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Microsoft Word

1) The default language of Microsoft Word is ...

A. USA English
B. UK English
C. Canadian English
D. Australian English

2) The default size of header and footer is ...

A. 0.5 inch
B. 1 inch
C. 0.75 inch
D. 0.25 inch

3) MS Word 2007 allows creation of what type of document by default?


4) Automatically placed drop cap in the line ..

A. 3 lines
B. 5 lines
C. 2 lines
D. 8 lines

5) In MS Word, for what does ruler help?

A. to set tabs
B. to set indents
C. to change page margins
D. All

6) In which shortcut key use to center the selecting text.

A. Ctrl + F
B. Ctrl + E
C. Ctrl + M
D. Ctrl + D

7) You can hyperlink the file ...

A. Pressing the Ctrl + k
B. Pressing the Ctrl + Shift + K
C. Hyperlinks command from insert menu
D. Both A and C

8) Using find command in MS Word, you can search....

A. characters
B. symbols
C. formats
D. All

9) You can break the column

A. pressing the ctrl+enter
B. Pressing ctrl+shift+enter
C. Break command from view menu
D. Both A and B

10) Which would you choose to list synonyms and Auto correct of a selected word?
A. Tools, spelling
B. Tools, Language
C. Tools, Options
D. Shift+F7

11) Footnotes ordinates and indexes are all inserted as ...

A. Book marks
B. Hyperlinks
C. Cross Reference
D. Word Fields

12) Word processing package are ....

A. Word start
B. Easy word
C. MS word
D. All of the above

13) When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to insert the code's braces?
A. Ctrl+F1
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F6
D. Ctrl+F2

14) Which key deletes the characters to the left of the cursor?
A. Delete
B. Back Space
C. Space
D. All

15) Where you can insert the page number in MS Word?

A. Page Number command from insert menu
B. Header and Footer command from view menu
C. Page setup command from file menu
D. Both A and B

16) What are inserted cross reference in MS Word?

A. Place Holders
B. Pictures
C. Symbols
D. Word Fields

17) Which key deletes the characters to the right of the cursor?
A. Delete
B. Back Space
C. Space
D. Home

18) To remove page number in MS Word.....

A. Header and Footer command from view menu
B. Page number command from insert menu
C. Options command from Tool menu
D. All of the above

19) Which key enables you to move directly to specific location in document?
A. Sub-document
B. Cross-reference
C. Book Marks
D. End note Footnote

20) In which shortcut key used to undo the document...

A. Ctrl + Z
B. Ctrl + Y
C. Ctrl + U

21) Which of the following is not a special program in MS Office?

A. Office Art
B. Clip Art
C. Word Art
D. Paint Art

22) Data fields ...

A. are indicated by columns in a table
B. may be left empty
C. separate data into many logical parts
D. May contain multiple lines of text

23) To close the active documents ..

A. Ctrl+W
B. Ctrl+C
C. Ctrl+Shift+C
D. All of the above

24) ............ is an animated character that gives help in Ms-office?

A. Office Worker
B. Comic Assistant
C. Office Assistant
D. None of the above

25) Right click on something in Ms Word ...

A. Deletes the object
B. nothing the right mouse button is there for left handed people
C. open the short cut list
D. inserts the picture

26) Which is not a data source component

A. Mail merge tool bar
B. Header row
C. Data fields
D. Data records

27) Which input device cannot be used to work in Ms-office?

A. Scanner
B. Light pen
C. Mouse
D. Joy Stick

28) Which of the following is not part of the merge process?

A. Date field
B. Merge field
C. Data source
D. Main document

29) Which key or key combination will move the insertion point to the bottom of your document?
A. Ctrl+End
B. Page down
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+Page down

30) Which of the following in not a standard Ms-office Edition?

B. Advanced
C. Standard
D. Professional

31) We can send the word documents ...

A. Microsoft Power Point
B. Microsoft Excel
C. Microsoft Access
D. All of the above

32) If you change a document and then try to close the word application, the word will ...
A. ignore any changes to the document
B. automatically save the changes without a message prompt
C. display a message prompting you to save changes
D. close without saving any changes to the document

33) Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in Ms-word?

A. Down Cursor key
B. Enter key
C. Shift+Enter
D. Control+Enter

34) Which of the following special characters can be used in a file name?
A. The semicolon(;)
B. The hyphen(-)
C. The period(.)
D. The pipe symbol(|)

35) The default page orientation of a Ms word is .....

