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College of Engineering and Architecture

Dubinan East, Santiago City

Name: Jamaica R. Ambrocio

Course & Yr: BSCE 1A
Date: October 7, 2020


Elaborate Activity
Climate Change is the biggest threats in our environment. Name two major effects of climate change and
discuss its effects and the solution of these problems.

 Droughts and Heat Waves

 Droughts in the Southwest and heat waves everywhere are projected to become more
intense, and cold waves less intense everywhere.Summer temperatures are projected to
continue rising, and a reduction of soil moisture, which exacerbates heat waves. By the
end of this century, what have been once-in-20-year extreme heat days (one-day events)
are projected to occur every two or three years over most of the nation.

 Ocean Acidification

 The ocean is one of the main ways in which CO2 gets absorbed. While at first glance
that may sound like a net positive, the increasingly human-caused CO2 is pushing the
world’s oceans to their limits and causing increased acidity. As pH levels in the ocean
decrease, shellfish have difficulty reproducing, and much of the oceans’ food cycle
becomes disrupted.


1. As a result of growth in some urban centers, the environment in those cities is deteriorating. How
could this issue be tackled by both the government and individuals?
The Government should tackle what should they need to do on the issue to make them
understand about the deteriorating in the environment in their cities is not simple problem as they think.
Avoid using cars also because air pollution is the most serious environmental issue in the city and its
cause is mostly the car's emission, use bike instead. Plant more trees and use 3R’s always (Reuse,
Reduce, Recycle), don’t cut trees. The Individual should support and help the Government about the issue
being tackled.
College of Engineering and Architecture
Dubinan East, Santiago City

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2. What is the importance of environmental engineering? In what ways can environmental
engineering offer solutions to the different environmental issues?
One of the most important responsibilities of environmental engineering is to prevent the
release of harmful chemical and biological contaminants into the air, water and soil. Environmental
engineering also contributes to the overall health and safety conditions of an entire population.
Environmental engineers are important because one of their main goal is to ensure that societal
development and the use of water, land and air resources are sustainable. This goal is achieved by
managing these resources so that environmental pollution and degradation is minimized. An
environmental engineer works to improve water and air pollution, recycling, public health, and waste
disposal by using the principles of engineering chemistry, biology, and soil science to develop
solutions to environmental problems such as unsafe drinking water or climate change.
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