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UNIT 6 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ANE SS Chapter |: Fundamentals and Error Analysis 63 Chapter 2: Indicating Instruments 6s Chapter 3: Measurement ofVoltage and Current 67 Chapter 4: Measurement of Resistance 615 Chapter 5: Bridge Measurement, Measurement of Induction and Capacitance 617 Chapter 6: Extension of Instrument Ranges 621 Chapter 7: Potentiometer 622 Chapter 8: Measurement of Power and Energy 623 Chapter 9: Measurement of Phase and Frequency 632 Chapter 10: Potentiometric Recorders and Q-Meter 634 Chapter 11: Oscilloscope 6.36 Chapter 12: Electronic Multimeters and Digital Voltmeters: 64l Chapter 13: Instrument Transformer 643 u ertrures auue}SueH, weMNASUT srerounon ey8ig pue sssjounymy uoH9015 edo2s011089 s0199-2 pur siepiocey sigawionueiog fouenbeny us aseyd jo wowssnecoyy ‘b10Ug pur somog Jo wowasnseoyy serouonusiog seBvey yuowinasuy jo uorsuerxs ‘soueyede9 pue vowonpu jo Nuowanseeyy wauaineway a8pug ‘sourrstsay yo swainseoyy wuoung pur @Be0q Jo waweinse=y, ssuownjsu) Suyeopy, ‘isfyouy 10413 pue siewewrepung se ron glo © zo 10 00 66 86 16 96 1694 WOKS sisdjeuy wexy Chapter Fundamentals and Error Analysis ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. Fringing in capacitive type transducer ean be mini- mized by providing [1995], ution: Fringe effect is when lines of Mux leap outside the edges of the capacitor plates, Due to this, capaci tive transducers many a times show non linear be- havior which can be eliminated using guard rings. 2. A precise measurement guarantees accuracy of the ‘measured quantity. [1994] Solution: False Precision is necessary but not suificient condition, for accuracy. Accuracy means conformity to truth while prevision refers to consistency or repeatabile ity of results 3. A metal strain gauge has gouge factor of two, it’s nominal resistance is 120 2. It undergoes a strain of 10% the value of change of resistance in response to the strain is [1993] (a) 2400 (b) 21070 (© 25x10° 0 (a) 12107 Solution: () Gauge factor: 10%. Stress; ¢ = At 7 Where, {= length; Af = change in length, Resistance: R = 1200. To find: Change in resistance; AV ARIR 2101200 4x10 x10". the correct option is (c) AR=G,xexR Hene: 'WO-MARKS QUESTIONS 1. Suppose that resistor R, and R, are connected in, parallel to give an equivalent resistor R. If resistors R, and R, have tolerance of 1% each, the equivalent resistor & for resistors R, = 300 Q and R, = 2000 will have tolerance of [2014-82] ay 05% ww) (c) 1.2% (d) 2% Solution: (0) Given, Resisor R, =300.0 Tolerance of R,. AR, =1% Resistance R, = 2000. Tolerance of Ry: AR, =1% AIR. Hence, Ry = A RAR BEAR R LAR) TR EAR) HR EAR) 6.4 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements R\R, +(AR, + AR,) [R= AR) +(R, EAR) 200x200) 0% + 1%) ~B00=ET 1% of 2 6000+ 2% (00=3) +(20022) 6000+ 24% © 50085 60000 2% _ roy ig, S0021% Hence, the correct option is (b). A variable w is related to three other variables x, »;z xyfs, The ured with meters of accuracy +0.5% reading, +1% of full scale value and 41.5% reading the actual readings of the three meters are 80, 20 and $0 with 100 being the full scale value for all three, The maximum uncertainty 2 as w ules are mea in the measurement of w will be (2006) (a) 20.5% Wg tb) +5.5% rdg (©) 26.7% rdg (@) £7.0% rdg Solution: (d) Given variables w, x, y, gare related by w= a19f ‘Also, Ax = 40.5% rdg; A is used (o represent uncertainty in the measurement of the vari 41.5% rg, 241% fio 3 tor yoasay= Lense Aw=+(Ar+ Ay + Az) (0.945 +1,5)% tdg = £7% rig, Hence, the correct option is (@), ‘Two 100 [A full scale PMMC meters are employed to construct a 10 V and a 100 V full scale voltmeter. These meters will have figures of merit (sensitivities) as [1999] (a) 10 KON and 10 KV (b) 100 kOYV and 10 kOIV (©) 10 kN and 100 KQIV (@) 10 KON and 1 KV Solution: (a) Maximum current that can be measures WA = 100 x 10° A. Full seale voltage of Ist voltmeter Full scale voltage of 2nd voltmeter: To find: Sensitivities/Figures of merit for V,and V,., ie, S,,=?and S,,=? Resistance © voltage From Ohm’s law V=/R] Now, we know, Sensitivity; 5 - 14 100-10 Si =Siy = WKOW, Hence, the correet option is (a). S10x10° A/V = 10 KON. Chapter Indicating Instruments ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. An ammeter bas a current range of 0-5 A, and its internal resistance is 0.2 @. In order to change the range lo 0 ~ 25 A we need to add a resistance of [2010] (a) 0.8 Qin series with the meter (b) 1.0.Q in series with the meter. (©) 0.04 Q in parallel with the meter (@) 0.05 Q in parallel with the meter Solution; (@) Range of current ammeter = (0-5 A), Internal resistance; r= 0.2.0. To change to new range, ie. 0 Resistance required to add R=? To increase current range, resistance should be lowered; thereby we need to connect a shunt resist- ‘ance across the given ammeter, O5A 020 2 pao 4 R=0.050. Hence, the correct option is (d), 2. A galvanometer with full scale current of 10 mA has a resistance of 1000 2. The multiplying power (the ratio of measured current to galvanometer current) of a 100 © shunt with this galvanometer is [2008] (@) 110 (by 100 © ul @ 10 Solution: (e) Fora galvanometer, Full scale current; J,= 10 mA. Resistance of galvanometer; R, = 1000 Q. Resistance shunt with R.; R,, = 100.0. To find: multiplying factor; _ Measured currents I(say) ™ Galvanometer current; J, 4 @ win $ 7, Foy From the diagram. TR, = U1) Ry. rl, 8 6.6 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements i = + 4 Hence, the correct option is (c. Two-marks QUESTIONS 1. Two ammeters X and ¥ have resistances of 1.2 @ and 1.5 Q respectively and they give full-scale deflection with 150 mA and 250 mA respectively. ‘The ranges have been extended by connecting shunts so as give full scale deflection with 15 A. ‘The ammeters along with shunts are connected in parallel anel then placed in a cireuit in whieh eur- rent flowing is 15 A. The current in amperes indi= ‘cated in ammeter X is [2014-82] Solutio) For ammeter X, from the figure, at full seale, 1 4 abe hon Ry Ammeter X 1, = 150 mA =0.150 A. FaI5A R=120, We know, a Similarly, for ammeter ¥, from the figure, at full seale 0.015 T-1,; 15-0. When X and ¥ are connected! in parallel. Equiva lent resistance of ammeter X along with shunt HR _ 120.12 n+R, 012412 OLS Q. larly, for ¥ ammeter 0n4sa. =10.1A, Chapter Measurement of Voltage and Current ONeE-mMaRK QUESTIONS 1 Srw-looth voltage waveform shown in the figure is fed to a moving iron voltmeter. Its reading would be close 10 [2014-82] 100 20ms 4oms Solution: Moving iron voltmeter reads rms value, when AC is given rms value of saw tooth wave is; , ¥, 100 =STTV. = ROR 2. The input impedance of the permanent magnet mov= ing coil (PMMC) voltmeter is infinite. Assuming that the diode shown in figure below is ideal, the reading of the voltmeter in volts is [2013] aka. 14.14 sin = (314 0V Voltmeter (a) 4.46 (by 3.15 (©) 2.23 @) 0 Solution: (a) + The diode given is ideal diode and the PMMC voltmeter has finite resistance. + During positive half cycle of input, the diode ‘gets forward biased whercas during negative half cycle of input, the diode gets reverse biased. + PMMC volimerer reads average value of voltage sinusoidal voltage), PMMC voltmeter reading = V. = Toc 100 =0.318%1, x100 KO M44 101k =4.46 V, =0.318% 100 KO Hence, the correct option is (a) ‘Three moving iron type voltmeters are connected as shown below. Volimeters readings are V, V, and V,, as indicated. The correct relation among the voltmeter reading is (20131 no ja 1 v) LG, © " vow @ Vep+Zg (b) VaV+¥, Rome . (© V=VV, (@) vev-¥, 6.8 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Solution: (a) Vp Hence, the correct option is (4). 