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Conservative Scheduling: Using Predicted Variance to Improve

Scheduling Decisions in Dynamic Environments*

Lingyun Yang1 Jennifer M. Schopf 2 Ian Foster1,2

Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637
Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 [jms, foster]

In heterogeneous and dynamic environments, efficient execution of parallel computations can require mappings of
tasks to processors whose performance is both irregular (because of heterogeneity) and time-varying (because of
dynamicity). While adaptive domain decomposition techniques have been used to address heterogeneous resource
capabilities, temporal variations in those capabilities have seldom been considered. We propose a conservative scheduling
policy that uses information about expected future variance in resource capabilities to produce more efficient data mapping
decisions. We first present techniques, based on time series predictors that we developed in previous work, for predicting
CPU load at some future time point, average CPU load for some future time interval, and variation of CPU load over some
future time interval. We then present a family of stochastic scheduling algorithms that exploit such predictions of future
availability and variability when making data mapping decisions. Finally, we describe experiments in which we apply our
techniques to an astrophysics application. The results of these experiments demonstrate that conservative scheduling can
produce execution times that are both significantly faster and less variable than other techniques.

1 Introduction
Clusters of PCs or workstations have become a common platform for parallel computing. Applications on
these platforms must coordinate the execution of concurrent tasks on nodes, whose performance is both irregular
and time varying because of the presence of other applications sharing the resources. The effective use of such
platforms thus requires new approaches to resource scheduling and application mapping capable of dealing with
the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of such systems.
We present here a conservative scheduling technique that uses predicted mean and variance CPU capacity
information to make data-mapping decisions. The basic idea is straightforward: we seek to allocate more work
to systems that we expect to deliver the most computation, where this is defined from the viewpoint of the
application. We emphasize that a cluster may be homogenous in machine type but quite heterogeneous in
performance because of different underlying load on the various resources. Also, we often see that a resource
with a larger capacity will also show a higher variance in performance and therefore will more strongly
influence the execution time of an application than a machine with less variance. Our conservative scheduling
technique uses a conservative load prediction, equal to a prediction of the resource capacity over the future time
interval of the application added to the predicted variance of the machine, in order to determine the proper data
mapping, as opposed to just using a prediction of capacity as many other approaches do. This technique
addresses both the dynamic and the heterogeneous nature of shared resources.
We proceed in two steps. First, we extend our previous time series predictor work [32] to obtain three types
of prediction: CPU load at some future time point, average CPU load for some future time interval, and
variation of CPU load over some future time interval. Then, we extend our previously defined stochastic
scheduling algorithms [25] to use the predicted means and variances. The result is an approach that exploits

SC'03, November 15-21, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Copyright 2003 ACM 1-58113-695-1/03/0011...$5.00

predicted variance in performance information to define a time-balancing scheduling strategy that improves
application execution time.
We evaluate the effectiveness of this conservative scheduling technique by applying it to a particular class
of applications, namely, loosely synchronous, iterative, data-parallel computations. Such applications are
characterized by a single set of operations that is repeated many times, with a loose synchronization step
between iterations [16,17]. We present experiments conducted using Cactus [3-5], a loosely synchronous
iterative computational astrophysics application. These results demonstrate that we can achieve significant
improvements in both mean execution time and the variance of those execution times over multiple runs in
heterogeneous, dynamic environments.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces related work. Section 3 describes the
problem. Section 4 describes our three predictors, and Section 5 introduces our conservative scheduling method.
Section 6 presents our experimental results. In Section 7, we summarize our work.

