Trabajo de Ingles "Possessives"

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Trabajo de Ingles


Licenciatura En Ciencias Naturales Y Educación Ambiental

Facultad De Educación Y Ciencias Básicas
1. Ask and answer as in the example.
 (car /Alan and Jane)
- Whose car is this?  (ball /footballers)
- It`s Alan and Jane’s - Whose ball is this?
- It’s are the footballers’
 (computer/Helen)
- Whose computer is this?  (Teddy bear/Janet)
- It’s Helen’s - whose teddy bear is this?
- It’s Janet’s
 (gloves / the boxers)
- Whose glover are this?  (rackets/ Ben and Rita)
- These’s are the boxers’ - Whose racket are this?
- These’s are Ben and Rita’s

2. Put the nouns in the correct list in the possessive case and read the out.
 /S/
- The cat’s
- Philip’s
- Scott’s

 /IZ/ - Beth’s
- Liz’s
- Tom’s  /Z/
- George’s - The girl’s
- The child’s

3. Choose the right item

- Helen’s eyes are green - Is this Melanie’s house?
…….(B) ………(B)
- My father’s car is old - My cat’s name is pippin
…….(A) …..(A)
- The girls’ shoes are dirty - The tree’s leaves are
….(B) red…… (B)
- This is Peter’s hamster

4. Say if the S’ is a possessive case, is or has.

 Kim’s got a pet ………  Go to Mr. Baker’s
(has) shop…………. (possessive
 This is Mr. Dixon’s case)
house………… (possessive  feed Helen’s rabbit ……..
case) (possessive case)
 Look at the Steven’s shoes  She’s a doctor………….
………(possessive case) (is)
 She’s in France ………….  Darren’s hair is
(is) black………….
 He’s ten years old…….. (possessive case)
(is)  He’s got a blue ball ……..

5. Write the possessive adjectives and pronouns

You your yours

Mary her mary's
Andy and sally their Andy's and Sally's
Mike his mike's
Mark an i our mark's and mine
John his john's
Susan and kate theirs Susan's and Kate's
Helen its Helen's
The dog its the dog's
Jim and you your yours

6. Underline the correct word

 This is our car  this is my camera
 Is this your house  is that her dog?
 Whose is this umbrella?  These are not our pens,
It’s mine they are yours.
 That bicycle is hers  She is my sister, his name
 Are these their books? is Ann.

7. fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjective and one of the words from
the list.
went to Hawaii for theis
 Greg wants to buy a house. honeymoon
His flag is too small.  It’s raining! take your
 Gerry and Mary got umbrella with you.
married last week. They
 I have to take the bus to  My brother and I live in the
work tomorrow my car has city. But our parents live in
got a flat tyre. the country.
 Ann lots her handbag when  Billy left his book at school
she was on holyday. and now he can’t do his

8. Look at the pictures. Match the objects with the people and make sentences as
in the example.

 spoons  tpewriter
- these are the chef’s - this is the business
spoons woman’s typewriter
- these are her spoons - this is her typewriter
- these spoons are hers - this typewriter is hers
 camera  shoes
- this is a photograph - this are the ballet’s shoes
professional camera - this are her ballet’s shoes
- this is his professional - this ballet’s shoes are
camera hers
- this camera is him

9. look at the family tree and fill in 10. fill in the blanks with the correct
the gaps with the possessive possessive adjective
case in the answer  tom: are Linda and her
husband coming to our
 who is mike? He’s … party tomorrow night?
Linda’s husband  Helen: yes, their daughter
 who is Paul? He’s … is coming too
James’s and Sara’s son  Tom: Did you remember to
 who is Irene? invite James and his wife?
She’s….Mike’s and  Hele: yes, but I don’t think
Linda’s daughter their sons are coming
 who is Sara? She’s …  Tom: oh yes, tony and his
James’ wife brother are in Spain for the
 who is Helen? She’s … summer holidays
Mike’s and Linda’s mother  Helen. Shall we invite
 who is tony? He’s … some of our friends then?
Paul’s brother  Tom: yes, why not?

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