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Medical Mycology Supplement 1 2005, 43, S207 /S238

The invasive and saprophytic syndromes due to

Aspergillus spp.
*University of Manchester and Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK, and $Immunocompromised Host Section, National
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Aspergillus spp. produce a wide range of invasive and sapropytic syndromes which
may involve any tissue. Within a given tissue or organ the pathology and
pathogenesis varies enormously, ranging from angioinvasive disease to non-
invasive saprophytic disease. The individual invasive and saprophytic syndromes
in which a causative role can be attributed to Aspergillus spp. are detailed
specifically with reference to the underlying pathology and pathogenesis, the
clinical setting and features, and the manner in which a diagnosis can be
Keywords aspergillosis, classification, diagnosis, invasive, saprophytic

Introduction contained within the current edition of the EORTC/

MSG document were employed.
Disease manifestations associated with Aspergillus spp.
are protean and dependent on a complex interaction
between fungus and host, making the derivation of a Colonization
satisfactory classification system difficult. There have
been major recent advances in the diagnosis of invasive A consensus definition of colonization does not exist
fungal infections, including an international consensus but may be considered as the isolation of Aspergillus
statement from the European Organization for Re- spp., at least once, from a mucocutaneous surface in
search and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group patients without concomitant evidence of invasive,
(EORTC/MSG) consortium [1]. The aim and scope of saporophytic, or allergic disease. Colonization may
the current document is to logically partition the entire represent transient passage of Aspergillus spp. in the
entity of invasive asspergillosis (IA) into individual airway, genuine long term (benign) carriage as typically
pathophysiological components in which a causative seen in patients with localized structural or functional
role has been ascribed to Aspergillus spp. This docu- pulmonary deficits, or finally, as a marker and indeed a
ment aims to be complementary and compatible with necessary precedent to the development of overt
the diagnostic criteria developed by the EORTC/MSG invasive disease. The latter point is illustrated by a
consortium [1]; it is not a revision or critique of this study of lung transplant recipients in which 5.7% of
widely accepted document. Most of the background patients who were ‘colonized’ proceeded to develop
material in this review derives from case reports or some form of IA [2], as well as a report in which
small case series which were included if an adequate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify
clinical history or context was delineated and, most Aspergillus spp. in the airway at the time of bone
importantly, if the laboratory data enabled confidence marrow transplantation and related to the subsequent
that Aspergillus was the causative pathogen. In the case manifestation of IA [3]. The length of follow-up period
is an important consideration in the definition of
of invasive disease, the definitions and concepts that are
colonization since invasive disease may follow the
identification of Aspergillus spp. by as long as three
months [4]. It is also important that the concept and
Correspondence: D. W. Denning, Education and Research Centre,
Wythenshawe Hospital, Southmoor Rd., Manchester M23 9LT,
definition of colonization is amenable to the incorpora-
UK. Tel.: /44 (0)161 291 5811; Fax: /44 (0)161 291 5806; E-mail: tion of new diagnostic modalities as they are developed. PCR has already been used as a tool with which to
– 2005 ISHAM DOI: 10.1080/13693780400025179
S208 Hope et al.

define colonization [3] and several recent studies have two non-contiguous sites (e.g., pulmonary and cuta-
raised the possibility that quantitative PCR may be neous disease). Probable dissemination on the other
employed to distinguish colonization from disease. hand could be defined as proven or probable invasive
aspergillosis at one site with evidence of tissue damage
at a normally sterile non-contiguous site which is
IA: site unknown
otherwise consistent with IA, but for which definitive
This term could be used to refer to cases in which the evidence for both invasive aspergillosis and an alter-
antemortem diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is sug- native diagnosis is absent. The supposition (or indeed
gested by positive serological or molecular data in specific demonstration) of bloodstream infection with
blood, but the site of infection cannot be determined only a single site of infection (e.g., a diagnosis of
despite appropriate investigation. In the majority of endogenous endophthalmitis alone in the context of
cases the lung is undoubtedly the site of infection but intravenous drug abuse) is probably insufficient to
other sites, such as the gut, myocardium, spleen and define disseminated disease but should obviously
liver, may be implicated. Evidence of disease may not mandate a thorough search to exclude the possibility.
be apparent because the infectious burden is beneath
the analytical sensitivity of the chosen imaging mod-
ality, or infection remains limited in the context of Aspergillosis of the lower respiratory tract
neutrophil recovery or following administration of (Table 1, Fig. 1)
prophylactic or empirical antifungal therapy.
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
There is a vast literature pertaining to IPA; the
Disseminated IA
challenge is to distil its essence in a comprehensive
Most definitions of disseminated IA require the but succinct manner. IPA is the commonest manifesta-
demonstration of Aspergillus spp. at two or more tion of IA; the lungs are implicated in more than 90%
non-contiguous sites with the overriding supposition of cases in several large series [5,6]. IPA may be
that endovascular or bloodstream infection is implicit complicated by spread to contiguous structures such
in the pathogenesis. This concept should be distin- as the pleural space [7], pericardium [8], chest wall [9]
guished from local spread or extension across tissue and mediastinal structures such as the esophagus [10]
planes (e.g., sinus aspergillosis with direct extension to and great vessels [11,12]. Dissemination from the lung
the meninges and brain), multifocal disease within one is frequently observed, although the specific risk factors
organ, and situations in which there is more than one remain poorly elucidated.
site of infection within the same organ system (e.g., co- The development of IPA is an interplay between the
existent invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) and inoculating dose, which is not known and probably
tracheobronchial aspergillosis). Furthermore, infection varies widely, the ability of the host to resist infection at
at two primary sites, as defined as sites in which it is both a local and systemic level, and the virulence of the
reasonable to suppose infection is initiated (e.g., con- organism [13]. There are relatively few data to address
comitant acute invasive sinusitis and IPA), should the inocuoum concentration; clearly, it is tempting to
probably not be considered as disseminated disease. postulate that large inocula may overwhelm an other-
From a practical point of view, the diagnosis of wise adequately functioning immune system and there
disseminated IA poses a number of difficulties which are certainly anecdotal reports of IPA occurring within
relate to the combination of diagnostic data. The the context of significant environmental exposure [14].
current EORTC/MSG criteria specifically state that, Similarly, virulence is poorly understood and could
in the case of probable disease, the site at which relate to factors such as growth rate [15]; it does not
microbiological data are acquired should be related appear to be restricted to specific clades or genotypes
to the region of tissue damage as defined clinically or [16]. A full discourse on this topic is beyond the scope
radiologically. Thus, this construct would not allow a of this paper.
diagnosis of cerebral aspergillosis with an adequate Neutropenia is clearly the dominant risk factor for
degree of certainty in the circumstance of a high risk the acquisition of IA [17]; importantly, however, it also
patient with abnormal neuroradiology and Aspergillus exerts a major influence on the specific pathology of
growing from a sputum sample. IPA. Insight into the relationship between the pathol-
The diagnosis of disseminated disease may be ogy of IPA in neutropenic versus non-neutropenic hosts
considered to be proven or probable. Proven dissemi- was derived from rabbit models in which the pulmon-
nated IA may be defined as proven or probable IA at ary pathology of IPA was assessed in the context of
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Table 1 Aspergillosis of the lower respiratory tract (see also Fig. 1)

Pathological features Radiological features Clinical setting Direct evidence to implicate Indirect evidence to implicate
Aspergillus spp. Aspergillus spp.

IPA (angioinvasive) Vascular invasion by hyphal Halo sign, air crescent Prolonged and profound Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Proven/probable IA at
elements, coagulative necrosis, sign, single or multiple neutropenia from lung biopsy non-contiguous site
haemorrhagic infarction. The pulmonary nodules Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Aspergillus spp. (culture/
target lesion (or mycotic from contiguous site cytology) from respiratory tract
sequestrum) and distal wedge [PCR from lung biopsy (especially specimen
shaped areas of pulmonary in the context of tissue infarction Positive GM (x2) from blood a,b
infarction are classical and necrosis)]b Positive GM from respiratory
manifestations of tract specimena,b
angioinvasion [Positive PCR from blood]b
[Positive PCR from respiratory
tract specimen]b
IPA (non-angioinvasive) No evidence of vascular Non-specific Non-neutropenic Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Proven/probable IA at
invasion, pyogranulomatous abnormalities including individuals, including from lung biopsy [PCR from lung non-contiguous site
inflammatory infiltrate, air-space disease, corticosteroid therapy, biopsy]b Aspergillus spp. (culture/
inflammatory necrosis, nodular infiltrates and non-neutropenic HSCT, cytology) from
cavitation (occasionally a mixed cavitation GVHD, HIV/AIDS, CGD Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) respiratory tract specimena,b
histological picture may be and solid organ trans- from contiguous site (e.g. pleura or Positive GM (x2) from blooda,b
observed) plantation. Some chronic chest wall) Positive GM from respiratory
forms of pulmonary tract specimena,b
aspergillosis with [Positive PCR from blood]b
progressive pulmonary [Positive PCR from respiratory
cavitation and the presence tract specimen]b
of precipitating antibodies Precipitating antibodies in
to Aspergillus spp. are chronic forms of pulmonary
characterised by tissue aspergillosis and potentially
invasion other forms of
non-angioinvasive IPAb
Chronic invasive forms of Hyphae contained within ]/1 cavities, peri-cavity Cough, weight loss, fatigue, Histological evidence of Positive precipitating antibodies
pulmonary aspergillosis cavity with no evidence of infiltrates, progressive haemoptysis progressive hyphae within cavity, but usually to Aspergillus
including CNPA$, parenchymal invasion enlargement of new over months to years not penetrating into lung Aspergillus -specific RAST
CCPA$, CFPA$ (occasionally hyphae are cavities, pleural parenchyma positive
observed to be directly invading thickening, CFPA Aspergillus spp. (culture/
tissue, thus constituting a associated with fibrosis cytology) from respiratory tract

Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis

non-angioinvasive form of IPA) specimen or from pleural space
Aspergilloma No evidence of parenchymal Single cavity with fungal Haemoptysis, no other Evidence of hyphae within cavity, Positive precipitating antibodies
invasion by hyphal elements ball, radiologically pulmonary symptoms but not invading lung parenchyma to Aspergillus spp.
stable, pleural thickening
Invasive bronchial Invasion of large airway, Non-specific Wide range of clinical Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Nil
aspergillosis pathological manifestation: abnormalities, scenarios, ulcerative disease from bronchoscopic specimen
superficial invasion, atelectasis, in lung transplantation
pseudomembrane formation lobar collapse
and focal ulceration (especially
anastomotic infection in lung

$ CNPA, Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis, CCPA, Chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis, CFPA Chronic fibrosing pulmonary aspergillosis.
PCR data in square brackets to indicate that significant issues in assay validation and standardization remain.
As per the current EORTC/MSG definitions.
Evidence exists in the form of case reports or case series.
S210 Hope et al.