A. Landscape
B. Portrait
C. Long side
D. Double long side
36) Which of these tool bars allows changing of fonts and their sizes?
A. Standard
B. Formatting
C. Print Preview
D. None of these

37) We can change direction of the text

A. Text box's text
B. Table's text
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

38) The horizontal ruler provides features you can use to ...
A. record a macro
B. browse a document looking for text, graphics or tables
C. Move the insertion point below the end-of-file market
D. None of the above

39) Which bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options?
A. Menu barf
B. Status bar
C. Tool bar
D. Scroll bar

40) To preserve any changes to the document currently displayed on your screen, you should
A. close the application
B. open a new document
C. move the document to the full screen
D. save the document frequently
41. Which of the following is not a part of standard office suite?
A) Word Processor
B) Database
C) Image Editor
D) File Manager

42. Which bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options?
A) Menu bar
B) Toolbars
C) Status Bar
D) All of the above

43. Which of the following are valid Minimum and Maximum zoom size in MS Word?
A) 20, 200
B) 10, 300
C) 10, 500
D) 15, 400

44. Which of the following are the Minimum and Maximum font size of MS Word?
A) 1, 72
B) 2, 128
C) 4, 1800
D) 1, 1638

45. We can insert Maximum number of Columns are

A) 35
B) 45
C) 25
D) 15

46. To move the cursor page to page of documents.

A) Ctrl+ Page Down
B) Ctrl+Page UP
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

47. The four types of mail merge main documents are

A) Form letters, directories, catalogs and envelopes
B) Form letters, Envelops and Mailing labels, directories and lists
C) Basic letters, envelopes, labels and list
D) Form letters, envelopes, mailing labels and catalog

48. You can break the active column using

A) Break From Insert Command
B) Ctrl+Shift+Enter
C) Ctrl+Enter
D) Both A and B

Microsoft Excel

1) You can convert existing Ms Excel Worksheet data and chart to on HTML document by using the ..
A. FTP Wizard
B. Internet Assistant Wizard
C. Internet Wizard
D. Import Wizard

2) Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the contents of a cell?
A. Pressing an arrow key
B. Clicking the formula bar
C. Pressing the F2 key
D. Clicking on the formula bar

3) A typical worksheet has .......... number of columns.

A. 128
B. 256
C. 512
D. 1024

4) When integrating Ms Word and Excel Word is usually the ..

A. Server
B. Source
C. Client
D. None of the above

5) Comments put in cells are called ..

A. Smart tip
B. Cell tip
C. Web tip
D. Soft tip

6) You can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to ..

A. Split a worksheet into two panes
B. View different rows and columns edit the contents of a cell
C. Edit the contents of a cell
D. View different worksheets

7) Hyperlink cannot be
A. Special shapes like stars and banners
B. Drawing objects like rectangles or ovals
C. Pictures
D. All of the above

8) When the formula bar is activated, you can see ..

A. The edit formula button
B. The cancel button
C. The enter button
D. All of the above

9) Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called ...

A. Accessing
B. Referencing
C. Updating
D. Functioning

10) To delete an embedded object, first ..

A. Double click the object
B. Select the object by clicking it
C. Press the shift+Delete keys
D. Select it and then press the delete keys

11) Workbook is a collection of ..

A. Workbooks
B. Worksheets
C. Charts
D. Worksheets and charts

12) Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel?

A. Number
B. Character
C. Label
D. Date/Time

13) When you want to insert a blank embedded Ms Excel object in a Word document you can ..
A. Click the object command on the insert menu
B. Click the office links buttons on the standard toolbar
C. Click the create worksheet button on the formating toolbar
D. Click the import Excel command on the file menu
14) Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification
A. Contents
B. Objects
C. Scenarios
D. All of the above

15) Status indicators are located on ..

A. Vertical scrollbar
B. Horizontal scroll bar
C. Formula bar
D. Standard toolbar

16) Graphic object on a chart are used to ..

A. Add emphasis to chart data
B. Add interest to a chart
C. Help explain the chart data
D. All of the above

17) You can activate a cell by ..

A. Pressing the tab key
B. Clicking the cell
C. Pressing an arrow key
D. All of the above

18) Concatenation of text can be done using

A. Apostrophe (')
B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#)
D. Ampersand (&)

19) When you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you can not ..
A. Rotate text on the chart
B. Select a foreground color
C. Select a pattern
D. Select a background color

20) Each excel file is called a workbook because ...

