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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s
employees. Any material contained in this document which is not
already in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given,
or disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part,
without the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering
Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Materials & Corrosion Control For additional information on this subject, contact
File Reference: COE20110 R. S. Sarathy on 875-3520
Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Module Component Page


Introduction 2

Factors that Influence Corrosion Rates 3

Inhibitors that Require Special Handling 9

Equipment and Design-Related Problems and Solutions 10

Summary 11


Work Aid 1 12

Work Aid 2 13

Work Aid 3 14



Appendix A A-1

Appendix B B-1

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Factors that Influence Corrosion Rates

This section will cover the major factors that influence corrosion during cleaning. This corrosion occurs when
various materials of construction contact acid solvents. The acid solvents that are effective in dissolving
mineral oxides, water scales, etc., are also aggressive to most metals.

Steps taken to improve cleaning effectiveness can also increase corrosion. Detergents that are frequently added
to improve contact between the solvent and the foulant also enhance the wettability of the metal in acid, and
thereby increase corrosion. Frequently, solvent solutions are heated to increase solubility, but increases in
temperature also increase the corrosion rate of metal in the acid solution. Concentrated solvents speed up the
dissolution of the foulant, but they also increase the corrosion rate. Longer cleaning times allow more foulant
to be removed, but also permit more corrosion to occur.

The major defense against acidic corrosion during chemical cleaning is the addition of a corrosion
inhibitor to the dilute solution. Most corrosion inhibitors are long-chain organic molecules which plate out on
the metal in a thin molecular film to form a barrier between the metal and the solution. Arsenic-containing
inhibitors have been used in the past, but are no longer acceptable for process unit use due to their toxicity.
Similarly, inhibitors containing acetylenic alcohols are very effective, but must be handled with care because
these alcohols are extremely toxic in high concentrations.

In choosing an inhibitor for a chemical cleaning job, the engineer must consider several factors,
including industry experience and vendor recommendations. The function of the inhibitor is to adsorb on the
metal and prevent the acid from attacking it, but the inhibitor must not interfere with the dissolving action of
the acid. Because the corrosion potential increases with increasing solvent temperature and concentration, the
inhibitor concentration is also increased for more severe conditions. Inhibitor recommendation varies from acid
to acid partly because some acids are more oxidizing than others. Stainless steel cleaning requires both a low
chloride solvent and low chloride inhibitor to avoid pitting and stress corrosion cracking.

When evaluating inhibitors, you should conduct a laboratory corrosion test to confirm satisfactory corrosion
rates. This step is not required for established corrosion inhibitors with good historical data. Corrosion rates
higher than 0.02 mil/hr (0.5 microns/hr) at the intended concentration and temperature are considered
unsatisfactory. Recommended inhibitor concentrations vary from 0.1% to 0.4% by volume on the diluted acid.
If corrosion rates are higher than satisfactory, increasing the inhibitor concentration may be a solution. A final
requirement for inhibitors is that they must not increase the personnel safety concerns.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 1

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Factors that Influence Corrosion Rates (Cont'd)

Work Aid 1 lists the corrosion inhibitors recommended for chemical cleaning. Inhibitors are listed by
manufacturer, and all have been widely used. Note that the choice of inhibitor varies with the acid solvent
used. Rodine 213 is probably the most widely used inhibitor for hydrochloric acid cleaning. Some of the
cleaning contractors recommend their own inhibitors, which may be major inhibitor vendor products with the
addition of dye, surfactant, and intensifiers to justify their own label. Lab testing or product claim validation is
required before accepting these products. Some special requirements are noted in the footnotes to Work Aid 1.
Stainless steel requires low chloride inhibitors as well as solvents. Dowell has special inhibitor
recommendations for ammoniated citric acid and for hydrochloric acid when using a copper complexing agent.

Types of Metal
There are many factors which influence corrosion during cleaning. The type of metal to be protected is
important because each type may react differently to inhibited acids and various antagonistic factors.