profound neutropenia versus a combination of cyclos- hyphal elements [13]. The nodule has a pale centre
porine A (CsA) and methylprednisolone [18]. The which consists of an area of coagulative necrosis with
pulmonary pathology of neutropenic rabbits was char- extensive permeation of tissue by hyphal elements but
acterised by coagulative necrosis, hemorrhagic infarc- with a relative paucity of inflammatory cells or
tion, angioinvasion, and a scant mononuclear hemorrhage. The central necrotic core is surrounded
inflammatory infiltrate. Conversely, the histopathology by a hemorrhagic rim comprised of congested and
of rabbits treated with CsA and methylprednisolone hemorrhagic parenchyma. From a pathological per-
was characterized by a pyogranulomatous inflamma- spective, this is referred to as a target lesion or mycotic
tion and inflammatory necrosis with no evidence of sequestrum [19]; the radiological correlate, as defined
angioinvasion [18]. Thus, it is reasonable to consider with CT, is a nodule with or without an associated halo
IPA under two broad pathophysiological headings. The sign [13,20]. Nodular lesions may undergo cavitation
first is angioinvasive disease which is characterized by with neutrophil recovery in which case the area of
tissue infarction, coagulative necrosis and is essentially central necrosis, otherwise called the sequestrum, con-
restricted to neutropenic hosts. The second is charac- tracts with replacement by an air-cap; the radiological
terized by a pyogranulomatous inflammatory infiltrate, correlate in this context is the air-crescent sign. The use
inflammatory necrosis, and is observed in a wide range of elastic and reticulin fiber stains enables the identi-
of non-neutropenic hosts. Occasionally a mixture of fication of the residual vascular and airway structures
pathological appearances may be present (Fig. 1). within the sequestrum, thus distinguishing cavitary
disease arising from the invasion and destruction of
Angioinvasive IPA tissue from an aspergilloma or chronic pulmonary
Pathology and pathogenesis : There are two classical aspergillosis in which there is colonization of a pre-
pathological manifestations of IPA in which angioinva- existing cavity [21,22].
sion appears to be central to pathogenesis. The first Clinical setting and clinical features : Angioinvasive IPA
arises in the context of invasion of major proximal is almost exclusively seen in profound and prolonged
pulmonary arteries with resultant thrombosis and neutropenia. Furthermore, the disease is usually rapidly
distal tissue infarction leading to a wedge-shaped lesion progressive, evolving over a period of days. There are
with the base abutting the visceral pleura. The second no specific clinical signs or symptoms but fever,
consists of a well circumscribed spherical nodule with a dyspnea, non-productive cough, hemoptysis, and chest
vessel in the center of the lesion which is infiltrated by pain are commonly cited although none are invariably

No hyphae
Hyphae invading invading
tissue tissue

Chronic forms of
IPA with IPA with IPA without Chronic pulmonary
angioinvasion mixed angioinvasion invasive aspergillosis,
histological forms* including
picture aspergilloma

Pathology Angioinvasion, No angioinvasion , No angioinvasion , hyphae

coagulative necrosis, pyogranulomatous inflammation, confined to pre-existing
haemorrhagic infarction inflammatory necrosis cavity, not invading tissue

Prolonged and Non-neutropenic with CGD, Pre-existing structural lung

H o st
profound corticosteroid therapy, HIV/AIDS, disease, minor
Fig. 1 The spectrum of aspergil- neutropenia non-neutropenic HSCT recipients, immunological defects
losis of the lower respiratory tract GVHD, solid organ
(IPA, invasive pulmonary asper- transplant recipients
gillosis). *Chronic invasive forms T im e -
including chronic necrotising course Days-weeks Weeks-months Months-years
pulmonary aspergillosis.

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Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S211

present [6,23]. Pleuritic chest pain, pleural rub and invasive disease and within this context significant
hemoptysis are suggestive of hemorrhagic infarction caution should be exercised when directly extrapolating
[6,24,25]. the diagnostic paradigm outlined in the EORTC/MSG
Diagnosis: See non-angioinvasive IPA, below. document. The detection of Aspergillus antigen (using
a sandwich ELISA employing a monoclonal antibody
Non-angioinvasive IPA to galactomannan [GM], Platelia Aspergillus EIA kit,
Pathology and pathogenesis: This entity contains a wide Bio-Rad Laboratories) in BAL specimens has been
range of non-neutropenic hosts in whom the underlying recently incorporated into diagnostic criteria to enable
pathology consists of a pyogranulomatous inflamma- a diagnosis of probable IA in patients with cancer and
tory response and inflammatory necrosis with no HSCT [1]. The use of PCR in respiratory tract speci-
evidence of angioinvasion. Cavitation is frequently mens is limited by specificity in much the same way as
observed, presumably as a result of tissue necrosis. culture: quantitative PCR techniques may enable a
Individuals with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) distinction to be made between colonization and
possess a unique immunological defect and pathology disease although this work is in its infancy.
that is characterized by a multifocal nodular, micro- Two positive GM results in serum have recently been
nodular, or a miliary infiltrate with scattered non- incorporated into the diagnostic criteria to establish a
caseating, non-confluent granulomas containing diagnosis of probable IPA in high risk patients with
hyphae with variable amounts of necrosis [26 /28]. At cancer or post HSCT [1]. A similar case could
least some patients with chronic necrotizing pulmonary potentially be made for PCR when issues of assay
aspergillosis (CNPA) can be classified as having validation and standardization are overcome. Precipi-
non-angioinvasive IPA on the basis of invasion of tating antibody to Aspergillus spp. has also been
pulmonary parenchyma by hyphal elements. reported in the context of histologically proven IPA
Clinical setting and clinical features: Non-angioinvasive [5,32,33] although there are no reports in which anti-
IPA is observed most commonly in those exposed to body alone has been used to define a case of IPA.
corticosteroids, non-neutropenic hematopoeitic stem
cell transplant (HSCT) recipients, solid organ trans- Chronic forms of pulmonary aspergillosis including
plant recipients, severe graft versus host disease pulmonary aspergilloma
(GVHD), and HIV/AIDS although a multitude of
other non-neutropenic contexts are described. The Chronic forms of pulmonary aspergillosis have been
disease may be insidious in onset and exhibit a slower recognized for many years and have been variably
clinical course than angioinvasive IPA. The term referred to as pulmonary aspergillosis with cavitation,
‘subacute IPA’ has been coined to denote the more symptomatic pulmonary aspergilloma, complex asper-
slowly progressive forms of IPA although the term has gilloma, and chronic granulomatous aspergillosis. Sub-
not been rigorously defined [29,30]. sequently, Gefter et al. [34] and Binder et al. [35] coined
Diagnosis: The EORTC/MSG criteria [1] represent the the terms semi-invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and
current diagnostic benchmark but are designed in their chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA),
current format only to apply to patients with cancer or respectively. Since then, there have been considerable
HSCT. Virtually any radiological pattern may be seen conceptual developments regarding the slowly progres-
with single or multiple nodular infiltrates (with or sive pulmonary syndromes due to Aspergillus spp. and
without halo sign), segmental or sub-segmental con- it is likely that many early series were in fact comprised
solidation, diffuse ground glass opacification, and of a heterogeneous group of patients in whom the
cavitation all being described. CT allows for the diagnosis ranged from slowly progressive forms of IPA
delineation of the more specific halo sign and air- to aspergilloma.
crescent sign.
The diagnostic value of Aspergillus spp. in respira- CNPA, CCPA, CFPA
tory tract specimens is not straightforward, principally The epithet CNPA has been widely used to apply to a
because of difficulties distinguishing colonization from syndrome complex consisting of slowly progressive
disease. The specificity of the isolation of Aspergillus cavitary lung disease, chronic respiratory symptoms,
spp. in those with profound immunocompromise is and the presence of precipitating antibodies to Asper-
high [31] and forms a central component of almost gillus spp. The spectrum of disease is somewhat
all diagnostic criteria for IPA. In patients without difficult to define; clearly, some reports of CNPA
profound immunological deficits, the isolation of contain descriptions of direct invasion of pulmonary
Aspergillus spp. is less likely to reflect underlying parenchyma by hyphal elements, thus representing a
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
S212 Hope et al.

(subacute) non-angioinvasive form of IPA [35 /37]. In lobes which may or may not contain fungus balls. New
the majority of reports, however, there is no clear cavity formation or expansion of one or more existing
evidence of parenchymal invasion despite progressive cavities over time is highly characteristic. Peri-cavitary
tissue damage [34]. In this context the term chronic infiltrates and adjacent pleural thickening are fre-
cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (CCPA) has been quently observed and appear to be indicative of disease
recently proposed to account for cases in which there activity; these radiological abnormalities may amelio-
is formation and expansion of multiple cavities over rate with appropriate therapy leaving residual thin-
time, and the term chronic fibrotic pulmonary asper- walled empty cavities [30].
gillosis (CFPA) to circumstances in which cavity The demonstration of precipitating antibodies to
formation is followed by a marked fibrotic reaction Aspergillus spp. is the cornerstone and prerequisite for
[30]. Furthermore, it has been proposed that the term the diagnosis [30]. When precipitins are negative in the
CNPA be reserved for cases in which hyphal invasion of context of an otherwise compatible illness, batch to
tissue is demonstrated (i.e., a subacute form of IPA) batch variability in kit antigen and the prospect of a
[30]. Thus, one is left with a collection of terms whose non-fumigatus Aspergillus spp. as the causative organ-
definition and scope varies considerably. Whether ism should be considered and appropriate testing
the rigorous sub-classifications of chronic pulmonary sought. Aspergillus spp. may be grown from respiratory
aspergillosis has more than academic importance is specimens from both the upper and lower respiratory
unclear. tract and, on occasion, the pleural space. Other
Pathology and pathogenesis: Structural lung disease important diagnostic facets include the demonstration
appears to be a critical factor in pathogenesis and can of elevated inflammatory markers such as ESR and
be readily documented in the majority of cases [30,35], CRP, and the exclusion of other infectious, neoplastic,
mycobacterial infection, emphysema, bullae, asthma, and inflammatory entities which may mimic this
sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, thoracic surgery, lung syndrome [30]. There appears to be a particularly
cancer, upper lobe fibrosis complicating ankylosing strong link with atypical mycobacteria and these
spondylitis, and Legionella infection are all described infections may be active simultaneously or sequentially.
[30,34,35,38 /41]. Subtle but critical defects in systemic There is also the possibility of a pyogenic infection in a
immunity may also be important in the pathogenesis; cavity which may require drainage and appropriate
defects in mannose binding lectin, corticosteroid ther- antibacterial therapy.
apy, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and alcohol abuse have all
been reported in this regard [30,42]. The precise
mechanism of new cavity formation remains unclear. Aspergilloma
Involvement of the pleural space usually implies the Pathology and pathogenesis: A pulmonary aspergilloma
presence a bronchopleural fistula which may arise in is a rounded conglomerate of hyphae, mucus, and
the setting of spontaneous and therapeutic pneu- cellular debris contained within a fibrotic and thick-
mothoraces and lung resection surgery but most ened wall and occupying a pre-existing cavity. The
commonly in the context of past or current tuberculosis cause of pre-existing cavity is most commonly an old
[43 /46]. tuberculous cavity but an aspergilloma may complicate
Clinical setting and clinical features: Patients with a wide range of other pulmonary diseases which are
CCPA tend to be middle-aged [35], with a symptom associated with or characterized by cavitation such as
complex consisting of weight loss, chronic cough, sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis, pulmonary cysts, ankylos-
hemoptysis, fatigue and shortness of breath [30]. While ing spondylitis, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, rheuma-
the clinical signs and symptoms of chronic pulmonary toid nodules, and adenocarcinoma [48 /54]. The fungal
aspergillosis are non-specific, their presence and sever- ball is typically mobile and its size may vary with time
ity is an important point of distinction from aspergil- as may the degree of adjacent pleural and cavity wall
loma. thickening. The distinction between an aspergilloma
Diagnosis: Although the diagnosis can be inferred from and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis may be somewhat
a single chest radiograph, detailed and sequentially semantic but does reflect the singularity of the asper-
acquired radiological data may be required to confirm gilloma as opposed to the multiple cavities typical of
the typical radiological features, as well as the very slow chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Most aspergillomas
progression that is characteristic of this entity. CT scans are caused by A. fumigatus but some, especially in
may be useful to further define the precise pattern and diabetic patients, are caused by A. niger in which case
extent of disease. Radiological examination usually oxalic acid crystals may be seen in sputum and the
reveals one or more cavities, typically within the upper aspergilloma if resected [55].
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Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S213

