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Who should teach gifted students?

Who should teach gifted students?

by Kirsi TIRRI
University of Helsinki (Finland)

1. Introduction teacher for gifted students?» (Milgram,

A classical question in education is 1979; Dorhout, 1983; Vialle & Quigley,
«what kind of teacher is a good teacher»? 2002).
Researchers with different guiding
paradigms have tried to answer the In this paper, we present an overview
question with empirical evidence. In the of the discussion concerning research on
1960’s to 1980’s the dominating paradigm the qualities of a good teacher in general
was behavioristic ally driven effectiveness and the best teacher for the gifted
research that defined good teacher as a students in particular. We will present
teacher with good student learning the qualities of a good teacher in the light
results (Tirri, 1993). In the 1980’s the of current research on effective teaching.
trend moved into more qualitative The main ideas of teacher thinking
research and a good teacher was the

año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

research are presented with an emphasis
pedagogically thinking teacher who was on teachers’ pedagogical thinking. The
aware of his/her values and goals
qualities of a good online teacher in the
underlying his/her teaching practice
light of current research on virtual
(Kansanen, Tirri, Meri, Krokfors, Husu revista española de pedagogía
teaching are reviewed. In addition to the
& Jyrhämä, 2000). Empirical research
desirable competencies and qualities of
showed expert teachers to be more
student-oriented and more capable of the teacher, we also discuss the teacher
reflecting their thinking than the novice attitudes toward gifted students.
teachers (Berliner, 1988). In the 1990’s Empirical research on teacher attitudes
good teachers were challenged to be is presented with cross-cultural differen-
mentors or facilitators for learning in the ces among teachers from different
virtual environments (Mason, 1991). countries. Some practical recommenda-
During all these decades the teachers and tions are made for teacher educators on
researchers in gifted education read the how to educate teachers for gifted
results of this research and made a more learners. Furthermore, some suggestions
detailed question: «who is the best for future research are presented.


2. The qualities of a good teacher students from low-income settings

in the light of current research on (Westbury, 1988, 145).
effective teaching Good teachers are shown to be
The research on effective teaching has verbally interactive (Gage, 1978; Harris,
identified certain teacher behaviors that 1986). Teaching effectiveness research
have been shown to produce good has revealed a positive relationship
learning results in students. According between teacher clarity and pupil
to these studies, an effective teacher is achievement. Teachers who present
businesslike (Ryans, 1960; Harris, 1986). information clearly avoid vague terms,
The businesslike teacher is organized, words or phrases that are unclear or lack
systematic, goal oriented, and prepared. assurance.
Effective teaching includes advanced
planning and preparation in accordance
Effective teachers are described by the
with selecting proper learning objectives, attributes stimulating, imaginative,
diagnosing individual needs, gathering
exciting, provocative, interesting, and
materials and supplies, and choosing
avoiding dull routine (Ryan, 1960; Harris,
appropriate teaching strategies. 1986). Stimulating teaching is usually
According to the review on effective
described by the noun enthusiasm. The
teaching, well-organized teachers are
research indicates that enthusiasm
found to be the most effective teachers frequently correlates with achievement
(Tirri, 1993).
among older students (Brophy & Good,
1986). Flexibility can be defined, for
An effective teacher is capable of example, to refer to a teacher’s potential
creating a positive learning atmosphere «to meet the demands of the moment»
by being friendly. A friendly teacher is
año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

and «to move with the shifting tides»

warm, emphatic, outgoing, positive and (Hamachek, 1975, 246) in (O’Neill, 1988,
personal (Ryans, 1960; Harris, 1986). 175). Flexibility is not strongly supported
Friendly teachers reflect their positive by the effective teaching research, but it
revista española de pedagogía

attitude in their tone of communication, appears in discussions on effective

their gestures and interpersonal teaching behavior (O’Neill, 1988).
relationships. Effective teachers are
shown to minimize negative feedback to The individually oriented teacher
their students as it consistently correlates treats each individual as a unique
negatively with achievement (O’Neill, learner. Differentiation in assignments,
1988, 176-177). Praise is positive fee- materials and learning tasks is provided
dback with verbal approval. Praise is according to the needs of the students.
shown to be more effective for particular The issue of differentiation in teaching
types of students and in particular is much debated in the literature,
contexts. It is most effective when it is especially in the area of specialization for
personalized, more important to girls gifted learners (Feldhusen et al., 1989).
than to boys and more important to An effective teacher is multi-media

