The Concept of Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Worlplace Diversity in The Concept of Dhaka Bank

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Term paper on

Concept of Job Satisfaction, Motivation and

Workplace Diversity in the context of Dhaka Bank

Course Name: Organizational Behavior

Course Code: ALD1201

Submitted To:
Senjuti Barua
Department of BBA in Finance & Banking
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:
Namira Binta Noor
ID: 19221038
Section: B
Department of BBA in Finance & Banking
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Date of Submission: 28th March, 2020

20th October 2019

Senjuti Barua


Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking

Faculty of Business Studies

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Prayer for accepting the term paper on the given topic.

Dear Ma’am,

Here is the Term Paper which you have assigned us as a requirement of Organizational Behavior
Course of Department of Business Administration in Finance and Banking. I, Namira Binta Noor
from section B, have done my research on the survey I performed on the topic “The concepts of
job satisfaction, motivation and diversity in the context of Dhaka Bank”. I have provided
maximum effort to make this term paper with the information available.

I hope that you will be pleased with the given effort and will provide me suggestions so that I can
rectify my problems.

Sincerely Yours

Namira Binta Noor

Firstly, I would like to thank almighty Allah for whose kindness I could finish this Term
Paper in sound health. .I want to thank every individual who supported me while writing
this Term Paper. I would like to thank Ms. Senjuti Barua, Lecturer, Department of Finance
and Banking, Bangladesh University of Professionals, for providing us with necessary
instructions on how to write this Term Paper.

I want to thank Dhaka Bank for permitting us to run the research and everyone who took their
time to fill up our survey. I want to thank Mrs. Aleya Begum, Senior Assistant Vice President,
Dhaka Bank, for helping me with getting responses for research work. Lastly, I would like to thank
my family for support and guidance. I am forever indebted to them.


Letter of transmittal………………………………………………………………………………..i



Company Overview……………………………………………………………………………….5







Organizational behavior is the study of behavioral pattern between members of the
organization and the organization itself. The study of OB is crucial in understanding certain
aspects of an organization where scopes for improvement exist. For the following term paper
we decided to work with three fields of OB, analyze its impacts and discuss the outcomes.

1. Attitudes & Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is the degree to which people like their jobs. Some people enjoy working and
think of it as a central part of their life while others think of it as a responsibility they are
bound to do for living. Assessment of employee’s job satisfaction, the causes & consequences
has become a common activity in organizations where the managers and supervisors are
concerned about their employee’s well-being.

Job satisfaction is under the influence of a series of factors such as: the nature of work, salary,
advancement, opportunities, management, work groups and work conditions.

According to Rues and Byaers, following factors also influence job satisfaction:

Manager’s concern for people, Job design (scope, depth, interest, perceived value),
Compensation (external and internal consistency), Working conditions, Social relationships,
Perceived long-range opportunities, Perceived opportunities elsewhere and Levels of aspiration
and need achieve (Rues and Byaes,2003)

Job satisfaction can influence the attitude of employee’s behavior towards their job in following

• Job satisfaction and Productivity: Satisfied employees tend to be more responsible and
productive. Organizations with larger number of satisfied employees are more efficient.
• Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: OCB is not part of one’s
formal job, but it influences the overall efficiency and productivity of the organization.
Satisfied employees engage themselves in such activities.

• Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction: Satisfied employees engage more with
customers & are more friendly, co-operative & responsive. Satisfied employees can boost
up customer satisfaction.
• Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism: Dissatisfied employees tend to miss work days more
often. But other factors such as alternative job opportunities, company policy and culture
may increase absenteeism.
• Job Satisfaction and Turnover: When opportunities with better job conditions are
available, dissatisfied employees are more likely to take that opportunity resulting in
high number of turnovers.
• Workplace Violence and Sabotage: Dissatisfied employees may cause violence
resulting from stress, negative workplace relationships etc. (Causes and Effect of
Job Satisfaction on a Company).

So for well-being of employees, better working environment and efficiency of organization, job
satisfaction of the employees must be measured.

2. Motivation

The importance and the effect of motivation in the working pattern of the employees can
never be unseen. The writer of Business Communication book Raman (2015) believed that the
employees who are motivated enough to work towards a fixed goal tend to be more hard-
working than the one who finds no meaning out of the work.

