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Ing. Zumaran Irribarren


  ASENCIO CHAVARRIA, Karol Vviviana


• FLORES SANCHES , Flor Andrea




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Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

 Facultad de ingeniería civil


1. Defina que es salto hidráulico.

Se define como la elevación brusca de la superficie líquida, cuando el escurrimiento
permanente pasa del régimen supercrítico al régimen subcrítico. Es un fenómeno local
muy útil para disipar energía hidráulica. Este cambio brusco de régimen se caracteriza por
una alteración rápida de la curvatura de las trayectorias del flujo, que produce vórtices
(turbulencia) en el eje horizontal, lo que implica inclusive la aparición de velocidades en
dirección opuesta al flujo que propician choques entre partículas en forma más o menos
caótica, ocasionando una gran disipación de energía.

2. ¿Cómo se clasifican los saltos hidráulicos?

Esencialmente existen cinco formas de salto que pueden ocurrir en canales de fondo
horizontal. Cada una de estas formas se clasificó de acuerdo con el valor del número de
Froude, relativo al régimen supercrítico de la corriente.

3. Diga cuál es la función principal del salto hidráulico

Es un fenómeno local muy útil para disipar energía hidráulica. Este cambio brusco de
régimen se caracteriza por una alteración rápida de la curvatura de las trayectorias del
flujo, que produce vórtices (turbulencia) en el eje horizontal, lo que implica inclusive la
aparición de velocidades en dirección opuesta al flujo que propician choques entre
partículas en forma más o menos caótica, ocasionando una gran disipación de energía.

4. Defina que es sección de control.

Es el lugar de una conducción a superficie libre donde se puede establecer una relación
directa entre el gasto y el tirante, independientemente de la rugosidad y la pendiente del
conducto. Toda sección crítica es una sección de control, pero no necesariamente toda
sección de aforo tiene que tener condiciones críticas.
5. Defina que es un tanque amortiguador.
Disipa la energía cinética del flujo supercrítico al pie de la rápida de descarga, antes de que
el agua retorne a su cauce. Todos los diseños de tanques amortiguadores se basan en el
principio del resalto hidráulico, el cual es la conversión de altas velocidades del flujo a
velocidades que no puedan dañar el conducto de aguas abajo. La longitud del tanque
debe ser aproximadamente la longitud del resalto. Ésta se puede disminuir construyendo
bloques de concreto, dientes o sobre elevando la salida. Es muy importante tener en
cuenta el número de Froude para saber la forma y características del resalto y del flujo y
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 Facultad de ingeniería civil

y aguas abajo de la estructura se vean alterados por los efectos debidos a las altas
velocidades que se desarrollen por el desnivel entre uno y otro tramo.
Las caídas se subdividen en: verticales e inclinadas.
Las caídas verticales, son aquellas en que la liga entre ambos tramos de canal, se hace por
medio de un plano vertical, en cuyo caso el muro que constituye este plano, tiene que
resistir el empuje de tierras.
Las caídas inclinadas, son aquellas que unen ambos tramos por un tramo inclinado o
rampa, con talud igual al ángulo de reposo del terreno por lo cual basta construir dicho
plano como si se tratara de un revestimiento, generalmente en la práctica la inclinación de
este plano es de 1.5:1

7. Explique en que consiste el salto tipo SKY y que condiciones deberá cumplir para que
Se utilizan unos trampolines para hacer saltar el flujo hacia un punto aguas abajo
reduciendo así la erosión en el cauce y el pie de la presa. La trayectoria del chorro
depende de las descarga, de su energía en el extremo y del ángulo con el que sale del
trampolín. Su funcionamiento se ve con la formación de dos remolinos uno en la superficie
sobre el trampolín y el otro sumergido aguas abajo; la disipación de la energía se hace por
medio de éstos.
Una de las condiciones que se deben cumplir para que el salto de sky funcione
correctamente es que, el nivel del agua correspondiente al tirante del río para máxima
descarga debe ser inferior a la elevación de la nariz del deflector. Esto es para que no haya
posibilidad de ahogamiento y deje de funcionar como tal.

8. Defina que es impulso.

El concepto de impulso se puede introducir mucho antes del conocimiento sobre el cálculo
diferencial e integral con algunas consideraciones. Si la masa no varía con el tiempo, la
cantidad de movimiento se puede tomar como el simple producto entre la velocidad (v) y
la masa (m).