2 Related Work
Many researchers [7,9,15,19-21,29] have explored the use of time-balancing or load-balancing models to
reduce application execution time in heterogeneous environments. However, their work has typically assumed
that resource performance is constant or slowly changing, and thus does not take later variance into account. For
example, Dail [9] and Liu et al. [21] use the 10-second-ahead predicted CPU information provided by the
Network Weather Service (NWS) [30,31] to guide scheduling decisions. While this one-step-ahead prediction at
a time point is often a good estimate for the next 10 seconds, it is less effective in predicting the available CPU
the application will encounter during a longer execution.
Dinda et al. use multiple-step-ahead predictions of host load [13] and their associated error covariance
information to predict the running times of tasks as confidence intervals [10]. These confidence intervals, a
representation of prediction error variances, can then be used for various scheduling goals, for example, soft
real-time [11]. In contrast, we predict the variance of host load itself and focus on scheduling iterative data
parallel tasks to minimize overall run-time.
Yang and Casanova [33,34] developed a multiround scheduling algorithm for divisible workloads. They use
system performance information collected at scheduling time to decide a workload allocation scheme. If the
system status changes dramatically during execution of the application, the scheduler is switched to a greedy
algorithm that simply assigns more work to idle computers. However, this strategy is limited to application
whose subtasks are independent each other. For the loosely synchronous application we are concerned with in
this work, there are communications among subtasks.
Dome [6] and Mars [18] support dynamic workload balancing through migration and make the application
adaptive to the dynamic environment at run time. But the implementation of such adaptive strategies can be
complex and is not feasible for all applications.
Schopf and Berman [25] defined a stochastic scheduling policy based on time balancing for data-parallel
applications. The basic idea of this work is to allocate less work to machines with higher load variance. Their
work uses the mean and variation of the history information to instruct the scheduling process. But their
algorithm assumes that the associated stochastic data can be described by a normal distribution (because of
constraints on the formulas used), which they admit is not always a valid assumption [12,23].
In our approach, we define a time-balancing scheduling strategy based on the prediction of the next interval
of time and a prediction of the variance (standard deviation) to counteract the problems seen with a one-step-
ahead approach and to achieve faster and less variable application execution time.

3 Problem Statement
Efficient execution in a distributed system can require, in the general case, mechanisms for the discovery of
available resources, the selection of an application-appropriate subset of those resources, and the mapping of

data or tasks onto selected resources. In this article, we assume that the target set of resources is fixed, and we
focus on the data-mapping problem for data-parallel applications.
We do not assume that the resources in this resource set have identical or even fixed capabilities or have
identical underlying CPU loads. Within this context, our goal is to achieve data assignments that balance load
between processors so that each processor finishes executing at roughly the same time, thereby minimizing
execution time. This form of load balancing is also known as time balancing.
Time balancing is generally accomplished by solving a set of equations, such as the following, to determine
the data assignments:
Ei (Di) = Ej (Dj) ∀i, j (1)
Di = DTotal ,
• Di is the amount of data assigned to processor i;
• DTotal is the total amount of data for the application;
• Ei(Di) is the execution time of task on processor i and is generally parameterized by the amount of data
on that processor, Di. It can be calculated by using a performance model of the application. For
example, a simple application might have the following performance model:
Ei(Di) = Comm(Di)*(futureNWCapacity) + Comp(Di) *(futureCPUCapacity).
Note that the performance of an application can be affected by the future capacity of both the network
bandwidth behavior and the CPU availability.
To proceed, we need mechanisms for (a) obtaining some measure of future capability and (b) translating this
measure into an effective resource capability that is then used to guide data mapping. As we discuss below, two
measures of future resource capability are important: the expected value and the expected variance in that value.
One approach to obtaining these two measures would be to negotiate a service level agreement (SLA) with the
resource owners under which they would contract to provide the specified capability [8]. Or, we could use
observed historical data to generate a prediction for future behavior [10,24,26,28,30-32]. We focus in this article
on the latter approach and present techniques for predicting the future capability. However, we emphasize that
our results on topic (b) above are also applicable in the SLA-negotiation case.