• Less appreciation: A study done in United States of America shows that employees
stated receiving less appreciation from their manager as their number 1 problem Landy
(2014). This means when the employees don’t feel motivated enough to carry out a job
or don’t get appropriate appreciation, they feel low of themselves and try to deliver less
in the job field. Less appreciation has effect on the high rate of job absenteeism.

• Absenteeism: A research shows that 34% of the absent employees don’t show up to
their job because of this fact Raman (2015). So this shows that motivation has a
direct relation between job performance and job satisfaction of the employee.

• Productivity: The productivity level of employees also depends on the motivation by
line managers or top authorities. When the managers appreciate the employees and show
them the vision of the company, then the employees can relate the organizational goal
with their dream. Then they voluntarily take up the responsibility and try to focus on the
success of the company. Bersin group once conducted a study where the result shows that
the productivity rate is 14% higher in that company where they provide incentives than
those who don’t offer incentives Martocchio (2014).

• Incentives: Incentives give employees the reason to go for the extra mile. In a company,
where employee engagement is highly necessary to do the jobs, there motivation plays a
huge role. As their ideas are being heard, that’s why the employees need to be highly
motivated to share their ideas and concept with the rest of the member. If they don’t feel
appreciated or valued, then they won’t be willing to express their ideas. This might cause
the company huge loss.

• Recognition: A study by Thompson (2011) shows that if the managers recognize the
contribution of the employee, then employee engagement rate increases by 60%.

• Benefits: Nowadays in every multinational or reputed national company, the employees

are being given more benefits to make them comfortable and satisfied in their
workplace. They are offered with facilities to play, sleep eat to dress casually so that
they can feel free and comfortable to work best for the company. Some organizations are
now announcing loudly and posting on their social media sites about their employees.
For example a Bangladeshi telecom company Banglalink is posting the photo and
appreciation notes about their talented employees. This is also a great way of motivating
the employees. Nowadays top organizations feel that incentive programs are investment
not an expense.

3. Workplace Diversity

Workplace diversity is an important issue among all organizations. Acknowledging the differences
between employees and uniqueness of each individual and capitalizing on these differences to get
the best out of employees is what workplace diversity is all about. It is the job of the managers to
direct a distinct workforce effectively and efficiently if they want to develop the organizations’
competitive advantage in the market.

Diversity in organizations can be categorized in to two forms; deep level and surface level.
Demographic characteristics such as race, age, gender, ethnicity, religion and disability status, the
ones that are easily perceived, are in the surface level category. On the other hand, variation in
personal beliefs, values, and personality and work preferences falls under deep level diversity. To
discriminate is to differentiate between things; so diversity management works on eradicating
unfair discrimination. Managing structure diversity as a bonus and not as a drawback creates a
united workplace.

Diversity in organizations can be described by a few terms which are important for understanding
the topic.
• Discrimination: to note a difference between two things
• Stereotyping: perceiving an individual to be of a specific group and judging them based
on that perception
• Stereotype threat: the extent to which we instinctively agree on a generally negative
• Demographic Diversity: differentiating based on age, gender, race, disability status
• Experiential Diversity: diversity based on life experiences such as being parents, an
immigrant, a veteran etc.
• Informational Diversity: based on educational backgrounds and individual intellect.
• Fundamental Diversity: based on individual beliefs and personal set of values.

Benefits of workplace diversity includes

• Increased creativity
• New perspectives

• Faster problem solving
• Higher innovation
• Better company reputation
• Reduced employee turnover
• Increased profits
• Better decision making

Dhaka Bank Limited is a private limited commercial banking founded by Mirza Abbas, a
prominent Bangladeshi commercial, in 1995. With almost a 100 branches around the country, its
core headquarters are set in Dhaka. The organization is headed by the motto ‘Excellence in
Banking’. Due to its exceptional service, simplicity and proximity, Dhaka Bank has been a first
choice for many residents of Dhaka. In the year 2000, it got listed in DSE and CSE. It has a wide
branching network in the corporate world which operates through branches, ATMs, ADMSs,
SME channels and SMS banking. In the current scenario, the specialties of the bank includes 2
Islamic Banking Branches, 3 SME Service Centers, 56 ATMs, 20 ADMs, 1 Business Kisok, 1
Customer Service Center and 2 Offshore Banking Units throughout Bangladesh. (dhakabankltd,

Vision: To make every banking transaction a pleasurable experience. (dhakabankltd, 2019)

Mission: To be the premier financial institution in the country providing high quality
products and services backed by latest technology and a team of highly motivated personnel to
deliver Excellence in Banking. (dhakabankltd, 2019)


• Customer Focus
• Integrity
• Quality
• Teamwork

• Respect for Individual
• Responsible Citizenship (dhakabankltd, 2019)

The main reason why we decided to work with the different fields of OB regarding this bank
is that the pool of employees was quite diverse. Multiple different departments are available
consisting of various types of workers. There are huge scopes of interaction between the
different levels of management which creates a vast network for effective interaction.

