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September 15, 2020 Christopher Wray Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20535 Dear Director Wray: We write to you as a group of former and retired Black FBI Special Agents, who are concerned that program inequities within the agency have resulted in a decline in the recruitment, hiring and promotion of Black Special Agents. As you are aware, and personally stated during last year’s 100-year celebration of African American Special Agents, the percentage of Black Special Agents in the FBI has steadily declined. Similarly, the percentage of Black Special Agents promoted to the highest decision-making levels of SES has also decreased. We recognize that you are making efforts to improve these numbers, but we remain concerned because the FBI has allowed this decline to continue for over 20 years. In fact, this continuous decrease in Black Special Agent hiring and promotions has occurred despite a previous Court finding of racial discrimination in the agency, and a Court Order requiring the FBI to end racial disparities. In that no effort thus far has addressed this problem, we have joined to represent the MIRROR Project, a grass roots initiative with a primary goal of creating a strategic plan that will drive the FBI to establish systemic processes that significantly enhance minority recruitment, hiring, retention, leadership development training, and promotional opportunities at all supervisory and senior management levels. We believe this will require a commitment to improving diversity by allowing for a third-party review of each of the aforementioned components of the agency's personnel processes. We also believe that this com! be sustainable and the FBI held accountable through formal reporting to Congress, Department of Justice and the Office of Inspector General. ment must Ifyou are available, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss our proposal further. Based upon past history, we believe our advocacy for accountability and a strong strategic plan Is the only solution to ensuring sustainable improvements in the agency that will result in lasting changes for Black Americans who pursue careers with the FBI Doc ID: 0196901297752779b9208 1 3dd0r1 7B946f9051d2 Our goal is not to diminish the reputation of the FBI, but to support the agency as the standard bearer for what it means to have a truly diverse, transparent and fair federal law enforcement and intelligence agency. It is our hope that through this initiative the FBI will have tangible successes in diversifying its Special Agent workforce. Respectfully, The Mirror Project Signatures: Een Mithael %. Mason Lobe Evans Smith Keven KR. Kewes WK Williams Aaron M. KaSure tdward Dickson Mark S. Bullock Cessandea Uf Chandler Doc ID: 0198901297752779b92c8 13dd0r178946f9D5Id2

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