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Complete the following text with the correct form of the present simple or continuous.

Many visitors (prefer) ____________ 1 San Diego to

Los Angeles because it is smaller and
(appeal)____________ 2 more to people who (like) ____________ 3 a family

For example, Sea word (put on) ____________ 4 great shows with performing killer whales
and dolphins and (attract) ____________ 5 children and parents alike. Many people
(consider) ____________ 6 San Diego zoo to be the best in the world and the animals (live)
____________ 7 in the zoological equivalent of five-star hotels.

Good free guided tours of the pretty Old Town (leave) ____________ 8 daily at 10.30 am and 2 pm.

Until recently the downtown area was very quiet and dull but (now / become) ____________ 9 much more fashionable;
entrepreneurs (open) ____________ 10 trendy restaurants and bars and now the whole area (boom) ____________ 11 as
a result of the live jazz concerts which are held every evening during the high season.

Complete the text about Leo by putting the verbs in the correct tense.

‘On my birthday I (go/ sometimes) sometimes go out with friends, or I (go) go out to a
restaurant with my family. My Mum (make/ usually) usually make me a birthday cake. My Dad
1. What does Isabel usually do on Saturday mornings? She gets up late and does housework.
and sisters (get/ usually) usually get me birthday presents.’
2. What is she doing this Saturday? She is going to get married.
But this birthday is different! It’s Leo’s eighteenth birthday, so now he’s an adult. This morning
3. What does Mark usually do on Christmas day? He visits his parents’ house.
he got a lot of presents. Now he (have) has a big party with all his friends. They (dance) dance
Read the two texts carefully. Then
4. What
and (sing)is sing
he doing
They this
(eat)Christmas? Hefood
eat delicious is with
andhis wifeand
cakes, and(drink)
friends in Australia.
drink different sweet drinks.
Leo the questions.
(wear) wears a blueinjumber.
5. Underline the verbs the two text, compare between the verbs that describe habits (usually) and the verbs that
describe actions at the time of speaking (this Saturday/ Christmas…/ Now …) . Then complete the rules:
a) When we describe habits, we put the verb in the ……………………………………. tense.
b) When we describe actions at the time of speaking, we put the verb in the ……………………….………….. tense.


1. Prefer
2. Appeals
3. Like
4. Puts on
5. Attracts
6. Consider
7. Live
8. Leave
9. Is now becoming
10. Are opening
11. Is booming

Write a short paragraph (60 – 70 words) talking about what you usually do, and what you are doing right now.

Example: On Thursday nights I usually read and sleep at 11 pm, but this Thursday I am doing my
homework and going to sleep late

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