Based on the value of jobs, accountability and the nature of its responsibilities, all the employees
have been divided among three broad categories.

1. Executive Grade
-From Assistant Vice Presidents to Deputy Managing Directors
2. Officer Grade
-From Trainee Assistant Officer/Assistant Cash Officer to Senior Principal Officer
3. Support Staff
-Assistant, Telephone/SWIFT/Computer Operator, Receptionist, Godown Keeper,
Care Taker, Electrician, Security Guard, Messenger, Peon


The significance of selecting a research philosophy is that it helps the researchers to carry out
a research project successfully. There are three types of research philosophy that help the
researchers to work on a research project and these are positivism, realism, and Interpretivism.
To conduct our study, we are going to use interpretivism and positivism research philosophy;
because the interpretivism approach helps us to analyze the true picture of job satisfaction,
motivation and diversity in the organization. It finds out the meaning of the overall
organizational environment.

Justification: In this study, we are going to find and analyze the current situation of job
satisfaction, motivation & diversity among the employees of Dhaka Bank. For this purpose, we
have prepared the questionnaire. After getting 53 responses, we have started to interpret those

answers and connect the dots to know more about the 3 broad criteria. And that’s why, we are
using interpretivism research philosophy.


There two types of research strategies and these are qualitative and quantitative research
strategy. We will use both to conduct our research.

The quantitative research strategy is effective for dealing with various numeric data sets. As we
have developed the responses into mathematical figure, we will be analyzing those.

And we are using the qualitative research strategy to analyze various qualitative data sets. For
example, we have provided one open-ended question, and by analyzing those, we can have the
mind-set of the employees and find out what is the current situation of the organization.


Among the two types of data sources, we are going to use primary sources. We are going to use
primary data sources. We have given our questionnaire to the officials of Dhaka Bank and they
have filled it out. And their responses are the only source of our data.


There are different approaches to collect these data. Due to time shortage and confidentiality of
the Dhaka Bank, we could not arrange focus groups, observation, interview etc. That’s why, we
have provided them the questionnaire in Google doc and asked them to fill-up.


We have received 53 responses in our form. The doc was open for all employees in Dhaka
Bank, and that’s why the sample is chosen randomly.

1) On a scale off 1-5 how satisfied are you with your current job?

The above bar chart shows that the majority of the people, 22 out of 50, rated their job
satisfaction with 3 out of 1-5. The second highest result was 4, which was given by 17 out of
50 people.

2) Do you want to continue your career in the same organization in the future?

46.2% of the employees stated that they were sure about continuing their job in this banking
organization. 36.4% stated that their outcome depended on certain factors; while only 19.2%
answered with a ‘no’.

3) Do you think your salary is enough for the amount of hours you work?

50 % employees answered with a yes, while 30.8% of the employees answered with a no. Only
19.2% answered with maybe.

4) Which characteristics do you think meet your organization’s objectives the most?

32.7% of the employees answered hard work. 25% the employees answered with honesty
and intellectual ability each; while 15.4% answered with creativity.

5) Do your managers value your feedback?

34.6% of the employees answered always whereas 65.4% of the employees answered sometimes.
None of the employees answered ‘never’.

6) Do you feel like your job utilizes your skills and abilities as much as it could?

32.7% of the people gave 4 on this question. Then the 2nd highest percentage is 28.8% who gave
3 value. And consecutively, 17.3%, 13.5% and 7.7 gave 2, 1 and 5 marks. Here,

1. Not at all
2. Slightly
3. Moderate
4. Good enough
5. Highest

7) Do you enjoy your company’s culture?

Out of 52 respondent from Dhaka Bank, 61.5% employees enjoy the culture of the bank. 25%
of the employee responded that they are not sure whether they like the culture or not. And
Finally, only 13.5% of the employees don’t like the company-culture at all.