Clinical setting and clinical features: There are no areas of ulceration and necrosis [56,61]. The original
symptoms referable to the aspergilloma other than description of this entity was in the context of lung
the occurrence of hemoptysis in 50% /90% of patients. transplantation with involvement of the anastomosis
This is often infrequent and small in volume but on [56]. The depth of the ulcer is variable; it may extend as
occasions may be massive and fatal. far as the adjacent pulmonary parenchyma and pul-
Diagnosis: The appearance of a mobile fungal ball in a monary vasculature [61]. Late sequelae of ulcerative
pulmonary cavity is highly suggestive of the diagnosis. bronchial aspergillosis include the formation of exces-
The demonstration of precipitating antibodies to sive granulation tissue resulting in bronchial stenosis
Aspergillus spp. is the essential diagnostic test to [64,65].
confirm the aetiology; rarely non-Aspergillus fungi Clinical features and clinical setting: Pseudomembra-
may be responsible. nous Aspergillus tracheobronchitis has been documen-
ted to occur in a variety of clinical contexts including
lung transplantation, heart-lung transplantation, post-
Invasive bronchial aspergillosis
influenza, hematological malignancy, HSCT, chronic
This syndrome refers to invasive disease primarily obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and metastatic
involving the (bronchoscopically accessible) large air- renal cell carcinoma [56,58,60,61,66/69]. Pseudomem-
ways. Kramer et al. [56] proposed the all-inclusive term branous tracheobronchitis may be clinically silent;
‘invasive bronchial aspergillosis’ (IBA) and further progressive encroachment into the airway lumen leads
suggested IBA could be sub-classified on the basis of to bronchial obstruction, distal atelectasis or lobar
the specific endobronchial appearances as Aspergillus collapse, and manifests clinically as stridor, wheeze,
tracheobronchitis, pseudomembranous tracheobron- respiratory failure and ultimately death [6,57,58,60/
chial aspergillosis, and ulcerative tracheobronchial 62,68].
aspergillosis [56]. IBA represents a spectrum of disease Ulcerative tracheobronchial aspergillosis character-
and this poses difficulties for sub-classification, with istically occurs in the initial six months following lung
a plethora of morphological and functional terms transplantation, in which case the bronchial anasto-
making an analysis of the literature somewhat difficult. mosis is the usual site of involvement [56,70]. Ulcerative
Pathology/pathogenesis: Aspergillus tracheobronchitis tracheobronchial aspergillosis has also been observed
is a term reserved for cases in which there is tracheo- in a limited number of other clinical contexts including
bronchial inflammation with a mucus exudate contain- HIV/AIDS [71] and solid cancers [61].
ing Aspergillus spp. with no other identifiable pathogen Diagnosis: A high index of suspicion is required to
[6,56,57]. The inflammation is superficial, the mucosa is establish the diagnosis of invasive bronchial aspergillo-
intact, and there is no evidence of pseudomembrane sis, since the associated symptoms and imaging ab-
formation, deep focal ulceration or other focal endo- normalities may be relatively minor and non-specific.
bronchial abnormalities [6,56,57]. The diagnosis can be established following broncho-
Pseudomembranous tracheobronchial aspergillosis scopic examination to assess the nature and extent of
results from necrosis and sloughing of the bronchial disease and also to enable the procurement of appro-
epithelium and the formation a pseudomembrane priate diagnostic specimens from which Aspergillus spp.
consisting of necrotic debris and hyphal elements. In can be identified.
the early stages of disease, the airway damage may
manifest as a series of discontinuous focal plaques
which are grey, white, or black in color, which coalesce
Aspergillosis of the upper respiratory tract
to result in extensive, continuous and circumferential
(Table 2)
involvement of the airway over time [58 /60]. The depth
of infection is variable; in the majority of cases there is The classification of sinus disease due to Aspergillus
superficial invasion which does not extend past the spp. in this document is consistent with the scheme
bronchial cartilage [61], while in others there is developed by deShazo et al. [72]. There are a number of
involvement of the entire bronchial wall (synonymous vital structures surrounding the sinuses, all of which
with transmural infection and probably the term may be involved with extension of disease. It is
necrotising tracheobronchitis) with subsequent exten- particularly worth highlighting the impressive literature
sion into surrounding peribronchial tissue [62,63]. on orbital aspergillosis in which case the sinuses can be
Ulcerative tracheobronchial aspergillosis refers to invariably implicated as the primary source of infec-
single or multiple focal and discretely abnormal areas tion. The orbital apex syndrome, which refers to the
which manifest as endobronchial plaques, nodules, or combination of optic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia,
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Table 2 Aspergillosis of the upper respiratory tract

Pathological features Radiological features Clinical setting Direct evidence to implicate Indirect evidence to implicate
Aspergillus spp. Aspergillus spp.

Hope et al.
Acute invasive sinusitis Coagulative necrosis, Sinus opacification, Neutropenia and Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Proven/probable IA at
invasion of contiguous evidence of erosion of allogeneic HSCT from sinus biopsy non-contiguous site.
structures, scant bony structures recipients Aspergillus spp. (culture/cytology) Positive GM (x2) from blooda
inflammatory infiltrate from sinus aspiratea [Positive PCR from blood]c
Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology)
from contiguous site (e.g. orbit,
[PCR from sinus biopsy]c
Chronic invasive Infiltrative mass comprising Evidence of sinusitis, Diabetes, corticosteroid Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology)
sinusitis mixed inflammatory bone erosion, destruction therapy, HIV/AIDS, from sinus biopsy
infiltrate, inflammatory of contiguous structures chronic signs and Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology)
necrosis, invasion of symptoms from contiguous site (e.g. orbit,
contiguous structures brain)
[PCR from sinus biopsy]c
Chronic granulomatous Infiltrative mass, florid Evidence of pansinusitis, Immunocompetent Aspergillus spp. (culture or Proven/probable IA at
sinusitis granulomatous inflammation, bone erosion and spread individuals from Sudan, histology) from sinus biopsy non-contiguous site
spread to the orbit and brain to contiguous structures Middle East, Indian Aspergillus spp. from contiguous Positive precipitating antibodies
subcontinent site (orbit, brain) to Aspergillus spp.
[PCR from sinus biopsy]
Sinus aspergilloma Fungal ball comprised of Maxillary sinusitis Older person with some Aspergillus spp. (culture or Positive precipitating antibodies
cheesy friable material, opacification with pre-existing sinus histology) from sinus aspirate or to Aspergillus spp.
conglomerate of hyphae in concretions or antroliths abnormality surgically removed material
concentric circles, no evidence
of bone erosion
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238

PCR data in square brackets to indicate significant issues in assay validation and standardization remain.
As per the current EORTC/MSG definitions.
No current reports of diagnostic modalities being used in this context.
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S215