4. A periodic voltage waveform observed on an oseil- loseope across a load is shown. A permanent mag- ret moving coil (PMMC) meter connected across. the same load reads [2012] vw * 10V mf sv . ota eatin) ib) 5 (@) 10V be time (ms) osv PMMC measures average value: ‘Average value “5 ‘ij rar fours | “| -sitg | *{100-0)-Si12-10]+5120- : [s0-10 +58) = 82 =4Vv. 20 20 Hence, the correct option is (a) 5. A PMMC voltmeter is connected across a series combination of « DC voltage source V, = 2 V and an AC voltage sour. sin(40V" The meter reads (2005) ave @ sein at (- L_| tb) 5 @ Hy @ 2 w [2 vi | y 2 Solution: (a) PMMC meter reads only DC. Hence, the correct option is (a). 6. \ Manganin swamping resistance is connected in ‘with a moving coil ammeter consisting of a milli-ammeter and a suitable shunt in order to [20031 (a) Minimize the effect of temperature variation (b) Oblain large deflecting torque (©) Reduce the size of the meter (@) Minimize the effect of stray magnetic fickis Solution: (a) This swamping resistance is made up of constant temperature coefficient materials Tike manganin and constantan for reducing the temperature errors, Henee, the eorreet option is (a). 7. ‘The effect of stray magnetic fields on the actuating torque of a portable instrument is maximum when the operating field of the instrument and the stray ficlds are [2003] (a) Perpendicular (©) Inclined at 60° Solution: (b) The elfeet of stray magnetic fields on the actuating torque of a portable instrurtent is maximum when, the operating field of the instrament and the stray fields are paral, Henee, the correct option is (b) A DC voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1000 Qvolt When it measures half full seale in 100 V range, (b) Parallel (@) Inclined at 30° the current through the voltmeter is [1993] (a) 100 mA, (b) Ima, (©) 0.5mA (@) 50mA 10, Solution: (c) Spe Athalf full seale, the reading will be 0.5 mA, (OR) cor2ev > wore. 50 DOxID Hence, the correct option is (¢). An advantage of a permanent magnet moving instrument is that it is (1996) (a) Free from frietion error (b) Has high (torque weight of the moving parts) ratio, (©) Has Low (lorque/weight of the moving parts) ratio (@) Can be used on both AC and DC Solution: (b) ‘The friction error of the PMMC instrument is less, this error can be decided by torque/weight ratio ‘The frietion error is less only when ratio is high, 05mA. ence, the correct option is (b) ‘The scale of @ voltmeter is uniform. Is type is (1996) (a) Moving iron (b) Induetion (c) Moving coil permanent magnet (@) Moving coil dynamometer Solution: (¢) Hence, the correct option is (). Fourammeters M,.M,..M, and M, with the fallow ing specifications are available. [1993] Chapter 3. Measurement of Voltage and Current | 6.9 Ti wm] oe uaa Sa ak M, 35 digit 20 £0.10 Eleetro-dynamie £0.50 Accarrent of | A isto be measured, "To obtain mini- ‘mum error in the reading, one should seleet meter @ M, ) M, @ M, £0.02 M, > Brror=10x 202 5 40.02. 0 M, sEror=5x°? 5 40.021 i00 My > Eror= 1 £0.01 i00 M,, has less error on full seae, Henee, the correct option is (d). ‘Two 100 V full scale PMMC type BC voltmeter having figure of merits (FOM) of 10 KQIV and 20 KAQIV are connected in series. The series com- bination can be used t0 measure a maximum DC 2. voltage of _ (1995) Solutio {Wey ey Voltmeter V; Vohineter ¥, Sige, = 10KOV Sues = 20 KOI. Toa =0.1MAL Iggy = =0.05 ma. Sper oc? ‘The maximum allowable current in this eombina- tion is 0.05 mA, since both are connected in series. Maximum DC voltage can be measured as 0.05 mA, CLO KQAY % 100 + 20 Q/V x 100) = 3000 0.05 =180 V. 6.10 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements 13, A.0- 10 mA PMMC ammeter reads 4 mA ina Solution: cireuit, hs bottom contol spring snaps suddenly. DAGSA ‘The meter will now read nearly [1994] Vig = hye 10D ( : }rto-s5v (a) 10mA, (b) 8maA * (©) 2mA (@) Zero Solution: (d) Two-marks QUESTIONS Springs are in series with the moving coil, rent is passing through the spring and to the moy- 4, The reading of voltmeter (rms) in volts, for the ing coil. I spring snaps sucdenly, eurrent passing” eyit shown inthe figure is ~ 2014-81) to the coil is zero and meter reading will be zero. Hence, the correct option is ( c., curs sa bi fI 14, Anunshielded moving iron valmeteris used io mens- urothe voltagein an AC cireuit, Kast DC magnatic field having a component along the axis ofthe meter vo 1g coil appears, the meter reading would be [1992] i (a) Unaffected Wocntt) F ® Derrsted er hia 7 (@) Either decreased or increased depending, on the direction of the DC field | Solution: (d) An unshielded moving iron voltmeter is used to measure the voltage in an AC circuit, Ifa stray DC magnetic field having a component along the axis of the meter coil appears, the meter reading would +4 be cither decreased or increased depending on the Solution: direction of the DC field ‘I Hace, the eorreet option is 10020 Vex 15, The current i) is passing through 10 2 resistor » fi as shown in Figure A and as a waveform as shown 7 in Figure B. Then the reading of the DC voltmeter -} connected across 10 Q resistor is [1991], ® wo Zq =0.5+10) DC veer 10020 9020 Figure (A) a0 Current division rule (See figure) So, KVL 12a) |_| j(000 20) ~ j(100 20) = 0. LL 7 =-j20.20 i F =-1200290), opt era a = 141.42, we v= Figure (B) Chapter 3. Measurement of Voltage and Current | 6.11 2. The DC current flowing in a circuit is measured by two ammeters, one PMMC and another electro~ dynameter type, connected in series. The PMMC meter contains 100 turns in the coil, the flux den- sity in the air gap is 0.2 W/m, and the area of the coil is 80 mm”. The electrodynamometer ammeter has a change in mutual inductance with respect to deflection of 0,5 miMfacg. The spring constant of both meters are equal. The value of current, in Voltmeter reading (V, which the deflection of the two meters are same, [2014-81] Total resistance (Rs) = 80 KO+ x. Solution: Deflection of two meters are same Aare = Boyne: Spring constants of two meters are same Teysone = Terrie Now, Brave => 352(80-4 x) = (20+.0)(440), 2100%80%10" ws 32mA. => 440x—352x = 35280-44020, = 88x = 28160-8800, = 220KQ, 3. An analog voltmeter uses external multiplier set- tings. With « multiplier setting of 20 kQ, it reads 440 V and with a multiplier setting of 80 kQ, it reads 352 V, For a multiplier setting of 40 kQ, the For multiplier seiting = 40 KO, Total resistance (R,) = 40+ 2200 voltmeter reads (2012) a (a 371 (b) 383 Keb (© 394 (@) 406V yon R Solution: (d) Py _ 204220 F, = 406, For multiplier sewing = 20 kQ. 40 405220 Meter resistane _ lence, the correct option is (dl) Total resistance =f, =20 0+ x 4, An average-reading digital multimeter reads 10 V Voltmeter reading (¥,) = 440 V. ‘when fed with a triangular wave, symmetric about 20K the time axis, For the same input an rms reading op moter will read, (2009) > D oy » a | fo) 2095 108) —————— Solution: (a) Vea hy. vio nak R Tor triangutar waveform For multiplier sewing = 80 kQ. Vv Meter resistance = x. 6.12 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Hen option is (a). 5. A current of 8+ 69 Sin@or+30°)4 is passed though three meters, They are a center zero PMMC meter, true rms meter and moving iron instrument. ‘The respective reading (in A) will be [2006], (a) 8,6, 10 (b) 8.6.8 (e) -8, 10, 10 @) Solution: (c) PMMC > PMMC reads. Only DC value, ie, “8 V (because centre zero meter) and tue rms _meter and moving iron instruments reads rms values, The readings of the meters one ~80, 10, 10. Hence, the correct option is (c). 6. A1D00V DCsupply hastwo I-crorecablesasitspas- itive and negative leads: their insulation resistances tocarth are 4 MQ and 6 MQ respectively, as shown in the figure. A voltmeter with resistance 50 kQ is used to measure the insulation of the eable When connected between the positive core and carth, then voltmeter reads (2003) 4Mo 6 Mo 91000 Vane A 9 Annet (a 8v (b) 16V () 24V (@) 40V Solution: (a) Rei =4 Maso ke = 22008 405 From voltage division rule 49.38 KO, 49.38 {49.38 KO 6000 KO =8.16V Hence, the correct option is (a). Voltmeter reading = 1000| A moving coil of a meter has 100 turns, and a length and depth of 10 mm and 20 mm respectively. Its positioned in a uniform radial flux density of 200 mT. The coil carries a current of 50 mA. The torque on the eoil is (2004) (a) 200 wNm (b) 100 uNm © 2uNm @ 1 yNm 200 mT, D = 20 mm. T=BINANm 50% 10° x 100% 10107 20x10 100 jim. Hence, the correct option is (a). 3. The inductance of a certain moving-iron ammeter ines L=10+38-l, whre s deflection in radians from the zero position. The control spring torque is 25%10*Nm/radian, The deflection of the pointer in radian when the meter carries a current of 5 A, is (2003) (a) 2.4 (by 2.0 12 @ 10 Solution: (¢) L=10+38-87%4 ph x10*Nmvradian, In moving iron meter deflection angle, Henee, the correct option is (©) 1. An AC voltmeter uses the circuit shown below, where the PMMC meter has an internal resistance of 100 Q and requires a DC current of 1 mA for full scale deflection, Assuming the diodes to be ideal, the value of R, to obtain full seale deflection with 100 V (AC rms) applied to the input terminal would be [2003] 10. Chapter 3. Measurement of Voltage and Current | 6.13 Lite (a) 80kQ. (b) 89 kQ (©) 89.9 kQ @) 90kQ Solution: (c) Ry =R, -28,-R, loo Vv. TmA =09x. 0-100 0 =89.9 ka. Hence, the correct option is (). A current of [2 +2 sin(314r + 30) + 2 (9521 + 45)| is measured with a thermocouple type, 5A full seale, cass meter.‘The meter read 2 would lie in the range, [1999] a) SAL1% (b) 2+ 3y2) AL1% (6) 31.7% (@) 2A+0S% Solution: (¢) “Thermo couple type meter reals rms value of current For Class 1 meter, error is 1% So error for given 5 A iss = 0.05. 100 a0! ‘Then % error for 3 A = 100= 1.67% Hence, the correet option is ©) 6.14 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Five-MARKS QUESTIONS L. For the given cireuit the internal resistances of the ammeter as well as that of the current coil of the vwattmeter are zero, and the voltmeters have a very large figure of merit, A, is a 6A full scale moving irom type meter. A, isa Commercial full wave recti- fier type meter of full seale $A. V, is a500 V meter is a peak response type. V, is 300 V PMMC type meter and W is an electro dynamometer type 5A, 230 V wattmeter. Determine the reading of A, V,, Vand W. [1999] Cah 6 Ome OL al | Solution: Vigg =230 V, f= 30 Hz and R= 460. A,>6 A. Fallscale moving iron type meter. A, 5A. Fallscale full wave rectifier type meter ¥, -»500 V_ Peak response type meter V, 9300 PMMC type meter Circuit is hal? wave rectifier cireuit A, meter reads, rms value of Current Fog, g For half wave rectifier 75 noi a0 = WIDSIA, 246 A, meter reads average value. But indicates rms value of current itu, ‘A, moter reads [,, = ¥, > reads peak value. 20x fF = 325.27 V V, -> reads average value. v2 Vows 2302. ‘Watumeter reads average power W =103.53%2.25 = 232.95 W. Chapter gE Measurement of Resistance ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. A Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the meas- urement of [19951 (a) Inductance (b) Capacitance (©) Low resistance (G) High resistance Solution: (¢) Kelvin’s double bridge takes into account the meas- urement of winding resistances of machines and contact and earth eonduetor resistances which are negligible in case we are measuring medium or high resistances and comparable only t© low resistance Hence, the correct option is (c), Two-mMarks QUESTIONS 1. The set-up in the figure is used to measure resist- er and voltmeter resistance are 0.01 and 2000 2, respectively. Theit readings ‘A and 180 V, respectively, giving & measured resistance of 90 Q, The percentage error in the [2005] ef z 3 L_j—t (a) 2.25% fo) 454% (b) 2.35% (@) 471% Solution: (d) nom be opm -@)—0 oo1e 7 DA ty 180 V, 2000 2 Given, voltmeter reading Ammeter reading; 1, =2A. Volumeter resistance; r, = 2000 Q. p01 2, Ammeter resistance: r, Mesure salacorecoun R= 82000 From the figure, 1, =/* = 180 2000 Truecurrent:f,=J,~f,=(2-009)A= 191A ioveisiR, > R=! 11 14.240, KR 199 04,249 = AM 1092 4.71%, Hence, the correct option is 2. Resistance R, and R_ have, respectively, nominal values of 10 Q and 5 Q. and tolerances of 45% and 10%. The range of values for the parallel combination of R, and Ry is (2001) 6.16 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements (a) 3.077-3.636. 0 (e) 3.237-3.678 0 Solution: (a) Given resistance R, = 10.Q. (b) 2.805-3.371. (d) 3.192-3.435 0 Toleranceot Ry; AR, = 25% 40.0910) Range of R, > (10.5-9.5) Resistance R, = 5.0. Tolerance of Ry; AR, = 410% = H(0.1x5) Range of R, > (5.5-4.5) 0 For the tances in parallel, RR Equivalent resistance; R Fa “R+R, For lower range, 9SxA5 9.5645 For higher range, 5x5. W555 93000 105+55 Hence, the correct option is (a). 