A. It can contain text and data
B. It can be modified
C. It can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets
D. You have to work hard to create it

1) You can insert lebels for

A. All the data makers on a chart
B. A data series
C. A selected data marker
D. All of the above

2) Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet ?

A. Save the workbook
B. Modify the worksheet
C. Enter text and data
D. Copy the worksheet

3) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using

A. Auto Formatting
B. Applying Styles
C. Changing fonts
D. All of these

4) Chart tips can

A. Show the formatting of data lebel
B. Show the name of a data series
C. Show the value of data point
D. Both B and C

5) Tab scrolling buttons ..

A. Allow you to view different worksheet
B. Allow you to view additional worksheet rows down
C. Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right
D. Allow you to view additional sheet tabs

6) Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas

A. Title bar
B. Menu bar
C. Formula bar
D. Standard tool bar

7) A data map is helpful

A. When you have too much data to chart
B. To show a geographic distribution of data
C. To compare data points
D. To show changes in data over time

8) Documentation should include

A. Destination and users of the output data
B. Source of input data
C. Information on the purpose of the workbook
D. All of the above

9) Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using

A. Standard Formulas
B. Array Formula
C. Complex Formulas
D. Smart Formula

10) You can print only an embedded chart by .

A. Moving the chart to a chart sheet before
B. Formatting the chart before you print
C. Selecting the chart before you print
D. Both A and C

11) Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?

A. Efficiency
B. Audibility
C. Description
D. Clarity

12) Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell?
A. Pressing an arrow key
B. Pressing the TAB key
C. Pressing the ESC key
D. Clicking on the formula bar

13) Data marker on a chart are linked to data points in a worksheet, therefore,
A. You can automatically apply formatting to data series
B. You can change the position of a data marker and automatically change the data point in the worksheet.
C. You can change a data point valued and automatically are draw the chart
D. Both A and B

14) We can select the column heading

A. Click on column heading
B. Edit choose the select than click on column
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

15) The name box

A. Shows the location of the previously active cell
B. Appears to the left of the formula bar
C. Appears below the status bar
D. Appears below the menu bar

16) To select an individual data markers or data label, you must

A. Double click the data series
B. Right click selected marker
C. Click once to select the series markers or lebels and click the designed marker or label again
D. Double click on the marker or label
17) Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
A. !A!1
B. $A$1
C. #A#1
D. A1

18) You can use the formula palette to

A. Format cells containing numbers
B. Create and edit formulas containing functions
C. Enter assumptions data
D. Copy a range of cells

19) Using the F11 short-cut key to create a chart on chart sheet creates
A. A default chart
B. A 2-dimensional column chart
C. A 2-dimensional bar chart
D. A 3-dimensional line chart

20) You can use formula palette to

A. Format cells containing numbers
B. Create and edit formulas containing functions
C. Enter assumptions data
D. Copy a range of cells

1) You can hyper-links from an Excel Workbook to

A. A web page on company Internet
B. A web page on the Internet
C. Other office application documents
D. All of the above

2) To activate the previous cell in a preselected range, press

A. The alt key
B. The tab key
C. The enter key
D. None of the above

3) Using the F11 short cut key to create a chart on a chart sheet creates
A. A default chart
B. A 2-dimentional column chart
C. A 2-dimentional bar chart
D. A 3-dimentional line chart

4) 3-D reference in a formula ..

A. Can not be modified
B. Only appears on summary worksheet
C. Limits the formatting options
D. Spans worksheets

5) You can select single range of cell by

A. Clicking the upper left cell in a group of cells and then pressing the shift key while clicking the lower right cell
in a group of cells.
B. Pressing the Ctrl key while dragging over the desired cells
C. Press the shift key and arrows key
D. Dragging over the desired cells

6) When you group worksheets

A. You can enter variable data on multiple worksheets at one time
B. You can print more than one worksheet at a time
C. You can enter common data, formats, and formulas on multiple worksheet at one time
D. Both B and C

7) In which short cut key used to switch between sheet to sheet

A. Ctrl+S
B. Ctrl+Page down
C. Ctrl+Page up
D. Both B and C

8) Rounding errors can occurs

A. When you use multiplication, division or exponentiation in a formula.
B. Because excel uses hidden decimal places in computation
C. When you use addition and subtraction in a formula
D. When you show the results of formula with different decimal places than the calculated results.

9) A 3-d reference in a formula

A. Cannot be modified
B. Only appears on summary worksheets
C. Limits the formatting options
D. Spans worksheets

10) The number of Rows are one worksheet is ...