Carbon Steel
Carbon steel is the most common material of construction and represents the baseline against which other alloys
are compared. However, carbon steel corrosion rates may be increased by higher sulfur and phosphorus levels.
Highly stressed or cold-worked steels may corrode at accelerated rates. Free-machining steels (especially
machine bolts) that employ sulfur to impart machinability are severely corroded in acids relative to the normal
grades of steel. Most inhibitors do not provide adequate protection due to H 2S release during cleaning. The
best solution is to avoid the use of free-machining steels for construction. However, free- machining steels
made by adding selenium instead of sulfur appear to be free from accelerated corrosion. When free-machining
steels are cleaned, an additive such as Halliburton's SCA130, which is designed to compensate for the corrosion
accelerating effect of the sulfur, must be added to the solvent. Welded and cold-worked carbon are subject to
caustic embrittlement when exposed to caustic concentrations above 1.5% at elevated temperatures (above 150
to 180°F [65 to 82°C] depending on the concentration). Temperatures and concentrations must be limited
during alkaline operations to avoid this risk.

Low Chromium Carbon Steels and Carbon -moly Steels

Low chromium carbon steels and carbon-moly steels corrode faster than carbon steel. The use of additional
inhibitor is partially effective. Exposure temperatures for these steels should be limited to 150°F (65°C) in
hydrochloric acid, and to 125°F (52°C) in sulfuric acid.

Cast Iron
Cast iron corrosion is more difficult to inhibit than is carbon steel corrosion. The temperature of the acid
solution should not exceed 120°F (50°C) when cleaning cast iron.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Austenitic steels
Austenitic steels have satisfactory general corrosion rates in inhibited HCl, but there is a high risk of stress
corrosion cracking (SCC) and pitting due to residual chlorides. Austenitic stainless steels are subject to SCC
when in contact with near neutral or acidic chlorides at temperatures above 150°F (65°C). Chloride-free (less
than 25 ppm) solutions and rinse water should be specified for cleaning austenitic stainless steel. In alkaline
solutions, chloride levels up to
150 ppm are acceptable. When using hydrochloric acid to clean carbon steel equipment, remove stainless steel
thermowells and trim before introducing the acid. Low chloride inhibitors should be specified for cleaning

Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless

Ferritic and martensitic stainless steels corrode at a rate roughly 50% higher than that of carbon steel in
inhibited acid. In addition, the corrosion rate of the 400 series stainless is accelerated by the presence of H 2S.
If H2S (sulfide deposits) is present, inhibited hydrochloric acid should be used at concentrations of less than
4% and at temperatures of less than 150°F (65°C). In some cases it may be practical to remove the 400 series
components before cleaning.

Copper Alloys
Most copper alloys are resistant to acid solutions. Inhibitors further reduce the low corrosion rates, but
the relative effectiveness is less than for steels. Inhibitor is added when cleaning copper alloys primarily to
protect the carbon steel that is usually present. However, copper alloys will corrode in alkaline solutions
containing ammonia. Copper-based alloys should not be contacted with ammoniated citric acid above pH 6 or
with ammoniated EDTA chelating treatments.

Aluminum is attacked by most inorganic acids and cannot be inhibited against these solutions. Dilute
phosphoric, chromic, citric, and sulfamic acids can be used for cleaning aluminum. Alkaline solutions should
not exceed pH 11.5 and should be inhibited with silicates.

Zinc and Magnesium

Zinc and magnesium are not resistant and cannot be cleaned with inhibited HCl. Sulfamic acid can be
used for these light metals. In general, zinc and magnesium anodes should be removed before cleaning carbon
steel equipment protected with sacrificial anodes.