059. Chapter Bridge Measurement, Measurement of Induction and Capacitance ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. The bridge method commonly used for finding mutual induetance is (20121 (a) Heaviside Campbell bridge (b) Schering bridge (©) De Sauty bridge (@) Wien bridge Solution: (a) The bridge method commonly used for finding ‘mutual induetanee is Heaviside Campbell bridge. Hen 2. The bridge eiteuit shown in the fig below i the measurement of an unknown element bridge eireut is best suited when Z, isa [2011] the correct option is (a), (a) low resistance (©) low Q Inductor (b)_ high resistance (@) lossy Capacitor. Solution: (¢) ‘The above bridge is Maxwell inductunce-capaci- tance bridge. Iris suitable for the measurement of Low Q Inductor. Hence, the correct option is (¢). Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the meas urement of [2002] (a) resistances of very low value (b) low value capacitance (©) resistance of very high value (@) high value capacitance Solution: (a) Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the meas- ‘urement of resistances of very low value, Hence, the correct option is (a) Two-marks QuESTIONS |. A sirain gauge forms one arm of the bridge shown in the figure below and has a nominal resistance with- out any load as R, = 300 Q. Other bridge resistances are R, = R, = R,= 300 Q. The maximum permissible current through the strain gauge is 20 mA. During certain measurement when the bridge is excited by maximum permissible voltage and the strain gauge 6.18 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements resistance is increased by 1% overthe nominal value, the output voltage , in mV is (2013) (a) 36.02 (©) 29.85 Solution: (e) id (b) 40.83 (@) 10.02 1, =40 mA, V,=1, *R, =40 mA x300 2 = 12V. ~ ae 3004p 300 “3009303” 300300 02985 V = 29.85 mY. Tence, the correet option is (c). 2. The Maxwell's bridge shown inthe figure isbatanced. ‘The parameters of the inductive coil are [2010] @ b= Solution: (a) At balance Z,Z, R (re jon{ * ar, wei rapecR. RR, + JOLR, = RR, + FOC RR, Compate real and imaginary terms, RR, = RR, R LR, =Cy L=C¥ Fence, the correct option is (a). A bridge circuit is shown in the figure below: Which one of the sequences given below is most suitable for balancing the bridge? [2008] Chapter 5 Bridge Measurement, Measurement of Induction and Capacitance | 6.19 (a) First adjust Rand then adjust R, (b) First adjust, and then adjust R, (6) First adjust, and then adjust Ry (@) First adjust, and then adjust R2 Solution: (c) X, =o. x=! WC, Z(s)=R +51, =P, ZR, Z.()=Ry+ Se, Assuming that the given Huy’s bridge is in balance. ZAsVZ3) aa (R + St){ Ro sc, } (RSL YSR,C, +1 SRC, + SUL, ERC R, R-WREL, + jolL, + RRC, Balancing real and imaginary parts, R-0 RCL, =O. Lt RARC, = RRC. =O ROL, 1, =BRC,- RAC, R depends on L, L, depends on R,, Break this dependency 1, = RRO-RLO RELICS Atbalance condition of Z,, Is balanced against Q of Z,, (onZ) = Similarly substituting L, into R’s equation, neornc, BEC Firstadjust R, for resistive balance, and then adjust R, for inductive balance (without disturbing resist- ance balance). Hene: the correct option is (c). R, and R, are the opposite arms of Rand R, of a Wheatstone bridge. The source voltage is applied across R, and R, under balanced conditions, which, one of the following is true? [2006] 6.20 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements RR, ) W@) RAR +R +R, Solution: (b) The source voltage is applied across R, and R, under balanced conditions RR, Ry Hence, the correct option is (b). 5. A moving iron ammeter produces a full scale torque of 240 Nm with a deflection of 120° at a current of 10 A. The rate of change of self induet- tance (\UH/radian) of the instrument at full scale is [2004], (b) 4.8 wHitadian: (6) 1146 wHeadian (a) 2.0 pH/nadian, (©) 12.0 plfradian Solution: (b) 6 = 120° a_i, a0 240 WN. am, - dar di, _2x240x10% wo 00 db a rad Hence, the correct option is (b). ‘The items in ListeI represent the various types of measurements to be made with a reasonable aceu- racy using a suitable bridge. The items in List-IT represent the various bridges available for this purpose. Select the eosrect choice of the item in Listll for the corresponding item in List from the following. (2003) List A. Resistance in the milli Ohm range B. Low values of capacitance C. Comparison of resistances which are nearly equal D, Inductance of a coil with a Large ti List-ld 1. Wheatstone bridge 2. Kelvin double bridge 3. Schering bridge 4. Wien’s bridge 5. Hay’s bridge 6. Carey Foster bridge Codes: constant 7 (a) (by © «@ Solution: (a) Resistance in the milli Ohm range is measured by Kelvin double bridge. Low values of capacitance is measured by Schering bridge. DeRee wae es shows Compurivon of resistances which are nearly equal is done using Carey Foster bridge. Inductance of a coil with a large time-constant is measured using Hay’s bridge Hence, the correet option is (2). Chapter 6 | Extension of Instrument Ranges Two-MARKs QUESTIONS 1. ADC ammeter has.a resistance of 0.1.8 and its cur- rent range is ~ 100 A. Ifthe range isto be extended to0—300 A, then meter requires the Following shunt resistance (2005) (a 0.010 () 00112 (©) 0.025 2 (@) 102 Solution: (c) Given, for a DC ammeter; initial full s 1,= 100.4, Internal resistance = 0.1 Q. le current Pinal full seale current = 500 A = To find: required shunt resistance; R=? 2. A 100 WA ammeter has an internal resistance of 100 Q. For extending its range to measure 500 UA, the shunt required is of resistance (in) [2001] (a) 20.0 (by 2 (©) 25.0 (@) 500 Solution: (¢) Given, Initial full scale of ammeter = 100 WA, J, = 100 XW“ A= 104A. Internal resistance r= 100 . After range extension, final full seale of ammeter =500 uA. = 1-500 IDA =5x 104A, ‘To find shunt resistance required = ? = R (say), Hence, the correct option is (c). Hence, the correct option is (c). Chapter Potentiometer 3 ONE-maRK QuesTIONS A potentiometer is hasieally (a) deflection type instrument (b) null type instrument (6) deflection as well as null type instrument (@) a digital instrument Solution: (b) ‘A potentiometer makes use of a balance or null condition, no current flows, hence no power is consumed in the circuit containing unknown emf when the instrument is ba [1997] anced. Hence, the correct option is (b) ‘A transfer instrument employed in the standardiza- tion of a polar type AC potentiometer is [1997] (a) an electrostatic instrument (b) a thermal instrument (©) adynamo meter instrument (@) a moving coil instrument Solution; (c) For a polar type AC potentiometer, a precision type electrodynamometer ammeter is required for standardization purposes as a transfer instrument. Hence, the correct option is (c). In DC potentiometer measurements, a second reading is often taken after reversing the polarities of the DC supply and