4 Predicting Load and Variance

The Network Weather Service (NWS) [30,31] provides predicted CPU information one measurement
(generally about 10 seconds) ahead based on a time series of earlier CPU load information. Some previous
scheduling work [9,21] uses this one-step-ahead predicted CPU information as the future CPU capability in the
performance model. However, what is really needed for better data distribution and scheduling is an estimate of
the average CPU load an application will experience during execution, rather than the CPU information at a
single future point in time. One measurement is simply not enough data for most applications.
In loosely synchronous iterative applications, tasks communicate between iterations, and the next iteration
on a given resource cannot begin until the communication phase to that resource has been finished, as shown in
Figure 1. Thus, a slower machine will not only take longer to run its own task but will also increase the execution
time of the other tasks with which it communicates—and ultimately the execution time of the entire job. In
Figure 1, the data was evenly divided among the resources, but M1 has a large variance in execution time. If M1
were running in isolation, it would complete the overall work in the same amount of time as M2 or M3. Because
of its large variation, however, it is slow to communicate to M2 at the end of the second iteration, which in turn
causes the delay of the task on M2 at the third computation step (in black), which causes the delay of the task on
M3 at the fourth computation step. Thus, the total job is delayed. It is this wave of delayed behavior caused by
variance in the resource capability that we seek to avoid with our scheduling approach.

M1 M2 M3







Figure 1: The interrelated influence among tasks of synchronous iterative application.

In our previous work [32], we developed a one-step-ahead CPU load predictor. We now describe how this
time series predictor can be extended to obtain three types of predicted CPU load information: the next step
predicted CPU load at a future time point (Section 4.1); the average interval CPU load for some future time
interval (Section 4.2); and the variation of CPU load over some future time interval (Section 4.3).

4.1 One-Step-Ahead CPU Load Prediction

The tendency-based time series predictor developed in our previous work [32] can provide one-step-ahead
CPU load prediction based on history CPU load information. This predictor has been demonstrated to be more
accurate than other predictors in some situations. The algorithm predicts the next value according to the
tendency of the time series change assuming that if the current value increases, the next value will also increase,
and that if the current value decreases, the next value will also decrease.
Given the preceding history data measured at a constant-width time interval, our mixed tendency-based time
series predictor uses the following algorithm, where VT is the measured value at the Tth measurement and PT+1 is
the predicted value for measurement value VT+1.
// Determine Tendency
if ((VT-1 - VT )<0)
else if ((VT - VT-1)<0)
if (Tendency=”Increase”) then
PT+1 = VT + IncrementConstant;
IncrementConstant adaptation process
else if (Tendency=”Decrease”) then
PT+1 = VT – VT*DecrementFactor;
DecrementFactor adaptation process
Test indicates that a mixed-variation (that is, different behavior for the increment from that of the
decrement) experimentally performs best. The IncrementConstant is set initially to 0.1, and the
DecrementFactor is set to 0.01. At each time step, we measure the real data (VT+1) and calculate the difference
between the current measured value and the last measured value (VT) to determine the real increment
(decrement) we should have used in the last prediction in order to get the actual value. We adapt the value of the
increment (decrement) value accordingly and use the adapted IncrementConstant (or DecrementFactor) to
predict the next data point.
Using this time series predictor to predict the CPU load in the next step, we treat the measured preceding
CPU load time series as the input to the predictor. The predictor’s output is the predicted CPU load at the next
c1, c2, Predictor pn+1

where C=c1,c2…cn is the preceding CPU load time series measured at constant-width time interval and pn+1 is the
predicted value for measurement value cn+1.

4.2 Interval Load Prediction

Instead of predicting one step ahead, we want to be able to predict the CPU load over the time interval
during which an application will run. Since the CPU load time series exhibits a high degree of self-similarity
[12], averaging values over successively larger time scales will not produce time series that are dramatically
smoother. Thus, to calculate the predicted average CPU load an application will encounter during its execution,
we need to first aggregate the original CPU load time series into an interval CPU load time series, then run
predictors on this new interval time series to estimate its future value.
Aggregation, as defined here, consists of converting the original CPU load time series into an interval CPU
load time series by combining successive data over a nonoverlapping larger time scale. The aggregation degree
M is the number of original data points used to calculate the average value over the time interval. This value is
determined by the resolution of the original time series and the execution time of the applications, and need be
only approximate.
For example, the resolution of the original time series is 0.1 Hz, or measured every 10 seconds. If the
estimated application execution time is about 100 seconds, the aggregation degree M can be calculated by
M = execution time of application * frequency of original time series (2)
= 100 * 0.1
= 10.
Hence, the aggregation degree is 10. In other words, 10 data points from the original time series are needed
to calculate one aggregated value over 100 seconds. The process of aggregation is

