The Best Weekend Routine: Video Dairy

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Deadline: August 10th -2020

English 1
Hi guys, in this document you will find all the information needed for you doing the task.
Make sure you read ALL carefully so that you can understand the instructions.

 Take into account the video shown in class, and read the materials provided by the
 Use the vocabulary and grammar patterns studied (routines, adverbs of frequency, and
present simple tense).
 Make a video Diary about The best weekend routine. Include the following

1. Cover (Title- name)

2. A short introduction about you.
3. Write there all the things you do in your weekend by describing your daily routines per
day (Saturday and Sunday). They can be meals, exercise time, etc.
4. Illustrate what you do daily. (Pictures, graphics to make your video more interesting).
5. Be as creative as possible, try to make an outstanding work where effort and interest
can be noticed.


CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5
COVER A cover page with your name, name
of the activity “The best weekend
BIOGRAPHY A very short biography
(introduction) of you with a picture.
Second page of the diary.

CONTENT As this is a diary, you must write the

things (routines)you do both days
(Saturday - Sunday)
VOCABULARY / Include vocabulary, expressions,
GRAMMAR grammar patters studied.
CREATIVITY Creativity everywhere, simplicity is
not required in this work.

POINTS _____/20 SCORE:

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