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Reasons for the increase in divorce

After you have listened to each group’s presentation put a number in the blank
column showing how important you think that factor is. Put a 1 next to the reason
you think is most important and so on.

Privatisation of the family – Married couples now have to rely on

each other rather than their wider kin. For some people the burden
is too big.
Changes in religious belief – The power of church leaders to set
moral standards followed by everybody has declined and many
church leaders now accept divorce.
Changes in life expectancy – People who marry in their 20’s could
have 50 years of married life together. Perhaps it is not surprising
that some marriages do not last.
Changes in the role of women – Women have moved towards
equality with men and are often the breadwinner themselves. Their
expectations have changed and they are looking for happiness and
A change in the law – As divorces have become easier to obtain the
number has risen.
Unemployment – Long term unemployment, with its problems of
financial hardship and loss of self esteem, can place great strain on
a marriage.
High expectations – Many people, particularly young women, have
very high expectations of marriage. When the reality fails to live up
to this picture they feel let down.
Changes in the birth rate – Most couples have only one or two
children. Even if couples ‘stay together for the sake of the
children’, they may divorce when the children are older and still
have many years of life ahead of them.
Changes in attitude – Laws often reflect social attitudes, and there
is a more tolerant attitude to marital breakdown.

Which factor do you think is most important and why?

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