Who should teach gifted students?

integrative (Harris, 1986). This kind of a planning in advance. Clark and Peterson
teacher provides multi-sensory expe- (1986) published a meta-analysis on more
riences to the students through diverse than 100 studies on teacher thinking.
media. Variability has appeared They included studies on teacher
frequently in the literature as an planning, thoughts and decisions
indicator of effective teaching behavior concerning interaction and teachers’ own
(Tirri, 1993). theories and beliefs into their review.
Teacher’s thinking is interacting with his/
The context of the studies on teacher her actions and the observable
effectiveness has to be taken into consequences of teaching (Clark &
consideration in the evaluation of the Peterson, 1986, 257). The studies dealing
findings. Research has focused primarily with the differences of thinking between
on the learning of basic skills by low experienced and novice teachers have
performing students in elementary grades indicated that novice teachers are prone
(Doyle, 1985, 31). Consequently these to more mechanistic thinking than their
research findings do not necessarily apply expert peers. Furthermore, the novice
to students at the other grade levels in teachers concentrate more on the subject
other content domains. However, some matter and the experts pay more
of the qualities of an effective teacher attention to the needs of their students
remain in the discussions on good (Berliner, 1988).
teaching. The three major patterns of
teaching behavior identified by Ryans Teachers’ thinking is pedagogical
(1960) are widely accepted and utilized when it is intentional and aims at student
in the current teacher effectiveness learning (Kansanen, Tirri, Meri,
research. The three patterns identified Krokfors, Husu & Jyrhämä, 2000).

año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

were: Xo-warm, friendly, empathetic; Yo- Usually the goals of learning are
organized, businesslike, systematic; and expressed in the curriculum. In order to
Zo-stimulating, creative, imaginative. think pedagogically the teacher has to
These three patterns are worth exploring be aware of his/her values and beliefs,
formulate the goals for his/her teaching revista española de pedagogía
in various contexts and learning
environments in the search of good and give justifications for his/her
teachers. decision-making. Hence, reflection in- and
on-action are important skills in
becoming pedagogically thinking teacher.
3. Pedagogical thinking as
indicator of a good teacher 4. The qualities of a good online
Teacher thinking research has shifted
the discussion on the qualities of a good teacher in the light of current
teacher toward more qualitative research on virtual teaching
direction. The classical study by Jackson Teaching and learning in a virtual
(1968) emphasized the many-sided nature learning environment challenges teachers
of teachers’ work and the importance of to consider their role in this teaching-


studying-learning process. Many claims timetable, procedural rules, the objectives

have been made implying that teaching of discussion, and decision-making norms.
online is a completely different skill from In social role, the moderator of CC creates
face-to-face teaching (Kerr, 1986; Mason, a friendly, social environment for learning
1991). Usually the teachers’ role changes by sending welcome messages,
into the role of facilitator and mentor. encouraging participation, and providing
Students become active participants and feedback on students’ inputs. The use of
more independent in their learning personal, friendly tone in messages is
process. Furthermore, education becomes considered very important. The
learner centered and self-paced and the moderator should focus discussions on
teacher-learner hierarchy is broken down crucial points, ask questions and probe
(Harasim et al., 1995, 14-15). responses to encourage students to
expand and build on comments.
Learning in a virtual environment According to Mason, the most important
provides students with multiple role for a teacher is intellectual, in which
perspectives as they are guided to make s/he facilitates and stimulates students’
sense of the world around them. learning (Mason, 1991). Paulsen (1995)
Furthermore, students are no longer has further developed the facilitation
passive recipients of bodies of knowledge, techniques for online teachers to be used
but are actively involved in the in these three roles. In the organizational
knowledge-building process (Jonassen, role, the teacher plans timetables,
Mayers & McAleese, 1993; Bonk & procedural rules, and decision-making
Cunningham, 1998). Teachers’ role in norms. S/he organizes the structure of
moderating the learning process includes the web course. In the social role, the
establishing guidelines within which teacher creates a friendly and social
students work and encouraging them environment for learning. S/he sends
año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

during the learning process (Harasim et welcome messages and encourages

al., 1995). The moderator needs to make students by giving personal feedback.
decisions and change his/her plans
revista española de pedagogía

according to the needs of the students. Berge (1995) has classified four roles
Virtual teaching requires of both teachers for the instructor in a CC environment:
and students flexibility and willingness pedagogical, social, managerial and
to learn new things. technical. With pedagogical role she
means educational facilitator who uses
Mason (1991) has discussed questions and helps students to focus on
moderators’ roles in CC and identified critical concepts and principles. The
three roles. These roles are pedagogical role is similar to Mason’s
organizational, social and intellectual. In intellectual role with its’ emphasis on
organizational role, the instructor learning contents. Furthermore, the
moderates discussion by «setting agen- pedagogical and intellectual roles involve
da» for the conference and giving many characteristics that are similar to
instructions to the students about the the verbally interactive teacher as
Who should teach gifted students?