Titanium requires special consideration during chemical cleaning. Solutions containing fluorides (such
as ammonium bifluoride) cannot be used. Hydrochloric, sulfuric, and sulfamic acids can be used at
concentrations of less than 5% and temperatures of less than 140°F (60°C). All acid solutions should be
inhibited with 200 ppm ferric or cupric ions as the salt of the acid used. In alkaline solutions, temperatures
should be kept below 160°F (71°C) to minimize any hydrogen diffusion.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 3

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Titanium (Cont’d)
Work Aid 2 is a Guide to the Compatibility of Solvents and Materials of Construction. Each of the more
commonly used solvents is rated for use on the common materials of construction with an A, C, or NR. "A"
means the solvent is acceptable for use on the listed metal under normal ranges of concentration and
temperature when properly inhibited; "NR" means not recommended under any circumstances; and "C" means
conditional. "C" indicates a combination where special knowledge is required, and is acceptable only under
certain conditions.

Other Factors
Some of the other factors which can affect the corrosion rate include the following:
• Galvanic couples.
• Temperature.
• Acid concentration.
• Exposure time.
• Ferric iron ions.
• Hydrogen sulfide.
• Acid types.

Galvanic Couples
The presence of galvanic couples should be considered when cleaning systems contain dissimilar
metals. The more anodic metal will be corroded due to the influence of the more cathodic metal, especially
near the point of contact. In a galvanic couple, the cathodic metal will not corrode. The losses are small if the
acid is properly inhibited, unless there is a very unfavorable ratio of anode-to-cathode. Such ratios would not
normally be acceptable in water services. Where copper alloys are galvanically coupled to ferrous alloys, a
copper complexer can be added to reduce copper plating on the steel components.

Heating to a higher temperature accelerates corrosion with or without an inhibitor. However, higher
temperatures are desirable because they enhance foulant solubility. Most vendors recommend increasing the
inhibitor concentrations if temperatures above 150°F (65°C) are used. All inhibitors have an upper temperature
limit, and testing is recommended if high temperatures are required for cleaning. Unless satisfactory results can
be demonstrated, carbon and alloy steels should not be cleaned at temperatures above 170°F (76°C). Cast iron
should not be exposed to temperatures above 120°F (50°C). Live steam should not be used to heat solvents
inside the equipment being cleaned.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Acid Concentrations
Higher acid concentrations aggravate corrosion at a rate roughly proportional to the increase in concentration.
Inhibitor vendors recognize this and increase their recommended inhibitor dosages accordingly. For example,
AmChem recommends 0.1% inhibitor for 5% HCl at 150°F (65°C), 0.2% for 15% HCl, and 0.3% for 28% HCl.
Some inhibitors have limited solubility in concentrated acid and must be added to the dilute acid. The vendor's
recommendations should be observed. The inhibitor dosage must be based on the diluted volume. If the
concentrated acid is already inhibited, more inhibitor is required when very dilute acids are utilized for cleaning
to ensure there is adequate inhibitor to coat all the metal surfaces. Equipment having very high surface-area-to-
volume ratios require more inhibitor than simple drum configurations.

Exposure Time
Exposure time is important in determining the total corrosion anticipated during cleaning. Some loss
of effectiveness may be anticipated if exposure to the solvent exceeds 48 hours. In all cases the exposure time
should be limited to that actually required to do the job.

Ferric Iron Ions

Ferric iron ions accelerate the corrosion of steel in hydrochloric acid solution. The ferric ion oxidizes
the base metal and is itself reduced. Fe 0 + 2Fe+3 = 3Fe+2. Inhibitors are not effective against this type of
corrosion. Oxidizing compounds, such as air, make the problem worse by oxidizing the ferrous ions to ferric.
The process is then repeated. High velocity areas (above
2 ft/s[0.6 m/s]) are the most severely affected. Under static conditions the corrosion rate increases about 0.1
mil/hr (2.5 µm/hr) for each 0.4% by weight increase in ferric ion concentration.