9. Defina el concepto de Cantidad de Movimiento.

Se define como el producto de la masa de un cuerpo material por su velocidad para luego
analizar su relación con la ley de Newton a través del teorema del impulso y la variación de
la cantidad de movimiento

10. Diga que es fuerza específica, o función momentum.

La fuerza específica, expresa el momentum del flujo que pasa a través de la sección del
canal por unidad de tiempo y por unidad de peso del agua y la fuerza por unidad de peso
del agua.
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Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

 Facultad de ingeniería civil

12. Mencione cuales son las características del salto hidráulico.

PÉRDIDA DE ENERGÍA: La pérdida de energía en el salto es igual a la diferencia de las
energías específicas antes y después del resalto.
EFICIENCIA: Es la relación entre la energía específica antes y después del salto y se expresa
en porcentaje.
POSICIÓN DEL SALTO: Existen tres modelos alternativos que permiten que un salto sede
bajo de un forme aguas vertedero de rebose, una rápida o una compuerta deslizante

13. De acuerdo con el número de Froude, los tanques se clasifican en:

1. Cuando Fr<1.7  no necesita emplearse tanques amortiguadores, deflectores u otros

disipadores amortiguadores.

2. Cuando 1.7< Fr<2.5 es la etapa previa al salto. Como no tiene turbulencia, no son
necesarios amortiguadores pero el tanque debe ser lo suficientemente largo para
almacenar toda la longitud en la que se produce la retardación, se recomienda para
estos casos el tanque tipo I . Para estos casos la disipación de la energía mediante un
tanque común y corriente es poco adecuado.
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  02.4 1 1 82.52409

 Altura del salto
  1.241780
    1.2417800.4
    0.85
18. Un canal rectangular de 4.8m de ancho de plantilla escurre un gasto de 5.4 m3/s La altura
conjugada mayor del salto mide 1m.

a) Cuál será el valor de la conjugada menor del salto.

b) Que energía pierde en C.V


b= 4.8 m

Q= 5.4 m3/s

D2= 1m.

Ecuación para hallar el D1

12   8 2 11
   2
Reemplazando los datos

12    8
   4. 8 5.
∗1∗√ 49 . 8 1∗1      11
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P= 31093.15236 w

P= 42.35 C.V

19.- un canal rectangular de 10 pies de ancho conduce un gasto de 320 pies3/s con un tirante de
1.8 pies

Calcular: salto hidráulico- tirante crítico


b= 10 pies = 3.048m

Q= 3200 pies3/s = 9.0614 m3/s

D1 = 1.8 pies = 0.54864 m

Calculamos el D2:

21   8 2 11
12    8
   3. 0  
48∗0. 5 9.
4864∗√  06149 . 8 1∗0. 5 4864     11
2  1.5584   5.11 
Tirante crítico:

   
  9.09.61481 
  0.9658  3.17
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20.-En un canal rectangular pasa un gasto de 150m3/s el canal tiene un ancho de plantilla de 12
m, en el extremo del canal, sobre el delantal de protección de concreto, el el salto tiene un valor
de 3.0m. Determine el conjugado menor “d1”, que tipo de salto hidráulico es, determine la
perdida de energía y la energía total disponible aguas abajo.

Q = 150 m3/S
D2 = 3m
b = 12 m

Calculamos el D1:

12   8 2 11
12    8
   12∗3∗ 1509
√  . 8 1∗3     11
1  2.09 
Calculamos el número de froude:

   1
El salto hidráulico es del tipo ondulatorio.
  1.32 < 1.7
Calculamos la perdida de energía:

ℎ  421 21
Energía total disponible:
ℎ  0.03
   150 
  2 2  12∗3√ 2∗9.81
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   2.26∗265 ∗2.2.5  6565
.    10.02269 
  2      2    ℎ−−
10. 0 2269 
2.5 2∗9.81        2  0  

2.5 10.2∗9.0226981   6    26∗

  651.4752∗9. 81
   1.26∗1.
6339 6339  42.4814

     15.3.833046355
  12  88    11
 Aplicando resalto hidráulico
hidráulico 1- 2

1 1
  12  88  3.83046  11 1 1
   8.0716
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  
651.9.84175  2626∗ 
  4

    26∗266.2∗64184  104
   
  2      2    ℎ−−
6. 2 6418 
4  2∗9.81    1.14815 2∗9.81 21.823557 
  19.42278
El caudal en el vertedero

ℎ  ∗ 26 ∗ ℎ/
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75-112; 118-120)


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20. A lo largo del perfil longitudinal de un canal revestido (n=0,014), trazado con una pendiente
del 1%, que conduce un caudal de 1,5 /s, se tiene un tramo donde se pasa de una sección
rectangular a una sección trapezoidal. Este paso se realiza con una transición.

