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Dune Cypher System

Suitable Types:

Mentat – Speaker (Skills & Knowledge)

Bene Gesserit – Adept (Combat)

House Nobles – Speakers (Combat)

House Soldier – Warriors

House Scouts – Explorers (Combat)

Assassins/Face Dancers – Warriors (Stealth)

Suitable Focuses:

Mentat – Calculate the Uncaluable, Fuses Mind with Machine, Infiltrates, Murders

Bene Gesserit – Focus Mind over Matter, Separate Mind from Body, Needs No Weapon

House Nobles – Descend from Nobility, Entertains, Does Nothing at All, Leads, Plays Too Many
Games, Was Foretold

House Soldiers – Leads, Masters Defence, Masters Weaponry

House Scouts – Scavenges, Never Says Die, Lives in the Wilderness

Assassins/Face Dancers – Infiltrate, Murders, Moves Like a Cat, Operates Undercover, Works the
Back Alleys, Crafts Illusions.



Ideas from @Spanklemaker (Oli)

would have thought that most Mentats would be Explorers (focusing on Knowledge Skills), but
some Warrior Mentats exist. Swordmasters such as Duncan Idaho, are Warriors and the Battles
Robots is the primary Foci of the Swordmaster School. Bene Gesserit are hyper observant and with
their prana-bindu training have control over their mind and bodies. My suggestion would be for
them to be Explorers, but also able to access Speaker abilities (to cover Voice) you could also let
them access Combat Flavour. Foci for Bene Gesserit might include Infiltrates, Moves Like a Cat,
Needs No Weapons, Never Says Die, Solves Mysteries, Wields Two Weapons at Once. (If you are
using the Film which David Lynch removed his name from, then the Bene Gesserit would have
Commands Mental Powers).(edited)
00:40] Leaders from Noble families will mostly be Speakers, or Warriors who Lead.
00:41] Fremen, can be Warriors and Explorers, but really its easy enough to be any type.
00:43] The Spacing Guild, has lots of Speakers, their Mentats are likely to be Speakers. Mathematics and
Economics are the primary subjects of Guild Schools.
00:43] Ix, has the tech flavour
00:46] The dirty Bene Tleilaxu, create lots of tech, including artificial metal eyes, Ghola's (clones from a
few cells of a corpse), Twisted Mentats
00:52] Wearing a personal forcefield on Dune, can be dangerous as Sandworms are attracted to them.
00:53] Maybe have some cyphers associated with factions.
00:56] Bene Gesserit: Analeptic, Antivenom, Burst of Speed, Catholicon, Curative, Darksight, Eagleseye
etc (all are Inspirations for a Bene Gesserit sister
00:58] Mentats: Best Tool, Comprehension, Intellect Booster (possible Inspirations, upon taking the
Mentat drug)
00:59] Distrans devices (Perfect Memory Cyphers)

AlphaDean or A.D.Yesterday at 18:51

If it were me I'd redo all the types to them more to a standard of the books and then use foci to
define and differentiate the players. For exmple: As a rule of thumb Bene Geserits would look
something like this at Tier 1 Speaker w/Magic or Speaker w/Combat flavors If I have time I'll do a
mock of it.

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