A limit of 0.4% ferric ion concentration has been adopted by the cleaning industry to ensure acceptable
corrosion rates. If higher concentrations are encountered, the accepted practice is to dump the solution as soon
as practical. Ferric ion is a problem when the deposit contains large amounts of ferric oxide (Fe 2O3). The
ferric ion does not accumulate when removing mill scale. With major sulfide deposits, the liberated hydrogen
sulfide reduces the ferric ion and maintains low ferric iron concentration.

When ferric iron corrosion is anticipated, it can be countered by the addition of a reducing agent.
Stannous chloride (SnCl2) is sometimes used to reduce ferric ion, but it adds significantly to cost.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide reduces the effectiveness of most inhibitors, especially at higher temperatures and in higher
acid concentrations. 12% chromium (400 series stainless) valve trim and tray parts have been found to be
severely corroded after hydrochloric acid cleaning when H 2S is present. Free-machining bolts containing
sulfide may corrode due to the formation of H 2S in situ. Hydrogen blisters have been found in amine towers
after removing sulfide deposits with hydrochloric acid. High-strength bolts may break during the cleaning
of sulfide deposits because of the hydrogen embrittlement caused by the hydrogen sulfide environment.

Corrective action recommended in the presence of sulfides is to remove the 400 series stainless components
from the system when practical to do so. The corrosion rate is usually satisfactory when the temperature is
limited to 150°F (65°C) and the acid concentration is less than 4%.

A better remedy is to use sulfuric acid for cleaning sulfide deposits because it is not as sensitive to
contamination from H2S. The use of sulfuric acid also reduces the accelerating effect of the ferric ion on
corrosion rates.

Halliburton Services has developed an anticracking additive that works well to reduce corrosion in
sulfide environments. This additive is present in their HAI-50 inhibitor. It is also available as SCA130
anticracking additive and can be added to other inhibitors. It is not clear how the additive works, but it reduces
the driving force that causes hydrogen penetration into the steel.

Acid Types
The type of acid selected affects the corrosion rates. Most acids are inherently less corrosive than
hydrochloric acid. With inhibited acid, corrosion is a function of the inhibitor efficiency, and corrosion rates
may be higher than for HCl because most other acids are harder to inhibit. Inhibitors and concentration levels
must be selected for the acid to be used. Oxidizing acids are especially difficult to inhibit when low-alloy steels
are involved. The inhibitor manufacturer's recommendation should be substantiated by exposure data and
careful observation.

Inhibitor Data Sheets

Inhibitor technical data sheets are useful sources of information on the use of inhibitors. Corrosion rates on
several metals are reported for a variety of acids, concentrations, and temperatures. Work Aid 3 is a Parker and
AmChem Technical Process Bulletin for Rodine 213 and 214. Appendices A and B are Halliburton data sheets
for their inhibitors HAI-50 and OSI-1, which are also commonly used.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Inhibitors that Require Special Handling

Corrosion inhibitors require special considerations during handling because of flammability and
toxicity concerns. In the past, arsenic inhibitors were used in upstream operations and sometimes found their
way into downstream chemical cleaning. Because of arsenic toxicity, such inhibitors are not in use today.
Some of the better inhibitors contain acetylenic alcohol (propargyl) which is particularly toxic and should be
handled with extreme care. The inhibitors based on acetylenic alcohol are offshoots of oil field acidizing
requirements in which superior inhibition is necessary due to higher temperatures. Superior inhibition is
achieved at the elevated temperature in oil field subsurface environments by using acetylenic alcohol based
inhibitors in increased concentrations. It is important that the precautions listed on the Materials Safety Data
Sheet be observed when handling these materials. (Refer to COE 201.06 for more information.) Inhibitors
known to contain major levels of acetylenic alcohols include Corexit 8504 and HAI-50. Those with lesser
amounts include Armohib 25 (15%), Rodine 213 (1- 10%), and Cronox 230. The inhibitors based on
acetylenic alcohols are offshoots of oil field systems where superior inhibition is required due to the use of high
concentrations at elevated temperatures.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Equipment and Design-Related Problems and