the unknown voltage, and the average of the wo readings is taken. This is, with a view to eliminate the effects of [1992] (a) ripples in the DC supply (b) stray magnetic fields (©) stray thermal emt’s (@) erroneous standardization Solution: (c) ‘The major disadvantage of a potentiometer is that exiruncous or stray emfs picked up from stray fields or couplings between portions of the poten tiometer seriously alfect the result. This is elimi- nated by taking & second reading Hence, the correct option is (©) 'WO-MARKS QUESTIONS 1. A DC potentiometer is designed to measure up (© about 2 V with a slide wire oF 800 mm, A standard cell of emf 1.18 V obtains balance at 600 mm. A test cell is seen to obtain balance at 680 mm. The ‘emf of the test cell is, (1994) (a) 1.00 (by) 134 © 150V @) 170 Solution: (b) Standard cell emf; £= 1.18 V. 600 man = 600 x 101m, 1.967 4, $80 mm = 680 x 10-'m. New balance position; L, Emf of the test cell; V= IL, = 1,967 x680%107 =1.34 V. Hence, the correct option is (b). Chapter 8 | Measurement of Power and Energy ONe-mark QueEsTIONS 1. Power consumed by a balanced 3-phase, 3-wire load is measured by the two wattmeter method. The first wattmeter reads twice that of the second. Then the load impedance angle in radians is [201481] ® (a © (b) 2 : 8 @ ® w % 6 3 Solution: (¢) Hence, the correct option is (c). 2. While measuring power of a three-phase balanced, load by the two-wattmeter method, the readings are 100 W and 250 W. The power factor of the load is [2014-82], Soluti 7, =100W WY, = 250 W=cos9. 3. For the circuit shown in the figure, the volt age and current expressions are v4) = E, sin(on + E, sin(3on) and i(0) = 1, sin(ox ~ 4) * J, sin Gor 6) +1, sin(50. The average power measured by the wattmeter is [2012] 6.24 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements ) Lae 1 (oy) 4 F.1, cos, + Ey1,6086, + Ely) (© LEI, cos + Ecos] Ries (@) HE, 0086, + Eyl, c086\] Solution: (¢) PRR eP, E, cond £ P= Vylcosd, ae PV], cosd, = P,=0 as Sth harmonic does not contribute power 28 itis not present in Vi). P,, = LIE J 0086, + E.J,c084,1=* Hence, the correet option is (). 4. Consider the following statements: {The compensating coil of a low power factor watumeter compensates the effect of the im pedance of the current coil (ii) The compensating coil of a low power factor wattmeter compensates the effect of the im pedance of the voltage coil cireuit. [2011] (a) (iis teue but Gi) is false () Gis false but (i is true (©) Both G) and (i) are tae (@) Both () and (i) are false Solution: (b) (Gi) True (i) False, ‘That is, the compensating coil is designed to com- pensate the pressure coil current existing in the current eail Compe the voltage coil (or) potential coil circuit sates the effect of the impedance of Hence, the correct option is (b). 5. A wattmeter is connected as shown in the figure the watimeter reads (2010) F | "Curent sai Pan eall—y Wattmeter (a) zero always (b) total power consumed by Z, and Z, (©) power consumed by Z, ° (@) power consumed by Z, Solution: (d) ‘The wattmeter reads power consumed by Z,, Hence, the correct option is (4). 1. A sampling wattmeter (that computes power from simultancously sampled values of voltage and eur rent is used to measure the average power ofa load. “The peak t peak voltage of the square wave is 10 V and the current is triangular wave of 5 A p-p as shown in the figure, The period is 20 ms. The read- ing in w will be 12006) @ ow (b) 25 © SOW (@) 100W Solution: (a) The positive power and negative power in earth cycle gets cancelled, so Net power = 0 W. Hence. the correct option is (3) 7. The circuit in figure is used to measure the power consumed by the load. The current coil and the volt- coil of the wattmeter have 0.02 0 and 1000 Q ice respectively. The measured power com- pared to the load power will be (2004) (a) 0.4% Less (©) 0.2% More (b) 0.2% Less (@) 0.4% More Solution: () Measured power = True power + error Truc power = VI cos 9 =200% 201 => 4000. Ezror is due to only load side connected coil, ie., current oil PR = 20? x (0.02) Measured power => 400x002 + 8W, P,=4000+8 => 4008 W. 0 2008 a0) 100 =0.2% more the correct option is (¢), ‘The Tine to line input voltage to the 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC circuit showa in figure is 100 V rms Assuming that the phase sequence is RYB the watmeter would read. (2002) @ (b) W, = 500 Wand W (@ W,=0W and W, (@) W, = 250 W and W Solution: (¢} In star connected load, au Zzp ME. 60 =11.587 2-60" 5 Chapter 8 Measurement of Power and Energy | 6.25 0. uw 2 Wattmeter W, reating is V,L, cos(30— 2) 100 % 11.547 e08 90° = 0. ‘Wattmneter W, reading is V,L, c0s(30 + 2) = 100 x 11.547 eos 30° = 1000, lence, the correct option is (6). “The minimum numberof wattmeters(s) required to measure 3-phase, 3-wire balanced or unbalanced rower is (2001) @l (b) 2 3 4 Solution: (b) The minimum number of wattmeters(s) required to measure S-phase, 3-wite balanced or unbalanced power is 2 Hence, the correct option is (6). Electrodynamie type wattmeters have large errors while measuring power in AC cireuits al low power factor conditions, since the voltage across and the current though the [1999] (a) current coil are not in phase. (b) current evil are not in quadrature, (©) pressure coil are not in phase. (@) pressure coil are not in quadrature. Solution: (¢) Blectrodynamic type wattmeters have large er rors while measuring power in AC cireuits at low power factor conditions, since the voltage across and the current though the pressure coil are not in phase, Hence, the correct option is (c). A dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the [1997] (a) average value of active power (b) average value of reactive power (©) peak value of active power (@) peak value of reactive power lution: (a) dynamometer type wattmeter responds to the av- erage value of active power. Hence, the correct option is (a) A water boiler at home is switched on to the AC mains supplying power at 230 V/S0 Hz, The fre- quency of instantaneous power consumed by the boiler is [1996] 6.26 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements (a) OH (b) 50H (e) 100 He (@) 150 Hz Solution: (c) The instantaneous power in AC cireuit is double the supply fre 1 cos2o0)/2, 50 x2 = 100 Hz. Hence, the correct option is (c). 13, The moving coil in a dynamometer watimeter is connected (1996) (a) in series withthe fixed coil (b) across the supply (c) in series withthe toad (@) across the load Solution: (b) The moving coil in a dynamometer watumeter is connected aeross the supply. Hence, the correct option is (b) 14. Vege Vjy and V,, are the instantaneous line to neu~ tral voltages and f,, 4, and j, are instantaneous line currents in a balanced three-phase circuit, the = (Vj —Viglig Will yield a computation, V,(4,—i,) quantity proportional ro (a) the active power (b) the power Factor (0) the reactive power (@) the complex power Solution: (¢) (1993) By using the vector diagram V,4(i, ~ i) = Vil, €09(00 + 6) and (Vy, —Vyyhip = Vy £08100 ~ 8) Therefore, Vesli,—i,)— Vy—Vanlip = Vgl, C0s(99-+0)—F; 1,4 C08(90 0) = PWV g1,,. 