Documentary - The Social Dilemma

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1.Which concerns are mentioned by the speakers?

The main concern of the speakers is the great addiction and dependence that we
have created with social networks, since this is doing us a lot of damage and we
are not using it in the best way
In addition, you mention the problems that fake news is presenting us, the
polarization that occurs in our opinions and the suspicion that we are the object of
experiments by technological corporations whose intentions we still do not
understand.2. Is there a problem? What is the problem?
2. Is there a problem? What is the problem?
It can be said that the use of social networks affects mental health since this
causes in people a feeling of anxiety, the image that is sometimes unrealistic
produces in people, especially in young people, a feeling of frustration, which
produces a drop in self-esteem leading to anxiety disorders.
3. What’s the link between Mental Health and Social Media usage?

The link between mental health and social networks is the great dependency that
has been created towards them, causing many people and younger people to
present a lot of mental damage due to social networks, many times even major
mental disorders have been diagnosed. since people are very consumed by social
networks and this means that everything they see there affects them in a very
great way, for good or for bad. and when it is for the worse, it often causes great
damage in people's lives.
4. What’s your opinion on allowing young kids to have smartphones?
I do not agree that children use smartphones as they become prone to addiction
from a very early age to social networks, online games among other things
5. What’s ‘Ethical Design’ by Tristan Harris?
It is the ethical design of technology. What you are looking for is that technology
does not hijack our minds and our attention. In other words, the aim is to establish
design bases that can be easily applied to any platform or service, and that serves
to amplify human capacities in the place of taking advantage of our vulnerabilities.
6. What are they being paid for?
So that the ads of those who pay have much greater visibility on digital platforms.
7. “If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.” - Make comments on
this quote and give your opinions.
If we do not pay for the service that these platforms "offer", we are the ones who
become the product, since they manipulate us with the information that they want
us to see and with the ads of those who do generate an economic benefit for them
and a dependencies to social networks to us.

8. What is the main goal of social media?

The objective of social networks is to establish good communication between two
users, or with clients through digital profiles.
9. What do they do with our data?
With our information, algorithms are created that show us information and publicity
that may be of our interest so we can stay longer in the applications for the
purpose of making money from advertising
10. What are the three main goals of these platforms?
Social networks have 3 goals: they need to sell certainty, make great predictions
and get a lot of information
11. What is ‘Growth hacking’?
Growth Hacking is a discipline that seeks, with the minimum possible expense and
effort, to quickly and noticeably increase the volume of users, or income, or
impacts, of our company.
12.Why are these platforms considered addictive?
From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we check our cell phone, an
email to answer, a missed call and let alone the notifications on Facebook, new
followers on Twitter or the little hearts on Instagram. These social platforms are
already fully part of our day to day, and no one can deny that we are immersed in a
digital world that is emerging day by day with new challenges and at great speed.
According to many studies we have created a dependency on these social
networks in these studies they also found that users who spend more time using
social networks, publishing and being aware of what others are doing, are insecure
and normally do not maintain real relationships for a long time. Making a great
addiction to social networks.
13.Mention three different examples which are shown in the documentary of how
people are addicted to social media.
When a girl is unable to eat without checking the phone and ends up breaking the
container that had her cell phone. A girl gets sad after seeing the amount of likes
she receives
14.Which mental health issues are mentioned as a result of excessive use of
memory loss, loss of concentration, depression, anxiety are some of the health
problems mentioned in the documentary

15. What does the term ‘machine learning’ refer to?

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that gives computers the ability
to learn, without being explicitly programmed
16. What is said about fake news?
Fake news is massively shared and is more popular on platforms than real news.
Fake news is given a greater impact, even if it does not have good results for
17. Why is it said that Facebook is a tool of manipulation? Mention examples given
in the documentary. 
Facebook manages a business system that analyzes each potential user and after
this determines what the user likes to see, in which publications they stop, why
they have more fixation and this is what it begins to show in their profile, shows
what one wants to see and thus creates that state of dependence on the telephone
and social networks to always be in front of the screen, an example is when in the
documentary the 3 engineers who defined the boy's personality, what were they
his tastes and so little by little they were manipulating him and showing him more
information about conspiracies until he took the boy to the point of going to a
march, he had no idea where he was and he ended up arrested by the police.

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