8) According to you, what improvements/changes in the organization can lead to
better job satisfaction of the employees? (Describe in 2-3 sentences)

As this was an open ended question, we have segmented the responses for proper analyzation.

Segment Response

1. Less hectic time-schedule.

2. Should be reduce time binding. Can be more
affectionate with employee.
3. Reducing the lengthy time schedule.
4. Improving hectic time schedule.
5. Lesser work hours. More holidays. Better food
6. Less stressful working hours.
Time Management 7. Fixed number of work hours so that it gets easier to
manage time. More initiatives taken to increase
employee motivation.
8. Long holidays.
9. Working in a bank requires a lot of time and energy.
Hence more holidays should be awarded to increase
employee motivation.
10. Introducing refreshment breaks
11. Employees should not be kept after hours.
12. Time schedule.
13. Better company policy regarding time management
and accountability of employees

Work Environment 1. Better working environment.
2. Better working place.
3. A better understanding between the different levels of
employees can help boost motivation.
4. Unbiased working environment

1. Good relation with colleagues.

2. Co-workers needs to be more co-operative.
3. More interaction between top level management and
Relationship between lower level management so that it motivates new
colleagues employees further.
4. Increase company facilities. More interaction time
between employees so that they get to know each other
better. Less work hours.
5. Better co-operation and mutual understanding among
the employees can lead to better job satisfaction for

Pay 1. Increase of salary.

2. Increase in pay scale.
3. Improvements in work hours schedule as well as
4. Should set payment scale accordingly.
5. The organization needs to provide better incentive for
the employees to stay in the company.
6. Salary.
7. Include more job benefits.
8. Should fix pay scale according to individual
9. Pay-scale increment.

Workload 1. A balanced workload.

2. Should decrease work pressure on one individual.

/Management 3. A proper time schedule. Less work overload.
4. Improved recruitment process.
5. Less stressful workload.
6. Employees should be less pressurized with overtime
and work.
7. Management should be less biased and open to
8. Proper work distribution.
9. Job variation.
10. Proper business process, accountability and sincerity
of the job, better working environment
11. Better management of employees.

Performance 1. They can improve on recognizing good job

recognition/Motivation performance of employees.
2. Motivating employees to communicate more between
3. Giving credit and recognition to employees.
4. Should recognize performance of employees. Better
time schedule.
5. Giving appropriate recognition for good work.
6. More opportunities to improve skills.

Skill development 1. Initiatives taken to improve individual skills of

employees and job security should be prioritized.
2. Introducing more programs and workshops related to
enhancement of professional skills.

9) How often do your seniors and managers encourage you to give your best effort?

50% of the sample said that the managers take effort to motivate them. Only 23.1% employees
mentioned that they always receive motivation to give their best shot. On the other hand, 19.2%
people reported that they sometimes receive motivation to improve. And 7.7% people said that
during their work period, they never received any motivation to give their best effort.

10) Do you feel there is a scope of personal growth such as skill enhancement?

44.2% of the employees of Dhaka Bank believe that there is a scope for them to grow. 30.8% of
the employees are confused whether their job provides them with any opportunity to grow and
surprisingly 25% of them think there is no scope to develop them.

11) Do you receive constructive feedback from your manager?

From the pie-chart 48.1% of the respondents stated that they sometimes receive constructive
feedback from their manager whereas 28.8% responded that they often get constructive feedback
from their manager. 23.1% respondents always receive constructive feedback.

12) Does your team provide support whenever needed?

The above figure shows that 69.2% of the 52 people answered yes when asked if their team
supported them whenever needed. 19.2% responded with a maybe and the rest 11.5% of the
employees answered that their team does not provide them with support whenever needed.

13) Which one do you think is more motivating?

From the above pie- chart, we can see that 53.8% of the participants find non-financial
incentives to be more motivating as opposed to 46.2% of the participants who agreed to
financial incentives being more motivating.

14) Is your company committed to diversity and inclusion?

From the above figure, we see that a majority of 57.7% answered yes when asked if their company
is committed to diversity and inclusion. A lesser 32.7% answered maybe and the rest 9.6%
responded with a no.

15) Do you think the organization has fair policies for all employees regarding

From this chart we can deduce that 73.1% of the participants reported yes when asked if the
organization they are employed in has fair policies for all employees regarding promotion.
Opposing this number, 26.9% voted for no.