and proptosis due to a mass in the superior portion of MSG criteria enable a diagnosis of probable disease to
the orbit, is especially characteristic. be established when data suggesting Aspergillus spp. are
obtained from a sinus aspirate or if there are ]/2
Acute invasive Aspergillus sinusitis positive GM results from blood in high risk patients
with cancer or HSCT, with concomitant evidence of
This syndrome was originally described in 1980 [73]; sinusitis as defined clinically or radiologically.
synonyms include fulminant aspergillosis of the para-
nasal sinuses [73,74] and fulminant Aspergillus sinusitis Chronic invasive Aspergillus sinusitis
[75]. The syndrome denotes a rapidly progressive
disease occurring typically in patients with neutropenia Pathology and pathogenesis
and allogeneic HSCT and only appears rarely outside This entity is characterized by a mass within the sinuses
this setting. which is comprised of friable, necrotic, or purulent
material [85,86]. There is frequently evidence of inva-
Pathology and pathogenesis sion of contiguous structures such as the base of the
Aspergillus sinusitis develops following the inhalation skull, orbit and brain. Histological examination reveals
and deposition of conidia in the nasal passages and prominent tissue necrosis, and a sparse low grade
sinuses. The establishment of local invasion is typically mixed cellular infiltrate [82].
followed by the development of a rapidly destructive
pansinusitis, spread to contiguous structures such as Clinical setting and clinical features
the orbit, frontal bone, cavernous sinus, carotid artery, There are no specific clinical signs and symptoms,
anterior and middle cranial fossae, and eventual although the orbital apex syndrome is particularly
dissemination [76 /79]. The histological findings in- characteristic [82,87,88]. Other clinical manifestations
clude a relatively scant acute inflammatory infiltrate, resulting from invasion of major vessels, brain, and
infiltration of tissue by hyphal elements, angioinvasion, cavernous sinuses are also well documented [82,89 /91].
and coagulative necrosis [73,75,76].
Clinical setting and clinical features This entity is distinguished from acute sinus aspergil-
The pertinent clinical signs and symptoms include losis on the basis of its insidious onset, a clinical course
facial pain, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, epistaxis, extending over a period of months and its tendency to
nasal crusting, nasal ulcers and the presence of a affect individuals with relatively subtle defects in
necrotic anaesthetic eschar in the nose or on the palate immunity such as those with diabetes, low dose
[72,73,80 /83]. corticosteroid use, and HIV/AIDS [82,88,89,91 /94].
The diagnosis should be considered in those with a
syndrome of chronic sinusitis as defined clinically and
radiologically and present for at least several months,
The diagnosis of acute invasive Aspergillus sinusitis
especially in the context of a subtle but nevertheless
should be considered in a patient with neutropenia or
readily identifiable immunological deficit. Radiological
allogeneic HSCT with signs and symptoms of sinus
examination shows a soft tissue mass with evidence of
disease. Radiological examination may show sinus
tissue infiltration and destruction and frequent exten-
opacification, destruction of bone, and evidence of
sion to contiguous structures. The diagnosis is secured
orbital or intracranial extension [84]. Direct evidence
by demonstrating hyphal elements in tissue and/or
that the pathological process relates to a filamentous
Aspergillus spp. in culture from a tissue biopsy or sinus
fungus rests with the demonstration of hyphae from a
contents, in the context of a compatible clinical
tissue specimen, ideally procured from the edge of a
syndrome and following the demonstration of compa-
lesion to avoid non-viable necrotic fungal elements
tible histological findings of a low grade mixed
which may reside in the centre [73,79]. Confidence that
inflammatory infiltrate; the latter is a point of distinc-
Aspergillus in particular is the causative pathogen then
tion from chronic granulomatous sinusitis.
rests with positive culture data from the tissue specimen
or from a sinus aspirate. Indirect evidence to implicate
Chronic granulomatous invasive sinusitis
Aspergillus spp. may come from analysis of nasal swabs
or nasal discharge specimens. While the acquisition of This entity, also called primary paranasal Aspergillus
such specimens may be less invasive, they are less granuloma (PPAG) of the Sudan [95] is slowly
specific than tissue specimens and there can be less progressive, occurs in overtly immunocompetent
certainty about the diagnosis. The current EORTC/ patients, within restricted geographical locales, and is
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
S216 Hope et al.

characterized histologically by florid granulomatous sparse and can only be visualised in around 50% of
inflammation. Almost all reports come from the cases. Aspergillus spp. can be recovered in culture in
Sudan [95,96], Saudi Arabia [97,98], and the Indian approximately two-thirds of cases and the finding of
subcontinent [99,100]. There are a limited number of A. flavus is particularly characteristic [96]. Similarly,
reports of granulomatous sinusitis acquired in the USA precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus spp. are present
which appear to almost exclusively affect African- in around two-thirds of cases and a positive IgG RAST
Americans but whether this is precisely the same to A . flavus is also frequently seen [95,96,101]. Ser-
syndrome as PPAG is not clear [101 /103]. A. flavus ological data may be used as indirect evidence to
is the responsible pathogen in 90% of cases, with the implicate Aspergillus spp. when conventional data are
remainder attributable to A. fumigatus and A. niger negative or cannot be acquired.
Sinus aspergilloma
The hallmark of this syndrome is a painless, hard, This saprophytic syndrome shares common features
irregular, relatively avascular mass which mimics ma- with both pulmonary and renal aspergilloma, including
lignancy [95,105]. Frequently there is direct spread the absence of tissue invasion, occurrence in individuals
beyond the confines of the sinuses to invade the brain, without immunological impairment, and the formation
cavernous sinus, orbit and great vessels; intracranial of precipitating antibodies which are of diagnostic
involvement is seen in approximately 58% of cases at value. The term sinus mycetoma is best avoided to
the time of diagnosis [77,91,98]. Bone erosion is a prevent confusion with the specific syndrome involving
common finding [96]. The ethmoid sinuses are the most subcutaneous tissue and contiguous structures.
commonly affected structures and pan-sinusitis devel-
ops in the majority of individuals [96,98]. Histologically Pathology and pathogenesis
there is a florid granulomatous reaction with giant cells, A sinus aspergilloma may develop in areas of func-
histiocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells [101]. Both tional or anatomical abnormalities; root-filling mate-
fibrotic and necrotic histological variants have been rial has also been implicated in the pathogenesis [106 /
described [104]. Tissue destruction occurs as a result of 108]. The fungal mass is clearly demarcated from
expansion of the mass rather than vascular invasion. normal sinus tissue with no evidence of invasion of
The vascular appearance, nevertheless, is often abnor- tissue, although there may be thickening or sclerosis of
mal; vessels are characteristically thickened with lumi- the sinus wall due to the effect of pressure and pressure
nal narrowing due to intimal proliferation with a necrosis may ensue [109,110]. The aspergilloma consists
peri-arterial, cuff-like chronic inflammatory infiltrate of a cheesy, friable material which is brown, tan, green,
progressing to concentric lamellated dense fibrous yellow or black in colour. Histologically, the antral
tissue without demonstrable hyphal elements [104]. mucosa is well preserved other than a chronic non-
granulomatous inflammatory response which may be a
Clinical setting and clinical features response to the effect of pressure. The fungal ball
Most individuals present with a unilateral proptosis consists of a dense conglomerate of hyphae arranged in
[95]. Other signs and symptoms related to the sinuses concentric circles [76,106,110].
and extension to contiguous structures may be present.
The mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis is 18 Clinical features and clinical setting
months and the mean age at disease onset ranges from Chronic sinus symptoms such as nasal discharge,
25 /38 years in a number of studies [91,96,98]. obstruction, facial fullness, and pain predominate
although none are specific. Unilateral sinus involve-
Diagnosis ment is typical; the maxillary sinuses are the most
The diagnosis should be considered in an immuno- commonly affected structure followed by the sphenoids
competent individual from the Sudan, Indian subcon- but occasionally more than a single sinus is involved
tinent, or Middle East with evidence of chronic sinusitis [76,110/112].
as defined clinically and radiologically. Radiological
findings include opacification of the sinuses, bone Diagnosis
erosion, pansinusitis as well as orbital and intracranial The diagnosis should be considered in an older person
extension [98]. A definitive diagnosis requires a biopsy with evidence of chronic sinusitis but without clinical or
to demonstrate granulomatous inflammation and the radiological evidence of invasive disease. Radiolo-
presence of Aspergillus spp. Hyphae are typically graphic imaging shows opacification of the sinus with
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S217

one or more round or oval radiolucent objects which as illustrated by a case in an infant where vegetations
are referred to as foreign bodies, concrements (or were estimated to occupy 50% of the ventricular
concretions) or antroliths lying centrally or toward volume [123]. Large vegetations may also obstruct
the orifice of the antrum [106]. These calcium phos- cardiac structures such as the superior vena cava
phate rich bodies probably originate from calcification [124] and coronary ostea, potentially leading to
of inspissated mucus and necrotic hyphal elements, acute myocardial infarction in the latter scenario
although root filling material has also been implicated [117,118,125].
[113]. Specific evidence that Aspergillus is the respon- True mural endocarditis (mural endocarditis without
sible pathogen requires the application of conventional a known antecedent endocardial lesion) is highly
techniques such as histology and culture to surgically characteristic of Aspergillus spp; it can be documented
acquired specimens. The use of histological data alone in approximately one-third of patients with Aspergillus
may be compromised by the fact that hyphal morphol- endocarditis and appears to be more likely in those
ogy may assume atypical forms [114]. Precipitating patients who are significantly immunocompromised
antibodies to Aspergillus spp. are invariably positive [116]. Mural endocarditis may represent contiguous
and are of considerable diagnostic benefit. involvement from an infectious focus within the
myocardium or may arise de novo [120]. Mural vegeta-
tions are described as white-yellow-grey excrescences
Cardiovascular aspergillosis (Table 3) which average several millimetres in diameter [120].
Aspergillus spp. may affect both native and prosthetic Mural vegetations do not appear to produce large
valves. These entities differ significantly in terms of emboli: they may act, however, as a source of micro-
their etiology and pathogenesis, but have in common a emboli which may lead to the formation of peripheral
tendency to form large friable vegetations, a high metastatic infectious foci. In cases of cardiac surgery in
incidence of embolic events involving multiple organs, which a prosthetic valve has not been placed, endothe-
negative blood cultures, absence of classical clinical lial damage may result from cannulation to establish
features of infective endocarditis, and a dismal prog- extracorporeal circulation or the construction of an
nosis [115,116]. The pathological consequences of aortic-graft anastomosis and this presumably provides
Aspergillus endocarditis include both the development a nidus for the initiation and subsequent development
of disseminated disease (especially endophthalmitis) as of endocardial infection [126].
well as local complications such as pancarditis [117]
and cardiac rupture [118 /120]. Clinical setting and clinical features
NVAE without prior cardiac surgery occurs in a variety
of contexts including hematological malignancy
Native valve Aspergillus endocarditis
[116,127], solid organ transplantation [128 /132],
Native valve Aspergillus endocarditis (NVAE) usually HIV/AIDS [116], neonates [123], exposure to corticos-
occurs in the context of individuals with significant teroids [133], and CGD [124]. Intravenous drug use
immunological impairment without preceding cardiac (IVDU) is also a well recognised risk factor [134 /136].
surgery or instrumentation. Less commonly this There are no specific clinical features.
syndrome occurs as a complication of cardiac surgery
(without insertion of prosthetic material). Diagnosis
The Duke criteria [137] provide the modern framework
Pathogenesis and pathology for establishing the diagnosis of Aspergillus NVAE. A
The importance of pre-existing valvular abnormalities diagnosis of NVAE is suggested by fever unresponsive
in native valve Aspergillus endocarditis without pre- to antibacterial agents, clinical signs of endocarditis,
ceding surgery remains unknown, although in most negative blood cultures, embolic events involving major
case reports there is no history of structural cardiac vessels, and echocardiographic abnormalities. Approxi-
disease, suggesting that the degree of endocardial mately 78% of patients with Aspergillus endocarditis
damage required to initiate infection is less than is have demonstrable vegetations on transthoracic echo-
the case for other organisms [116]. Vegetations are cardiography. In the presence of mural vegetations,
characteristically large and friable [116]. Embolic both clinical and transthoracic echocardiographic evi-
events to major vessels such as the aorta, iliac and dence of endocardial involvement may be falsely
femoral arteries are especially characteristic negative; transoesphageal echocardiography is likely
[115,121,122]. Intracardiac vegetations may be of to be more sensitive in this context but this remains to
sufficient size to result in hemodynamic compromise, be determined [120,133,138].
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Table 3 Cardiovascular aspergillosis

Pathological features Radiological features Clinical setting Direct evidence to implicate Indirect evidence to
Aspergillus spp. implicate Aspergillus spp.