$ " &    %  ' " ( )


C=c1,c2,…cn : the original preceding CPU load time series measured at constant-width time interval;
M: the aggregation degree, calculated by Equation 2;
A=a1,a2,… ak ( k= * n M + ): the interval CPU load time series, calculated by Equation 3:

j =1.. M
cn − ( k − i + 1) * M + j
ai = i=1..k (3)
Each value in the interval CPU load time series ai is the average CPU load over the time interval that is
approximately equal to the application execution time.
After creating the aggregated time series, the second step of our interval load prediction involves using the
one-step-ahead predictor on the aggregated time series to predict the mean interval CPU load.

c1, c2, Aggregation a1, a2,...ak Predictor pak+1

The output paK+1 is the predicted value of ak+1, which is approximately equal to the average CPU load the
application will encounter during execution.

4.3 Load Variance Prediction
To predict the variation of CPU load, for which we use standard deviation, during the execution of an
application, we need to calculate the standard deviation time series using the original CPU load time series C
and the interval CPU load time series A (defined in Section 4.2):
DFE -/.1032422504-/6798 :<;=.>24242404-/6 79:?79.@0-6 79:=04-/6 79:<;/.10422424-/679.104-/6

G E A . A B 79. > ACB

IJE K . 2242 K B 79. 0 K B H E M N

n M

Assuming the original CPU load time series is C=c1,c2,…cn, the interval load time series is
A=a1,a2,…ak(k= * n M + ), and an aggregation degree of M, we can calculate the standard deviation CPU load
time series S=s1,s2,…sk:

j =1.. M
(cn − ( k − i + 1)*M + j − ai ) 2
si = i=1..k (4)
Each value in standard deviation time series si is the average difference between the CPU load and the mean
CPU load over the interval.
To predict the standard deviation of the CPU load, we use the one-step-ahead predictor on the standard
deviation time series. The output psk+1 will be the predicted value of sk+1, or the predicted CPU load variation for
the next time interval.

U Y9Z#U [@Z \ \\ U ] cFd dQRd e1V T Wf eY9Z#e[9Z\ \ \e ` g/hi _ 9
Y Z _ [9Z \\ \ _ ` PQRST U4VXW Q ^ _a` b Y
Uej Uk=j e1V T Wf

5 Application Scheduling
Our goal is to improve data mapping in order to reduce total application execution time despite resource
contention. To this end, we use the time-balancing scheduling algorithm described in Section 3, parameterized
with an estimate of future resource capability. We also use the three CPU load predictors introduced above: the
next step predicted CPU load at a future time point (Section 4.1); the average CPU load for some future time
interval (Section 4.2); and the variation of CPU load over some future time interval (Section 4.3).

5.1 Cactus Application

We applied our scheduling algorithms in the context of Cactus, a simulation of a 3D scalar field produced
by two orbiting astrophysical sources. The solution is found by finite differencing a hyperbolic partial
differential equation for the scalar field. This application decomposes the 3D scalar field over processors and
places an overlap region on each processor. For each time step, each processor updates its local grid point and
then synchronizes the boundary values. It is an iterative, loosely synchronous application. We use a one-
dimensional decomposition to partition the workload in our experiments.
This application is loosely synchronous, as described in Section 4. The full performance model for Cactus is
described elsewhere [21], but in summary it is
Ei(Di) = start_up time+(Di*Compi (0) + Commi (0)) * slowdown(effective CPU load).

Compi (0) and commi (0), the computation time of per data point and communication time of the Cactus
application in the absence of contention, can be calculated by formulas described in [22]. We incur a startup
time when initiating computation on multiple processors in a workstation cluster that is experimentally
measured and fixed. The function slowdown(effective CPU load), which represents the contention effect on the
execution time of the application, can be calculated by using the formula described in [21].
The performance of the application is greatly influenced by the actual CPU performance achieved in the
presence of contention from other competing applications. The communication time is less significant when
running on a local area network, but for wide-area network experiments this factor would also be parameterized
by a capacity measure.
Thus our problem is to determine the value of CPU load to be used to evaluate the slowdown caused by
contention. We call this value the effective CPU load and equate it to the average CPU load the application will
experience during its execution.