16) Do you feel your manager treats all team members equally?

69.2% of the employees believed they are treated equally by their manager. 30.8% responded
no on the question of equal treatment by the manager.

17) In a typical week, how often do you feel stressed at work?

Around 42.9% of the respondents feel stressed at work extremely often. 37.1% and 20%
of the respondents feel stressed very and moderately often respectively. There were no
responses for “Not at all”.

18) Does your company provide an environment for the free and open expression of
ideas, opinions and beliefs?

This question was designed to know if the organization is open to inclusion and values
opinions, ideas of the employees. 44.2% of the respondents responded positively. 48.1%

and 7.7% of the respondents answered “Maybe” and “No” respectively.

19) Do you feel comfortable in talking about your background and cultural
experience with your colleagues?

This question was meant to understand if the organization is open to diversity or not.
63.5% and 34.6% of the respondents replied “Sometimes” and “Always”
respectively. Less than 1% of the respondents answered “Never”

20) Does the management of your organization demonstrate a commitment to

meeting the needs of employees with disabilities?

This question was designed to know if the organization is considerate of the problems
and disabilities of the employees. 71.2% and 28.8% of the total respondents chose
“Yes” and “No” respectively.


1. On a range of 1-5 how satisfied are you with your current job?

This question helps us to understand how much contented and satisfied the employees feel about
their current job position. Since a majority of the people gave 3, the neutral answer, it shows
that almost all of them are unsure about what they feel. A reason for this could be that most of
the workers had no other concrete job experience and so had nothing to compare with. The
second highest answer however picked 4, which means that they were more or less quite
satisfied with their current job. Hence, this proves that the organization was giving enough
effort to offer as much job facility as they could.

2. Do you want to continue your career in same organization/industry in future?

This question helps us to analyze the surety of the workers regarding their wish to stay in this
particular organization in the future. Since majority of the people answered with a ‘yes’, it
further highlights the fact that they were quite satisfied with their jobs. The next popular answer
was ‘maybe’ which states that depending on a few external factors, they might or might not wish
to stay. One of these could be better job offerings in the future. Lastly, only a few answered ‘no’
meaning the organization is successful in retaining their employees.

3. Do you think your salary is enough for the amount of hours you work?

Half of the employees doing the survey stated that they were contented with their salary. Since

banking organizations tend to have high salaries in almost every case, majority of the responses
for this query were also positive. Only a small group of people were unsure; but on the other
hand, quite a few members also voted ‘no’. This was mainly due to the fact that bank workers,
especially the new ones, have to stay overtime due to the workload.

4. Which characteristic do you think meets your organization's objective the most?

Since bankers are almost always expected to stay after hours, receive postings in peculiar areas
and have to deal with an immense amount of work pressure, majority of the answers included
hard work. Honesty received the second highest number of responses because money has to be
handled extremely carefully. Working in a bank required strong ethics since the security of a
lot of people’s monetary assets lie in the hands of the employees. Intellectual ability also
received 25% because you have to be very careful while dealing with numbers and not make
any miscalculations which could be costly

5. Do your managers value your feedback?

This question was designed to know the role of managers and relationship between them. From
the pie chart, we get that majority of the people responded that they sometimes get feedback
from their managers. This means that, in most cases the managers try to give feedback on the
job of the employees. Nevertheless 34.6% people stated that they always receive feedback on
their job. And as nobody chose “never”, the relationship between manager and his employees
are healthy and effective.

6. Do you feel like your job utilizes your skills and abilities as much as it could?

This question answers the employee perspective on how much an employee sees the opportunity
to utilize his/her skills in the job field. From the graph, we can see that 32.7% employees think
that their skills are fully utilized. It is a good sign for the satisfaction of the employee. Because,

if he thinks his skills are not fully utilized or his job does not offer him challenges, then he will
be frustrated with his job. On the other hand, we have seen that 28.8% people believe their
skills are not fully utilized. They believe they have more skills required than the ones to
complete his job on the office. The alarming news is 17.3% and 13.5% believe that their job
don’t give them the opportunity to utilize their skill-set. This percentage is a bad news for the
bank that they are not fully capitalizing the full capability of around

7. Do you enjoy your company's culture?

This question asks whether the employees enjoy the culture of their work-place. Company
culture includes the social and psychological environment within the organization. It includes
how people interact with each other, management style of the bank, norms and overall
everything. This is a subjective question. As, people perceive value differently, there is no fixed
answer to this. But according to the study, as majority (61.5%) of the people said that they enjoy
the company culture, which means there is not a prevalent problem in here. The subordinates and
the manager share a healthy bond and the overall environment of Dhaka Bank is nice and
positive. Nevertheless, they can always take more initiative to improve these fundamental factors
so that most of the people can enjoy the organizational culture.