Hope et al.
Native valve Large friable vegetations, Echocardiographic Individual with significant Aspergillus spp. in blood cultures Proven/probable IA at
endocarditis mural vegetations, evidence of endocardial immunological impairment without Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) non-contiguous site
extension to paravalvular abnormalities preceding surgery, or, recent cardiac from retrieved embolus or valve
structures, development of surgery without insertion of GM from bloodb
pancarditis prosthetic valves or material, [PCR from blood]b
WITH: fever unresponsive to [PCR from resected valve or retrieved
antibacterial antibiotics, new or embolus]c
changing murmurs, peripheral
stigmata of endocarditis, emboli to
large vessels or disseminated IA
Prosthetic valve Vegetation causing Echocardiographic Previous cardiac surgery with Aspergillus spp. in blood cultures Proven/probable IA at
endocarditis prosthetic malfunction, abnormalities including prosthetic valves or prosthetic Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) non-contiguous site
valve dehiscence malfunction of prosthetic material from retrieved embolus or resected
valve, paravalvular leak, WITH: fever, new or changing valve
paravalvular collection murmurs, peripheral stigmata of [PCR from blood]c
endocarditis, emboli to large vessels [PCR from resected valve or retrieved
and disseminated IA embolus]c
Pericardial Fibrinous or exudative Echocardiographic evidence Contiguous IPA, or, evidence of Aspergillus spp. (culture, cytology or Proven/probable IA at
aspergillosis pericarditis, evidence of of pericardial disease pre-existing endocarditis or histology) from pericardial biopsy or non-contiguous site
contiguous IPA or including pericardial effusion myocarditis with signs of pericardial aspirate GM from bloodc
myocardial aspergillosis and signs of pericardial disease including pericardial rub, Aspergillus spp. (culture, [PCR from blood]c
tamponade, widened cardiac muffled heart sounds, signs of cytology or histology) from a
silhouette on CXR pericardial tamponade. contiguous site (esp. IPA)
GM from pericardial fluidb
[PCR from pericardial fluid]c
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238

PCR data in square brackets to indicate significant issues in assay validation and standardization remain. IPA: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.
Evidence exists in the form of case reports or case series.
No current reports of diagnostic modalities being used in this context.
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S219

Specific evidence that Aspergillus is the causative Clinical setting and clinical features
pathogen is more problematic. Blood cultures are Clinical evidence of endocardial involvement such as
frequently, although not invariably, negative which new or changing murmurs, alteration in the quality of
represents a significant diagnostic obstacle [116,139]. prosthetic heart sounds, or clinical evidence of pros-
Not infrequently, Aspergillus spp. may be recovered thetic valve dysfunction, may be present but are not
from an embolus or distant site which enables the specific findings.
clinical diagnosis to be established with some confi-
dence [117,130,132,135,138,140 /143]. There are emer- Diagnosis
ging reports of PCR in blood being used to implicate The diagnosis is suggested in the context of a prosthetic
Aspergillus spp. as the causative organism [144 /146]. valve by clinical evidence of prosthetic valve malfunc-
There is a single report of Aspergillus antigen (detec- tion, fever unresponsive to antibacterial agents, nega-
tion method unknown) turning positive at low titre and tive blood cultures, embolic events involving major
this is potentially another way in which a microbiolo- vessels, and echocardiographic abnormalities. Again,
gical diagnosis could be established [127]. Aspergillus the Duke criteria provide the construct within which
antibodies are positive in a minority of patients, but this entity should be considered. The echocardio-
whether they have any serious diagnostic role is a graphic findings are non-specific and include compro-
matter for further study [116,147]. mise in the function and seating of the mechanical
valve, para-valvular leak and para-valvular abscess
formation [153]. Specific evidence to implicate Asper-
Prosthetic valve Aspergillus endocarditis and prosthetic gillus spp. is difficult. Blood cultures with most
device-related endocarditis Aspergillus species are typically negative [153,160]. An
ante-mortem diagnosis is most frequently secured
Prosthetic valve Aspergillus endocarditis (PVAE) is the
following analysis of the resected valve, other intrao-
most common manifestation of cardiovascular asper-
perative specimens, or from a retrieved embolus
gillosis and carries a grave prognosis [124,148 /150].
Less commonly Aspergillus may also infect a variety of
prosthetic devices such as pacemaker wires [151] and
Aspergillus infection of vascular grafts
implantable defibrillators [152].
Infection of vascular prostheses with Aspergillus spp. is
uncommon. Infection of aortic grafts are well recog-
Pathogenesis and pathology
nized in which case the proximal anastomosis is usually
The likely pathogenesis is the direct inoculation of
implicated and contiguous vertebral osteomyelitis is
conidia at the time of surgery or seeding of the
frequently seen (see osteomyelitis) [170,171]. Aspergil-
endocardium from the lungs in the peri-operative
lus infection of femoral-popliteal grafts has been
period at a time when normal pulmonary defenses are
reported [170]. Blood cultures are typically negative
compromised [115]. Several studies report clustering of
[171]. The diagnosis is most readily made from
such Aspergillus prosthetic valve infections, suggesting
retrieved embolectomy specimens or surgical specimens
environmental contamination as the cause of the
obtained from the anastomotic or contiguous site.
infection [149,153,154].
The syndrome typically manifests relatively late after
Pericardial aspergillosis
valve replacement with a range of 12 /103 days in one
small series [150]. Infection of homografts [155], Pericardial aspergillosis may arise from contiguous
xenografts [156,157], patches [158 /160], prosthetic spread from either the pleura or mycocardium
valves [115,149,161 /165], annulopasty rings [166] [6,8,172]. Post-mortem findings include a patchy or
have all been described. As with NVAE, the vegetations diffuse pericarditis or multiple raised nodules or
tend to be large and may interfere with the function of plaques on one or both pericardial surfaces. Both a
the prosthesis by obstructing the prosthetic apparatus, serofibrinous and purulent pericarditis may be seen
failure of the valve seating, or progressive valve [6,172]. Constrictive pericarditis has been described
dehiscence [141,148/150,162,167,168]. Embolization [173]. Clinical evidence of pericardial disease (pericar-
to large arteries is characteristic [153,160]. Thrombotic ditis, pericardial effusion, pericardial tamponade) and
occlusion of the coronary arteries and resultant myo- other radiological and electrocardiographic abnormal-
cardial infarction has been described, as has obstruc- ities may be observed but are not invariably present
tion of the right ventricular outflow tract and cardiac [172]. Pericardial aspergillosis is not a frequent ante-
rupture [117,121,140,158,169]. mortem diagnosis but should be suspected when a
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
S220 Hope et al.

patient with known IPA develops a pericardial effusion bosis is commonly observed [179,180]. Vascular
or other evidence of pericardial disease. Culture, thrombosis leads to cerebral infarction within the
histology of resected pericardium, or potentially GM territory of the involved vessel. Subsequently, vascular
or PCR on aspirated pericardial fluid establishes the invasion by hyphal elements may lead to a loss of vessel
diagnosis. integrity with resultant cerebral hemorrhage or hemor-
rhagic transformation within an area of infarction
Myocardial aspergillosis [179,187]. Histologically, tissue infarction, necrosis
and hemorrhage predominate and there is little inflam-
Myocardial aspergillosis may arise from hematogenous
matory response; when present an acute inflammatory
seeding or as a result of contiguous spread from an
infiltrate is seen [179,180,188]. Hyphae are typically
endocardial or epicardial focus [6,125,129,174]. Myo-
scant [180,189]. The majority of cerebral lesions occur
cardial involvement appears to be a frequent manifes-
in the cortex, corticomedullary, and sub-cortical re-
tation of disseminated aspergillosis and a spectrum of
gions supplied by perforating arteries [179,180,187,
appearances is observed ranging from sub-clinical
190]; less commonly, the cerebellum, brain stem, and
myocardial involvement with small discrete abscesses
spinal cord are affected [179,180,182,191]. A focal
1 /3 mm in diameter up to more extensive involvement
meningitis in areas contiguous with primary cerebral
with large abscess formation, invasion of the coronary
involvement is commonly observed [179,180,182,189].
arteries, and spread to the endocardial surface to
produce mural vegetations [6,175 /177]. Myocarditis is
Clinical setting and clinical features
most commonly clinically silent unless there is asso-
Cerebrovascular aspergillosis occurs most frequently in
ciated conduction disturbances, endocarditis, or peri-
patients with significant immunological impairment
carditis [174]. A definitive antemortem diagnosis of
such as HSCT [192] or solid organ transplant recipients
Aspergillus myocarditis is usually not possible for
[180,188/190,193]. Less commonly it may occur in the
practical reasons.
context of corticosteroid therapy [194], HIV/AIDS
[195], native and prosthetic valve endocarditis, and
Central nervous system aspergillosis (Table 4) IVDU [182,196,197]. The clinical features are non-
specific and typically include an acute stroke like illness
Infection of the CNS may follow hematogenous seed-
with focal neurological deficits, seizures, and a pro-
ing (in which case the lung or heart are the most
gressive decline in conscious state [179].
common primary sites [178 /182]), direct inoculation
into the CNS during neurosurgery, or spread from
contiguous anatomical structures such as the sinuses.
An antemortem diagnosis of cerebrovascular aspergil-
There is a spectrum of disease and frequently more
losis is notoriously difficult; the illness is rapidly
than one pathological process may be present at a given
progressive, biopsy is often precluded due to coagulo-
pathy, and the diagnostic yield is limited by the relative
paucity of hyphal elements at the site of tissue damage.
Cerebrovascular aspergillosis
By the time Aspergillus is entertained as a diagnostic
The term ‘cerebrovascular aspergillosis’ denotes the possibility, a definitive diagnosis may only be of
well recognized syndrome of cerebral infarction and academic importance. The radiological appearances
necrosis and/or hemorrhage without suppuration re- of cerebrovascular aspergillosis are protean and non-
sulting from vascular invasion and thrombosis. specific and may be normal or near normal in the early
stages of infection [179,187,188]. CT may reveal single,
Pathology and pathogenesis but more commonly multiple, non-enhancing hypo-
Cerebrovascular aspergillosis results in the majority of dense lesions with little associated mass effect. There
cases from endovascular infection, from either a septic may be radiological evidence of superimposed cerebral
embolus from a proximal site or cerebral vasculitis hemorrhage or hemorrhagic transformation within an
induced by primary invasion of the vascular wall area of cerebral infarction.
[179,180,183]. Less commonly, this syndrome arises Evidence implicating Aspergillus as the causative
following invasion from the adventitial side of the organism is difficult. Since CNS disease is often a
vessel, as has been documented following meningitis marker of disseminated aspergillosis, a definitive ante-
[183 /185] and post-surgical clipping of a berry aneur- mortem microbiological diagnosis may be more easily
ysm [186]. Vessels of all sizes may be involved and and most appropriately established using microbiolo-
widespread arteritis, arteriolitis, and vascular throm- gical data from a non-contiguous extra-cerebral site
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Table 4 Central nervous system aspergillosis

Pathological features Radiological features Clinical setting Direct evidence to implicate Indirect evidence to
Aspergillus spp. implicate Aspergillus spp.

