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Title Author

Upton and the Army Ambrose

Destroyer Captain Stavridis
Turn the Ship Around Marquet
Embattled Rebel McPherson
Washington’s Revolution MiddleKauff
Paleo Solution Wolf
Emory Upton Fitzpatrick
The Quiet Warrior Buell
Gallant John Barry Clark
The Enlightened Soldier White
Sub 4:00 Lear
In Search of the Warrior Spirit Stozzi-Heckler
Edward Preble McKee
A Call to the Sea Berube
Fleet Admiral King King and Whitehill
Midway Fuchida, Okumiya
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun Roberts
The Sword and the Scimitar Bradford
The Paleo Diet for Athletes Cordain
America’s Fighting Admirals Tuohy
Halsey’s Typhoon Drury and Clavin
Decoding Clausewitz Sumida
The Jasons Finkbeiner
Leadership Lessons from West Point Crandall
Clausewitz Parkinson
Bull Halsey Potter
Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates - A Kilmeade
Hans Delbruck Bucholz
American Lion Meacham
A Genius for War Dupuy
Leadership - The Warrior’s Art Kolenda
Why We Run Heinrich
The Challenge of Command Nye
Blue vs Orange Hal Friedman
Lords of the Sea Hale
The Great Unraveling Krugman
Honor - A History Bowman
Basic Concepts of Sociology Weber
Winning Modern Wars Clark
On Killing Grossman
Naval Planning - NDP 5 US Navy
A History of God Armstrong

Title Author

The Landscape of History Gaddis

The World is Flat Friedman
The Orange Revolution Gostick
Dynamics of Military Revolution Knox and Murray
Nelson’s Battles Tracy
The Israel Lobby Mearsheimer
Lights Out Wiley
The J Curve Bremmer
How to Compare Nations Dogan and Pelassy
Thrawn Zahn
Nimitz Potter
Give Me A Fast Ship McGrath
Catastrophic Consequences David
The Future of Governing Peters
Lessons Not Learned Thompson
The Last Lecture Pausch
Shepherds of the Sea Cross
Today We Die A Little Askwith
John Paul Jones Morison
Naval Command Cutler
Old Man Wars Scalzi
Ender’s Game - E Card
Six Frigates - E Toll
Catalyst - E Luceno
Genius for War - E Michie
Mind Wars - E Moreno
Leadership and Self-Deception - E Arbinger Institute
Choke - E Beilock
The Man Who Would Be King - A Miller
Struggle for Seapower - A Willis
Thank You For Being Late Friedman
The Year Without A Summer Klingaman
Talent Code - E Coyle
Brief - A McCormack
Legacy - E Kerr
What Got You Here, Won’t Get Your There - A Goldsmith
Power of Habit Duhhigg
Endure - A Hutchinson
Fuzzy Nation - A Scalzi
Sapiens - A Harari
First Man - A Hansen
Talking with Strangers - A Gladwell

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