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Scholastica’s College Tacloban

Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic,
Palo, Leyte
A.Y. 2020-2021


NAME: Pagay, Mary Therese S SCORE: ________ RATING:________

COURSE & YEAR: BSN 1A DATE & TIME: October 3, 2020 – 10:00am

Direction: Read each questions carefully and answer COMPREHENSIVELY. (20 points each)

I. (1-20.)

How would you describe the context of the speech delivered by Pres. Corazon Aquino? What were the issues
she raised or highlighted in her address? As a Filipino how did the speech affect you and in what way her
address shows relevance to the current conditions of our country at that time?

President Cory’s speech dictated the role of America in the world as the promotor of a righteous system of
governance and further strengthened the reputation of the said country as a model for greatness. The speech
intended to declare freedom of the Filipinos from the Marcos regime and it marked a new beginning for the
Filipinos and to its government. Moreover, it appealed for financial assistance by informing the Americans
about the Philippines' state.

In her speech, she addressed multiple issues that were drudged during the regime of Marcos such as: how her
husband, Ninoy Aquino, was put into trial for subversion, murder and a host of other crimes that he did not
commit. Another was how the Filipinos were being persecuted and tyrannize by the brute of Marcos and
lastly, the billions of debt the Philippines had imposed by the previous government which the Filipinos never
benefited from. The speech affected me in so many ways and it touched my heart deeply as I was awakened
by the fact that Cory depicted the Filipinos as being persecuted and oppressed and even though they were in
the brink of giving up, they still held on to the hope that they will soon escape the harsh regime and tyranny
of the dictator and that the Philippines will soon be free.

II. (21-40.)
Where did the First Catholic Mass take place in the Philippines? Cite the evidences that leads you to the
conclusion as to where the First Catholic Mass was held. How did the government settle the issue on the
claims between Butuan and Limazawa over the place to which the First Catholic Mass conducted?

There has been a controversy that the first mass was held in Butuan and it lasted for almost three centuries.
However, there are reports stating that the first mass was held in Limasawa as the reports have also included
evidences that proves that the mass was held there and not elsewhere. First, was the rediscovery of and a
more attentive study of two primary sources namely Pigafetta's account and Albo's log. Pigafetta and Albo
were both witnesses to the expedition and their accounts were highly deemed factual. First evidence present
in Pigafetta’s account was his testimony regarding the route that the expedition entered the Philippine waters
south of the island of Samar and that they stayed on another island which is called Homonhon. Second is the
seven days at Mazaua, where they celebrated the first mass and planted a cross. This evidence was the most
prominent as each day during their stay at Mazaua was accounted for and that the Mass took place on an
Easter Sunday. Other evidences that prove the first mass being held at Limasawa were the presence of the
two native kings, the evidence of Pigafetta's map, and the confirmatory evidence from the Legazpi expidition.
The government called upon several Filipino historians and scholars to held decipher and prove where the
first mass took place, one of the scholar was Tavera.

III. (41-60.)

What happened during the Cavity Mutiny? What were the underlying issue that lead to the revolt and who
are the person(s) involve that triggered to the escalation of the mutiny? Why did it was considered as a major
factor in the awakening of nationalism among Filipinos that time?

The Cavite Mutiny was the uprising of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the Cavite arsenal that was headed
by Sergeant Lamadrid, which became the pretext for Spanish persecution and led to the defeat of the Filipino
troops and the execution of the three priests. The uprising was caused by the dissatisfaction by the native
Filipino soldiers and laborers of the Cavite arsenal because of the fact that their privileges were abolished.
Another reason for the mutiny was that Gen. Izquierdo introduced a rigid and strict policies that made the
Filipinos move and turn away from the Spanish government out of disgust. These executions, particularly
those of GOMBURZA, were to have a significant effect on people because of the shadowy nature of the trials.
Many scholars also believe that the Cavite Mutiny was the beginning of Filipino nationalism which eventually
led to the 1896 Philippine revolution and the momentous 1898.
IV. (61-80.)

What are the different conflicting views or accounts about the retraction of Jose Rizal? Supposing the issue on
the retraction was true and accurate, which among the accounts or claims do you consider the most
convincing and reliable, why? And how would you relate the issue on the alleged forgery about the retraction
of Rizal to the current situation of the spreading of fake news over the social media?

The retraction of Rizal is still on argument as to whether he did it or not. Supposing that the issue on the
retraction was accurate, one claim that would be propounding is that the testimony of Father Vicente
Balaguer who befriended Rizal during his exile. Balauger believes that Rizal retracted because he wanted to be
at peace when he dies. In relation to our present situation on the wild spread of fake news all over social
media, it is clear that one can easily be deceived and be gullible to what he or she read without pointing out
the facts if the said content or text was valid or not. Fake news can also highly manipulate the perception of
an individual.

V. (81-100.)

Where did the Cry of Pugadlawin happen? What were the conflicting views or issues about the Cry of
Pugadlawin and how these issues started? What is the difference between the Cry of Pugadlawin and the Cry
of Balintawak? Among the two which is the more appropriate to call for about that revolution? Why?

The Cry happened in Balintawak as scholars such as Zafra have proven it. There have been claims backed up
by multiple and contradictory sources as to the dates and meaning of the Cry. The issue started with Teodoro
Agoncillo through his use of a deeply flawed methodology and reliance on limited, if not unreliable sources
led to wrong conclusions that were perpetrated in his tendentious and erroneous work. There difference
between the cry of pugad lawin and cry of balintawak was that the pugad lawin term was used by Agoncillo
and the cry of balintawak refers to the place where the cry was held, in Balintawak. I would prefer the Cry of
Balintawak as it points out to the place where the cry originated.
4 3 2 1
Content Demonstrate substantial, Demonstrate sufficient Limited content. Minimal content.
specific and illustrative content.
Organization Arrangement of content Arrangement of content Shows confusion on the Minimal control of
shows evident subtle shows logical order. arrangement of content. arrangement.
Convention Sentence formation, Sentence formation, Sentence formation, Sentence formation,
grammar and spelling grammar and spelling grammar and spelling grammar and spelling
are well presented and shows sufficient control. shows limited control. shows minimal control.
Focus and Arguments Exhibits sharp, distinct Exhibits apparent point Exhibits low point made Exhibits minimal point
controlling point made made about a single about a single topic. made about a single
about a single topic. topic. topic.
Evidences and Examples Provides relevant and Provides sufficient Provides limited Provides not related
specific examples and examples and evidences examples and evidences evidences about the
evidences about the about the topic. about the topic. topic.

Prepared by: Sir Christian T. Acerbo


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