Cerebrovascular Invasion of vessels by hyphae, cerebral CT showing one or more Essentially restricted to those Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Proven/probable IA at
aspergillosis infarction in region of vascular non-enhancing hypodense with significant from cerebral biopsy/aspirate non-contiguous site
territory, hemorrhagic region(s) consistent with immunological impairment, Proven/probable IA at contiguous Positive GM (x2) from
transformation, no evidence of abscess cerebral infarction and/or IVDU, or Aspergillus site (e.g. sinuses) blooda,b
or granuloma formation, contiguous hyperdense region(s) endocarditis Positive GM from CSFa,b [Positive PCR from
involvement of the meninges consistent with hemorrhage [Positive PCR from cerebral blood]b
or hemorrhagic biopsy/aspirate]c
transformation [Positive PCR from CSF]b
Cerebral abscess Abscess formation: central necrotic Single or multiple space Patients with significant Aspergillus spp. (culture/histology) Proven/probable IA at
area with liquifactive necrosis occupying lesion(s) showing immunological impairment, from cerebral biopsy or abscess non-contiguous site
surrounded by an abscess wall. ring enhancement, mass IVDU, or Aspergillus aspirate. Positive GM (x2) from
effect, cerebral oedema endocarditis Proven/probable IA at a blooda
contiguous site. [Positive PCR from
Positive GM from CSFa,b blood]c
[Positive PCR from cerebral
[Positive PCR from CSF]b
Cerebral granuloma Solid lesion without suppuration, with Space occupying lesion Immunocompetent patient Aspergillus spp. from a brain Precipitating antibodies
florid granulomatous inflammation from Sudan, Middle East, biopsy, aspirate to Aspergillus spp.
and hyphal infiltration Indian Subcontinent, Proven/probable IA with
patient with CGD, with granulomatous inflammation
longstanding signs/symptoms from sinuses or orbit
(months years)
Mycotic cerebral Aneurysm formation of intracranial Aneurysm of intracranial Patients with profound Proven/probable IA at a Proven/probable IA at a
aneurysm artery, invasion of vessel wall by vessel defined at cerebral immunological impairment, contiguous site (e.g. sinuses non-contiguous site
hyphae angiography recent neurosurgical clipping or orbit) Positive GM (x2) from
of a berry aneurysm or in the blooda
setting of Aspergillus [Positive PCR from
meningitis with involvement of blood]c
vessels at the base of the brain
Meningitis Thick grey-white membrane overlying Nil Evidence of another CNS Aspergillus spp. (culture, histology) Positive GM x2 from

Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis

brain in cases of spread from sinuses, aspergillosis syndrome; as from a meningeal biopsy blooda,b
focal and contiguous meningitis in the above Aspergillus spp. (culture, cytology) [Positive PCR from
case of cerebrovascular aspergillosis Previous neurosurgery from CSF blood]
and cerebral abscess formation, Aspergillosis of a contiguous Positive GM from CSFa,b
meninges infiltrated by hyphae and structure (sinuses, orbit) [Positive PCR from CSF]b
inflammatory infiltrate, neutrophil Proven/probable IA at contiguous
pleocytosis, raised protein, low to site (e.g. sinuses)
normal glucose in CSF

PCR data in square brackets to indicate significant issues in assay validation and standardization remain.
As per the current EORTC/MSG definitions.
Evidence exists in the form of case reports or case series.
No current reports of diagnostic modalities being used in this context.

IVDU: Intravenous drug use.
CGD: Chronic granulomatous disease.
S222 Hope et al.

such as the lung, sinuses and skin [179,188,195]. Blood therapy [212,213]. The appearance of a cerebral abscess
cultures are invariably negative but both PCR and GM in the early period following solid organ transplanta-
from blood may be more sensitive markers of endo- tion is especially characteristic of Aspergillus spp. In
vascular infection and there are several reports utilizing other cases in which an alternative pathogenic mechan-
these techniques to establish the diagnosis [198,199]. ism is responsible, there is a history of recent neuro-
The current EORTC/MSG criteria enable a diagnosis surgery or clinical signs and symptoms to suggest
of probable CNS aspergillosis to be established in high infection in contiguous structures such as the sinuses.
risk patients with appropriate radiological abnormal-
ities and ]/2 positive GM results in serum. Diagnosis
In the absence of specific data from blood, examina- The diagnosis should be considered in an appropriate
tion of CSF provides an alternative diagnostic avenue. clinical context in those exhibiting neurological signs
Unfortunately, despite the fact that CSF findings are and symptoms with consistent radiological abnormal-
typically abnormal, specific evidence implicating As- ities; CT scans reveal single or multiple ring enhancing
pergillus spp. using conventional techniques is extre- lesions [202]. Since drainage is frequently required for
mely uncommon [179,182,188,200]. In contrast, GM therapeutic reasons, intra-operative specimens are
levels in CSF have been documented to be elevated in usually available for diagnostic purposes [214]. Alter-
patients with probable cerebral aspergillosis [199,201] natively, evidence that Aspergillus is the causative
and elevated GM levels in CSF have been incorporated organism may be obtained by establishing a diagnosis
into the EORTC/MSG criteria to establish the diag- of proven or probable IA at a non-contiguous site in
nosis of CNS aspergillosis. PCR in CSF has also been the setting of consistent neuroradiological abnormal-
used to confirm a presumptive diagnosis of cerebral ities [211,215]. The EORTC/MSG criteria suggest that
aspergillosis, including a case in which CSF was drawn a diagnosis of probable CNS aspergillosis can be
post-mortem in the setting of pulmonary aspergillosis established in an appropriate clinical context with the
(defined by pulmonary nodules on CT with a positive use of GM in blood or CSF; the pertinent issue for the
GM test in blood and consistent neuroradiological specific diagnosis of abscess formation rests with the
abnormalities) [198]. demonstration of consistent neuroradiological abnorm-
alities. There are reports of serological markers such as
Cerebral abscess Aspergillus precipitins and elevated Aspergillus specific
IgE levels in cases of coexistent pulmonary and cerebral
infection [211,215] as well as in isolated cerebral disease
This entity refers to a suppurative process within the
[216], although the diagnostic utility of such data
brain caused by Aspergillus spp. and may arise in a
remains unclear.
variety of clinical contexts via a number of distinct
mechanisms. The abscess consists of an area of central
liquifactive necrosis where hyphal elements are sparse Cerebral granuloma
or absent and this is surrounded by an area of
hemorrhagic necrosis with an acute inflammatory This entity refers to a heterogeneous collection of
infiltrate interspersed with multiple hyphal elements syndromes, arising in a number of distinct contexts,
[189,202]. In the majority of cases, cerebral abscess which are characterized by solid intracerebral lesions
formation results from hematogenous seeding in the exhibiting florid granulomatous inflammation without
context of significant immunological impairment. Less suppuration [217,218]. This syndrome is observed in
commonly, abscess formation follows direct inoculation immunocompetent individuals and those with CGD
during neurosurgery [203] or extension from contigu- and it may arise following hematogenous seeding or
ous structures such as the sinuses [91,195,204 /206]. following extension from the sinuses [217,219] (see also
chronic granulomatous sinusitis). Prior to surgery, it is
Clinical setting and clinical features often thought that the diagnosis is a malignant tumour.
Abscess formation has been documented in a wide
range of scenarios. There are no specific clinical signs Pathology and pathogenesis
and symptoms. In cases in which hematogenous seed- The mass is firm, indurated, and there is no clear
ing is the likely source, patients are usually immunolo- demarcation with normal brain. The lesions are
gically impaired as exemplified by solid organ described as firm, rubbery, and gritty; histologically
transplant recipients [207 /209], CGD [210,211], HIV/ there is florid granulomatous inflammation and fibri-
AIDS [195], and patients receiving corticosteroid nous tissue interspersed with hyphal elements
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S223

[196,205,220]. Vascular invasion is not observed in the Diagnosis

context of CGD [217]. The ante-mortem diagnosis of a mycotic aneurysm due
to Aspergillus spp. is usually only considered in the
context of a high-risk individual with a non-fatal
This diagnosis should be considered in an immuno- subarachnoid hemorrhage. The opportunities to secure
competent individual, from the Sudan, Indian subcon- a diagnosis at an earlier point in time are limited by the
tinent, or Middle East with radiological evidence of an absence of specific symptoms and the requirement for
enhancing mass lesion with associated cerebral oedema cerebral angiography. These difficulties are further
and mass effect [221]. The diagnosis should also be compounded by the fact that the disease is progressive,
considered in the context of CGD. The diagnosis then meaning that serial angiographic examination may be
rests with a cerebral biopsy showing granulomatous required to establish the diagnosis, define the extent of
inflammation with concomitant evidence to implicate disease, and examine the available therapeutic options
Aspergillus spp. from a positive culture or the visuali- [222]. The role of magnetic resonance angiography
zation of hyphae consistent with Aspergillus spp. The remains unclear but does have the advantage of being a
diagnosis may also be inferred if there are consistent less invasive modality.
Specific evidence to implicate Aspergillus is even
radiological abnormalities in the context of an estab-
more problematic. Biopsy of the involved vessel is
lished diagnosis of granulomatous Aspergillus sinusitis.
inappropriate and examination of CSF is unlikely to be
rewarding. A microbiological diagnosis may be estab-
Mycotic cerebral aneurysm due to Aspergillus spp. lished from sampling a contiguous or non-contiguous
site [222]. Conceptually, evidence of endovascular
While vascular invasion by Aspergillus spp. is common, infection in the form of a positive PCR or GM result
true mycotic aneurysm formation due to Aspergillus could be useful, although there are no reports employ-
spp. is rare [222]. The following discussion is limited to ing these modalities at the current time.
infiltration and destruction of the vessel wall by
Aspergillus spp. with subsequent aneurysm formation.
Aspergillus meningitis
Pathology and pathogenesis An isolated or pure meningitis due to Aspergillus spp. is
Mycotic cerebral aneurysm results from direct invasion highly unusual: more commonly, meningeal involve-
of the vessel wall, either from the luminal or advential ment represents a complication of another Aspergillus-
side of the vessel. Invasion appears to proceed directly related syndrome. Meningitis may induce a vasculitis
[223,224]. Endovascular infection leads to initiation of within major arteries at the base of the brain which may
infection from the luminal surface [223] whereas lead to vascular thrombosis as well as mycotic aneur-
infection from the adventitial aspect usually occurs in ysm formation.
the context of an infectious process surrounding the
vessel such as in meningitis [87,89,184,185,223,225,
226]. Progressive invasion of the vascular wall leads Pathology and pathogenesis
to a loss of vascular integrity and aneurysm formation. Aspergillus meningitis may result from inoculation at
The aneurysm may rupture or leak, which usually the time of neurosurgery [186,189,218,226,229 /234]
manifests as bleeding into the subarachnoid space with the clinical manifestation of infection between
[182,185,222,223,225 /228]. In contrast to bacterial eight days and one year postoperatively [189,226,232].
mycotic aneurysms, fungal aneurysms tend to be fusi- Infection of the basilar meninges is characteristic of
form in shape and involve longer and more proximal direct extension from the sinuses in which case a thick
segments of intracranial vessels [89]. The basilar, grey-white membrane overlying the brain is seen at
middle and posterior cerebral arteries are character- autopsy [87,183,185,189,200,205,206,219,228,230,235/
istically involved [222,223,225,226,228]. The aneurysm 239]. Both cerebrovascular aspergillosis and cerebral
wall is friable with areas of necrosis, fibrosis and an abscess are often associated with a focal meningitis
inflammatory infiltrate with numerous hyphae. There adjacent to areas of parenchymal infection (see above).
may be intra-luminal clot formation which may cause Following histological examination, the meninges are
vascular thrombosis and cerebral infarction or serve as infiltrated by both inflammatory cells and hyphae
a source of emboli [222,228]. [235,240].

– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238

S224 Hope et al.

Clinical setting and clinical features the size of the inoculum determines whether PCA
There are no specific clinical signs and symptoms to develops in a given scenario [243]. In immunocompro-
implicate Aspergillus as the cause of a meningitis. mised individuals, relatively trivial defects in skin
integrity may lead to PCA. Thus, skin maceration
Diagnosis under arm boards, adhesive tape and occlusive dres-
Irrespective of the primary Aspergillus syndrome, CSF sings used to secure intravenous lines, or endotracheal
abnormalities are typically modest and certainly non- tubes have all been associated with the development of
specific; there is usually only a relatively modest PCA in neonates and in those with significant im-
neutrophil pleocytosis, a low to normal glucose con- munological impairment [243,245,248 /263]. Similarly,
centration, and mild to moderate elevations in protein PCA complicating sialastic intravenous catheters is
concentration. Radiological abnormalities within the especially characteristic in the context of prolonged
meninges are usually absent [187]. Unfortunately, neutropenia and HIV/AIDS [244,247,261,262,264,265].
examination of CSF using conventional techniques The infection directly involves the exit site, subcuta-
for Aspergillus spp., regardless of the clinical context, neous tunnel, and catheter vascular entry site [247]. In
is frequently unrewarding. Both PCR and GM have other cases, PCA develops in the contiguous skin or
been used to specifically implicate Aspergillus as the soft tissue at the site of a removed intravenous catheter
causative organism and the current EORTC/MSG [245,266].
criteria enable the use of GM in CSF to establish a Less frequently, PCA occurs in immunocompetent
diagnosis of CNS aspergillosis [1,199,201,241]. hosts who have suffered a more significant breech in
skin integrity as exemplified by patients with severe
burn injury, trauma, and surgery [267,268]. Surgical site
Cutaneous aspergillosis infection due to Aspergillus spp. is rare and has been
Cutaneous aspergillosis has been reviewed [242,243]. documented in a number of contexts including free
The definition of primary and secondary cutaneous muscle flap placement [269], surgical debridement of
aspergillosis in this document is consistent with the necrotising fascitis [270], infection of abdominal and
majority of the published literature and is made with sternal wounds [271], reconstruction of an AV fistula
reference to the underlying pathogenesis. Primary [272], and following orthoptic liver transplantation
cutaneous aspergillosis (PCA) refers to cases in which [273]. In certain situations it may be difficult to
the initial infection begins in the skin due to direct determine whether infection is superficial or involves
inoculation, whereas secondary cutaneous aspergillosis deeper structures and a biopsy and histological exam-
is due to hematogenous seeding or spread from ination may be required in this situation [274].
contiguous structures. The distinction between primary
and secondary disease is not always easy or straightfor- Clinical setting and clinical features
ward especially when there is no clear history of The clinical manifestations of PCA are protean and
inoculation or obvious compromise in skin integrity. non-specific. Typically, the lesions begin as erythema-
tous, violaceous indurated plaques which progress to
Primary cutaneous aspergillosis necrotic ulcers with central eschar formation [255,257].
Less commonly, hemorrhagic vesicles or bullae, sub-
The most common setting of PCA is infection begin- cutaneous nodules, granulomas, pustular lesions and
ning in the skin in the context of relatively trivial vegetating plaques are observed [245,262,275,276].
injuries in those with significant local and systemic
immunological impairment. It is also appropriate that Diagnosis
Aspergillus infection complicating significant burns, The diagnosis of PCA should not present significant
surgical wounds, and other traumatic injuries in other- difficulties using culture and histology, providing
wise immunocompetent individuals are viewed as adequate and appropriate diagnostic specimens are
variants of PCA. PCA is not a trivial entity; it may obtained. There may be some difficulties on occasions
lead to significant local tissue destruction, extension to in distinguishing PCA from SCA; this is frequently a
contiguous structures and disseminated infection [243 / matter of clinical judgement and opinion.
Secondary cutaneous aspergillosis
Pathology and pathogenesis
An interplay between the extent of the breech in skin Cutaneous involvement arising due to hematogenous
integrity, local and systemic defects in immunity, and seeding is a well recognized feature of disseminated
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Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S225

aspergillosis and usually occurs in the setting of is documented in solid organ transplant recipients
significant immunological impairment. Typically there [281,282,284,287], patients receiving corticosteroid
are multiple skin lesions in anatomically unrelated sites. therapy [280], neonates [285,288], and in the context
A variety of clinical appearances similar to PCA are of IVDU [289 /295]. Furthermore, around 40% of cases
described, including erythematous to violacaeous no- of endogenous endophthalmitis have underlying endo-
dules, plaques and papules with necrotic ulcerative, and carditis and the syndrome is frequently observed in the
suppurative tendencies [277,278]. As with PCA, the context of disseminated disease [280,286,296,297].
diagnosis of secondary cutaneous disease should not Endogenous endophthalmitis presents with sudden
present difficulties using histology and culture provid- visual loss. The predominant clinical findings are
ing appropriate biopsies are taken. A specific diagnosis confined to the posterior segment of the eye [298] and
of secondary disease requires the demonstration or include chorioretinitis, vitritis, retinal haemorrhage,
inference of IA at a non-contiguous site and a temporal retinal artery occlusion, and chorioretinal abscess
sequence which is consistent with the hypothesis that formation. Signs within the anterior segment are
dissemination has occurred from this site. The possibi- usually only observed in the context of considerable
lity that PCA may itself disseminate means that a posterior segment involvement [281,284,286].
positive GM (or PCR) in blood as sole adjunctive
evidence to define SCA. Diagnosis
The diagnosis should be considered in an individual
with visual signs and symptoms in a variety of clinical
Ocular aspergillosis (Table 5) contexts but especially IVDU, Aspergillus endocarditis,
The ocular mycoses have been recently reviewed [279]. and disseminated IA. There may be considerable
The individual syndromes may arise via a number of problems in obtaining evidence that Aspergillus is the
mechanisms, including hematogenous seeding (endo- causative pathogen prior to enucleation. Vitreal aspi-
genous endophthalmitis, uveitis and scleritis), extension rates or vitrectomy specimens are the most appropriate
from the sinuses, or as a result of traumatic or diagnostic specimen but the confinement of hyphal
iatrogenic inoculation (exogenous endophthalmitis, elements to retinal and sub-retinal structures means
uveitis, scleritis and keratitis). that histology and cultures may be falsely negative
[280,286,299]. In circumstances in which hyphae are
visualized but cultures are negative, confidence that
Endogenous endophthalmitis
Aspergillus is the causative organism is limited by the
Pathogenesis and pathology frequent observation of unusual and bizarre forms
Endogenous endophthalmitis specifically implies he- within the vitreus [297]. PCR on surgically obtained
matogenous dissemination to the eye and is frequently specimens is potentially of value but further data are
a component of disseminated disease [280 /285]. Inva- required. While there are no data on the diagnostic
sion of retinal and choroidal vessels induces vascular value of PCR and GM in blood within an appropriate
thrombosis which leads to retinal necrosis, hemorrhage, clinical context, this would also seem a reasonable
and exudate formation. There is an associated inflam- diagnostic approach. The demonstration of Aspergillus
matory infiltrate within the retina, sub-retinal space spp. at a non-contiguous site may be of considerable
and choroid [280]. Ultimately the edematous and diagnostic value in the presence of an otherwise
necrotic retina detaches and useful vision cannot be consistent clinical syndrome and context.
salvaged [286]. The pathological hallmark of endogen-
ous endophthalmitis is the invasion of the retina and Exogenous endophthalmitis
choroid by hyphae and the development of a secondary
Exogenous endophthalmitis, due to the direct inocula-
vitritis [280]. Hyphal elements may be visualised in the
tion of viable organisms may be accidental or iatrogenic
inner retinal layers either in isolation or within retinal
and has been documented following penetrating ocular
abscesses [286].
wounds as well as post cataract surgery [300 /303].
Clinical setting and clinical features
Endogenous endophthalmitis has been reported to
occur in a wide range of clinical scenarios, although Scleritis due to Aspergillus spp. is very uncommon. It
curiously there is a relative paucity of reports in most commonly reflects direct inoculation following
those patients with profound immunological impair- accidental or traumatic [304] scleral injury but may also
ment. More commonly, endogenous endophthalmitis arise from hematogenous seeding. In the case of the
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
S226 Hope et al.

implicate Aspergillus spp.

former, Aspergillus scleritis has been documented to

Proven/probable IA at
complicate pterygium excision [305], scleral buckling

non-contiguous site.
Indirect evidence to

[PCR from blood]c

[306], cataract surgery [307], and trabeculectomy [308].

GM from bloodc
The diagnosis requires the demonstration of Aspergil-
lus spp. in swabs, scrapings and biopsy of the affected



Corneal culture (as Fusarium and Nil


other moulds which may mimic

[Positive PCR from intraocular
Aspergillus (culture /histology)

Aspergillus (culture /histology)

Aspergillus (culture /histology)

The keratomycoses have been recently reviewed [279].

