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Dessa F.

Marinduque January 31 2020

BSCE 1C Ms. Jaeline Faith Riego

Reaction Paper No. 1

“Ganito kami noon, paano kayo ngayon”

Depicting the early life of the Filipinos under the superiority among the
Spaniards transiting to the American era. The movie entitled, “Ganito kami noon, paano
kayo ngayon” directed by Eddie Romero is a musical drama film that embody how a
Filipino live in his country while being conquer by the colonizers.

It was all started with a naïve and rural boy named Kulas, as he sought for a new
life after the tragic death of his mother in a fire that included also the abandonment of
their home. Along with his new brought horse wherein he called “Kidlat” he leaves his
countryside and searched for a new refugee. In his journey he met Padre Gil a Spanish
friar while it is being chase by some bandits. Kulas was later caught by the friars after
he was accused abducting Padre Gil, it didn’t take up so long for he was forgiven by
Padre Gil and chore him a mission. Leading to the biggest turning of his life, Padre Gil
tasked Kulas to search for Bindoy, his illegitimate son. With so much persistency and
eagerness he found Kulas. On their way back to the City, they met a group of filipinos
needing help for their vehicle. Then he met, Diding,a gorgeous and sophisticated young
woman with a great passion on her heart. Kulas immediately fell in love with Diding yet
he wasn’t given the chance to express his feelings for he has something more important
to take care of, to bring back Bindoy to his father.

As they reached the City, Kulas immediately searched for Padre Gil. But for the
reason that Kulas was born and raise in a province, he is an acquainted with the place
and clueless where to find the friar. He got help from a Chinese trader named Lim that
he met in the boat while heading to Manila. Unfortunately, upon reaching Padre Gil’s
abode he was imprisoned but it didn’t take so long for he was bailed out immediately by
the able lawyer of Padre Gil in the persona of Don Tibor. As a compensation and
expression of gratitude for Kulas’ loyalty and benevolence. Padre Gil granted him a
house and a lifetime fortune. For the reason that Padre Gil must flew back to Spain,
Kulas was still in responsibility to take care of Bindoy.

Kulas live in his new life with the fortune he never had before. Yet, despite of his
sudden change of life, for him there is still something missing in him and it was to marry
his love of his life, Diding. Diding with her sudden fell in destitution, was once again
found by Kulas. But despite of her current condition she still had the ambition of
becoming a well-known actress. Kulas eagerly lend her a help with the assistance of
Don Tibor. Diding on the otherhand was so much greedy on achieving her dreams,
break Kulas heart because of Don Tibor. She was blinded by fame and wealth that Don
Tibor can offer. Kulas was filled with anger and disappointment against the both. He
was later imprisoned for the unsatisfactory of the Spaniards when he was questioned
about the rebels. He was then able to escape with other prisoner which is Kidlat.

On that point of time, the country is in turmoil because of the Americans

arrival which ended the Spanish domination. Kulas was in the midst of problem that time
because of Lim’s death and his problem on his house, wherein Don Tibor offered help,
but in the midst of the approval of ownership, Don Tibor met an accident which made
him paralyzed forever. Kulas then find out that Don Tibor has a wife in Iloilo and as the
news reached Diding she swiftly asked Kulas a marriage. They live a short time as a
couple until Diding reveal the truth of his feelings for Don Tibor which made Kulas made
the decision to leave Diding. Assuring of Bindoy’s condition in school he went back to
the province and live his life as peaceful of what his heart needed after all the
challenges he had been through.

Analyzing the film, it emphasizes the injustice situation of the Filipinos under the
domination of the colonizers which is way too different for what we are living today.
Filipinos used to be slaves in their own country. Those with the power and wealth had
the rights while the normal citizen doesn’t have the right to live a normal life nor to
complain. Justice back then are for the fortunate while those who are not should please
them to be safe from unusual and unreasonable punishment.
Women before was prim and all body dress. They used to wear ‘baro’t saya’ and
the men with long sleeves and pants. Which is unlikely today, that whatever is in trend
and famous even its rebellious if it pleases the eyes of the wearer are just okay.

Pursuing someone you like was romantic and sincere before. It was more
planned and well think off before a man make a move. Today, it is too way different
especially that the technology is at its finest. Physical contact is not that useful anymore
because of the instant and more convenient way of courting today, yet sometimes
courting is not significant anymore. Unlike before, before you court the woman you
desire, you must court her parents first and prove them your sincerity to their daughter.
In the case of Kulas, it was a long run until he got Diding even they didn’t end up
together. Cheating on partner is already evident in the past. Like how Diding replace
Kulas for a wealthier Don Tibor as well as Don Tibor for his wife which is far from him
which is today termed as “pinagpalit sa malapit”

As what I mentioned above justice before was elusive from the Filipinos. Justice
is for those who in power and wealthy individuals. Blood dripped easily in a wrong swift
of move for those Filipinos who are treated as slave by the Spaniard. Today we are
exulting the life with too much democracy and freedom which is too way different from
what they had been through before. Everyone today has the right of education and to do
what they want while not violating the law. We are luckier and must be gratify for the
sovereignty we are experiencing today.

If I will to choose the regime I will live on, I want to experience living in all the
regime. For I want too personally see and witness how Filipinos live back then until the
current era. Yet if there’s a specific one, I will choose the life I have today. The freedom
I have today was too favorable from they what they had before. I can study how long I
want and there is no such fear that they felt before from the colonizers and living the life
they want.

Taking everything into conclusion, the film depicts the reality of the life that the
Filipino have during the Spanish regime. It’s cinematography and scenes made me feel
that I’m also living on that time. Historical films are usually boring and lame to watch yet
with this one, it made to watch it until the end. With its humorous lines from the naïve
and simple minded Kulas which embodied on his character the life of every filipinos in
the past. It upraises the true identity of the Filipinos which can be seen on Kulas and in
his question “Who are the Filipinos?” will made us think who we are really are. Are we
still the Filipinos who once wanted to gain the freedom that was taken from us? How far
have we been changed? Are we still proud to be a Filipino? Because today we are the
one whose offering ourselves on the other country. We are less appreciative for what
we have and tend to be more likely to adopt the culture and lifestyle of others. This
video is an opener to all the Filipinos that just like what Kulas had experienced that even
we gain the life that we wanted we will still seek for the life that will comfort us as a true
Filipino. A Filipino with dignity, kind heart without seeking for anything in return and a
Filipino with honor and benevolence.

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