identified by teaching effectiveness by Milgram (1979) the students

research. In social role a teacher creates demonstrated a strong preference for the
social environment in which learning is intellectual qualities of the teacher above
promoted. Berge and Mason are in accord the personal/social and creative
with each other on the importance of the dimensions. In another study that used
social role for on-line teacher. The social the same instrument than Milgram did,
role involves teacher characteristics that Maddux et. al. (1985), found a preference
are indicators of a friendly teacher in for personal/social characteristics of
teaching effectiveness research. The teachers over the intellectual and creative
managerial role includes organizational, ones.
procedural, and administrative activities
of a teacher. This managerial role can be In a study by Shoshana (2007) Israeli
compared with Mason’s organizational elementary school students (N=304) rated
role. In the teaching effectiveness the preferred characteristics of the
research, businesslike teachers show teachers. The results of the study showed
managerial and organizational skills by that students, gifted as well as non-gifted
managing the classroom activities students preferred the social qualities of
smoothly. In technical role a teacher their teachers to their academic ones.
should make participants comfortable This trend was shown to be even stronger
with the system and software that the among the religious students in Israel
conference is using. Teacher’s goal is to (Shoshana, 2007, 68).
make technology transparent, so that the
learner can concentrate on the academic
5.1. Teacher attitudes toward gifted
task at hand. According to Berge, one
teacher does not have to adopt all these students
roles. A «virtual teacher» can be a team In prior studies few variables have

año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

working together rather than a single consistently emerged as substantial
person. explanatory factors for attitudes toward
and perceptions of gifted children and
5. A good teacher of the gifted services for the gifted. Begin and Gagné revista española de pedagogía
In the context of teaching gifted (1994), in their analysis and summary of
students the intellectual qualities of a results of 30 studies with almost 50 va-
teacher are often considered important. riables, concluded that only three
However, in empirical studies on the potentially valid predictors emerged.
qualities of an effective teacher for the These were contact with gifted children,
gifted students the personal/social sex of the respondents, and teachers vs.
qualities of the teachers have been more parents. However, methodological
highly valued by the gifted students than problems and much variation among
their intellectual qualities (Krumbolz & studies prompted them to make several
Farquhr, 1957; Lewis, 1982; Dorhout, recommendations for future studies.
1983; Abel & Karnes, 1994; Vialle & Results from several other studies (e.g.,
Quigley, 2002). In the Israeli study Copenhaver & McIntyre, 1992; Jones &


Southern, 1992; Morris, 1987) concerned than the Finns about the
demonstrated that those with more potential problems of their highly able
knowledge about gifted children hold students. The Finnish teachers preferred
more favorable attitudes toward them. to keep highly able students within nor-
Another factor that emerged from many mal classroom routine and with other
studies is experience working with gifted children, in order to promote their social
children. In general, teachers who have skills, and also to have them as good
worked with them have more positive examples for the less talented students.
attitudes toward them than teachers who They were afraid of the isolation, which
have no experience teaching gifted might occur should talented children be
children (Begin & Gagne, 1994; placed in special schools something they
Copenhaver & McIntyre, 1992; Dettmer, all deplored. Instead, they preferred
1985; Townsend & Patrick, 1993). special arrangements within ordinary,
mixed-ability classes and schools (Ojanen
Some of the studies concerning & Freeman, 1994).
attitude have been conducted in countries
other than the United States (e.g., In the most recent cross-cultural
Awanbor, 1991; Busse, Dahme, Wagner studies on teacher attitudes toward gifted
& Wieczerkowski, 1986; Gagné & education the Finnish teachers were
Nadeau, 1985; Tirri & Uusikylä, 1994; shown to be more concerned about the
Ojanen & Freeman, 1994; Tallent- negative side effects of special classes and
Runnels et al., 2000). Only three of these other special arrangements for the gifted
studies (Busse et al., 1986; Ojanen & outside the regular classroom than their
Freeman, 1994; and Talent-Runnels et American colleagues (Tallent-Runnels et
al., 2000) were cross-cultural. The first al., 2000). In another study using the
año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