Some process units contain equipment that presents special cleaning problems due to its design and
construction. Examples include refractory-lined and glass-lined equipment and nondrainable/nonventable

Refractory-lined towers can be cleaned with sulfuric acid, but hydrochloric and most organic acids
cannot be used because they rapidly react with the refractory and damage the lining. Sulfuric acid is effective if
the deposits are iron oxide or sulfides. The same property that prevents the use of sulfuric acid on water scale
(i.e., the insolubility of calcium sulfate) causes the formation of a protective calcium salt on the refractory and
prevents its dissolution. Velocities should be low to avoid damage to the protective sulfate. Water hardness
scales are hard to remove because the same materials that dissolve hardness will also dissolve the concrete

Glass-lined equipment requires special procedures to avoid external contact with cleaning acids. The
interior glass is resistant, but when the nonglass side is exposed, hydrogen can be generated by corrosion. This
hydrogen diffuses through the steel until it strikes the glass, which may be spalled by the hydrogen. Successful
cleaning has been reported by Halliburton using acid concentrations of less than 5% with double concentration
of inhibitor (0.2%) at a maximum temperature of 140°F and an exposure limit of 6 hours. Special attention is
given to minimum circulation, venting of gases, high-velocity flushing, and neutralization with soda ash.

The preferred method, however, is to avoid the use of mineral acids. Recommended techniques

• EDTA cleaning for hardness salts.

• Spall-Gard - Reactor vendor proprietary chemical.
• Dow-LTSR - citric acid plus EDTA for iron oxides.

Plastic- and rubber-lined equipment can usually be chemically cleaned, but the compatibility of the
rubber or plastic with the proposed solvent must be verified before use.

Nondrainable and/or nonventable equipment requires special techniques because nondrainable equipment
cannot be flushed, and nonventable equipment cannot be filled. Sometimes high-volume pumps can be used
to produce high velocities in the system. If velocities sufficient to promote turbulent flow (by Reynold's
number calculation) can be achieved, piping and parallel passes can be filled. Another useful technique is to fill
the equipment with steam to exclude air. The system is then cooled to condense steam and partially evacuate
the system before introducing the solvent. Vapor phase cleaning is another technique that is useful for
distributing solvent to surfaces that cannot be contacted by flowing liquid.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 8

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Corrosion of equipment is the major concern during the chemical cleaning of refinery equipment. Corrosion
inhibitors reduce this corrosion when proper guidelines concerning temperature, acid concentration, inhibitor
concentration, velocity, metallurgy, etc., are applied. Solvents and inhibitors must be selected to assure
compatibility with the materials of construction. Contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide and ferric iron must be
countered to avoid corrosion. Some special design equipment can be cleaned safely by using reduced
concentrations and temperatures or by using special solvents such as chelates.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 9

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 1



HCl Rodine 213 Armohib 28 Cronox 230 A120 HAI-50**

A196**** Rodine 213

H2SO4 Rodine 95 Armohib 31 Cronox 240 A196 OSI-1

Rodine 31A* Rodine 31A*

Citric Rodine 31A* Armohib 31 Cronox 240 A196 HIB98

Rodine 95 A152*** Rodine 31A*

Sulfamic Rodine 95 Armohib 31 Cronox 240 A196 OSI-1

Rodine 31A* Rodine 31A*

Phosphoric Rodine 95 Armohib 31 Cronox 240 A196 OSI-1

Rodine 31A* Rodine 31A*

Hydrofluoric Rodine 241 ------ ------ ------ ------

EDTA Rodine 241 ------ ------ A222 ------

* Contains less than 100 ppm chlorides -- recommended when cleaning stainless steel.
** Surfactant must also be added.
*** For ammoniated citric acid.
**** If using copper complexing agent.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 10

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 2














A = Acceptable under normal range of concentration and temperature. Acid must contain metal corrosion
inhibitor. Corrosion should be monitored to ensure that equipment being cleaned is not exposed to high
corrosion rates.
C = Acceptable only under certain conditions. Some corrosion may occur even under ideal conditions.
NR = Not recommended. Other solvents or cleaning methods should be used.


