What Are Some Violations of The Equal Pay Act?

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Equal Pay Act 

The labor law that forbids sex based wage differences in United States of America is

known as “The Equal Pay Act”. It was signed by John F Kennedy in the year 1963 to

amend the unbiased “labor Standard Acts”. The law directs an equal pay for an equal

work stopping workers from being payed differently for instance paying women and

men different for doing work that need the same responsibilities and skills.

What are Some Violations of the Equal Pay Act?

In a situation where the company does not give an equal pay for the equal work, this is regarded

as a violation of “Equal Pay Act”, and the company might be charged for discrimination. Some

of the examples of Equal Pay Act violations include; failure to give insurance to a worker yet

others receives it, paying a worker more than other employees. This instance happened during

world war two where woman who had joined factory work to replace men who had gone for war

were being paid little wages compared to men but doing the same work.


If Green Branch Coffee has a small number of workers, and if there are no more than two people

in the office doing the same work, Green Branch Coffee will automatically will not need to

practice this act at all. But if Green Branch Coffee have people not of the same genders who

operates the same In terms of work, Green Branch Coffee should look in the payments they

If a difference is spotted in wage between women and men for the similar work,

Green Branch Coffee should prove that difference is not based on gender but something else like

level of education.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

“The Fair Labor Standards Act” (FLSA) is a centralized law, which inaugurates overtime pay,

minimum wage, standards of youth employment and record keeping. It affects both part-time and

full-time employees in the Federal sector and in private, local governments and state.

Fair Labor Standards Act  violations

Wal-Mart stores company limited agreed to give at least 4.8 million dollars in back damages

and wages to around 4500 workers national wide following an investigation carried out by US’s

labor department wage together with hour division which discovered the Fair Labor Standards

Act violations of over time provisions.

US’s department of labor said under the settlement terms, wal mart agreed to repay back all

wages the Labor Department believed were owed for the violations. It’s believed the legal

money penalties evaluated from violations repeat the nature. Wall-mart rectified its practices of

classification in the year 2007, and the negotiations concerning the paying back program have

been taking place since 2007.

 When paying Green Branch Coffee workers, first the branch must make sure they are in

proper obedience with hour law and federal wage understanding if branch workers or business

or even both are substance to Fair Labor Standards Act. This law is more valuable because it

is concerned with the following areas, child labor, minimum wage and overtime pay

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