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modaluri zmnebi

Can _ SesaZlebloba: aqvs awmyo da namyo droebi, myofad droSi enacvleba to be able (agreTve SeuZlia Secvalos can sxva droebSic)
droebi ras gamoxatavs
awmyo can I can (am able to) open the door
namyo could faqtiur SesaZleblobas I could (was able to) go to the theatre yesterday
myofadi to be able I will be able to go to the theatre tomorrow

may _ nebarTva: aqvs awmyo da namyo droebi, myofad droSi enacvleba to be allowed (agreTve SeuZlia Secvalos may sxva droebSic)
droebi ras gamoxatavs
awmyo may nebarTvas, varauds, I may (am allowed to) take this book
namyo might I thought I might (was allowed to) take this book
myofadi to be allowed I will be allowed to take this book
albaTobas, SesaZleblobas

Must _ unda: aqvs mxolod awmyo. namyo da myofad droebSi enacvleba have to (kiTxviT da uaryofiT winadadebebSi SeiZleba gamoviyenoT
droebi ras gamoxatavs

awmyo must
valdebulebas, albaTobas I must take this book
You must know about it

Have to _ unda(iZulebiTi qmedeba): aqvs awmyo, namyo da myofadi droebi

droebi ras gamoxatavs
awmyo have/has to movaleobas an aucileblobas rac I have to take this book
namyo had to I had to take this book
myofadi will have/has to I will have to take this book
gamowveulia pirobebiT

Be to _ unda: aqvs awmyo, namyo droebi

droebi ras gamoxatavs
urTierTSeTanxmebas, raRac We are to meet at nine o"clock sharp
awmyo am/is/are to We are to finish our work at 4 o"clock
gadawyvetilia an dagegmilia (cxriliT,
The train is to arrive at 9 o"clock
namyo was/were to ganrigiT) momavlisaTvis The lesson is to start 10 o"clock

Ought to _ unda: aqvs mxolod awmyo. Ought to droebs gansazRvravs zmnis forma da drois/sixSiris zmnizedebi
droebi ras gamoxatavs
awmyo ought to moralur valdebulebas, rCeva- I ought to take this book at once
namyo ought to I ought to took this book yesterday
myofadi ought to darigebas, movaleobas I ought to take this book tomorrow

Should _ unda (gamoxatavs valdebulebas da rCevas): modaluri zmnaa martivsa da rTul winadadebebSi, roca qvemdebarea meore an mesame piri
You should take this SenTvis jobia miiRo es wamali You should be more attentive
medicine You should try to do it again
xva droebSic)

me SemiZlia gavaRo karebi

me SemeZlo guSin TeatrSi wasvla
me xval SevZleb TeatrSi wasvlas

sxva droebSic)

me SemiZlia waviRo es wigni

me megona am wignis waRebis neba mqonda
me SemiZlia waviRo es wigni (momavalSi)

Zleba gamoviyenoT need)

me unda waviRo es wigni albaT iciT

amis Sesaxeb

me unda (iZulebuli var) waviRo es wigni

me unda (iZulebuli viyavi) wameRo es wigni
me unda (iZulebuli var) waviRo es wigni(mom)

zustad 9 saaTze unda SevxvdeT erTmaneTs samuSao

4 saaTze unda davamTavroT matarebeli Camova
9 saaTze gakveTili daiwyeba 10 saaTze

me exlave unda aviRo es wigni

me unda ameRo es wigni guSin
me unda aviRo es wigni xval

ea meore an mesame piri

Tqven meti yuradReba gmarTebT man
isev unda scados gakeTeba

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