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Sesión virtual “Prepositions”

Name: Ana Julia Moya Olarte

SENA, Technology in International Business

File: 2104827

Instructor Rafael Nuñez Diaz

October 06, 2020


1. Prepare una lista de diez oraciones relacionadas con el tema de los canales de
distribución, utilizando en cada oración por lo menos una preposición en negrilla o
subrayada o resaltada:

 The goal of selecting a distribution channel is to be successful in marketing it.

 The policies of the distribution channels include consumer, characteristics,

brand and type of product.

 The strategies of the distribution channels are intensive, selective and exclusive.

 The traditional long channel runs from exporter to importer and from importer
to retailers and consumers.

 Two intermediaries operate in the short wholesale distribution channel.

 The selection of the distribution channels is made by the senior management of

the company.

 The direct channel goes from the product to the consumer without

 To start the channel selection process, you must know very well what is the size
and value of the potential market that you want to supply with the products.

 Franchisors are locations to which the original supplier gave a unique license.

 The main function of a channel is to reduce the number of transactions.

2. Audio:

1. What is the name of the radio show?

2. What is is the topic of this show?
3. In what country was the championship?
4. What is the first newest invention?
5. Is that invention expensive or cheap?
6. Who benefit from the second invention?
7. From whom did the third invention come?
8. Who produced the fourth invention?
9. What is the final invention about?
10. What is the name of the institute that produces this audio track?

3. Pegar el link del video, con las debidas restricciones par que solo lo vea la persona
que tiene el link, donde aparece el aprendiz dando la sustentación oral de:
- Las 10 frases del punto 1
- Las 10 respuestas del punto 2

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