Aspergillus spp. may be seen).

from an intraocular specimen

Aspergillus keratitis arises in situations in which the

from intraocular specimen
implicate Aspergillus spp.

integrity of the cornea has been disrupted as in the case

intraocular specimen]c

from vitreal aspirate

of surgery, trauma, or contact lens use. The findings
[Positive PCR from
Direct evidence to

that are consistent with fungal keratitis include a firm

elevated lesion often with slough which may be dry,

hyphate lines extending out from the lesion, multifocal

granular and grey-white satellite stromal infiltrates,
minimal cellular infiltration in the adjacent stroma,
and a mild iritis [279]. Histological examination reveals
Hyphae within retinal and subretinal Ocular ultrasound may Patient with significant immunological

a stromal inflammatory infiltrate, stromal abscess

vitritis, thrombosis and rupture of
retinal vessels, retinal detachment

Recent ocular surgery or trauma,

WITH: chorioretinitis, secondary
endocarditis or disseminated IA

formation and coagulative necrosis.

impairment, IVDU, Aspergillus

Ocular ultrasound may History of injury or surgery

History of injury or surgery

PCR data in square brackets to indicate significant issues in assay validation and standardization remain.

The inherent limitations on the amount of tissue which

can be procured for diagnostic purposes compromises
Clinical setting

the ability to achieve a diagnosis of Aspergillus

keratitis. Samples from the cornea may be obtained
by swabs, scrapings or biopsy; the latter can be

associated with risk of corneal perforation. Direct

examination, while particularly important, is relatively
insensitive; options include a wet preparation using
Radiological features

KOH, Gram staining, and the application of specific

reveal intraocular

reveal intraocular

fungal stains or fluorescent brighteners such as calco-

formation, secondary vitritis, retinal abnormalities


fluor, blankophor and Uvitex 2B. The specimen can be

plated directly into a number of solid media and placed
in liquid culture media. A specific diagnosis of Asper-


gillus keratitis is complicated by the fact that this

vessel thrombosis and rupture, retinal

syndrome can be produced by other filamentous fungi

Infiltration of the sclera by hyphae

Stromal infiltrate, stromal abscess

such as Fusarium spp.; a definitive diagnosis of

most commonly in the context of
structures, chorioretinal abscess

recent surgery or scleral injury

Ocular abnormalities may not

Aspergillus- related disease is perhaps best achieved by

necessarily be confined to the

formation, hyphal invasion,

culture data alone or the combination of histology and

Pathological features

coagulative necrosis
posterior globe

Osteoarticular aspergillosis

IVDU: Intravenous drug use.

Table 5 Ocular aspergillosis

The classification of osteomyelitis due to Aspergillus
spp. has been considered by a number of authors and


has generally been conceived in terms of the mechan-

ism of acquisition. Such a scheme reflects the organiza-


tion of the majority of the available literature and has


been adopted in this document [309 /311]. Thus,

osteomyelitis may be observed in a wide range of
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S227

clinical contexts and arise as a result of direct inocula- or percutaneous biopsies of affected bone or contig-
tion, spread from contiguous structures, or via haema- uous soft tissue structures.
togenous seeding.
Septic arthritis
Pathology and pathogenesis Septic arthritis due to Aspergillus spp. is relatively
Aspergillus osteomyelitis arising from direct inocula- uncommon for reasons which are unclear [360] it may
tion may be traumatic or iatrogenic but both are highly result from hematogenous seeding or following direct
uncommon. There are a number of cases of sternal inoculation. It is often difficult to ascertain whether the
osteomyelitis and adjacent osteochondritis of the ribs septic arthritis is primary or represents inoculation
manifesting 2/6 months post-sternotomy [312 /315], after instrumentation of the joint. A diagnosis can be
infection of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral established using culture or microscopy of synovial
discs manifesting 2/16 weeks following lumbar surgery fluid or histology of synovial biopsies.
[316 /319], and a single case of femoral osteomyelitis
three months after operative fixation [320].
Genitourinary aspergillosis
Osteomyelitis due to direct spread from a contiguous
focus is similarly rare, although there are a number of Renal aspergillosis
highly characteristic syndromes that arise in this
This entity results from hematogenous seeding and is
context. Infection involving the proximal Dacron aortic
most typically an incidental finding within the context
graft anastomosis with contiguous involvement of the
of disseminated disease.
adjacent vertebrae has been described more than two
years post surgery [321 /323]. Similarly, vertebral
Pathology and pathogenesis
osteomyelitis involving the thoracic spine in the setting
The kidneys (renal vessels and parenchyma) are fre-
of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis with clear evidence
quently involved as a result of haematogenous seeding
of direct spread has been described [36,310,324 /327].
and a number of distinct pathological processes are
Contiguous spread from the lung to adjacent ribs and
observed, ranging from vascular involvement with
vertebral bodies is also characteristic of CGD (or cases
tissue infarction to renal abscess formation. Involve-
highly suggestive of CGD prior to the recognition of
ment of the renal vasculature results in multiple areas
the syndrome) [215,328 /332]. Finally, base of skull
of renal infarction and ischemic and papillary necrosis
osteomyelitis and mastoiditis complicating infections
[6]. The renal vein may also be involved with complica-
within the external auditory canal or sinuses is well
tions which include renal vein thrombosis and renal
described [77,333 /336].
infarction [361]. In other cases single or multiple
Hematogenous seeding most frequently results in
abscesses are the predominant finding, where the
infection of the axial skeleton with the intervertebral
lesions are typically several millimetres in diameter,
discs and adjacent vertebral bodies most commonly the
firm and nodular, and surrounded by a rim of
affected sites; there is a single report of sternal
hyperaemic congestion [6,362,363]. Less commonly,
osteomyelitis arising in this manner [337]. Discitis
single large solid abscesses are seen [364,365]. Infection
with vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess
most commonly occurs in the context of structurally
formation has been described in the setting of haema-
normal kidneys although infection within polycystic
tological malignancy [230,338,339], solid organ trans-
kidneys has been described [366].
plantation [309,338 /346], IVDU [347 /349], CGD
[350], COPD [351,352], underlying pulmonary asper-
Clinical setting and clinical features
gillosis [325,353], and corticosteroid exposure [338,
This entity is usually seen in individuals with significant
354 /356]. Less commonly, hematogenous dissemina-
immunological impairment such as those with hema-
tion results in infection within the articular skeleton
tological malignancy, CGD [361], or HIV/AIDS
and this has been documented in the context of CGD
[363,367,368]. The disease is most often clinically silent.
[357], chemotherapy [358], and liver transplantation
There are relatively few diagnostic options. Ultrasound
Diagnosis or CT may suggest areas of abscess formation of
The diagnosis of osteomyelitis classically and most infarction; abscesses may be amenable to percutaneous
appropriately rests with positive histology and/or aspiration and drainage which may also provide a
culture from appropriately collected surgical specimens useful diagnostic avenue. Hematuria, pyuria, and
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
S228 Hope et al.

proteinuria are frequently present although positive passed spontaneously or is retrieved intra-operatively
cultures for Aspergillus are typically negative [6,365]. [373,378,384]. The presence of precipitating antibodies
Aspergillus precipitins have been documented to be to Aspergillus spp. has been described and may be
positive, although it remains unclear whether they are useful from a diagnostic perspective in much the same
of any diagnostic value [365,367]. manner as for pulmonary and sinus aspergilloma
Renal aspergilloma
Miscellaneous genitourinary syndromes
This entity, also referred to as a Aspergillus bezoars of
the urinary tract [369], was initially described in 1962 There are rare cases of prostatic aspergillosis described
by Comings et al. [370] and refers to the finding of an and reported in the context of benign prostatic
aspergilloma within the renal collecting system. This hypertrophy [385,386] as well as complicating AIDS
entity is analogous to the formation of fungal balls in [364] and renal transplantation [387]. In several of these
the lung and sinuses. The renal pelvis is the most cases there is a preceding history of instrumentation or
common site; there is a single case of fungus ball catheterisation [387]. Aspergillus orchitis has been
formation in the bladder [371]. described [6,388] as well as a tubo-ovarian abscess
Pathology and pathogenesis
A predisposing cause is usually documented and
Gastrointestinal aspergillosis
diabetes is particularly common [369,370,372]; IVDU
[369,373,374], corticosteroid use, hematological malig- Aspergillosis of the gut
nancy [375,376], previous urological surgery [377,378],
renal transplantation [379], and previous obstructive
In the majority of cases, upper and the lower gut
uropathy [374] represent other scenarios in which this
aspergillosis arises from hematogenous seeding and
entity has been described. The fungal ball is comprised
occurs as a component of disseminated infection
of grey, brown or cheesy material which completely fills
[6,390,391]. Potentially the gut may be primarily
and occludes the pelvis and other components of the
infected, especially in the setting of mucositis where
collecting system [370,380,381]. Not infrequently, frag-
the integrity of the gut lining is compromised. Hema-
ments are passed spontaneously which are useful for
togenous seeding results in thrombosis and vasculitis of
diagnostic purposes. Typically the renal parenchyma is
the mesenteric vessels [392]. The macroscopic pathol-
uninvolved [377] although ascending infection has been
ogy consists of focal areas of ulceration of variable
documented [381,382]. Some degree of pre-existing
depth and abscess formation. Histopathological sec-
structural abnormality is important in the pathogen-
tions show hyphal infiltration of the intestinal wall,
esis, perhaps by providing a nidus about which infec-
arteritis and thrombus formation within intramural
tion can establish and progress.
vessels [393].
Clinical setting and clinical features
Clinical presentation/clinical setting
Typically symptoms are acute in onset and consist of
Upper gastrointestinal tract disease may be asympto-
renal colic with macroscopic hematuria due to obstruc-
matic or result in abdominal pain or melena; similarly,
tion of the urinary tract by the fungal ball [362,370].
lower gastrointestinal disease may by asymptomatic or
Systemic symptoms are not observed.
result in bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, peritonitis,
and ileus [175,394].
The diagnosis of renal aspergilloma is usually not Diagnosis
considered in the differential diagnosis since the entity There are limited opportunities to secure the diagnosis
is rare and the clinical presentation is non-specific. An prior to surgical excision. Confirmation of an ischemic
intravenous pyelogram usually shows filling defects, etiology may come in the form of selective angiography
hydronephrosis, and a delayed or absent pyelogram [392].
[362,370,378]. Retrograde pyelography may outline the
fungus ball more reliably [362]. Urine cultures are
Miscellaneous gastrointestinal syndromes
frequently negative and this may delay the diagnosis
[362,383]. A specific and unexpected diagnosis fre- A number of relatively uncommon syndromes related
quently follows examination of a mucoid mass which is to Aspergillus include stomatits, hepatosplenic asper-
– 2005 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 43, S207 /S238
Invasive and saprophytic aspergillosis S229

gillosis, and peritonitis secondary to chronic ambula- 9 Caligiuri P, MacMahon H, Courtney J, Weiss L. Opportunistic
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