A. 36500
B. 65536
C. 256
D. 64536

11) The auto calculate feature

A. Can only add values in a range of cells
B. Provides a quick way to view the results of a arithmetic operation on a range of cells
C. Automatically Creates formulas and adds them to a worksheet
D. Both A and C

12) Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in a
A. Press Ctrl+Home
B. Press Home
C. Press Shift+Home
D. Press Alt + Home

13) The moving toolbar are also called ..

A. Long Toolbars
B. Active Toolbar
C. Floating Toolbar
D. All of the above

14) Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in formula calculation?

A. Multiplication and division, exponentiation, positive and negative values
B. Multiplication and division, positive and negative values, addition and subtraction
C. Addition and subtraction, positive and negative values, exponentiation
D. None of the above

15) Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?

A. The auto sum button
B. The formula button
C. The quick total button
D. The total button

16) What are the major application area of electronic spread sheet's
A. Financial Modelling
B. Basic spreadsheet calculation
C. Scientific data processing
D. All of the above

17) In a Worksheet you can select

A. The entire worksheet
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. All

18) The paste special command lets you copy and paste
A. Multiply the selection by a copied value
B. Cell comments
C. Formatting options
D. The resulting values of a formula instead of the actual formula

19) The number of data format in excel is

A. Four type
B. Five Type
C. Two types
D. Six types

20) To view cell comment

A. Click the edit comment command on the insert menu
B. Click the display comment command on the window menu
C. Position the mouse pointer over the cell
D. Click the comment command on the view menu

1) A cell contain up to ..
A. 56400 character
B. 32000 character
C. 45000 character
D. None of the above

2) To hold down column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet click the
A. Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
B. Freeze panes command on the window menu
C. Hold titles command in the edit menu
D. Split command on the window menu

3) You want to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis which type of chart should you use?
A. Pie chart
B. Row chart
C. Line chart
D. Column chart

4) When a formatted number does not fit in a cell, number signs

A. ###
B. #Div/0!
C. #div@
D. All of the above

5) It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cell on a worksheet when
A. Data will be entered in the adjacent cells
B. No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
C. There is no suitable abbreviation for the text
D. There is not time to format the text

6) Which is used to perform what if analysis?

A. Solver
B. Goal seek
C. Scenario Manager
D. All of the above

7) To editing the formula

A. Double click on active cell
B. Press F2
C. Click on formula bar
D. All of the above

8) Which of the following in NOT information you can specify using the solver?
A. Input cells
B. Constraints
C. Traget cell
D. Changing cell

9) To insert three columns between columns d and e you would

A. Select column d
B. Select column e
C. Select column e, f and g
D. Select column c, d and e

10) What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

A. *
B. =
C. _
D. '
11) Weight refers to
A. The print density of characters
B. The height of the printed characters
C. Upright or slanted shape
D. The design and appearance of characters

12) Which of the following is NOT one of Excel's what if functions?

A. Goal seek
B. Solver
C. Scenario Manager
D. Auto Outline

13) How many character can be typed in a single cell in excel?

A. 256
B. 254
C. 33000
D. 65536

14) When you work with large worksheets, you may need to
A. size the worksheet to fit a specific number of pages
B. Add and remove page breaks
C. Specify only certain print areas
D. All of the above

15) A worksheet range is a

A. A command used for data modeling
B. A range of values such as from 23 to 234
C. A group of cells
D. A group of worksheets

16) Comments put in cells are called ..

A. Smart Tip
B. Cell Tip
C. Web Tip
D. Soft Tip

17) When working in page break preview, you can ..

A. View exactly where each page break occurs
B. Change the print area
C. Add or remove page breaks
D. All of the above

18) When you copy a formula

A. Excel erases the original copy of the formula
B. Excel edits cell reference in the newly copied formula
C. Excel adjusts absolute cell references
D. Excel doesn't adjust relative cell reference

19) We can insert comment ..

A. Comment from insert menu
B. Comment from tools menu
C. Comment from view menu
D. All of the above

20) Which of the following in not an option in the spelling dialog box?
A. Edit
B. Ignore
C. Ignore all
D. Change

MS Power Point

1) A chart can be put as a part of the presentation using

A. Chart From Insert Menu
B. Picture and Choose Chart From Insert Menu
C. Chart From Tools Menu
D. Chart From Format Menu

2) Which of the following can you used to add times to the slide in a presentation?
A. Slide show menu
B. Rehearse timing button
C. Slide transaction button
D. All of the above

3) Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation?