5.2 Scheduling Approaches

As shown in Figure 1, variations in CPU load during task execution can also influence job execution time,
because of interrelationships among tasks. We define a conservative scheduling technique that always allocates
less work to highly varying machines. For the purpose of comparison, we define the effective CPU load in a
variety of ways, each giving us a slightly different scheduling policy. We define five policies to compare in the
experimental section:
(1) One-Step Scheduling (OSS): Use the one-step-ahead prediction of the CPU load, as described in Section
4.1, for the effective CPU load.
(2) Predicted Mean Interval Scheduling (PMIS): Use the interval load prediction, described in Section 4.2,
for the effective CPU load.
(3) Conservative Scheduling (CS): Use the conservative load prediction, equal to the interval load
prediction (defined in Section 4.2) added to a measure of the predicted variance (defined in Section 4.3)
for the effective CPU load. That is, Effective CPU load= pak+1 + psk+1.
(4) History Mean Scheduling (HMS): Use the mean of the history CPU load for the 5 minutes preceding the
application start time for the value for effective CPU load. This approximates the estimates used in
several common scheduling approaches [27,29].
(5) History Conservative Scheduling (HCS): Use the conservative estimate CPU load defined by adding the
mean and variance of the history CPU load collected for 5 minutes preceding the application run as the
effective CPU load. This approximates the prediction and algorithms used in [25].

6 Conservative Scheduling Experiments

To validate our work, we conducted experiments on workstation clusters at the University of Illinois at
Champaign-Urbana (UIUC), University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Argonne National Laboratory’s
Chiba City system.

6.1 Experimental Methodology

We compared the execution times of the Cactus application with the five scheduling policies described in
Section 5: One Step Scheduling (OSS), Predicted Mean Interval Scheduling (PMIS), Conservative Scheduling
(CS), History Mean Scheduling (HMS), and History Conservative Scheduling (HCS).
At UIUC, we used a cluster of four 450 MHz Linux machines. At UCSD, we used a cluster of six Linux
machines, four machines with a 1733 MHz CPU, one with a 700 MHz CPU, and one with a 705 MHz CPU. At
Chiba City, we used a much larger cluster of thirty-two 500MHz CPU Linux machines. All machines were
dedicated during experiments.

To evaluate the different scheduling polices under identical workloads, we used a load trace playback tool
[14] to generate a background workload from a trace of the CPU load that results in realistic and repeatable CPU
contention behavior. We chose sixty-four load time series available from [1]. We used 240 minutes of each
trace, at a granularity of 0.1 Hz. These are all traces of actual machines, which we characterize by their mean
and standard deviation. We consider a load trace having a high mean if its mean is greater than 0.9; or it has a
low mean if its mean is less than 0.5. We consider a load trace having a high variation if its standard deviation is
greater than 0.28; or it has a low variation if its standard deviation is less than 0.16. So the sixty-four time series
include sixteen low-mean, low-variation load traces (represented by LL); sixteen low-mean, high-variation load
traces (represented by LH); sixteen high-mean, low variation load traces (represented by HL); and sixteen high-
mean, high-variation load traces (represented by HH). The detailed statistic properties of these CPU load traces
can be found in [1]. Note that even though some machines have the same speed, the performance that they
deliver to the application varies because they each experienced different background loads.

6.2 Experimental Results

Results from ten representative experiments are shown in Figures 2–11. The testbeds and the CPU load
traces used for the experiments are summarized in Table1.
Table 1: CPU load traces used for every experiment
Experiments Testbed CPU Load Traces Execution Time
Figure 2 UIUC one LL , one LH , one HL and one HH load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 3 UIUC two LL and two LH load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 4 UIUC two HL and two HH load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 5 UIUC two LH and two HH load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 6 UCSD two LL, two LH and two HL load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 7 UCSD two LH, two HL and two HH load traces Short ( ≈ 1 minute)
Figure 8 UCSD two LH, two HL and two HH load traces Long ( ≈ 10 minutes)
Figure 9 Chiba City eight LL, eight LH, eight HL and eight HH load traces Long ( ≈ 10 minutes)
Figure 10 Chiba City sixteen LL and sixteen HL load traces Long ( ≈ 10 minutes)
Figure 11 Chiba City sixteen LH and sixteen HH load traces Long ( ≈ 10 minutes)

50 HMS
Execution Time (s)



25 CS
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 2: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-Step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the UIUC cluster with two low-variance machines (one with low mean, the
other with relatively high mean) and two high-variance machines (one with low mean, the other with high mean).
The application execution time is about 1 minute.