one (Busse et al., 1986) compared samples same instrument the Bayesian predictive
from Germany and from the United discriminant analysis demonstrated cul-
States. This study examined teacher tural differences with the scale used
perceptions of characteristics of highly among Finnish, American and Hong
revista española de pedagogía

gifted students. There were some Kong teachers (Tirri et al., 2002).
differences, with German focusing more According to the Bayesian analysis, the
on creativity and Americans focusing on variable «There are no gifted children in
intelligence as indicative of giftedness. our school» was shown to be the most
discriminating item in our questionnaire.
The other cross-cultural study (Ojanen The USA teachers’ and Finnish teachers’
& Freeman, 1994) examined the attitudes profiles were more in accord with each
and experiences of headteachers, class- other in regard to this item than the
teachers, and highly able students toward Hong Kong teachers’ profile. The USA
the education of the highly able in and Finnish teachers strongly disagreed
Finland and Britain. According to this with this item and the Hong Kong
study the British headteachers were more teachers disagreed less strongly. This

Who should teach gifted students?

difference could be explained by the 6. Concluding remarks

different criteria teachers use to define Concerning the current discussion on
the concept of giftedness. effective face-to-face teaching and online
moderating, it seems apparent that
The Hong Kong teachers might use a excellence in online teaching is
stricter criterion than the western fundamentally no different from
teachers in our sample. The second most excellence in other forms of teaching.
discriminating variable «The gifted Furthermore, the qualities of a good
should spend their spare time helping teacher seem to be the same for both
those who progress less rapidly» was gifted and average learners. All kind of
mostly supported by Hong Kong teachers. teaching involves interaction that
The USA teachers represented all kinds requires subject matter knowledge, ver-
of attitudes regarding this item and the bal ability and friendly involvement from
Finnish teachers’ had two opposing the teacher.
attitudes. This trend reflects the
difference between the helpful oriented In this paper we have discussed the
Asian culture and the more independent current research on the qualities of a good
oriented western culture. The third most teacher. We have compared the literature
discriminating variable «All children are reviews on effective teaching in general
gifted» showed again that the Hong Kong and online teaching in particular and
teachers differed from the western found many similar characteristics for
teachers. Asian teachers disagreed the excellence in teaching. Furthermore, the
most regarding this item, Finnish qualities of a teacher for the gifted
teachers agreed the most and the USA learners have been explored in the light
teachers had the most varied responses of current empirical research results.
(Tirri et al., 2002).

año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

Concerning the current discussion on
teaching we showed that all kind of
The study added new knowledge on teaching involves interaction that
the cross-cultural differences in teachers’ requires subject matter knowledge, ver-
attitudes toward gifted education. The bal ability and friendly involvement from revista española de pedagogía
new method used in analyzing the data the teacher. Our review revealed that
predicts culture-dependent attitudes with students consider the qualities of a
86.9 % accuracy. The findings of this friendly teacher very important aspect for
study can be used in developing cross- the teacher of the gifted. Emphatic and
culturally valid instruments in measuring encouraging teacher who creates a
teacher attitudes toward gifted education. friendly atmosphere makes it easy for the
Furthermore, the results of this study can students to approach him/her. This
guide teacher educators in different finding is again in accord with the
countries to provide information and Mason’s (1991) and Paulsen’s (1995) so-
knowledge on the contents of special cial role, in which the teacher creates a
classes and programs for the gifted (Tirri friendly and social environment for
et al., 2002). learning. In teaching effectiveness

