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Name: John Paul Esita Maquiling 4thyr –Criminology

Subject: Human Behavior

Hostage Taking in Greenhills Shopping Mall, San Juan City, Manila

I. Facts
Security Guard name Alchie Paray, 40 years old held
hostage 30 people most of whom are mall employers at the
office of the mall administration which was located on
the second floor, and shot the head of security Roland
Velita with a 4.5 Caliber Pistol. Velita was rushed to
the Cardinal Santos Medical Center and his Condition is
now stable. Hostage also carried 1 grenade and fake star
apples pretented they were explosives.
The former guard was fired from safeguard armor
Security Corporation after being absent without leave for
weeks. But the general manager Oscar Hernandez of the
security company clarified that the hostage taker was not
fired but was only supposed to be assigned as part of
their company rules and policy of rotating security
guards. Paray claimed that there was no rotation scheme
implemented among mall’s security personnel as he been
work about two years. The point is Paray plan the
hostage taking to take action and to voice out the
corruption in his workplace and how the patronage system
thrives Everyone takes the money this situation is last
year December.
While in the scenario paray knew it his consequence and
face what he did. He says sorry for the people inside
administrative office and he had given all the food his
hostages. He had no intention of hurting anyone.

II. List of Demands of Hostage Taker

Hostages taker demands to talk to fellow guards, then
to speak with reporters in person. In a press conference
He demanded the resignation of four excecutives from the
shopping malls security company , SASCOR Armor Security.
The 4 security personnel to speak:
1. Fernando Solina - Head of Corporate Safety and
Security of Greenhills Mall
2. Salvador Capadocia - Security Coordinator of
Greenhills Mall
3. Henry Tuason - SASCOR security agency field officer
4. Frederick Gravador - Asst Director of SASCOR
above this head officers had press conference and
apologized to Paray for shortcomings. They also declared
that they were willing to resign . Paray spoke about the
corruption among security officials, who he said take
bribes from mall tenants. He alleged that scheme was only
a “Strategy” implemented by his superiors to “Protect”
mall tenants. There are4 many shenanigans that have not
noticed and It came to the point they had to lay off
working guard to protect their tenants

III. Immediate Action taken by law enforcement and other

concern government agency.
Zamora said Alchie Paray, was offered P1 million by his
security agency in exchange for his surrender and the
release of the hostages.
The mayor said they would coordinate with the Department
of Labor and Employment (DOLE) once the allegations of
Paray are proven.
At around 7:15pm Zomora the Mayor of San Juan directly
spoke to Paray via Phone Call . He negotiated with the
hostage taker , appealing to him that he leave his pistol
and grenade behind as he exits the building. Paray leave
his grenade but not the pistol. And he agreed to released
the hostages.
At 8PM Paray finally gave in and freed the hostages,
who formed a line and pilled out, the fear on their face
and some are traumatized.
Before the standoff ended at around 9 p.m., Paray was
given an audience with the media where he accused
officials of Safeguard Armor Security Corp. (Sascor) of
corruption and unfair labor practices.
Sascor provides security for the mall complex.
He alleged that there was rampant bribery among
shopkeepers and security guards. “We need to investigate
this incident. We need to make sure that it will not
happen again,” Zamora said.Probers would look into the
labor conditions of security guards to find out if they
have health benefits and proper wages, according to city
administrator Dennis Pamintuan.
IV. Reflection Paper
The Greenhills hostage taking that was held March 3 was a
reminder that no matter how educated we are or whatever
degree we’ve accomplished, we should always respect everyone
specially the people around us, no matter what their state
in life. Imagine Alchie Paray was offered and refused a one
million exchange of the Truth to release the hostages, but
he only wish and wants to let people listen and to know his
grievances, it’s not part of agenda hurting hostages. Fact
Greenhills Hostage taking is a slap on the face of Heads
Family and their Poor Management skills just like trump they
inherited money and probably don’t care about the poor. This
incident displays all the things happening in our society
right now abuse of power, corruption , incompetent leader
and managers , superficial leadership, unmindful
promotions , hearing without listening, Boss mentality,
unjust labor practices. The sad reality that justice does
not always prevail and that speaking the truth does not
always triumph.
But what he did still his wrong still justifiable and
shouldn’t be justified by the law.
After that He accept the consequence, and he was brought
to the San Juan Police Station where he will face several
criminal Charges.

V. Conclusion
 No one deserves to be stripped of their jobs
unfairly. Employers should be treat their employee’s
right! I’m glad has an investigation will be held in
response to Archie Paray’s claims of corruption from
his employers. It seem that justice may still be
done for this man.
 Whatever trauma any hostages had from this
experience should never be invalidated .Remember
that NONE OF THEM deserve to experience something
like this.
 Alchie PArays actions shouldn’t be glorified not
 Worked rights should be made recognizable to every
employee regardless of their class in society.

VI. Recommendations for improvement
 To all management, respect each other.
 Security check

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