Final Reflections Ogl 340 The Aikido Way Joanna Walls

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Joanna Walls

Final Reflections

Prompt #1: In Module 1, you watched "Invictus," a clip from the movie "Gandhi," and a 60
Minute Segment on Mindfulness. The idea was to have you look at attitude and a
mental model about conflict, review the attitudes of two powerful leaders, and consider
your own approach to conflict. Did this Module help set a foundation upon which to
develop the rest of the course? What worked and didn't work?

I feel that this module did a great job at setting up the course. I feel that the movie was
something that was time consuming but in addition to the Ghandi clip, I feel that I was
able to quickly change my mental model and attempt to see how others approach
conflict. Seeing two powerful leaders in different situations allowed me to open my
mind up to the possibilities of having multiple perspectives in addition to looking further
into mental models. I feel that the 60 minute clip also was informational for the module.
I do feel that this module did take me the longest in terms of preparing for the

Prompt #2: In Module 2, you were introduced to the martial art, Aikido. The purpose of
this module was to use a martial art that deals with "physical conflict" in a different way,
a way that provided a metaphor for how to deal with conflict in the workplace. What did
you take away from this Module? Did you see a connection between the principles of
Aikido and the principles of dealing professionally with workplace conflict?

I enjoyed watching the clips about the martial art of Aikido. I enjoyed the understanding
of accepting the energy of another party and using it to your advantage. I took away the
idea of being able to take the information given and use it in a way that was able to be
beneficial to you in addition to not causing harm to the other party in return. It was
interesting to be introduced to such an idea through martial arts but I enjoyed this
module very much.

Prompt #3: In Module 3, you were introduced to the first conflict transformation skill,
"Spitting Out the Hook." Did you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Was
this quiz (and were the quizzes} fair, too hard, or too easy? Did the quizzes help you
gain more from the text?

I feel that Spitting Out the Hook was the most fun model to learn about. I enjoyed
practicing it with different people and it very much reminded me of improv shows that I
used to watch when I was younger. I feel that this will definitely help me in conflicts by
helping me get to the information much faster and find a solution much faster. I do feel
that the quizzes were a little hard. If I am being honest, I didn’t read the text because I
am more of a visual learner and reading takes way too long for me not to comprehend
the information, so the quizzes were usually hit or miss depending on which module.
The last module quiz was the one that really challenged my ability to scan the text.

Prompt #4: In Module 4, you were introduced to the second conflict transformation skill,
"H.E.A.R." Did you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Some of you
already use an active listening skill; Was learning H.E.A.R. too redundant or was it
valuable to review?

I do feel that the H.E.A.R. model was redundant. I feel that I would have loved to learn
about the SAY YES model in the module to give it a better chance. Active listening is
something that I try to focus on throughout my everyday life. I feel that it allows me to
remind myself the importance of actually listening to someone. I have a tendency to
zone out during conversations, so it was nice to learn techniques that reminded me to
focus on the person, not the random thing in the corner.

Prompt #5: In Module 5, you were introduced to the third conflict transformation skill,
"BURN CLEAN." Did you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Will it help
you express your "wants" without throwing out hooks?

I did my best at learning the Burn Clean skill. I feel that it was definitely one of the more
challenging skills to learn and it was harder to focus on the skill. I do not feel confident
with this skill but I do plan on studying more about this skill in order to gain a better
understanding of how it can help me in future conflicts that do arise. In the future when I
do use this skill, I plan on trying to express my wants without throwing a hook. I feel that
it will allow me to better understand the wants of both parties.

Prompt #6: In Module 6, you were introduced to the fourth conflict transformation skill,
"SAY YES." Did you learn the steps in this skill? Will you be able to use it to help you
transform conflict? How confident do you feel about using the SAY YES Model?

I feel that the lecture in the model was the most interesting. I loved this module and
understanding the SAY YES model. I do feel that I will be able to use this in any conflicts
that arise so that I am able to easily handle the conflicts in stride in addition to making
sure that both parties are able to reach an understanding that is beneficial for both. I
feel that I am confident in being able to recite what the SAY YES model is but I do feel
that because of it being the last model, there was not as much time dedication as the
rest of the models throughout the modules.

Prompt #7: Is there something you wish you had learned or some topic we needed to
spend more or less time on? Add any final thoughts you think would be helpful in
improving this course. Overall, was the workload fair and manageable, light or too
I feel that in the beginning of the course, module one was so intensive with information
and interpreting that information. I feel that in that module I was able to connect with
the information a lot more than the others. I feel that the SAY YES model is something
that should be given more help, because I do feel that one topic was something that I
was interested in but didn’t have enough time to learn about.

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