Classification of Composite Materials

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Classification of Composite Materials

Since the reinforcement material is of primary importance in the strengthening

mechanism of a composite, it is convenient to classify composites according to the
characteristics of the reinforcement. The following three categories are commonly used.
1. Fiber Reinforced – In this group of composites, the fiber is the primary load-
bearing component.
2. Dispersion Strengthened – In this group, the matrix is the major load-bearing
3. Particle Reinforced – In this group, the load is shared by the matrix and the

Fiber Reinforced Composites

Fiberglass is likely the best know fiber reinforced composite but carbon-epoxy and other
advanced composites all fall into this category. The fibers can be in the form of long
continuous fibers, or they can be discontinuous fibers, particles, whiskers and even
weaved sheets. Fibers are usually combined with ductile matrix materials, such as metals
and polymers, to make them stiffer, while fibers are added to brittle matrix materials like
ceramics to increase toughness. The length-to diameter ratio of the fiber, the strength of
the bond between the fiber and the matrix, and the amount of fiber are variables that
affect the mechanical properties. It is important to have a high length-to-diameter aspect
ratio so that the applied load is effectively transferred form the matrix to the fiber.

Fiber materials include:

Glass – glass is the most common and inexpensive fiber and is usually use for the
reinforcement of polymer matrices. Glass has a high tensile strength and fairly low
density (2.5 g/cc).

Carbon-graphite - in advance composites, carbon fibers are the material of choice.

Carbon is a very light element, with a density of about 2.3 g/cc and its stiffness is
considerable higher than glass. Carbon fibers can have up to 3 times the stiffness of steel
and up to 15 times the strength of construction steel. The graphitic structure is preferred
over the diamond-like crystalline forms for making carbon fiber because the graphitic
structure is made of densely packed hexagonal layers, stacked in a lamellar style. This
structure results in mechanical and thermal properties are highly anisotropic and this
gives component designers the ability to control the strength and stiffness of components
by varying the orientation of the fiber.

Polymer – the strong covalent bonds of polymers can lead to impressive properties when
aligned along the fiber axis of high molecular weight chains. Kevlar is an aramid
(aromatic polyamide) composed of oriented aromatic chains, which makes them rigid
rod-like polymers. Its stiffness can be as high as 125 GPa and although very strong in
tension, it has very poor compression properties. Kevlar fibers are mostly used to
increase toughness in otherwise brittle matrices.
Ceramic – fibers made from materials such as Alumina and SiC (Silicon carbide) are
advantageous in very high temperature applications, and also where environmental attack
is an issue. Ceramics have poor properties in tension and shear, so most applications as
reinforcement are in the particulate form.

Metallic - some metallic fibers have high strengths but since there density is very high
they are of little use in weight critical applications. Drawing very thin metallic fibers (less
than 100 micron) is also very expensive.

Dispersion Strengthen Composites

In dispersion strengthened composites, small particles on the order of 10-5 mm to 2.5 x
10-4 mm in diameter are added to the matrix material. These particles act to help the
matrix resist deformation. This makes the material harder and stronger. Consider a metal
matrix composite with a fine distribution of very hard and small secondary particles. The
matrix material is carrying most of the load and deformation is accomplished by slip and
dislocation movement. The secondary particles impede slip and dislocation and, thereby,
strengthen the material. The mechanism is that same as precipitation hardening but effect
is not quite as strong. However, particles like oxides do not react with the matrix or go
into solution at high temperatures so the strengthening action is retained at elevated

Particle Reinforced Composites

The particles in these composite are larger than in dispersion strengthened composites.
The particle diameter is typically on the order of a few microns. In this case, the particles
carry a major portion of the load. The particles are used to increase the modulus and
decrease the ductility of the matrix. An example of particle reinforced composites is an
automobile tire which has carbon black particles in a matrix of polyisobutylene
elastomeric polymer. Particle reinforced composites are much easier and less costly than
making fiber reinforced composites. With polymeric matrices, the particles are simply
added to the polymer melt in an extruder or injection molder during polymer processing.
Similarly, reinforcing particles are added to a molten metal before it is cast.