Execution Time (s) 39

27 CS
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 3: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-Step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the UIUC cluster with two low-variance and two high-variance machines (all
have low mean). The application execution time is about 1 minute.

Execution Time (s)

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 4: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-Step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the UIUC cluster with two low-variance and two high-variance machines (all
have high mean). The application execution time is about 1 minute.

Execution Time (s)


45 OSS


35 CS
0 5 10 15 20


Figure 5: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-Step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the UIUC cluster with four high-variance machines (two with high, two with
low mean). The application execution time is about 1 minute.


Execution Time (s)

45 HCS

40 OSS


0 5 10 15 20


Figure 6: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the heterogeneous UCSD cluster with four low-variance machines (two with
low mean, two with high mean) and two high-variance machines (have low mean). The application execution time is
about 1 minute.

80 HMS
Execution Time (s)

70 HCS
0 5 10 15 20


Figure 7: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the heterogeneous UCSD cluster with two low-variance machines (have high
mean) and four high-variance machines (two with low mean, two with high mean). The application execution time is
about 1 minute.

Execution Time (s)


450 OSS

0 5 10 15 20


Figure 8: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the heterogeneous UCSD cluster with two low-variance machines (have high
mean) and four high-variance machines (two with low mean, two with high mean). The application execution time is
about 10 minutes.


Execution Time (s)

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 9: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the Chiba City cluster with sixteen low-variance machines (eight with high
mean, eight with low mean) and sixteen high-variance machines (eight with low mean, eight with high mean). The
application execution time is about 10 minutes.

Execution Time (s)

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 10: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the Chiba City cluster with thirty-two low-variance machines (sixteen with
high mean, sixteen with low mean). The application execution time is about 10 minutes.

Execution Time (s)

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 11: Comparison of the History Mean, History Conservative, One-step, Predicted Mean Interval, and
Conservative Scheduling policies, on the Chiba City cluster with thirty-two high-variance machines (sixteen with
high mean, sixteen with low mean). The application execution time is about 10 minutes.

To compare these policies, we used three metrics: an absolute comparison of run times, a relative measure
of achievement, and the statistical analysis to show the significance of the improvement of our strategy. The first
metric involves an average mean and an average standard deviation for the set of run times of each scheduling
policy as a whole, as shown in Table 2. This metric gives a rough valuation on the performance of each
scheduling policy over a given interval of time. We can see from Table 2 that over the entire run, the
Conservative Scheduling policy exhibited 2%–7% less overall execution time than did the History Mean and
History Conservative Scheduling policies, by using better information prediction, and 1.2%–8% less overall
execution time than the One Step and Predicted Mean Interval Scheduling policies. We also see that taking
variation information into account in the scheduling policy results in more predictable application behavior: The
History Conservative Scheduling policy exhibited 2%–32% less standard deviation of execution time than did
the History Mean. The Conservative Scheduling policy exhibited 1.5%-77% less standard deviation in execution
time than did the One-Step Scheduling policy and 7%–41% less standard deviation of execution time than did
the Predicted Mean Interval Scheduling policy.