El canal rectangular tiene un ancho de solera de 1,20 m, mientras que el canal trapezoidal tiene
un ancho de solera de 0,80 m y un talud 0,75 m.

Sabiendo que la transición tiene una longitud de 6 m y que las pérdidas en ella se calculan con la
siguiente ecuación:

ℎ 
 −

1. Realizar el análisis del tipo de flujo (justificar el uso de las ecuaciones utilizadas).
2. Determinar la velocidad en la sección 1 e indicar el tipo de flujo que se produce en esta
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Seccion 2 (trapezoidal):
b=0.80 m
Z= 0.75

  
1- Calculo del  y F para cada tramo del canal de la ecuación de Manning, se tiene:

Q=   
    
   …(1)

Para la sección rectangular, se tiene :

A= by= 1.20 y … (2)

p= b+2y= 1.2+2 y
Sustituyendo valores en (1), se obtiene:

0   1.1.50.0010.014
0.6   1.1.50.0010.014  1.240
0.6   0.47077
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  … (3)

Pero para una sección rectangular, se simplifica como:

 
 √ √ ....
F= 0.3703

Como F = 0.3703 < 1, el flujo es subcrítico en la sección rectangular.

Para la sección trapezoidal, se tiene:

√ √ 1   √ √ 11 0.75

A= (b+Zy) y= (0.8+0.75 y) y= 0.8 y + 0.75
p= b+ 2 y=0.8 + 2
  ... (4)

p= 0.8 + 2.5 y

0.80y.80.2.755y   1.50.0010.014
Sustituyendo valores en (1), se obtiene:

0.80.0y.8 0.2.755yy   0.2929

Resolviendo por tanteos, se obtiene:
   0.8378 
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Como F=0.5247
F=0.5247 < 1, el flujo es subcrítico en la sección trapezoidal.

2-  Análisis del tipo de flujo y sentido de calculo

como el tipo de flujo en ambos tramos es subcrítico, cualquier singularidad (en este caso

 
la transición), crea efecto hacia aguas arriba, por lo tanto, la sección 2 se presenta el
3- Calculo de
 Aplicando la ecuación de Bernoulli entre
entre las secciones
secciones 1 y 2, tomando como NR el punto 2,
se tiene:

       
    2      2 0.2 2
     
Siendo   0,  
se tiene:

    0.0.8     0.0.8  … (5)


      0.001  6  0.006

     1.0.0.18966 0.0.7575  0.8378
A= (b + Z y) y
8378 0.8378
  1.11.9665   1.2535 /
  1.2535
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4- Calculo de 
 
De la ecuación de continuidad, se tiene:

  . ..

  1.5721 m/s

5- Cálculo del número de Froude

     √ 9  .811.57210.79512  0.5629

Como   . <   , se produce un flujo subcrítico.
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21. Se tiene un canal trapezoidal, revestido de concreto (n=0.015) con un ancho de solera b = 2 m
y trazado con una pendiente de 0.2%. Por este canal circula normalmente un caudal de 3 m/s con
un tirante de 1,225 m (tomar este dato solo como referencia) y talud Z = 1.

En este canal se tiene diseñado un vertedero lateral, cuya cresta está a 1,30 m sobre el fondo
(tomar este dato solo como referencia), cuya finalidad es extraer 3
aumenta a 8  /s, al incrementarse el caudal en la torre.
 /s, cuando el caudal

El canal está diseñado en condiciones de flujo subcrítico, por lo que en la sección 2 (sección final
del vertedor lateral), se tiene el flujo normal.

Considerando despreciable las pérdidas a lo largo del vertedero lateral y que no hay diferencia
significativa de cota entre las secciones 1 y 2, determinar la velocidad en la sección 1 (sección
inicial del vertedero lateral).
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1. Calculo de y en la sección 2
Aplicando la fórmula de Maninng, se tiene:

 .  
   … (1)

Q= 5
n= 0.015
 /s

S= 0.0002
A= (2 + y) y
p= 2 + 2 √ 2  y = 2 + 2.8284 y

Sustituyendo valores en (1), se tiene:

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  21.600475 1.60047

  0.8677 /
3. Sustituyendo valores en (2), se tiene:

8 
  19.622  1.60047 19.62 0.8677
  3.2620  1.6388
  2
Resolviendo por tanteos, se obtiene:

  1.5262 
4. Sustituyendo valores en (3), se tiene :
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22. Calcular la velocidad que tiene un canal de sección circular de 1,5 m de diámetro y que conduce
un caudal de 1 / s, sabiendo que esta trazado con una pendiente de 0.5%, y que el material del
canal tiene una rugosidad de 0,015.