0090+ 0) PV 91 c0¥190-0) = VF y/u1e08(90-+8)— e0s190-8)] = 25V,.1 sind. ‘Quantity is proportional to reactive power, Hence, the correct option is (c). Two-marks QUESTIONS 1, The figure shows a three phase delta connected load supplied from 400 ¥, 50 Hz, 36 balanced souree. The pressure coil and current coil of a watt- meter are connected to the load as shown. With the coil polarities suitably selected to ensure a positive R a a6 2,= 1002 / Ze 1002 sxpety Spee 2 4 eB pe (c) 800 W (a) 400 W Solution: (e) _ FV, (line Vortagey T= hi = 2004120" gare. 100 1 120" ian Ve Voliage across pressure coil = Vy =400 2-120", Wattmeter reading = 1, xj, cos(ZI, and Vy) = 4% 400e0s(240°) = 1600 3 Tlenee, the correct option is (¢). 2. A 3V DC supply with an internal resistance of 2.Q supplies a passive non-linear resistance char- acterized by the relation V,, = °,,. The power dis- sipated in the non-linear resistance is [2007] (a Low © 25W Solution: (a) From the eireuit diagram () 15. @) 30W 20 ave 1 3=24K,. To satisfy the above equation, the current must be fone ampere, SoP=1A. Vy Lv, Power dissipated in that resistance is I Vy, => 1 x1S1W. Hence, the correct option is (a). An energy meter connected to an immersion heater (resistive) operating on an AC 230 Y, 30 Hz, AC sin= gle phase source reads 2.3 units (kWh) in 1 hour. ‘The heater is removed from the supply and now connected to a 400 V peak to peak square wave source of 150 Hz, The power in kW dissipated by the heater will be (2006) (a) 3.478 (b) 1.739 (1540 (@) 0.870 Solution: (b) 200 as 2.3 units for one hour at 230 V. Energy consumed = kWh, 23 r xt. R 23) 230. x1 hr 30. Chapter 8 Measurement of Power and Energy | 6.27 4. Now heater connected to peak to peak of 400 V square wave, 20") 304. Hence, the correct option is (b) ‘Two wattmeters, which are connected to measure the toull power on a three-phase system supply- ing a balanced load reads 10.5 kW and —2.5 kW respectively. The total power and power factor respectively are (2005) (a) 13.0 kW, 0.334 (b) 13.0 kW, 0.684 (c) 8.0 KW. (d) 8.0 kW, 0.334 Solution: (d) af fay, -W.) = ant | BUH), ue (St) sun -(-Haess28) Power factor cos@ = 0.3347, ‘Total power = W, + W, = 105-25 = 80 KW. Hence, the correct option is (a A single-phase load is connected between R and ¥ terminals of a 415 V, symmetrical, 3-phase, 4-wire system with phase sequence RYB. A wattmeter is connected in the system as shown in figure. The power factor of the loud is 0.8 lagging, The watt- ‘meter will read [2008] coal i 4 ; i (9 senw ans 6.28 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Solution: (b) Van W = 1,V ye 608( 21, and Vay) Given V,, = 415 V. cos =0.8 PI lag => 9 =36.86, And V,,=415 230°. 0 =30°-36.96 => ~6.86°, 415.230° 100 236.96 1, 4.13-2-6.86. W=4. 15.15 cos 120 +6:86) & = -s0646W Hence, the correct option is (b) 6 ADCA-h meters rated for 15 A, 250 V. The meter constant is 14.4 A-secfrev, The meter constant at rated voltage may be expressed as (2004) (a) 3750 rewkWh (b), 3600 revikWh (©) 1000 revikWh (4) 960 revkWh Solution: (c) Meter constant is 14.4 A-seedrev Ma Ah (2) 250-144 3600 rev Urey J 3600 =lrev. = 1000, rey Meter constant = 1000-7". kWh Hence, the eorreet option is (). 7. A.wattmeter reacls 400 W when its current coil is connected in the R phase and its pressure coil is connected between this phase and the neutral of a symmetrical 3-phase system supplying a balanced star connected 0.8 pf inductive load. The phase sequence is RYB, What will be the reading of this wwattmeter if its pressure coil alone is reconnected between the B and ¥ phases, all other connections remaining as before? (2003) (a) 400.0 @) 5196 (©) 300.0 (@ 6928 Solution: (b) R (OR, wo W = 400 W. W=Valy c0s6. Vola = 400008, This type of connection gives reactive power. 400 W = 0,1, sind = Bx? 0.6 = WN, 1, Bx og 196, Henee, the correct option is (b) 3. The voltage-flux adjustment of a certain I-phase 220 V induction watt-hour meter is altered so that the phase angle between the applied voltage and the flux due to it 85° (instead of this 90°). The errors introduced in the reading of this meter when the current is 5.A at power factors of unity and 0.5 lagging are respectively [2003] (a) 3.8 mW, 77.4 mW (b) -3.8 mW, -77.4 mW (©) 4.2 W.-85.1W (@) 42 W,85.1 W Solution: (e) V=20V J=5A. 7, = Vil, sinA~9). Ac unity power factor $= 0 and given A= 85° but true value of A= 90°. Chapter 8 Measurement of Power and Energy | 6.29 The two waltmeter method is used to measure active power on a three phase, three wire system, If the phase voltage is unbalanced, then the power T, Power (measure power) Power =220x5xsin85° = 1095.81 W. True value of power = Vif, sin90° tude ‘000 =20x5 = 1100W. (a) affected by both negative sequence and 2er0 Error=109581~ 1100 = 4.19 W. sequence vahages (by alected by negutive sequence voltage but not At power factor 0.5 > 8= 60° by zero sequence voltages Power= VJ, sin(85 60°) (c) affected by zero sequence voltages but not by: 220%5 xsin25 => 464.80. coy Rast sommenes wllgss / Tre value = VJ, sini90~ 60) = 550 W. not affected by negative squcnce Error=464.80 550 = -85.2 W. Solution: (€) Hence, the correct option is (c). Hence, the correct option is (d). 6.30 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Five-MarKs QUESTIONS 1, A.3@ load operates with balanced voltages applied to its terminals and draws balanced currents. The potential coil of a moving coil wattmeter is con nected from R 10 ¥ terminals of the load. The eur- rent coil of the meter is connected in series with phase 8, By appropriate derivation, show that the quantity indicated by this wattmeteris proportional to the reactive power drawn by the load [2000] Solution; Load is balanced load and draws balanced eurrent, Let us consider load is star connected one, Je : , . : we Zz 4a Oe y bo ‘The reading of the wattmeter W between J, and Vp) and Vy = [Vey costangle -¥, Vj Line voltage, V, and V,are phase voltages. W= TV py CONGO" 430°) =I qy COS(90°=$) = 1p py SID. (1) Given load is balanced Ya And, From Equation.) >= sing ameter wading s proportional w reaetive power 2A symmetceal 400 V, 39 supply is connected the network shown in figure. The phase sequence is RYB, Find the reading on the watimeter [1998] 02 and x, lve Von 2-240" 0 und X, = 40 Qand V,=400 VR, = 30.2.4, sequence is RYB. Sone voltages are Vy, 20°, V,,2— 120°, Vig Z— 240°. nya costangle between I, Wattmster reading i, and ¥,,) 1, current is not obiained directly, hecanse the given diagram is not exactly in the form of either star or dela ‘So we have 16 find out that value based on Ipth +1, =0. [y= Uy +h) 90. 