Table 2: Average mean and average standard deviation for entire set of runs for each scheduling policy,
with the best in each experiment shown in boldface.
Experiment Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Figure 2 36.23 3.72 36.09 2.62 37.02 4.16 35.44 3.15 34.26 2.44
Figure 3 34.07 3.10 33.29 2.83 33.20 2.73 33.06 3.37 31.94 2.69
Figure 4 47.76 2.44 48.63 2.22 48.72 2.70 47.56 2.40 46.99 1.83
Figure 5 42.28 4.02 42.87 3.62 42.87 4.24 41.96 4.28 41.26 3.24
Figure 6 37.95 3.83 37.58 3.02 37.76 3.52 37.63 3.78 36.84 3.12
Figure 7 58.23 9.08 55.74 8.12 57.67 7.17 57.04 8.02 54.23 6.09
Figure 8 380.00 60.10 369.11 59.05 393.70 47.78 368.29 54.10 363.33 50.06
Figure 9 505.66 22.07 499.28 20.22 512.10 51.92 484.22 14.13 485.79 11.86
Figure 10 478.63 9.38 475.57 11.10 482.15 14.65 475.69 8.67 473.28 7.70
Figure 11 495.89 22.88 488.28 15.38 491.40 20.39 496.41 23.30 487.39 16.81

The second metric we used, Compare, is a relative metric that evaluates how often each run achieves a
minimal execution time. We consider a scheduling policy to be “better” than others if it exhibits a lower
execution time than another policy on a given run. Five possibilities exist: best (best execution time among the
five policies), good (better than three policies but worse than one), average (better than two policies and worse
than two), poor (better than one policy but worse than three), and worst (worst execution time of all five
These results are given in Table 3, with the largest value in each case shown in boldface. The results
indicate that Conservative Scheduling using predicted mean and variation information is more likely to have a
“best” or “good” execution time than the other approached on both clusters. This fact indicates that taking
account of the average and variation CPU information during the period of application running in the scheduling
policy can significantly improve the application’s performance.
The third metric involves using the T-test to show the significance of the improvement of our strategy over
other strategies. The T-test is a statistical method used to assess whether the means of two groups are
significantly different from each other [2]. The result of a T-test is a set of P-values that indicate the possibility
that the differences could have happened by chance: a lower P-value means a more significant difference
between two groups, so for our experiments smaller numbers are better. T-tests can be paired or unpaired; a
paired T-test is used when the two groups are not independent, and an unpaired test is used when the two groups
are independent. For our experiments, we calculate both paired and unpaired T-tests because it was not always
clear whether the groups should be considered independent of one another. In addition, T-tests can be one-tailed,
which is used when one group is expected to always be less than (or greater than) the other and we know that
direction, or two-tailed, which is used only to show a difference that can sometimes be less and sometimes be
greater. Since our strategy should always be better than the other strategies, we use a one-tail test.

Table 3: Summary statistics using Compare to evaluate five scheduling policies,
with the largest value in each case shown in boldface
Experiment Policy Best Good Avg Poor Worst
Figure 2 HMS 2 2 7 3 6
HCS 1 4 6 6 3
OSS 5 5 0 2 8
PMIS 6 2 3 7 2
CS 6 7 4 2 1
Figure 3 HMS 2 2 5 5 6
HCS 2 3 4 6 5
OSS 4 2 5 3 6
PMIS 1 8 3 5 3
CS 11 5 3 1 0
Figure 4 HMS 1 3 1 6 9
HCS 2 1 9 3 5
OSS 1 2 6 5 6
PMIS 7 6 3 4 0
CS 9 8 1 2 0
Figure 5 HMS 1 8 4 1 6
HCS 0 3 6 5 6
OSS 2 3 4 7 4
PMIS 7 3 4 4 2
CS 10 3 2 3 2
Figure 6 HMS 4 3 5 4 4
HCS 4 3 7 4 2
OSS 1 1 4 4 10
PMIS 1 10 0 6 3
CS 10 3 4 2 1
Figure 7 HMS 2 2 5 7 4
HCS 4 3 6 5 2
OSS 0 3 6 5 6
PMIS 4 8 1 1 6
CS 10 4 2 2 2
Figure 8 HMS 2 3 2 9 4
HCS 6 3 8 0 3
OSS 3 0 2 5 10
PMIS 3 8 4 3 2
CS 6 6 4 3 1
Figure 9 HMS 2 1 5 5 7
HCS 4 4 2 4 6
OSS 1 4 6 4 5
PMIS 8 4 3 5 0
CS 5 7 4 2 2
Figure 10 HMS 3 2 3 6 6
HCS 7 6 1 3 3
OSS 0 2 5 7 6
PMIS 2 6 6 2 4
CS 8 4 5 2 1
Figure 11 HMS 1 3 5 6 5
HCS 2 8 6 2 2
OSS 7 1 3 3 6
PMIS 3 2 2 6 7
CS 7 6 4 3 0