A. Outlines
B. Speaker notes
C. Audience handouts
D. All of the above

4) Which shortcut key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show.
A. F1
B. F2
C. F5
D. F10

5) In order to edit a chart, you can

A. Triple Click the chart object
B. Click and drag the chart object
C. Double Click the chart object
D. Click the above

6) Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts?

A. Six slides per page
B. Five slides per page
C. Three slides per page
D. Two slides per page

7) Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different
A. Rehearsal
B. Custom Slide Show
C. Slide Show Setup
D. Slide Show View

8) Which file format can be added to a power point show?

A. jpg
B. gif
C. wav
D. All of the above

9) Which of the following provides a means of printing out feature notes with a miniature slide on a printed
A. Slides with animation
B. Outline view
C. Notes page view
D. Audience handout

10) Slide show options available to the presenter include all of the following except
A. Transitions Command
B. Speaker Notes Command
C. Meeting Minder Command
D. Navigation Command

11) In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are
A. .wav files and .mid files
B. .wav files and .gif files
C. .wav files and .jpg files
D. .jpg files and .gif files

12) What are symbols used to identify items in a list?

A. Icons
B. Markders
C. Bullets
D. Graphics

13) Which of the following will not advance the slides in slide show view?
A. The Esc key
B. The Spacebar
C. The Enter key
D. Delete key

14) In the context of animations, what is a trigger?

A. An action button that advances to the next slide
B. An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
C. The name of motion path
D. None of the above

15) The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature representations of the slides is called
A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view

16) Special effects used to introduction slides in a presentation are called

A. Effects
B. Custom Animation
C. Transitions
D. Present Animations

17) How can you quickly reinstate a deleted footer placeholder in master view?
A. Create a new slide master
B. Re-apply the footer placeholder
C. Re-apply the slide layout
D. None of the above

18) Which of the following should you do to bring a bullet back to a previous level?
A. Press the shift+tab keys
B. Press the shift key
C. Press the enter key
D. Press the tab key

19) Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transaction effects for all slides in a
A. Slide sorter view
B. Notes Pages Views
C. Slide View
D. Outline View

20) Which of the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide master?
A. Slide comments
B. Slide transactions
C. Speaker note font and color
D. All of the above

1) Which of the following toolbars provide different options in various master views?
A. Common Task Toolbar
B. Drawing Toolbar
C. Formatting Toolbar
D. Standard Toolbar

2) Which of the following allow you to select more than one slides in slide sorter view?
A. Alt+Click on each slide
B. Shift+Drag each slide
C. Shift+Click on each slide
D. Ctrl+Click each slide

3) The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except
A. Slide number
B. Title
C. Footer
D. Header

4) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slide in Power Point?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. Tail

5) The boxes that are displayed to indicated that the text, pictures or objects are placed in it called ..
A. Placeholder
B. Auto text
C. Text Box
D. Word Art

6) Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box?
A. Slide shows
B. Insert
C. Slide master
D. Zoom

7) Which of the following provides a means of printing our features notes with a miniature slide in printed
page ?
A. Slides with animation
B. Outline view
C. Notes page
D. Audience handout

8) The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the
A. Table Slide
B. Graph Slide
C. Bullet Slide
D. Title Slide

9) Which of the following bypass the print dialog box when printing individual slides of an entire
A. File, Print Preview
B. The Print button
C. File, Print
D. Ctrl+P

10) You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except
A. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar
B. Clicking File, New
C. Clicking on File, Open
D. Pressing CTRL+N

11) The power point view that display only text is

A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view

12) Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views?
A. Common tasks toolbar
B. Drawing toolbar
C. Formatting toolbar
D. Standard toolbar

13) Presentation designs regulate the formatting and layout for the slide and are commonly called
A. Design plates
B. Templates
C. Placeholders
D. Blueprints

14) Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same
A. The slide, layout option
B. Outline View
C. Add a slide option
D. A presentation design template
15) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines and handouts?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of the above

16) Animation schemes can be applied to in the presentation

A. All slides
B. Select Slides
C. Current Slide
D. All of the above

17) Which command bring you to the first slide in your presentation?
A. Next slide button
B. Page up
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+End

18) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in Power Point?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of the above

19) To insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose

A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+N
C. Ctrl+O
D. Ctrl+F

20) Material consisting of text and number is best presented as

A. A table slide
B. A bullet slide
C. A title slide
D. All of the above

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