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 11

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 3

This work aid is a technical data sheet for a common corrosion inhibitor




Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 12

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 3 (Cont'd)




Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 13

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 3 (Cont'd)




Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 14

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Work Aid 3 (Cont'd)




Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 15

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems


ABF Abbreviation for the salt, ammonium bifluoride.

Acetylenic Alcohol A class of organic alcohols used for corrosion inhibition in cleaning
acids. Propargyl alcohol is commonly used.

After-rusting Rust formation that occurs rapidly due to the high reactivity of freshly
cleaned metal surfaces.

Antifoulant A chemical added in small quantities to reduce the formation of deposits.

Arsine Gas reaction product of arsenic and acids.

Cation The part of a compound having a positive charge.

Caustic Embrittlement A form of intergranular stress corrosion encountered on non-stress-

relieved steels when exposed to caustic at elevated temperatures.

Chelating Agent A chemical which chelates or sequesters metal cations in solution to

prevent deposit formation.

Chemical Cleaning The use of chemicals to clean plant equipment.

Copper Complexing Agent Compounds with the ability to sequester copper ions and prevent their
plating out.

Corrosion Inhibitor A chemical added in small quantities to reduce corrosion rate.

Demineralized Water Water which has had all of its mineral content removed by ion exchange

Dezincification A form of selective metal corrosion of brass in which the zinc is

apparently leached out, leaving porous copper behind.

EDTA Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (most common chelate).

Emulsifier A chemical that makes possible the mixing of water and oil, with
droplets of one being suspended in the other.

Fail-Safe Valve Safety valve used for HPJ work that automatically dumps the pressure
when the handle is released.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 16

Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Ferric Iron The oxidized valence stage of the ferrous (iron) ion.

Free-machining Steels Steels containing sulfide or selenium particles distributed so as to impart

easier (free) machining.

Generic Solvents Solvents defined by chemical composition only.

Heat Transfer Coefficient A measure of a unit's ability to transfer heat.

Hydrogen Cyanide Toxic gas generated when acids contact cyanide deposits.

Hydrogen Embrittlement The apparent embrittlement and cracking of hardened or stressed low-
alloy steels when hydrogen resulting from H 2S corrosion diffuses
through the steel.

Intensifier Inhibitor aids that extend the temperature range at which corrosion
inhibitors are effective.

Magnetite Iron oxide having the chemical composition Fe3O4.

Metal Coordination Compounds Materials which deactivate metal ions that would otherwise catalyze
polymeric reactions.

Molecular Film A thin film formed by inhibitor molecules adsorbed on a metal surface.

Phosphine Toxic gas reaction product of phosphorus and acids.

Polyelectrolytes Ionic polymers which can induce a charge on a particle to promote

dispersion or flocculation.

Polythionic Acids Acids similar to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in which the sulfur may vary from
2-4 and the oxygen from 3-6.

Precommission Cleaning Cleaning of equipment before it is put in service.

Proprietary Solvents Those solvents identified by trade names.

Reducing Agent Chemical such as stannous chloride which is added to react with and
reduce ferric iron ions.

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Engineering Encyclopedia Materials & Corrosion Control
Special Chemical Cleaning Problems

Stress Corrosion Cracking Cracking encountered when susceptible stressed alloys and steels are
exposed to antagonistic solutions.

Super-water A proprietary organic polymer which can reduce the friction losses
during high-pressure jetting (produced by Berkeley Chemical Research,
Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA).

Surfactant Chemical composed of oil soluble and water soluble groups having the
ability to absorb on interfaces and alter the surface tension.

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Special Chemical Cleaning Problems




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Special Chemical Cleaning Problems




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Special Chemical Cleaning Problems




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Special Chemical Cleaning Problems




Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 22

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