research a friendly teacher is the one who BERLINER, D. C. (1988) Implications of studies on expertise
in pedagogy for teacher education and evaluation, in
can create a positive learning atmos- New directions for teacher assessment, Proceedings
phere, as well. of the 1988 ETS International Conference (Princeton,
NJ, Educational Testing Service), pp. 39-68.
A good teacher needs pedagogical BONK, C. and CUNNINGHAM, D. (1998) Searching for
wisdom, teaching experience and subject learner-centered, constructivist, and sociocultural
matter knowledge. Knowledge of the components of collaborative educational learning tools,
in C. BONK and K. KING (eds.) (1998) Electronic
gifted students and different ways to
collaborators. Learner-centered technologies for
meet their needs is also important for literacy, apprenticeship, and discourse (New Jersey,
the teacher of gifted students. Cross-cul- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates).
tural research has shown differences in BROPHY, J. and GOOD, T. (1986) Teacher behavior and
teacher attitudes toward giftedness that student achievement, in M. WITTROCK (ed.) Handbook
might influence teachers from different of Research on Teaching (3rd ed.) (New York,
cultures. This knowledge is also Macmillan), pp. 328-375.
important to address in teacher BUSSE, T.; DAHME, TG.; WAGNER, H. and WIECZERKOWSKI,
education. Based on our review we claim W. (1986) Factors underlying teacher perceptions of
that good teachers have great potential highly gifted students: A cross-cultural study,
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 46, pp.
to be effective teachers for gifted 903-915.
students, as well.
CLARK, C. M. and PETERSON, P. L. (1986) Teachers’
thought processes, in M. WITTROCK (ed) Handbook of
Address of the author: Kirsi Tirri, Departament of Practical Research on Teaching (3rd ed.) (New York, Macmillan
Theology, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 33 Publishing Co).
(Aleksanterinkatu 7), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,
Finland. Int. +358 9 191 23710 (office). E-mail: COPENHAVER, R. and MCINTYRE, D. (1992) Teachers’
kirsi.tirri@helsinki.fi perception of gifted students, Roeper Review, 14, pp.
Received: 7.XI.2007
año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

DETTMER, P. (1985) Attitudes of school role groups toward

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TOWNSEND, M. and PATRICK, H. (1993) Academic and Descriptores: profesores de alumnos de

psychosocial apprehensions of teachers and teacher
trainees toward the educational acceleration of gifted
alta capacidad, profesores de enseñanza
children, New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, on-line, actitudes de los profesores hacia
28, pp. 29-41. los alumnos más capaces.
VIALLE, W. and QUIGLEY, S. (2002) Does the teacher of
the gifted need to be gifted?, Gifted and Talented Summary:
International, 17, pp. 85-90.
Who should teach gifted students?
WESTBURY, M. (1988) The science and the art of teacher In this chapter, an overview of the
effectiveness: an examination of two research
traditions,‘Canadian Journal of Education, 13, pp. 138-
discussion concerning research on the
161. qualities of a good teacher in general and
the best teacher for the gifted students
Resumen: in particular were reviewed. The qualities
¿Quién debe enseñar a los alumnos of a good teacher in the light of current
de altas capacidades? research on effective teaching were
En este trabajo se ofrece una visión presented. The main ideas of teacher
de síntesis relativa a las características thinking research were introduced with
de un buen profesor en general y del me- an emphasis on teachers’ pedagogical
jor profesor de los alumnos más capaces thinking. The qualities of a good online
en particular. Se analizan, a la luz de los teacher in the light of current research
resultados de la investigación, las carac- on virtual teaching were reviewed. In
terísticas de un buen profesor. Se ofre- addition to the desirable competencies
cen los principales hallazgos de la and qualities of the teacher, the teacher
investigación sobre el pensamiento de los attitudes toward gifted students were
profesores, poniendo énfasis en su pen- discussed. Empirical research on teacher
samiento pedagógico. Se revisan a partir attitudes were presented with cross-cul-
año LXVI, n.º 240, mayo-agosto 2008, 315-324

de la investigación las cualidades de los tural differences among teachers from

buenos profesores para la enseñanza en different countries. Some practical
línea. Junto con el análisis de las compe- recommendations were made for teacher
revista española de pedagogía

tencias y cualidades de los buenos profe- educators on how to educate teachers for
sores, también se estudian las actitudes gifted learners. Furthermore, some
de éstos respecto a la enseñanza de los suggestions for future research were
alumnos de alta capacidad. Los resulta- presented.
dos sobre las actitudes proceden de estu-
dios empíricos en los que se analizan Key Words: teacher of the gifted,
estos aspectos en profesores de diversos effective teaching, online teacher, teacher
países. Finalmente se ofrecen algunas re- attitudes toward gifted students.
comendaciones prácticas para los encar-
gados de la formación de profesores de
niños de alta capacidad. Se ofrecen, para
terminar, algunas sugerencias para fu-
turas investigaciones en el tema.


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