 4B and
C, respectively) and in its presence (Fig. 4D and E, respectively)
presented a differential impact on the proteolytic fate of CF proteins
in the gastric phase. No differences were detected in the digesta
samples collected from the intestinal phase.
As can be seen in Fig. 4B and C, cooking but not baking of CF
altered the persistence of various protein bands during the gastric
phase compared to the untreated CF sample (Fig. 4A). The most
evident differences are highlighted in the closed boxes (corre-
sponding to bands at MW of ~95 kDa, 72-55 kDa and ~17 kDa).
Fig. 4B gave an indication that cooking of CF increased the sus-
Fig. 3. Antioxidant capacity of untreated cricket flour (CF), cooked cricket flour (CCF-),
baked cricket flour (BCF-), cooked cricket flours with added fructose (CCFþ) and baked
ceptibility of certain proteins to gastric proteolysis. For example,
cricket flour with added fructose (BCFþ). [A] Results of FRAP analysis and [B] ORAC the band at ~17 kDa persisted for only 30min compared to 60 min in
analysis. Letters indicate statistically different values (p < 0.05). the untreated control (Fig. 4A). Interestingly, Fig. 4D and E revealed
T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54 53

Fig. 4. SDS PAGE analyses of in-vitro GI digestion under adult conditions of [A] untreated cricket flour (CF) [B] Cooked cricket flour (CCF-) [C] Baked cricket flour (BCF-) [D] Cooked
cricket flours with added fructose (CCFþ) and [E] Baked cricket flour with added fructose (BCFþ). Boxes highlight protein bands that differ between samples. Proteolytic enzymes
are indicated by arrows (Pepsin, Trypsin and chymotrypsin indicated as pep., trp. and ctrp.).

the formation of higher MW bands compared to the control cricket proteins. Overall, this work demonstrates that thermal
(Fig. 4A). This noted increase in MW can be attributed to some processing of cricket flour can modulate its functionality, improve
protein glycation, cross-linking or aggregation. Yet, both of the its function as a proton donating antioxidant and enhance its pro-
samples, CCFþ and BCFþ, exhibited rapid proteolysis with no tein bioaccessibility. Thus, justifying further investigation of in-
discrete bands observed after 30min of gastric digestion, as dustrial processing technologies and conditions that will not only
opposed to the untreated control (Fig. 4A) or the samples treated yield palatable insect-based products, but also help fully exploit
without the addition of fructose (Fig. 4B and C). This concurs with their potential to beneficially affect consumer health.
prior evidence showing that early stage Maillard reaction products
may exhibit increased proneness to proteolysis (Corzo-Martínez, Acknowledgements
Soria, Belloque, Villamiel, & Moreno, 2010; Hernandez-
Hernandez, Moreno, Kolida, Rastall, & Sanz, 2011; Joubran et al., The research was supported by the Israel Ministry of Health
2017; Moscovici et al., 2014; Oliver et al., 2006). Such modulated Research Projects and Fellowships Fund on Food and Nutrition with
liability to proteolytic degradation mandate further investigation of implications on Public health (grant number 12834). Additional
the potential ramifications to the nutritional quality of CF. support was granted by the Laura Gurwin Flug Family Fund (grant
In conclusion, this study made an effort to apply realistic number 3-43831). The authors would also like to thank Dr. Carmit
cooking and baking conditions on cricket flour that are expected to Shani-Levi for her technical assistance and support.
alter the flour's physicochemical and colloidal properties (e.g. color
and zeta potential) and subsequently the digestive fate of proteins
in the flour. Based on turbidity and particle size analyses, the
changes in cricket flour techno-functionality have been suggested Ajandouz, E. H., Tchiakpe, L. S., Ore, F. D., Benajiba, A., & Puigserver, A. (2001). Effects
to stem from various events, such as protein denaturation, cross- of pH on caramelization and Maillard reaction kinetics in fructose-lysine model
systems. Journal of Food Science, 66(7), 926e931.
linking and/or aggregation. Antioxidant activity analyses revealed
that the processing of cricket flour reduced its electron transfer Alexandratos, N., & Bruinsma, J. (2003). World agriculture: Towards 2015/2030: An
ability but improved its aptitude as a proton donor. This mixed FAO perspective. Land Use Policy, 20(4), 1e147.
trend has been attributed to the seclusion of some amino acid 8377(03)00047-4.
Alston, J. M., Beddow, J. M., & Pardey, P. G. (2009). Agricultural research, produc-
residues that react via a one-electron oxidation mechanism, while tivity, and food prices in the long run. Science, 325(5945), 1209e1210.
exposing proton-donating residues, namely cysteine. Last, in vitro Augustin, M. A., Sanguansri, L., & Bode, O. (2006). Maillard reaction products as
digestion of untreated and treated cricket flours showed that encapsulants for fish oil powders. Journal of Food Science, 71(2), E25eE32.
cooking had a marginal effect on the digestive fate of the cricket Belluco, S., Losasso, C., Maggioletti, M., Alonzi, C. C., Paoletti, M. G., & Ricci, A. (2013).
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54 T. David-Birman et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 79 (2018) 48e54

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