1 Fay __ 100.20 soa = 750 Vmn__ 4004-60" g/ 113.13 30+40j 30440) Chapter 8 Measurement of Power and Energy | 6.31 Note: for finding current ,, don’t take line voltage Vy_ Because we have to follow the sequence Jy = 182909 +82 —113.13) =3.202-11.56. Wattmeter reading WH LF C0S(LL, and Vy) =3.20x400cos(120~1 1.56) = 404.87 W. Chapter by Measurement of Phase and Frequency ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. A two-phase load draws the following phase eur- i sin(ax — 9) i,(1) = 1, cos ~ 6). These curventare Palani seul 9 2012] 6, 6 © (5-4) w (+6 Solution: (by Given, 40) =1,,sin(or 4) AU) = 1, c0s(ot ~ Foran it be balanced angle between jan should be 90° $+ 90° 4, 4 ence, the eorrect option is (b) 2. For a given frequency, the deflecting torque of an induction ammeter is direetly proportional to [1996] (a) Current? (b) Current (©) JCument (@) Current Solution: (a) For an induction type ammeter, Rise in temperatures AO « IR, is current; &is resistance. a Where a and b are constants. Deflecting torque; t= KE Kad = Kya KR, ral Hence, the correet option is (a). ‘Two-MaArRKS QUESTIONS 1, The AC bridge shown in the figure is used to meas- ure the impedance Z. If the bridge is balanced for oscillator frequency f=2 kllz, then the impedance Zwill be [2008] Chapter 9 Measurement of Phase and Frequency | 6.33, a) (260+ +200 Zy 2 (a) (260 +j0) Q (b) (0+4200) 2 For balanced bridge 28 = 2H (©) 260 -j200). (d) (260 +j200) 0 Meme Where Lay Zaex Solution: (a) Zep sind Z,y ate respectively impedances of the Given, frequency; f= 2 kl branches AB, BC, CD and AD. 300+— __ 500 jot. O04 jor) if ) > ZH chs] 3004——t- |(3004 2 FL) 500 Be fx) AL 2x10 KCL a50 040 500° joc Hence, the correct option is (2). Chapter Potentiometric Recorders and Q-Meter ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1, The O-meter works on the principle of [2005] (a) amutual inductance (b)- Self inductance (6) series resonance (@) Parallel resonance Solution: (c) ‘Qmeter works on the principle of series resonance. Hence, th correct option is (©) 2. A reading of 120 is obtained when a standard inductor was connected in the circuit of a Q-meter and the variable capacitor is adjusted to a value of 300 pF. A lossless capacitor of unknown value then conneeted and the same reading was obtained when the variable capacitor is readjusted to a value of 200 pF. The value of C, in pF is (2003) (@) 100 (by 200 (©) 300 (a) 500 Solution: (a) Given, reading of @ meter; Q= 120. Initial capacitance: C, = 300 pF Final capacitance of variable resistor: C,= 200 pF Connected capacitor to final capacitance; C,=?. 1 oR where, a= Frequency, C= Capacitance, R=Resistance. Same Q was obtained for both connections. 1 L =120, OGR oil OHO, C, = C.-C, = 300 pF—200 pF. , = 100 pF. Henee, the correet option is (a) Two-marks QUESTIONS 1. The voltage phasor of a circuit is 10 215° V and the current phasor is 2 245° A . The active and the reactive powers in the circuit are [1999] (a) 10 Wand 17.32 V Ar. (b) 5.W and 8.66 V Ar. (©) 20 Wand 60 V Ar (@) 2092 W and 102 V Ar. Solution: (a) Given, Voltage phasor; V= 10215°, Current phasor; J = 22-45". av rol 45° Chapter 10 Potentiometric Recorders and Q-Meter | 6.35 Angle between Vand I, @ 1V (b) 150 15° 445° (©) 120V @ 1a7V = 60° Solution: (¢) Active power = VI cos @ Total resistance; R= 2 MQ +6 MQ + 12 MO 1020s 60" + (600 KQ+ 1202 + 60 KA-+ 20.) ot =9.2 MO +800 KO T1Dx2xo = 10W 9.2 MQ +(0.8x10") kQ 2MQ+0.8 MQ=10 MQ. Reactive power = VI sin @ = 10 x 2sin 60° = 17.32 VAR For switch at 8, Voltage at Af V, Hence, the vorreet option is (a. Pull seale yolages ng =, 2. The figure shows input atenuator ofa molimeter. R The meter reads full-scale with 12 V at M with the range switch at position B obtain full-scale defiec- tion with the range switch position at B? [1998] ¢ probe For switch at D, " oA “1 yg 2 28V, Ves {120 k2-+60 kO+ 20 KO) 24=, io Mo 245 pam io Ma V= 1209. Hence, the correct option is () Chapter Oscilloscope ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1. In an oscilloscope sereen, linear sweep is applied atthe (a) vertical axis, (b) horizontal axis (6) origin (@) both horizontal and vertical axis Solution: (by Horizontal axis Hence, the corre ‘option is (0). 2. A dual trace oscilloscope is set to operate in the alternate.The control input ofthe multiplexer used in the y-eireuit is fed with a signal having a frequency equal 10 on] (a) the highest frequeney that the multiplexer ean operate properly twice the frequency of the time base (sweep) oscillator the frequency ofthe time hase (sweep) oscillator half the frequeney of the time base (sweep) 05- cillator ution: (a) ‘Time base-sweep ‘scope cH © @ Scope cHE scope cH a 7 T oat fo |e 27 —+| @ input 1 output ux) Frequency of Mux control signal is 1 fy ap yim Half the frequency on sweep signal Hence, the correct option is (). 3. The two inputs of a CRO are fed with two station- ary periodic 3 signals. In the X-Y mode, the sereen shows a figure which changes from ellipse to circle and back to ellipse with its major axis changing orientation slowly and repeatedly. The following inference can be made from this. [2009] (a) the signals are not sinusoidal (b) the amplitudes of the signals are very close but not equal (©) the signals are sinusoidal with their frequen cies very close but not equal (@) there is a constant but small phase difference between the signals Solution: (d) or Known signal (Vv, =5V f= 1 KH) = edi v 7 Gv 2d div Chapter I! Oscilloscope | 6.37 Time _ Vikitz dw div 18 29.258 tava SP =8 civ x0.25 2° =2 ms. div Hence, the correct option is (c). 6. Two in phase 50 Hz sinusoidal wave form of unit amplitude are fed into channel-I and channel-2 respectively of and oscilloscope, Assuming that the voltage scale, time scale and other settings are exactly the same for both the channels, what would be observed if the oscilloscope is operated in xy mode? [2002] (a) Accincle of unit ruc (b) An ellipse (©) A parabola (@) A straight line inclined at 45% with respect 1 the x-axis, Solution: (d) Py, +s Hence, the correct option is (). 