1. The interface is a bounding surface or zone where a discontinuity occurs, whether

physical, mechanical, chemical etc.
2. The matrix material must "wet" the fiber. Coupling agents are frequently used to
improve wettability. Well "wetted" fibers increase the interface surface area.
3. To obtain desirable properties in a composite, the applied load should be
effectively transferred from the matrix to the fibers via the interface. This means
that the interface must be large and exhibit strong adhesion between fibers and
matrix. Failure at the interface (called debonding) may or may not be desirable.
This will be explained later in fracture propagation modes.
4. Bonding with the matrix can be either weak van der Walls forces or strong
covalent bonds.
5. The internal surface area of the interface can go as high as 3000 cm2/cm3.
6. Interfacial strength is measured by simple tests that induce adhesive failure
between the fibers and the matrix. The most common is the Three-point bend test
or ILSS (interlaminar shear stress test)

Composite materials include any products made from a blend of two or more base materials,
according to the University of Delaware's Center for Composite Materials. By mixing multiple
materials together, manufacturers can combine the best properties of each base component.
Composite materials typically offer enhanced strength or durability over many other products and
may provide additional benefits like resistance to moisture or corrosion. Some examples of
composite materials include fiber cement, thermoplastics or composite wood products.

Building Materials
Composite products are used in a variety of residential and commercial construction applications.
Entire homes can be framed using plastic-laminated beams and trusses instead of traditional
wood framing. By coating the beams with plastic, manufacturers reduce the risk of rot or termite
damage, which extends the life expectancy of the structure. Similar products are used to build
outdoor decks and porches.
Fiber-reinforced cement shingles create a maintenance-free roof that lasts for decades, while
fiber-cement siding offers the look of wood without the maintenance. Doors and flooring made
from composite materials mimic the look of wood and often cost much less. Fiber-reinforced
panels, or FRP, are used on many bathroom and kitchen walls to create a durable and waterproof
surface that's easy to clean.

According to the Australian Academy of Science, modern aircraft would be much less efficient if
composite materials weren't available. Composites like fiberglass-reinforced aluminum or carbon
fiber create materials light enough to fly, but strong enough to handle the pressure of high
altitudes and frequent abuse. Items such as the wings and tail of an aircraft as well as the
propellers and rotors are often made from composites. These materials hold up under a wide
range of temperatures and are highly resistant to rust and corrosion. In terms of aesthetics, many
composite materials used in aircraft construction are easy to shape and mold to fit design and
engineering plans.

A number of different sports products include composite-based components. Many modern
baseball bats are either made entirely from metal or wood composites or include a composite
handle to resist breakage. Golf and tennis manufacturers also rely on composites to improve
strength and reduce weight in clubs and rackets. Other sporting equipment, including surfboards
and skis, contains composite materials that add flexibility while maintaining durability.

Many modern boats are made from composite materials such as fiberglass or thermoplastics.
While traditional wooden boats were subject to rot or warping over time, and metal boats were
heavy and likely to rust, composites offer superior performance and reduced maintenance. They
are lightweight enough to stay afloat, yet strong enough to resist punctures and cracking. Most
composite boats are unlikely to corrode, even after frequent exposure to salt water and sea air. In
addition to racing and pleasure boats, composite materials are used on kayaks, canoes and jet

Ballistic Protection
Carbon-based composite fibers are often used to make bulletproof vests and other ballistic
protection devices. These fibers, including Kevlar, produce fairly lightweight body armor options
that offer effective protection from bullets, flames and some explosives. According to the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kevlar is five times stronger than steel and yet only half
as dense as fiberglass. Along with other composite fibers, Kevlar has saved thousands of lives
and revolutionized protective gear for lawn enforcement and military personnel

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