8. According to you, what improvements/changes in the organization can lead to

better job satisfaction of the employees? (Describe in 2-3 sentences)

From the responses we can that majority of the people feel that the organization needs to change
their time management and work distribution as the organization pressurizes the employees with
overtime and workload. A very large number of people feel the need to change work environment
such as inclusion, diversity, openness, co-operation and better relationship with co-workers. There
were 9 responses who believe the organization needs to change their pay-scale according to the
workload and performances of the employees. A good number of people feel the need of more
motivation to keep the employees more engaged and satisfied with their job and demanded
recognition for their performance.

9. How often do your seniors and managers encourage you to give your best effort?

This question asks whether the employees enjoy the culture of their work-place. Company culture
includes the social and psychological environment within the organization. It includes how people
interact with each other, management style of the bank, norms and overall everything. This is a
subjective question. As, people perceive value differently, there is no fixed answer to this. But
according to the study, as majority (61.5%) of the people said that they enjoy the company culture,
the that means there is not a prevalent problem in here. The subordinates and the manager share a
healthy bond and the overall environment of Dhaka Bank is nice and

positive. Nevertheless, they can always take more initiative to improve these fundamental
factors so that most of the people can enjoy the organizational culture.

10. Do you feel there is a scope of personal growth such as skill enhancement?

This is one of the significant questions in the questionnaire. The question of personal growth puts
a great role in the job satisfaction and the mindset of the employees. From the survey, w have
seen that 44.2% think they have scope to grow themselves in the bank. They are probably the
new employees or the one whose age is between 18-35 . This type of group learn about lots of
thing and the bank offers different training program to them to grow their skill. But as the time
passes by, people get to used to the routine job and find no scope to grow themselves. As we
have seen that a large number of employees are either confused or deprived of skill development,
the bank can arrange different training program and learning materials so that the employees can
grow themselves.

11. Do you receive constructive feedback from your manager?

This question aimed to know if the respondents receive constructive feedback from their respective
managers. Majority opted for ‘sometimes’, meaning the managers were not regular and less than
often provided constructive feedback. As in most cases, the manager weren’t very proactive in
providing useful feedback. 28.8% responded that they often get useful feedback, meaning the
feedbacks were frequent. The rest opted for always, as in the managers actively gave constructive
feedback regularly.

12. Does your team provide support whenever needed?

The above question intended to find out if the respondent had constant support from the members
of their team. A whopping 69.2% of the people replied affirmatively. They had the constant support
from their team and is provided help whenever needed. 19.2% of the participants responded with
a hesitant maybe, pointing towards the fact that they were neither willing nor comfortable in giving
a specific answer. Also it may point to the scenario that they were not sure of a specific answer.
The remaining 11.5% opted for a negative answer. They did not receive support from their team
whenever needed.

13. Which one do you think is more motivating?

The question was designed to learn more about what drives an employee; what motivates an
employee more, financial or non-financial incentives. The difference in percentage between
opposing answers is very less. More participants chose non-financial incentives as more
motivating as opposed to monetary incentives. This could be because other benefits such as
adjustment in work schedule, more holidays attract people more than monetary sum.

14. Is your company committed to diversity and inclusion?

The question was structured to get more information about the company policy on diversity and
inclusion. Majority responded affirmatively, meaning the company is committed to diversity and
inclusion to a great extent. A moderate group of participants responded with a maybe, which could
either mean that they are unwilling to answer this question, or they don’t know the exact answer.
The last group reported negatively, hence they don’t believe the company is committed to diversity
and inclusion.

15. Do you think the organization has fair policies for all employees regarding promotion?

The question above was structured to find out if the promotion policy for Dhaka Bank is fair
towards all employees. A resounding 73.1% responded positively, meaning the majority of the
participants agreed that an employee in the organization is promoted based on their performance
and skill. A small number of participants however didn’t agree, they were opposed to the fact that
the promotion policies were fair.

16) Do you feel your manager treats all team members equally?