7. A certain oscilloscope with 4 em by 4 em sereen bas. its own sweep output fed to its input. Ifthe x and y sensitivities are same, the oscilloscope will display a [1995] (b) Diagonal line (@) Circle (a) Triangular wave (©) Sine wave 6.38 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements Solution: (b) y iA v, 14. Hence, the correct option is (b) 8. A Lissajous patiern, as shown in figure below, is observed on the screen of a CRO when voltages of frequencies f_ and f, are applied to the x and y plates respectively, f2f, is then equal to [1994] (@ 3:2 (b) 1:2 (©) 23 @) 21 Solution: (¢ ais Where, 1, = number of horizontal cuts, 1, = number of vertical cuts, £20, Hence, the correct option is (c). Two-marks QUESTIONS 1, ‘Iwo sinusoidal signal p(t) = A sin a and 4( 00) are applied to X and Y inputs of a dual channel CRO, the Lissajous figure displayed on the screen is shown below. The signal q(q) will be repre~ sented as (2008), (a) god = Asinos, 0,=20, tb) glo (©) Mop=Acos os. 0, (a) qos) = Solution: (d) Horizontal ine Vertical line fm fom In onder to get the clock wise rotation, the signal applied to the s-plate should be a cosine wave form, Hence, th sorreet option is () ‘The simultaneous applicationof signals.x(0) and y(7) to the horizontal and vertical plates, respectively, of an oscilloscope, produces a vertical figure-of-8 display. If P and Q are constants, and xf) = P sin (41+ 30), then y(t) is equal to (2005), (a) Qsin(4r~ 30) (b) Q sine 15) (©) Qsin(Br+60) (@) Qsincdr+ 30) Solution: (b) Horizontal tine Vertical ine MO) psin(Ar +30) y(t) =? fom id fz Mz 2 1 de Sy sh) The frequ -y of 'Q sin(2u + 15)" is half of «(0 Hence, the correet option is (b). 3. ACRO probe has an impedance of $00 Qin par- allel with a capacitance of 10 pF The probe is used to measure the voltage between P and Q as shown in figure. The measured voltage will be [2004] ook ovine 3 Toco Trswwn roots : Tron 1 5 @ 383V 437V te) a5av (6) 500v Solution: (a) rook 10V me reo C= 10 pF. Keats . a coe r100%10" 10510 =159K8 100 ke | |Z ~159 ke 500 ka 100 Kea = 54.676 K0. sooo, wv 3 sroria % ye Hence, the correet option is (a). 4, List-l represents the figures obtained on a CRO sereen when the voltage signals V_= V,, sin ov and Chapter I! Oscilloscope | 6.39 V,, sin (4 +4) are given to its X and ¥ plates respectively and ¢ is changed, Choose the correct value of ® from List- to match with the corre- sponding figure of List-Il. (2003) List (a) O=0 © soak List-I Codes: A B c D 1 3 6 5 (by 2 6 4 5 2 3 5 4 @1 5 6 4 @ Hence, the comreet option is (4). ‘THREE-MARKS QUESTIONS 1. Inan oscilloscope the input to the horizontal plates isa 100 Iz voltage signal. The Lissajous patterns. (A), (B) and (C) will be generated when different frequency voltage signals are applied 10 vertical plates. Match each Lissajous pattern to the corre= sponding frequency by [1996] fa) kK] (b) KI 6.40 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements ©, 50 Q f= 66.65 (RD 125 Solution: (a-P, b-S, e-U) Given 50 Hy w F -{}-4-Q)ow = 150 Ie 5-fE i= )eon = 200 Where, 1, = number of horizontal peaks, 11, = Number of vertical peaks, 5. e-U), Hence, the correct option is (&P, b- Chapter Electronic Multimeters and Digital Voltmeters ONE-MARK QUESTIONS 1, Two &-bit ADCs, one of single slope integrating lype and other of successive approximation type Take T, and T, times to connect 5 W analog input signal “to equivalent digital owpat, IF the inpwt analog signal is reduced to 2.5 V the approximate time taken by the two ADCs will respectively be (208) (a) 1.7, ) Sr, t tT oe @ Eh Solution; (a) The time taken by the beth ADCS will remain same, since is single slope, Hence, the correct option is (a). 2. A digital-to-analog converter with a full-scale out- put voltage of 3.5 V has resolution close to 14 mV. vs bit size is _ - (2008), @4 (by 8 © 16 @ 32 full scale Ws bit size is 8 Hence, the correct option is (b) Two-marks QUESTIONS 1. 9 4d gt DUM has he ene spsieaton a 0.2% of reading + 10 counts. If a DC voltage of ToD re! ont 0 il se. Thema pum eo fh cane eapesed ening (2011) (b) 40.2% (@) 40.4% ©) 10.3% Solution: (¢) Trror = 22100 V+10%000.01¥ 100 =02V+0.1V =03V. av Error = x 100= £0.3%. 100V Hence, the correct option is (c) ‘The simplified block diagram of a 10-bit A/D con- verter of dual slope integrator type is shown in figure. The 10-bit counter at the output is clocked by aI mllz clock. Assuming negligible timing overhead for the control logic, the maximum fre- quency of the analog signal that can be converted using this A/D converter is approximately. [2003] 6.42 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements a — fee sontal logic Digital output (a) 2k tb) LkH te) 500 Ha (a) 250 Hz Solution: (b) The dual slope integrated type voltmeter output ‘wave form, = See _— _ i S/ The maximum frequency can be obtained at 1-1, ‘Therefore, T, = 2°T, where, 7. is elock petiod, 1 ate Hence, the correct option is (b). Chapter Instrument Transformer ONE-mMARK QUESTIONS 1. Instrument transformers are known to introduce magnitude and phase errors in measurements, ‘These are primarily due to [2000] (a) improper connections on the primary side (b) measurement errors inherent in the meter con- nected to the transfer secondary (©) open andi short circuit parameters of the instru ‘ment transformer (@) none Solution: (e) ence, the correet option is (). Two-marks QuESTIONS 1. A 200/1 current transformer (CT) is wound with 200 turns on the secondary on a toroidal core. When it carries « current of 160 A on the primary, the ratio and phase errors of the CT are found ta he 50% and 30 minutes respectively. Ifthe number of secondary turns is reduced by | the new ratio error (4) and phase error (min) will be respectively [2006] (a) 0.0.30) (b) -05,35 (© =1.0,30 (@) =1.0,25 Solution: (a) L,cosie+8) Rant Ie where, R = Transformation ratio. n=Turns ratio. R=20041, cosa) assume Ratio error Transformation ratio K,-R -0. 100, —0.5R = 100K, 1008. LK, = 200] R=201= 20041 It is reduced by one turn. 200+ f, cosen, Hence, the correct option is (2), 2. A350 Hz, bar primary CT has secondary with SU0 turns. The secondary supplies 5 A current into a purely resistance burden of 1 Q, The magnetizing amphere turns is 200. The phase angle between the primary and secondary current is (2004) (a) 46° (by 85.4 (©) 94.6° (a) 175.4 Solution: (a) N,=1 N,=300 1=5A Load R,=19. Magnetizing amphere turns = 200 AT. Magnetizing amphere wins Primary turns 1, ‘Transformation ratio, N 6.44 | Electrical and Electronics Measurements ‘The phase angle between primary and secondary current is 180{ 1, cos(a +6) 18 (20x) ala, S| Ss 46° (@48) is very small Hence, the correct option is (a). 3. The core flux in the CT of above problem under the given operating condition is (2004) (a (b) 45.0 pw (o) 22.5 mW (@) 100.0 mW, Solution: (b) Sccondary induced emf, Ey = 444 (0,Ny ’ 12xR Me Ga fa, $44%50%300 = 58! nas awh, 446305500 Hence, the eorreet option is (b). 4. A500 .A/5 A, 50 Hz current transformer has a bar primary. The secondary burden is a pure resistance of 1 Q and it draws a eurrent of 5A. If the mag- netic core requires 250 AT for magnetization, the percentage ratio error is (2003) (a) 10.56 (b) -10.56 © 11.80 (@) -11.80 Solution: (b) 500 A PA primary Primary winding current Secondary winding carrent Given magn sion required = 250 AT 1 Primary turns 250 AT asv a sa ns 1=Kl, = 1005) = SODA. 1, = f500* +250" = 559.069, 559.069 100. 1, R =1118, iS Ratio Error __ Nominal ratio Transformation ratio 4g Transformation ratio _ 100-1118 100 => 10.5% Ls Hence, the correct option is (b)

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