The results of the paired and unpaired one-tailed T-tests comparing the Conservative strategy with the other
four strategies are shown in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively, with P-values smaller than 10% shown in
boldface. We see that most P-values, especially those for paired T-test, are below 10%. These results indicate
that the possibility of the improvement happening by chance is quite small. Thus, we conclude that our
conservative scheduling policy achieves significant improvements relative to the other four strategies in most
To summarize our results: independent of the loads, CPU capabilities, application execution time, and
number of resources, the conservative scheduling policy based on our tendency-based prediction strategy with
mixed variation achieved better results than the other policies considered. It was both the best policy in more
situations under all load conditions on all clusters, and the policy that resulted in the shortest execution time and
the smallest variation in execution time.
Table 4: Paired one-tailed T test value for the conservative scheduling policy relative to each of other four policies.
(* means no improvement)
Experiments HMS HCS OSS PMIS
Figure2 0.25% 0.09% 0.37% 2.60%
Figure 3 0.07% 0.17% 0.11% 1.27%
Figure 4 <0.01% <0.01% <0.01% 4.30%
Figure 5 0.71% 0.16% 1.01% 17.76%
Figure 6 1.83% 6.76% 0.02% 3.43%
Figure 7 0.24% 4.40% 0.01% 3.75%
Figure 8 0.19% 12.05% 0.03% 12.72%
Figure 9 0.21% 0.69% 1.41% *
Figure 10 1.71% 23.90% 0.98% 13.4%
Figure 11 0.16% 33.31% 13.21% 0.44%

Table 5: Unpaired one-tailed T test value for the conservative scheduling policy relative to each of the other four
policies. (* means no improvement)
Experiments HMS HCS OSS PMIS
Figure2 2.79% 1.42% 0.83% 9.83%
Figure 3 1.32% 6.60% 7.77% 12.78%
Figure 4 0.65% 0.73% 1.14% 20.25%
Figure 5 23.32% 9.51% 10.90% 33.60%
Figure 6 15.94% 22.57% 0.22% 23.69%
Figure 7 5.51% 25.48% 5.51% 10.99%
Figure 8 18.80% 39.32% 3.27% 40.58%
Figure 9 0.05% 0.71% 1.65% *
Figure 10 2.79% 22.56% 1.07% 17.83%
Figure 11 9.43% 43.17% 25.07% 8.44%

7 Conclusion
We have proposed a conservative scheduling policy able to achieve efficient execution of data-parallel
applications even in heterogeneous and dynamic environments. This policy uses information about the expected
mean and variance of future resource capabilities to define data mappings appropriate for dynamic resources.
Intuitively, the use of variance information is appealing because it provides a measure of resource “reliability.”
Our results suggest that this intuition is valid.
Our work comprises two distinct components. First, we show how to obtain predictions of expected mean
and variance information by extending our earlier work on time series predictors. Then, we show how
information about expected future mean and variance (as obtained, for example, from our predictions) can be
used to guide data-mapping decisions. In brief, we assign less work to less-reliable (higher-variance) resources,

thus protecting ourselves against the larger contending load spikes that we can expect on those systems. We
apply our prediction techniques and scheduling policy to a substantial astrophysics application. Our results
demonstrate that our technique obtains better execution times and more predictable application behavior than
previous methods that focused on predicted means alone, or that used variances in a less effective manner.
While the performance improvements obtained are modest, they are obtained consistently and with no
modifications to the application beyond those required to support nonuniform data distributions.

We are grateful to Peter Dinda for permitting us to use his load trace play tool, and to our colleagues within
the GrADS project for providing access to testbed resources. This work was supported in part by the Grid
Application Development Software (GrADS) project of the NSF Next Generation Software program, under
Grant No. 9975020, and in part by the Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division
subprogram of the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Office of Science, U.S. Department of
Energy, under contract W-31-109-Eng-38.

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