This question asks whether the manager of the employees differentiate employees on the basis of
some factor. As majority (69.2%) of the employees believed that they are treated equally, then it
means there is no major influence of the relationship with the manager with the employees. They
think that the manager is going to respond to his work as he does to others. The employee also
think that he has the equal chance of getting referred /promoted by the manager. On the other
hand, 30.8% people responded negatively. 30.8% is not a negligible number. This number can
represent those employees who are frustrated with their job and does not feel appreciated enough
for his part of contribution. So the bank can improve its way of communication and should
encourage everyone in an equal way so that no one don’t feel left out.

17) In a typical week, how often do you feel stressed at work?

This question was meant to understand the workload and pressure on the employees. The
responses suggest that there is extreme workload on the employees and majority of them are
extremely (42.9%) or very often (37.1%) stressed at work. There were no responses for not at all
which suggests that all the employees to a certain extent feel the extreme pressure and stress.
Workload, improper work timing, unhealthy job environment, lack of co-operation between
team members etc. may be the reason behind the stress.

18) Does your company provide an environment for the free and open expression of ideas,
opinions and beliefs?

From the responses of this question we can see that more respondents chose maybe and yes, that
means the organization does provide environment for open expression of ideas, opinions and
beliefs in most cases. Only 7.7% of the responses were negative, which shows a positive
environment for employees to share their ideas, opinions and feel more included in their
respective field.

19) Do you feel comfortable in talking about your background and cultural experience
with your colleagues?

From the responses we can see that a majority of the people answered sometimes which means
the organization doesn’t always provide an environment where people can confidently speak
about their background and culture with their colleagues. 34.6% of the respondents said they can
always speak about their respective culture with their co-worker. Less than 1% of the people
replied that they can never speak about their culture which means the organization does provide
an environment where people from different background can come together and share their
thoughts and feelings but there is still scope for improvements.

20) Does the management of your organization demonstrate a commitment to meeting

the needs of employees with disabilities?

From the responses of this question we can see that the majority of the employees believe that
the organization is considerate and takes care of the shortcomings, problems and disabilities. But
around 28.8% people think that the organization doesn’t demonstrate a commitment to meeting

the needs of employees which reflects a negative side of the organization.

The survey results has provided with some surprising results. Here are some factors that
influence job satisfaction, diversity in workplace and employee motivation.


According to the survey conducted and the results; surprisingly more people voted for non-
financial incentives as the factor that motivates them the most. Increased holidays, ease in
commuting by providing transport and reward for performance seem to attract the participants
more than any form of monetary benefits. But the difference in the percentage of respondents with
opposing opinion was very low so financial benefit do influence employees in certain ways.


The survey results pointed towards a situation where the managers relation were not as good as it
should be with their immediate subordinates. When asked about feedbacks from managers,
majority answered with a hesitant maybe, giving the impression that they either were not willing
to disclose any information, or they were simply not sure. This may point to the fact that the
employee-manager interaction is not as smooth as it should be.


More interactive sessions between employees, counselling sessions and activities that improve
communication as well as interaction between employees should be prioritized. This is important
as it is a big part of employee motivation.


It is very surprising that a significant number of participants were unsure if there is a scope of
personal growth in the organization. Dhaka bank can organize more workshops, seminars and
arrange programs that may lead to individual skill development.


Relations between the employees in accordance to the hierarchy order should be as smooth as
possible. Seniors should try to engage juniors in the company matters and juniors could approach
their seniors on any matter.


Participants were pretty adamant about a fixed time schedule. Working overtime and less breaks
were turned down by most employees. This is an important issue in employees as most if not all
of them were unwilling to work extra hours.

The management of Dhaka Bank needs to work on these above factors in order to improve job
satisfaction and company culture. The above points were highlighted as they were the ones that
really needs to be improved.

By conducting this research on Dhaka Bank and analysing the results it be can concluded that this
organization needs to improve some pillars that keeps it functioning. Improvements need to be
made in the organization culture to attain optimum employee satisfaction.

In order to find what motivates employees towards job satisfaction in a diversified workplace, I
conducted a survey on employees of Dhaka Bank. I concluded the survey upon 52 responses.
Ethics of research was followed strictly and the personal information of participants were kept

Landy et al (2004). Work in the 21st century. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Martocchio J. (2014). Strategic Compensation. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education



Thompson et al (2011). Crafting and executing strategy.


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