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School of Education and Human Performance

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

Principal Preparation Program


Pursuant to Part 30.30 in the rules governing Programs for the Preparation of Principals in Illinois
(“Part 30”), this Superintendent Signature establishes a Partnership between Aurora University’s School
of Education and Human Performance (“SOEHP”) and the school district (“District”) named in this
document for the purpose of preparing a professional licensed educator from the District to be a school
principal. This form defines and delineates the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the design,
implementation, and administration of Aurora University’s Master’s of Educational Leadership/Principal
Endorsement Program (“Program”).

1. Candidate Selection
» Licensed educators interested in the Program will submit an application and a portfolio to SOEHP
that provides evidence of the applicant’s qualifications in accordance with Part 30.70.
» The principal from the school where the applicant works and the superintendent of that school’s
district will each approve the application of licensed faculty via a letter of support that will be part
of the applicant’s portfolio.
» SOEHP will review the applicant’s portfolio supporting the applicant’s qualifications, interview the
applicant, and assess the applicant’s written response to school-based scenarios to determine eligibility
for the program. SOEHP will notify the applicant of its decision to accept or reject entry to the
program. If accepted, SOEHP will place the applicant into a cohort and will schedule the courses for
that cohort. Once accepted into the program, the applicant will be considered a candidate.

2. Program Curricula
» SOEHP will design and implement curricula in accordance with Part 30.50.
» SOEHP will design and implement field experiences within the program’s courses intended to foster
the growth of the candidate through activities within the District.
» The District will administer the field experiences by providing the necessary collaboration with district
staff and documents that provide information to promote learning.

3. Internship
» SOEHP will design and implement an internship in accordance with Part 30.40. SOEHP will
administer the internship utilizing a supervisor to orient the candidate to the internship and provide
guidance and support throughout the internship. The supervisor will observe the candidate engaging
in leadership activities for the internship and will meet with the candidate’s mentor to discuss the
candidate’s progress in the internship. The supervisor will also provide seminars during the internship
on topics related to school leadership.
» The District will administer the internship by providing opportunities for the candidate to lead
activities that meet internship standards and requirements. The District will provide a mentor who
will help identify and develop leadership activities using the Individual Leadership Plan (ILP) and
support the candidate through the implementation of the activities. The District will ensure the
mentor meets the requirements set forth in Part 30.40(b):
• Hold a current and valid professional educator’s license with a general administrative or
principal endorsement; and
• Two years of successful experience as a building principal
The District will administer the completion of internship training for the mentor that includes the
mentor’s role and responsibilities and provides information about the standards used in the internship.

4. Assessment of Candidate
» SOEHP will design, implement, and administer a Verification and Evaluation form completed by the
supervisor to verify completion of the internship activities and evaluate the candidate’s strengths and
identify areas for improvement.
» The District will administer completion of the same form by the candidate and the candidate’s mentor.
The District will also administer the completion of a survey by the candidate’s mentor that assesses the
candidate’s competencies in leadership areas addressed during the program.

5. Assessment of Program
» SOEHP may design and implement requests for feedback from the District about its program and
process for candidate selection.
» The District will provide feedback to specific questions posed by SOEHP about the program, and/or
may provide feedback that is not solicited by SOEHP including ways to improve the program.


Name/Position of Candidate

Name of Candidate’s School

School’s Address

Name/Title of Candidate’s Mentor Printed

Mentor’s Signature/Date

Name/Number of School District

Superintendent or Designee’s Name Printed

Superintendent or Designee’s Signature/Date

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