D= 1,5 m Se pide:
S=0.5% = 0.0005 v
n= 0.015
Q= 1  /s
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p= θ D

p= 0.5 x θ x 1.5

p= 0.75 θ

3. Sustituyendo valores en (1), se tiene:

0.28130.7θsenθ  1 
5  θ 0.0005 
  0. 0 15
   96.4035
− … (2)

En la ecuación (2), θ esta en radianes, para que se ingrese en grados, se multiplica por el factor
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P= 0.5+ 2

P= 05 + 2.5y
√ 10.75
2. Sustiyendo valores

00.5.50.2.755   0.0.70.001014
00.5.50.2.755   0.0298
Y= 0.6733 m

3. Reemplazando

A= (0.5 + 0.75x0.6733)0.6733
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4. Aplicando la ecuación de Bernoulli 1 y 2

1  2 
11 2  22 2 ℎ12



Por ser ángulo α pequeño:

sin α ≈ tanα  S  110

Z1= 10 S=10 x 0.001 => Z1 = 0.01

6. Sustituyendo los valores

 .
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8. Utilizando la tabla 1.3 del MPPDC, la ecuación (4) se resuelve por tanteos

1  1   1

0.5 0.39270 0.6677
0.60 0.4920 0.7490
0.56 0.4526 0.7138
0.57 0.4625 0.7223
0.565 0.4576 0.7181

9. El valor 0.4576, se ha obtenido como un valor promedio de la tabla 1.3 del MPPDC
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27. ¿Qué relación guardan los caudales de una canaleta semicircular abierta y un conducto
circular, si ambos son de igual área, pendiente y rugosidad?
Acanaleta = aconducto circular

Scanaleta = Sconducto circular

n canaleta = n conducto
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En el conducto circular
 
  .  

 … (3)

4. Dividiendo (2) entre (3), se obtiene:

1  .   
  
 
  1    
 . 2 
     
   … (4)

5. Sustituyendo (1) en (4), se tiene:

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28. Un canal trapezoidal de sección de máxima eficiencia hidráulica, con talud Z = 1,5,
conduce un caudal de 2  /s .

Sabiendo que el canal está revestido (n=0,014) y esta trazado con una pendiente del 1%,
determinar la velocidad.
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    1.55  0.13  3.3333

     2  0…6
7. La ecuación del resalto hidráulico, para una sección rectangular se expresa como:

8. Sustituyendo (5) en (6), resulta:

2 
5    ∗ 5     0
/  /
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∆    :
 Pérdida de energía en el resalto

Datos: Se pide:

Sección rectangular Demostrar

Resalto hidráulico ∆  ∆

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      4 

    2     
       4
Pero ∆      
… (4)
4     …3
4. Sustituyendo (4) en (3), se tiene:
Did you know?
With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

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Did you know?

81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

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Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

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Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

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Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

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Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

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Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

 Facultad de ingeniería civil

    …3

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   2
Did you know?
With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Did you know?

81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

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Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

 Facultad de ingeniería civil

   5∗1.2252 ∗1.2 53.∗1.2522 1.251 ∗

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10. Resolviendo por tanteos, se tiene:
   0.4052
Did you know?
With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Did you know?

81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

 Facultad de ingeniería civil

4. Tirante conjugado mayor del resalto igual al tirante normal del tramo sin revestir.
Did you know?
With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Did you know?

81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Did you know?
81% of people surveyed wish they could read more. Scribd
helps you do that.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more
Did you know?
Trust the science! Reading leaves people feeling more
relaxed and accomplished. Scribd makes it easy to read

Learn more

Did you know?

Over 1 million subscribers trust Scribd to be the library in
their pocket.

Learn more

Did you know?

Readers love Scribd! Our app has over 350,000 5-star

Learn more

Did you know?

Scribd is more than just documents. Our digital library gives
you access to books, audiobooks, and more.

Learn more

Did you know?

With Scribd you can unlock unlimited possibilities with over
1,000,000 audiobooks and ebooks.

Learn more

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