Honor Code MS & US

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COVID-19 Honor Code

• Each member of our community is personally responsible for following

The Albany Academies 2020 Reopening Plan.
• During this COVID-19 public health emergency, our individual actions and decisions
will have a significant impact on the health of those around us.
• Together we must agree to diligently follow a shared set of behaviors designed to
keep us all safe:
• Making sure our families accurately complete our daily symptom screening surveys.
• Maintaining six (6) feet of physical distance between one another during
normal activities.
• Wearing a face covering as required by the School’s reopening plan.
• Regularly washing or sanitizing our hands and being careful to sneeze or
cough in a way that doesn’t affect others.

• If any one of us fails to do these things, that person risks infecting themselves, their friends,
their family, and our community.
• Therefore, as a member of this community I will:
• Monitor my health daily.
• Ensure that my family accurately completes my daily symptom screening survey.
• Bring my own personal face covering to school each day.
• Wear my face covering as described in the reopening plan and as
directed by teachers.
• Maintain physical distancing as described in the reopening plan and as
directed by teachers.
• Hold the health and safety of my friends, family, and faculty in the highest
regard by being diligent about these behaviors.
• Be positive and open to any reminders about health and safety.
• Be a good community citizen, with the understanding that my behavior
will either move us forward as a community that can engage in in-person
learning or negatively impact my friends, family, and our faculty.

By signing below, I ____________________________ (student name), am acknowledging that

I have read this honor code and understand my responsibilities as a member of this community.

I understand that continued failure to behave responsibly, as described below, will result in
disciplinary action.

Student Signature Parent Signature
2020 Reopening Plan

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