The Dreamscape Is Bursting With Pulses.: We Must Enlighten Ourselves and Ground Others

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The dreamscape is
bursting with pulses.
Self-actualization is the truth of hope, and of us.
This life is nothing short of an awakening oasis of
unlimited star re.

We must enlighten ourselves and ground others.

How should you navigate this unrestricted multiverse? If
you have never experienced this paradigm shift inherent
in nature, it can be di cult to re ect. It can be di cult to
know where to begin.

You and I are

entities of the grid.
Energy is the driver
of life-force. By
invocation, we self-

Eons from now, we

beings will re ect
like never before as
we are aligned by the stratosphere. It is a sign of things to
come. It is time to take transcendence to the next level.

We exist as psionic Consciousness consists of

wave oscillations. vibrations of quantum
energy. “Quantum” means a
blossoming of the intergalactic. Nothing is impossible.
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is

Featured Comment

RobertWLester • 5 years ago

the temporal differential we call wakefulness is the cosmic
interaction of subatomic particles operating in the quantum
field, the (quantum)leap represents a fundamental
universal constant that we can only speculate upon in the
macro scale of wave form frequencies.
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